Abingdon District Abingdon VA- The Abingdon UMC Miscellaneous History of the Abingdon UMC Folder 2 Folder 3 Folder 4 Folder 5 Abingdon District Addilynn Memorial UMC 2004 History’s of Addilynn Memorial UMC Abingdon District- Aldersgate UMC 2004 History of Aldersgate UMC Bristol TN- Anderson Street UMC Miscellaneous History of Anderson Street UMC Abingdon District- Baker’s Chapel Methodist Church 2004 History of Baker’s Chapel Methodist Church Abingdon District - Bascom UMC and Willis Chapel Church 2004 History’s of Bascom UMC and Willis Chapel Church Abingdon District - Beaverview Methodist History of Beaverview Methodist Abingdon District - Beech Grove UMC 2004 History of Beech Grove UMC Abingdon District - Blackwell’s Chapel 2004 History of Blackwell’s Chapel Abingdon District - Booher’s Chapel, Campground and Mary’s Chapel 1984 History’s of Booher’s Chapel, Campground and Mary’s Chapel Abingdon District - Brumley Gap UMC 1984 History of Brumley Gap UMC Abingdon District - Byars- Cobbs Memorial UMC History of Byars-Cobbs Memorial UMC Abingdon District- Carvosso UMC 2004 History of Carvosso UMC Abingdon District - Charles Wesley UMC and Ebenezer UMC History’s of Charles Wesley UMC and Ebenezer UMC Abingdon District- Chatham Hill Circuit ( Chatham Hill, Riverside, New Cove, Ridgedale) 1984 History of Chatham Hill Circuit Abingdon District- Cleveland UMC History of Cleveland UMC Abingdon District - Clinch Circuit (Bethany, Munsey, Church Hill, Oak Grove) History’s of Clinch Circuit Abingdon District - Crabtree Chapel, Union UMC, Roberts Chapel UMC and Wesley’s Chapel UMC 1984 History’s of Broadford Circuit Abingdon District - Damascus Circuit (Laurel, Wright’s Chapel, Mt. Olivet and Zion) 2002 History of Damascus Circuit Abingdon District- Doe Valley UMC 2004 History of Doe Valley UMC Abingdon District - Fleenor’s Memorial Church (Union Church no longer affiliated with Holston Conference) History of Fleenor’s Memorial Church Abingdon District - Ebenezer UMC Article on Ebenezer UMC Abingdon District- Emory UMC 2004 History of Emory UMC Abingdon District - Grace UMC History of Grace UMC Abingdon VA- Greendale UMC 1984 History of Greendale UMC Abingdon District- Henrytown Church 1984 History of Henrytown Church Abingdon District- Hunt Memorial UMC 1984 History of Hunt Memorial Abingdon District - John Wesley UMC 2004 History’s of John Wesley UMC Abingdon District- Keywood South Circuit (Quarry and Washington Springs) 1984 History of Keywood South Circuit Abingdon District - Lebanon Memorial Methodist Church History’s of Lebanon Memorial Methodist Church Chilhowie VA- Lebanon UMC 1984 History of Lebanon UMC Abingdon District - Glade Spring Charge (Byars Cobb and Lebanon) 1984 History of Lebanon UMC Abingdon District - Madam Russell UMC Miscellaneous History of Madam Russell UMC Abingdon District - Madam Russell UMC History of Madam Russell UMC Abingdon District - Madam Russell UMC History of Saltville Abingdon District- Meadowview UMC 2004 History of Meadowview UMC Abingdon District - Methodist Episcopal Church History of Methodist Episcopal Church Abingdon District- Paperville UMC 2004 History of Paperville UMC Abingdon District- Rich Valley UMC 2004 History of Rich Valley UMC Abingdon District - Riverside UMC (St. James Parish) Miscellaneous History of Riverside UMC Abingdon District- Shady Grove 2004 History of Shady Grove Abingdon District - Smyth Chapel 2004 History of Smyth Chapel Abingdon District - Tate’s Chapel 1984 History of Tate’s Chapel Abingdon District- Trinity UMC 2004 History of Trinity UMC Abingdon District- Three Springs UMC 2004 History of Three Springs UMC Abingdon District- Valley View Church 2004 History of Valley View Church Abingdon District- Virginia Avenue UMC 2004 History of Virginia Avenue UMC Abingdon District- Washington Springs UMC 2004 History of Washington Springs UMC Abingdon District- Woods Hill Methodist Church (closed) Miscellaneous History of