Test #1B- Mendelian Genetics, Genetic Engineering and the Human

Test #1- Biotechnology (Chapters 13 & 14)
Biotechnology - _______________________________________________________________________
For thousands of years, humans have used selective breeding to pass desired traits on to the next generation in
our domestic plants and animals. Selective breeding is limited to the traits or genetic variation that naturally
exists in the species (you can’t select for dogs with wings since they don’t have genes for wings!) Biotechnology and
Genetic engineering now allow for genes to be moved from one organism to another.
I. Selective Breeding – Allowing only those organisms with desired traits (or without undesirable traits) to
produce offspring of the next generation.
A. Inbreeding - ______________________________________________________________________
Examples: ________________________________________________________________________
Q: What problem(s) can result from inbreeding? __________________________________________
B. Hybridization - ____________________________________________________________________
Examples: ________________________________________________________________________
Q: What is the benefit of hybridization? _________________________________________________
II. Genetic Engineering
 Gene- ______________________________________________________________________________
Genome - ___________________________________________________________________________
Genetic Engineering (recombinant DNA technology) – The transferring of DNA/genes from organism to
another. Also called gene splicing. Genetic engineering can take place within a species
(switching genes between humans) or between species (switching genes between humans
and bacteria).
Why is this possible? ________________________________________________
III. Five Stages of a Genetic Engineering Experiment
1. DNA Extraction – DNA can be removed from most cells by opening the cells and separating the DNA from
the other cell parts.
2. Cutting DNA – Sequences of DNA are isolated using restriction enzymes. These enzymes attach
themselves to, and cut out, specific sequences of DNA nucleotides (usually 4-6). Restriction
enzymes are naturally occurring in bacteria.
What is the role/function of restriction enzymes in bacteria? _______________________________
What is the role of restriction enzymes for genetic engineering? _____________________________
 DNA fragments or genes are said to be “sticky” after being cut
by restriction enzymes. They become sticky because instead of
cutting the 4-6 nucleotide sequence in the center, the cut is
made to one side leaving two, single complementary strands.
The cut ends (because they are complementary) can reattach.
or could pair up with any other DNA fragment or gene that was
cut by the same restriction enzyme.
Ligase – reforms the phosphodiester bonds.
 100’s of different restriction enzymes are known. Each endonuclease recognizes only one 4-6 strand
nucleotide sequence and always cuts it at the same place. By trial and error, geneticists usually find a
sequence of DNA nucleotides on either side of the desired gene, and not within the gene, that can be cut
by restriction enzymes.
Restriction enzymes are used to cut or cleave the source DNA into fragments. The fragments are termed
RFLP’s (Restriction Fragments Length Polymorphisms). Because the restriction enzyme’s recognition
sequence is likely to occur many times within the source DNA, cutting will produce many fragments of
different lengths. Different RFLP’s may be made by using different restriction enzymes that recognize
different DNA sequences.
3. Separating DNA- The RFLP’s can be separated (based on their size) by electrophoresis.
 Gel Electrophoresis (DNA Fingerprinting)- Sir Alec Jefferys from Great Britain (1980’s)
 Since a 3- billion-base sequence of the 4 DNA nucleotides can produce more varied combinations than
there are humans, each of us should have a unique DNA sequence.
 The fingerprinting technique focuses on sequences of DNA that ______________________________
A. The Process- Gel electrophoresis is a procedure for separating a mixture of molecules through a
stationary material (gel) in an electrical field.
1) A gel is prepared which will act as a support for separation of the fragments of DNA. The gel is a
jello-like material, usually agarose, a substance derived from seaweed.
Holes (called wells) are created in the gel. These will serve as a reservoir to hold the DNA solution.
2) DNA solutions (mixtures of different sizes of DNA fragments) are loaded in a well in the gel.
3) The gel matrix acts as a sieve for DNA molecules. Large molecules have difficulty getting through
the holes in the matrix. Small molecules move easily through the holes. Because of this, large
fragments will lag behind small fragments as DNAs migrate through the gel.
