Verbals & Verbal Phrases Practice Worksheet

Verbals and Verbal Phrases Practice
(A) Jay enjoyed
(B) floating on the raft
(C) enjoyed floating
(D) none of the above
1. Identify the infinitive or infinitive phrase:
I am eager to take any Saturday job.
(A) am eager
(B) any Saturday job
6. Identify the gerund or gerund phrase in the following sentenc
Riding the Mad Butterfly upsets Becky's stomach.
(A) Riding the Mad Butterfly
(C) to take any Saturday job
(B) upsets Becky's stomach
(D) none of the above
(C) Riding
(D) none of the above
2. Identify the infinitive or infinitive phrase:
To shell walnuts is difficult.
(A) To shell walnuts
(B) is difficult
7. Choose the answer that tells how the capitalized phrase is use
Sandy, ENCOURAGED BY ALL OF US, told her story.
(A) subject of verb
(C) shell
(B) object of verb
(D) none of the above
(C) adjective
3. Identify the present participle or participial phrase:
The flailing duck quacked at us as a warning.
(A) quaked at us
(B) flailing duck
(C) as a warning
(D) none of the above
4. Identify the past participle or participial phrase:
The passage, translated into three
languages, foretold a terrible tragedy.
(A) the passage
(B) into three languages
(C) translated into three languages
(D) none of the above.
8. Choose the answer that tells how the capitalized phrase is use
(A) adjective
(B) object of verb
(C) adverb
9. Choose the answer that correctly describes the capitalized wo
phrase: SueAnne came in out of the rain, DRIPPING WET.
(A) participial phrase
(B) gerund phrase
10. Choose the answer that correctly describes the capitalized
word or phrase: CHEATING never gets you anywhere.
(A) participial phrase
(B) gerund phrase
WRITTEN GRAMMAR ASSIGNMENT: On the back of this paper, write a story about one of your pets
(present or past). Write about any animal if you’ve never had a pet : ( In the story, use at least one infinitive,
two gerunds, and two participles. 3-4 sentences should do it.
An Ode to My Deceased Cat
Our oldest cat, Ugly Bug, was the leftover kitten in an
adorable litter of nine. Well, almost adorable. Ugg (as we
later called her) was a spotted runt who looked like a mixture
of ten scrappy, mismatched cats. Feeling sorry for the little
thing, we claimed her after all the others were adopted. She
grew up to be the best cat ever. Ugg was very affectionate;
and loved purring loudly when she got her way.
(sample sentence with participles, an infinitive and a gerund)