Woods Hill Methodist Church Abingdon District- Yellow Springs UMC 2004 History of Yellow Springs UMC Abingdon VA- Closed Church Files Abingdon District- Mahanaim UMC Miscellaneous History of Mahaniam UMC Abingdon District- Marion East Circuit ( Davis Memorial UMC, Centenary UMC, and Mt. Carmel UMC) 1984 History’s of Marion East Circuit Abingdon District- First UMC 1984 History of First UMC Abingdon District- Marion West Circuit (Greenwood UMC, Laurel Springs, Mt. Zion, and Zion Hill) History’s of Marion West Circuit Abingdon District- McCready UMC 1984 History of McCready UMC Abingdon District- Meadowview UMC and Yellow Springs UMC History of Meadowview UMC and Yellow Springs UMC Abingdon District- Mount Pleasant UMC Miscellaneous History of Mount Pleasant UMC Abingdon District- Mountain City Circuit (Doe Valley UMC , Shouns UMC, and Valley View Church) 1984 History’s of Mountain City Circuit Abingdon District- Trade UMC and First UMC History of Trade UMC and First UMC Abingdon District- Mountain View UMC and Seven Mile Ford UMC 1984 History’s of Mountain View UMC and Seven Mile Ford UMC Abingdon District- Mountain View UMC 1984 History of Mountain View UMC Abingdon District- Plasterco UMC (Closed June 2001) History and Articles of Plasterco UMC Abingdon District- Pleasant View UMC History of Pleasant View UMC Abingdon District-Reynolds Memorial UMC History of Reynolds Memorial UMC Abingdon District- Carvosso UMC and Rich Valley UMC 1984 History of Carvosso UMC and Rich Valley UMC Abingdon District- Russell Circuit (Esther UMC, Lakeview UMC, Grassy Creek UMC, Sulphur Springs UMC) 1984 History of Russell Circuit Abingdon District- St. Luke’s UMC and Aldersgate UMC 1984 History’s of Aldersgate UMC and St. Luke’s UMC Abingdon District- Shady Grove Church and Washington Chapel UMC 1984 History’s of Shady Grove Church and Washington Chapel UMC Abingdon District- State Street UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of State Street UMC Abingdon District- State Street UMC 2000 Article Abingdon District- State Street UMC Miscellaneous History’s of State Street UMC Abingdon District- Sugar Grove- Teas (Wharf Hill UMC and Elizabeth UMC) 1984 History’s of Wharf Hill UMC and Elizabeth UMC Abingdon District- Paperville UMC History of Paperville UMC Abingdon District- Sinking Springs UMC and Paperville UMC 1984 History’s of Sinking Springs UMC and Paperville UMC Abingdon District- Weavers Church 1984 History of Weaver’s Church Abingdon District- Wallace UMC and Wyndale UMC 1984 History’s of Wallace UMC and Wyndale UMC Abingdon District- Three Springs UMC and Oak Grove UMC 1984 History of Three Springs UMC and Oak Grove UMC Abingdon District- Trinity UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Trinity UMC Abingdon District- Virginia Avenue UMC 1984 History of Virginia Avenue UNC Abingdon District- Wesley Circuit (Cedar Bluff, Wesley, and St. John) 1984 History’s of Wesley Circuit Big Stone Gap District Appalachia & Andover VA- Appalachia & Andover UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s Appalachia and Andover UMC Big Stone Gap VA- Trinity UMC 1984 History of Trinity UMC Tacoma- Bond Memorial UMC History of Bond Memorial UMC Scott County VA- Clinchport Methodist Circuit (Three Bells, Horton’s, Rye Cove, and Zion Hill) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of the Clinchport Methodist Circuit Clintwood VA- Clintwood UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Clintwood UMC Coeburn VA- Coeburn UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Coeburn UMC Lee County VA- Ewing Charge (Marble Hill, Morley Memorial & Speak Chapel) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Ewing Charge East Stone Gap VA- East Stone Gap Legion Memorial 1984 Miscellaneous History of East Stone Gap Legion Memorial Scott County VA- Dungannon Circuit (Dungannon, Ft. Blackmore, Peter’s Chapel, and Slant) 1984 Seminary VA- Dryden-Seminary Circuit (Seminary and Dryden) 1984 History’s of Dryden- Seminary Circuit Gate City & Near Fate City VA- Gate City Charge and Alley’s Chapel UMC 1984 Gate City VA- Hales Chapel UMC 1984 History of Hales Chapel UMC Big Stone Gap District VA- Hilton’s Parish (Hilton’s Memorial, Mendota, and Mt. Vernon) 1984 & 1988 Miscellaneous History’s of Hilton’s Parish Holston VA- Holston View UMC 1984 History of Holton View UMC Jonesville VA- Jonesville Parish (Camp Ground UMC, Miller UMC, and York UMC) 1984 History’s of Joneville Parish Jonesville VA- Jonesville Camp Meeting (also see: Camp Ground UMC) Miscellaneous History of Jonesville Camp Meeting Jonesville VA- Jonesville- Rollet’s Chapel UMC (Rollet’s Chapel UMC & First UMC) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Rollet’s Chapel UMC and First UMC Big Stone Gap District VA- Marble Point/ Robinette Memorial Miscellaneous History of Marble/ Robinette Memorial McClure VA- McClure UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of McClure UMC Big Stone Gap District VA- Midway Memorial UMC and Mt. Pleasant UMC 1984 History’s of Midway Memorial UMC and Mt. Pleasant UMC Nickelsville VA- Nicklesville UMC Circuit {Nicklesville, Culberston’s Chapel, Ewings, New Hope and Antioch (Abandoned)} 1984 History of Nicklesville UMC Circuit Norton VA- Norton- West Norton 1984 History of West Norton UMC and Norton UMC Nottingham UMC- Nothing Pennington Gap VA- First United Methodist Church, Pennington Gap 1984 Miscellaneous History of First United Methodist Church Pennington Gap Pennington Gap VA- Pleasant Hill UMC 1984 History of Pleasant Hill UMC Pound VA- Pound UMC 1984 History of Pound UMC Near Hubbard Springs VA- Powell Valley Circuit ( Bethel, Flat Woods, Mt. Mariah and Russell’s Chapel) History’s of Powell Valley Circuit Rose Hill VA- Rose Hill Circuit (Ingles Chapel UMC and Morgan Memorial) 1994 History’s of Rose Hill Circuit Lee County VA- St. Charles Circuit (Butkhart’s, Robbins, and St. Chas) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of St. Charles Circuit St. Paul VA- St. Paul Charge (St. Paul UNC and Morefield) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of St. Paul Charge White Shoals Circuit- Chance’s, Cumbo, McClure and White Shoals 1984 History of Cumbo UMC Wise VA- Trinity UMC 1984 History of Trinity UMC Pennington Gap VA- Woodway Circuit (Smyth Chapel Methodist Church, Gilbert’s Memiorial, Ely Memorial) History of Woodway Circuit Chattanooga District Chattanooga District, TN- Ministerial Directory June, 1996 Chattanooga TN- Miscellaneous Histories Chattanooga TN- Miscellaneous Histories Chattanooga TN- Closed Church File Chattanooga TN- History of Chattanooga District Chattanooga TN- Asbury UMC (Highland Park) History of Asbury 1890-1940 & 1984 and Record of Highland Park July 23, 1939 Chattanooga TN- Bethlehem Community UMC 2000 Up date only Chattanooga TN- Brainerd UMC Miscellaneous Histories Chattanooga TN- Brooks Memorial UNC 1984 The History of Brooks Memorial 1936- 1982 & 1991- 2000 Chattanooga TN- Burks UMC 2000 up dates only Dunlap TN- Chapel Hill UMC (Sequatchie Cluster) Miscellaneous Histories Chattanooga TN- Clifton Hills UMC (1984) History of Clifton Hills UMC Chattanooga TN- Christ UMC (1984) Miscellaneous Histories of Christ UMC Dunlap TN- Dunlap UMC History of Dunlap UMC 1897- 1997 Chattanooga TN- East Chattanooga UMC History’s of East Chattanooga UMC Chattanooga TN- King Memorial Church UMC History of King Memorial Church UMC 1908 & 1913-1915 Chattanooga TN- King Memorial Church UMC History of King Memorial Church UMC 1918 & 1915- 1918 Chattanooga TN- King Memorial Church UMC History of King Memorial Church UMC 1923 & 1924- 1925 Chattanooga TN- King Memorial Church UMC History of King Memorial Church UMC 1926- 1930 Chattanooga TN- Eastdale UMC (1984) Miscellaneous Histories Chattanooga TN- East Lake UMC (1984) History of East Lake UMC Chattanooga TN- East Ridge UMC 2000 update only Chattanooga