DNA ladders are often electrophoresed with DNAs. They are usually a mixture of RFLPs with known
lengths and are used to estimate the sizes of DNA fragments in your DNA sample
 A positive electrode is applied to one end of the gel and a negative electrode to the other.
 The DNA pieces, carrying a negative charge because of the phosphate group, ________________
 The pieces migrate by size, _____________________________________________________
 The pattern that forms from the different sized fragments, with the shorter pieces closer to the positive
pole and the longer fragments further away, is a DNA fingerprint.
4. Making Recombinant DNA- Once the DNA of interest is isolated,
it is recombined with another organisms’ DNA
a) To “recombine” or insert genes from one organism to
another organism, geneticists must first cut out the
desired gene using a restriction enzyme.
b) With the same restriction enzyme, the geneticist cuts
out a segment of DNA from a plasmid or a virus.
 Plasmid’s are _____________________________
c) Because the two different sources of DNA (say, a human
and a bacteria) were cut w/the same restriction
enzyme, the “sticky” ends will allow their DNA to recombine.
d) Checking for recombinant cells:
Recombinant molecules must be separated from molecules
consisting of just donor DNA or plasmid DNA.
The experimenter designs the process so that the plasmid
contains two genes that each enable a cell to grow in the presence of a different antibiotic drug.
When the piece of DNA to be cloned (mass produced) inserts into the plasmid, ___________________
The researcher can then tell which cells have taken up the plasmid by exposing the cells to each
antibiotic. Only bacteria that are killed by one antibiotic but grow in the presence of the other contain
the plasmid with the foreign DNA.
5. Cloning
a) Plasmids (in bacteria) and viruses serve as vectors. Vectors are genetic vehicles that ______________
____________________________________________________ The host cell is usually a bacteria.
b) As each “recombined” cell reproduces, it forms cell clones that contain a copy of the inserted DNA
Genome Sequencing – Sequencing genomes is the process of locating all genes on all chromosomes of an
organism and deciphering each genes nucleotide or base sequence.
The number of completed genomes is approaching 200! The list includes members of all 6 kingdoms
(Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protists, Fungi, Plants, & Animals), viruses, and cellular organelles.
In DNA sequencing, a complementary DNA strand is made using a small portion of fluorescently labeled
(glowing colors) nucleotides. Each time a labeled nucleotide is added in place of a normal nucleotide,
replication of that strand stops producing a short fluorescently color-coded DNA fragment. When the
mixture of fragments is separated on a gel, the DNA sequence can be read directly from the gel based on
those fluorescent colors.
A different color fluorescent dye
is used for each base (A,C,G,T).
When a dyed base is added to a
strand instead of a normal one,
that strand is finished and shows
the color of the last base added.
The color and length of each
fragment produced allows us to
“read” the sequence of the strand
of DNA.
V. Making Copies- PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction is a man made process of producing clones of DNA sequences
in a machine.
After sequencing the nucleotides of the desired gene, primers are produced. Primers are single-stranded
sequences of DNA nucleotides, which are used to copy both strands of target DNA (DNA intended
to be copied).
A solution of target DNA and primer are added to a PCR machine and heated to a temperature warm enough
to break the hydrogen bonds holding the two strands of DNA together, but not too hot to break
the other bonds holding the nucleotides together.
With the 2 strands separated, DNA polymerase
(enzyme) and nucleotides are added to the PCR machine
which is now cooling down. As the temperature decreases,
DNA polymerase uses the primers as a starting point to
add free nucleotides down the strand of DNA. When it
is complete, what used to be the primer is now lengthened
into a complementary copy of the entire gene.
Because both strands are copied in this process, there are
now 2 copies of the original gene after one copying cycle.
Amplification (copying) continues until the desired numbers
of genes are made.
VI. Applications of Genetic Engineering
A. Transgenics- ______________________________________________________________________
1. Transgenic Microorganisms- Used to produce
a variety of important substances useful for
health and industry. Ex.- insulin
2. Transgenic Animals- Used to study genes and to improve the food
supply. Ex.- Mice with human genes that cause
their immune system to act like that of humans.