TN- First-Century UMC Miscellaneous Histories Chattanooga TN- First Stone Church UMC Miscellaneous Histories Chattanooga TN- Flintstone UMC History of Flintstone UMC Chattanooga TN- Forrest Avenue UMC Miscellaneous History Fort Oglethorpe GA- Fort Oglethorpe UMC History of Fort Oglethorpe UMC Chattanooga TN- Harrison UMC History of Harrison UMC Chattanooga TN- Highland Plaza UMC 1984 History of Highland Plaza UMC Chattanooga TN- Hixson United Methodist 1984 Miscellaneous History of Hixson United Methodist S. Pittsburg TN; Chattanooga District- Holly Avenue UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Holly Avenue UMC Chattanooga TN- Hurst Memorial Methodist Church 1984 History of Hurst Memorial Methodist Church Chattanooga TN- Jones Memorial UMC article 2002 Chattanooga TN- Lake Vista UMC 1984 History of Lake Vista UMC Chattanooga TN- Lookout Mountain UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History Chattanooga TN- McFarland UMC 1984 History’s of McFarland UMC Jasper TN- McKendree UMC 1984 History’s of McKendree UMC Chattanooga TN- Middle Valley UMC article 1997 Chattanooga TN- Morgan Ville and Slygo Valley 1984 History’s of Morgan Ville and Slygo Valley Chattanooga TN- New Salem UMC History of New Salem UMC Pattern Center Circuit; Chattanooga District- Mount Crest, Parham Chapel, Patten Center, and Wesley Chapel 1984 Miscellaneous History’s Chattanooga TN- Payne’s Chapel UMC History of Payne’s Chapel Chattanooga TN- Pikeville UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s Chattanooga TN- Pleasant Grove Circuit ( Havron’s & Pleasant Groove) 1984 History’s of Pleasant Grove Circuit Chattanooga TN- Randolph- Wells Chapel 1984 History of Randolph- Wells Chapel Chattanooga TN- Ridedale United Methodist Church 1989 History of Ridgedale United Methodist Church Chattanooga TN- Rising Fawn Circuit ( Byrd’s Chapel, Rising Fawn, and State line) 1984 History of Rising Fawn Circuit Chattanooga TN- Sand Mountain UMC 1984 History of Sand Mountain UMC Chattanooga TN- St. Andrew’s Methodist Church 1984 Miscellaneous History of St. Andrew Methodist Church Chattanooga TN- Saint Elmo UMC History of Saint Elmo UMC Chattanooga TN- Saint James UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Saint James UMC Chattanooga TN- Saint John UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Saint John UMC Chattanooga TN- Saint Luke UMC Miscellaneous History of Saint Luke UMC Chattanooga TN- Saint Mark UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Saint Mark UMC Chattanooga TN- Sesquatchie Circuit (Owen’s Chapel and Sardis UMC) 1984 History’s of Sesquatchie Circuit Dunlap TN- Sesquatchie Valley: Dunlap UMC 1984 History’s of Sesquatchie Valley ( 1898- 1982) Chattanooga TN- Signal Crest UMC 1984 History of Signal Crest UMC Chattanooga TN- Signal Mountain UMC 1984 History of Signal Mountain UMC (1857- 1989) Chattanooga TN- Simpson United Methodist Church 1984 History of Simpson United Methodist Church Chattanooga TN- Stanley United Methodist Church 1989 History of Stanley United Methodist Church (1860-2000) Chattanooga TN- Sulpher Springs Circuit (Bethel, Lonney’s Creek, and Sulpher Springs) 1984 History’s of Sulpher Springs Circuit Chattanooga TN- Trenton- Bryant Circuit (Trenton and Bryant) 1984 History’s of the Trenton-Bryant Circuit Chattanooga TN- Trinity- Woodmore UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Trinity- Woodmore UMC Tyner TN- Tyner Methodist Church 1989 Miscellaneous History’s of Tyner Methodist Church Chattanooga TN- Washington Hills UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Washington Hills UMC Chattanooga TN- Wauhatchie Methodist Church 1984 History’s of Wauhatchie Methodist Church Chattanooga TN- Welch’s- Stephens (Welch’s Chapel and Stephens Chapel) 1989 Miscellaneous History’s of Welch’s-Stehphens Chattanooga TN- Wells Chapel 2000 Miscellaneous History including all pastors Chattanooga TN- Wesly- Louis Chapel ( Lou’s Chapel and Wesley’s UMC) 1984 History of Wesley-Louis Chapel’s Chattanooga TN- Wesley Memorial UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Wesley Memorial UMC Chattanooga TN- White Oak UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of White Oak UMC Chattanooga TN- Whitwell- Red Hill 1984 ( Red Hill and Whitwell) Miscellaneous History’s of the Church’s Chattanooga TN- Wildwood- Whiteside UMC Miscellaneous History of Wildwood- Whiteside UMC Chattanooga TN- Wiley Memorial UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Wiley Memorial UMC Cleveland District Cleveland District - Histories-Inventory Cleveland District- Apison UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Apison UMC Cleveland District- Allen Memorial- Cedar Springs (Allen Memorial UMC and Cedar Springs UMC) 1984 History of Allen Memorial- Cedar Springs Cleveland District- Athens Parish (Buttrams, Tranquility, and Union Chapel) 1984 History’s of Athens Parish Cleveland District- Benton- Mt. Hermon Charge (Benton and Mt. Hermon) 1984 History of Benton- Mt. Hermon Charge Cleveland District- Big Spring UMC 1984 History of Big Spring UMC Cleveland District- Broad St. UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History Cleveland District- Burk’s UMC History of Burk’s UMC Cleveland District- Calhoun-Springs Creek (Spring Creek and Calhoun UMC) 1984 History of Calhoun-Springs Creek Cleveland District- Carlock-Mars Hill (Carlock, Mars Hill, Pleaseant Grove) 1984 History of Carlock-Mars Hill Cleveland District- Cedar Springs UMC History of Cedar Springs UMC Cleveland District- Charleston- Valley Head Charge (Charleston UMC and Valley Head UMC) 1984 History of Charleston-Valley Head Charge Cleveland District- Chestuee UMC History of Chestuee UMC Cleveland District- Chilcutt’s UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Chilctt’s UMC Cleveland District- Concord UMC History of Concord UMC Cleveland District- Cooke Memorial UMC History of Cooke Memorial Cleveland District- Crofts Chapel UMC short history of Crofts Chapel UMC Cleveland District- Daisy UMC 1984 History of Daisy UMC Cleveland District- Decatur UMC History of Decatur UMC Cleveland District- Ducktown UMC History of Ducktown UMC Cleveland District- Englewood UMC 1984 History of Englewood UMC Cleveland District- St. Paul’s UMC 1984 History of St. Paul’s UMC Cleveland District- Evensville UMC History of Evensville UMC Cleveland District- Fairview UMC 1984 History of Fairview UMC Cleveland District- First UMC 1984 History of First UMC Cleveland District- First UMC (Copperhill TN) 1984 History of First UMC Cleveland District- First-Spivey (First and Spivey) 1984 History of First-Spivey Cleveland District- Graysville UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Graysville UMC Cleveland District- Keith Memorial UMC 1984 History of Keith Memorial UMC Cleveland District- McDonald UMC History of McDonald UMC Cleveland District- Moores Chapel UMC History of Moores Chapel UMC Cleveland District- Mountain View- New Providence 1984 History’s of Mountain View and New Providence Cleveland District- Mount Olive UMC History of Mount Olive UMC Cleveland District- Mount Tabor UMC History of Mount Tabor UMC Cleveland District- New Bethel UMC History of New Bethel Cleveland District- Niota UMC 1984 History of Niota UMC Cleveland District- Oak Grove- Tan Mile- Johns (John’s Chapel, Oak Grave, and Ten-Mile 1984 History’s of Oak Grove- Tan Mile- Johns Cleveland District- Ooltewah UMC 1984 History of Ooltewah UMC Cleveland District- Pennine UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Pennine UMC Cleveland District- Pleasant Grove UMC 1984 History of Pleasant Grove UMC Cleveland District- Pleasant Hill UMC Miscellaneous History of Pleasant Hill UMC Cleveland District- Reed Chapel UMC History of Reed Chapel UMC Cleveland District- Riceville UMC 1984 History of Riceville UMC Cleveland District- St. Clair UMC 1984 History of St. Clair