Scientists can use them to study the effects
of disease on humans
3. Transgenic Plants- The manipulation of genes in farm animals
and plants to increase the amount of food
produced and to reduce the chance of dying
due to infection and extremes in temperature
and moisture.
VII. Human Molecular Genetics
The exploration of human genes is now a major scientific undertaking. Biologists can now read, analyze and
even change the molecular code of genes.
A. Reproductive Screening- ____________________________________________________________
Ex.- Amniocentesis- ____________________________________________________________
From this fluid, the fetuses DNA can be acquired and analyzed.
B. DNA Fingerprinting- The identification of organisms using sequences of DNA that varies widely between
Q: What are some uses of this process? _________________________________________________
Example Problem:
Is Jack the father of Payle? _____________
How do you know? __________________________
Example Problem:
Scientists found members of a plant species they did not recognize. They wanted to determine if the unknown
species was related to one or more of four known species, A, B, C, and D. The relationship between species can be
determined most accurately by comparing the results of gel electrophoresis of the DNA from different species.
The chart below represents the results of gel electrophoresis of the DNA from the unknown plant species and the
four known species.
Q: What determines how far a
fragment will move in the gel?
1. Which Plant Specie(s) has the
smallest fragment of DNA? ______
2. Which Plant Specie(s) has the largest
fragment of DNA? _____________
← Well
3. Which Plant Specie(s) is most closely related to the unknown plant? _________
4. Which Plant Specie(s) is least closely related to the unknown plant? _________
C. The Human Genome Project- an international effort to map and sequence the human genome. This project
began in 1990 under the leadership of James Watson at a cost of $3,000,000.
It was finished in 2002
Q: What are some uses for the information gained from the Human Genome Project (and from
sequencing other organisms’ genomes)? _______________________________________________
D. Gene Therapy – A therapy used to cure a diseased individual who does not possess a copy of a necessary
gene. (A gene that makes a protein, such as insulin, to control blood sugar.)
1. A normal gene is cut out using restriction enzymes and copied by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction).
2. The copies are introduced into the diseased individual.
3. Methods for introducing the gene include:
a. using non-harmful viruses (vector) to deliver gene to a cell’s DNA
b. intravenous (IV) injections into the bloodstream
c. direct insertion into affected cells
Bone marrow cell
Normal hemoglobin gene
Genetically engineered virus
VIII. Stem Cells – Unspecialized cells that can produce daughter cells that are specialized (have specific
functions). Stem cells are classified by their plasticity, or ability to become other, specific
cells. Adult humans are made up of over 200 different specialized cells (skin, liver, heart, etc)
Stem cell categories include:
1. Totipotent – The most plastic or versatile stem cell. When a sperm cell and egg cell unite during fertilization,
the result is a one-celled zygote. The zygote is totipotent because it can give rise to any cell type, including an
entire organism. The zygote will eventually become every cell of an organism including other stem cells. The
first few cell divisions make more totipotent cells, after 4 days the divisions produce pluripotent cells.
2. Pluripotent – Pluripotent cells, like totipotent cells can give rise to any type of cell. Unlike totipotent cells,
pluripotent cells cannot create an entire organism. Also on day 4 of development, the embryo forms into 2
layers. The outer layer becomes the placenta (connect embryo/fetus to mother), and the inner layer will
become the organism. Though the inner cells can become any type of human cell, it cannot without the outer
layer of cells, thus pluripotent and not totipotent. Pluripotent cells give rise to multipotent cells.
3. Multipotent - These cells are less plastic. They will become one of a few types of cells within a particular
tissue. For example, multipotent blood cells can become red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets.
4. Adult – An adult stem cell is a multipotent stem cell in adult humans that is used to replace cells that have been
damaged, infected, or died. Adult stem cells are unspecialized cells in specialized tissue.