UMC Cleveland District- Soddy UMC 1984 History of Soddy UMC Cleveland District- South Cleveland Methodist Church 1984 History of South Cleveland Methodist Church Cleveland District- Spring City UMC History of Spring City UMC Cleveland District- Trinity Parish (Salem, St. Elmo, Trinity) 1984 History of Trinity Parish Cleveland District- Trinity- Vine Grove UMC (Trinity and Vine Grove) 1984 History of Trinity- Vine Grove UMC Cleveland District- Trinity UMC 1984 History of Trinity UMC Cleveland District- Wesley Memorial UMC 1984 History of Wesley Memorial UMC Cleveland District- Wesley Memorial UMC (Etowah TN)1984 Miscellaneous History of Wesley Memorial UMC Cleveland District- Wesley- Jones Chapel Charge Miscellaneous History of Wesley- Jones Chapel Charge Cleveland District- Tasso UMC 1984 History of Tasso UMC Johnson City District Johnson City District- Hunters-Slaqles Charge (Hunters and Slaquels) 1984 History of Hunters-Slaqles Charge Johnson City District- Greystone Circuit ( Bethesda, Getsemene, Mt. Olive, and Mt. Tabor) 1984 History’s of Greystone Circuit Johnson City District- Enterprise-St. Paul (Enterprise and St. Paul) 1984 History’s of Enterprise-St. Paul Johnson City District- Fairhaven UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Fairhaven UMC Johnson City District- First United Methodist (Former MEC) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Fist United Methodist Johnson City District- Edgefield UMC History of Edgefield UMC Johnson City District- First UMC Miscellaneous History of First UMC Johnson City District- Grace UMC 1984 History of Grace UMC Johnson City District- Gray UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Gray UMC Johnson City District- Clear Spring- Pleasant Grove 1984 History’s of Clear Spring- Pleasant Grove Johnson City District- Elizabeth Chapel UMC 1984 History of Elizabeth Chapel UMC Johnson City District- St. Paul UMC 1984 History of St. Paul UMC Johnson City District- First UMC 1984 History of First UMC Johnson City District- Ebenezer Circuit (Cedar Grove, Ebenezer, Hermon, and Pleasant Hill) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Ebenezer Circuit Johnson City District- East Park Methodist Church 1984 History of East Park Methodist Church Johnson City District- Greenwood UMC 1984 History of Greenwood UMC Johnson City District- Cherokee UMC 1984 History of Cherokee UMC Johnson City District- Centenary UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Centenary UMC Johnson City District- Boones Creek UMC 1984 History of Boones Creek Johnson City District- Bluff City- Rockholds (Bluff City UMC and Rockhold UMC) 1984 History of Bluff CityRockholds Johnson City District- Bethesda- Eden- Embreeville ( Bethesda, Eden, and Embreeville) 1984 History of BethesdaEden- Embreeville Johnson City District- Asbuy- Mt. Wesley (Asbury and Mt. Wesley) 1984 History of Asbury- Mt. Wesley Johnson City District- Austin Springs UMC History of Austin Springs UMC Johnson City District- Afton- Stone Dam (Afton and Stone Dam) 1984 History’s of Afton-Stone Dam Johnson City District- Watauga UMC Miscellaneous History of Watauga UMC Johnson City District- Mt. Olive Miscellaneous History of Mt. Olive Johnson City District- Closed Church File Johnson City District- Roster of UMC’s Johnson City District – Limestone UMC 1984 History of Limestone UMC Johnson City District- Limestone Cove UMC 1984 History of Limestone Cove UMC Johnson City District- Jonesboro UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Jonesboro UMC Johnson City District- Liberty Hill- Milburton (Liberty Hill UMC and Milburton UMC) 1984 History of Liberty Hill UMC and Milburton UMC Johnson City District- Marvin- Fairview (Marvin’s Chapel UMC and Fairview UMC) 2000 History’s of Marvin’s Chapel UMC and Fairview UMC Johnson City District- Munsey Memorial UMC 1996 Miscellaneous History of Munsey Memorial UMC Johnson City District- Nolichuckey Circuit (Mt. Carmel