Stem Cell Research
Therapeutic cloning produces stem cells which can develop into different types of body cells, making them ideal for
research into treatment of disease. But this technology involves the creation and destruction of embryos, which is
ethically controversial. The stem cells created also run the risk of being rejected by the body. The new
technology, nuclear reprogramming, creates stem-like cells from the patient's own cells, avoiding both these
Bioethics –
A. Bioethics includes people’s response to the ever growing understanding and use of gene technologies and cell
B. Because of the wide variety of cultures and societies, there is a wide variety in personal ethics, causing many
bioethical beliefs and concerns. This can lead to spirited debate about biological issues.
C. Examples of bioethical issues: stem cell research, genetically engineered foods
Q: Who determines which technologies are carried out in a society? ________________________________
Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering Application
Mammal Cloning
(sheep, pigs, humans)
DNA Fingerprinting
* Replacement organs (i.e. – new
heart or liver for those suffering
from liver or heart failure) without
* False positives
* Human error
Human Genome Project
Reproductive Screening
Gene Therapy
Stem Cell Research
Who Controls Your DNA?
April 16. Cpl. John C. Mayfield and Cpl. Joseph Vlacovsky were found guilty of disobeying a lawful order. The U.S.
Department of Defense requires DNA samples for a database that could be used to identify soldiers’ remains. The
two Marines refused.
At their court martial, the two Marines argued that DNA samples could be examined for genes related to disease
or even behavior and, therefore, the database was an invasion of privacy. As a result of the concerns raised by this
case, the U.S. Department of Defense has changed its policies. It now destroys DNA samples upon request when an
individual leaves military service. Do people have a right to control their own DNA samples?
The Viewpoints
DNA Information Is Not Private
As the court recognized, the U.S. Department of Defense had good reasons for requiring that DNA samples be
taken and stored. Furthermore, DNA sequences are no more private and personal than fingerprints or photographs,
which are taken by private and government agencies all the time. An employer has a right to take and keep such
information. Individuals should have no reason to fear the abuse of such databases.
DNA Information Is Private and Personal
The use of DNA for personal identification by the military may be justified. An individual’s genetic information,
however, is a private matter. A recent study at Harvard and Stanford universities turned up more than 200 cases
of discrimination because of genes individuals carried or were suspected of carrying. Employers with DNA
information might use it to discriminate against workers who carry genes they suspect might cause medical or
behavioral problems. Individuals must have the right to control their own DNA and to withhold samples from such
You Decide
What are the major issues regarding DNA databases?
2. Are there any circumstances in which an employer might be justified in demanding DNA samples from its
employees? Why might an employee wish to withhold such samples?
3. Should the control of DNA databases be a matter of law, or should it be a matter to be negotiated
between people, their employers, and insurance companies?
4. Suppose you were a doctor working as a consultant to a health insurance company. The insurance company is
trying to decide whether to test adults for cystic fibrosis alleles before agreeing to insure their families.
What advice would you give to the company about this?
Test #1 Format: Biotech
Test Date: _________________
Multiple Choice from the notes:
 Plasmid: _____________________________________________________________________________________
 RFLP: ______________________________________________________________________________________
 Ligase: _____________________________________________________________________________________
 Restriction enzymes: ___________________________________________________________________________
 Genetic engineering: ___________________________________________________________________________
 Recombinant DNA Technology: ____________________________________________________________________
 PCR: _______________________________________________________________________________________
 Gene: ______________________________________________________________________________________
 Genome: ____________________________________________________________________________________
 DNA Fingerprinting: ___________________________________________________________________________
 Gene sequencing: ______________________________________________________________________________
 Cloning: _____________________________________________________________________________________
 Gene therapy: ________________________________________________________________________________
 Transgenics: _________________________________________________________________________________
 Vector: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Written Questions –
 Why is it possible to transfer DNA between completely unrelated organisms?
 What is the function of restriction enzymes in bacteria?
 Describe how restriction enzymes are used in a genetic engineering experiment.
 Describe the process of Gel electrophoresis.
 Describe multiple ways that DNA fingerprinting can be used.
 Describe what happens during a polymerase chain reaction.
 If a human patient’s bone marrow were removed, genetically altered, and then reimplanted, would the change
be passed on to the patient’s children? Explain.
 How are transgenic organisms made? How have they helped humans?