UMC, Seviers UMC, and Vincent UMC) History’s of Nolichuckey Circuit Johnson City District- Otterbein Circuit ( Albright UMC, Jearoldstown UMC, Rheatown UMC, and Union Town UMC) 1984 History’s of Otterbein Circuit Johnson City District- Otterbein UMC 1984 History of Otterbein UMC Johnson City District- Pine Grove Park UMC 1984 History of Pine Grove Park UMC Johnson City District- Shell’s Chapel Women Missionary Society Johnson City District- Piney Flat’s UMC, Edge Field UMC, and Unicoi UMC) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Piney Flat’s UMC, Edge Field UMC, and Unicoi UMC Johnson City District- Roan Mtn. UMC 1984 History of Roan Mtn. UMC Johnson City District- Sulpher Springs UMC and Valley View UMC 1984 History’s of Sulpher Springs UMC and Valley View UMC Johnson City District- Telford Circuit ( McCarty UMC and New Victory UMC) 1984 History’s of Telford Circuit Johnson City District- Unicoi UMC 1984 History of Unicoi UMC Johnson City District- Clear Springs Chapel UMC History of Clear Springs Chapel UMC Johnson City District- Greenwood UMC and Greenwood Episcopal Church South History of Greenwood UMC and Greenwood Episcopal Church South Johnson City District- Valley Forge UMC History of Valley Forge UMC Johnson City District- Watauga Point UMC and Taylor Memorial UMC 1984 History’s of Watauga Point UMC and Taylor Memorial UMC Johnson City District- Wesley Memorial UMC 2000 History’s of Wesley Memorial UMC Johnson City District- West Market Street UMC 2000 History’s of West Market Street UMC Kingsport district Kingsport District- Closed Church Files Kingsport District- District Histories 2000 Kingsport District- Kingsport Circuit Miscellaneous things Kingsport District- Kingsport District Miscellaneous Kingsport District- Acuff Church and Adams Chapel Miscellaneous things Kingsport District- Adams Chapel 1984 History’s of Adams Chapel Kingsport District- Arcadia UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Arcadia UMC Kingsport District- Amis Chapel 2000 History’s of Amis Chapel Kingsport District- Bethel UMC 1984 History of Bethel UMC Kingsport District- Blountville UMC 2000 History’s of Blountville UMC Kingsport District- Cameron UMC 1984 History of Cameron UMC Kingsport District- Cassidy UMC 1999 History’s of Cassidy UMC Kingsport District- Century UMC 1984 History of Century UMC Kingsport District- Chalybeate Springs Church 2000 History of Chalybeate Springs Church Kingsport District- Cloud’s Bend UMC 2000 History’s of Cloud’s Bend Kingsport District- Colonial Heights UMC 2000 History’s of Colonial Heights UMC Kingsport District- Community UMC 2000 History’s of Community UMC Kingsport District- Cross UMC 2000 History’s of Cross UMC Kingsport District- Depew’s Chapel UMC 2000 History’s of Depew’s Chapel UMC Kingsport District- Dodson Creek UMC 2000 History’s of Dodson Creek UMC Kingsport District- Ebbing and Flowing UMC 2000 History’s of Ebbing and Flowing UMC Kingsport District- Edgewood UMC 1984 History of Edgewood UMC Kingsport District- Elm Springs UMC 2000 History’s of Elm Springs UMC Kingsport District- Emory UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History’s of Emory UMC Kingsport District- Falls Branch UMC 1996 Miscellaneous History’s of Falls Branch Kingsport District- First Broad Street UMC 2000 History’s of First Broad Street Kingsport District- First UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of First UMC Kingsport District- Fudges Chapel Church 1984 History of Fudges Chapel Church Kingsport District- Glen Alpine UMC 2000 History’s of Glen Alpine UMC Kingsport District- Golda Memorial UMC (see St. Matthew’s UMC) History’s of Golda Memorial UMC Kingsport District- Grange Hall UMC 1984 History’s of Grange Hall UMC Kingsport District- Hermon UMC 2000 History’s of Hermon UMC Kingsport District- Holley Springs UMC 2000 History’s of Holley Springs UMC Kingsport District- Hulls Chapel 2000 History’s of Hulls Chapel Kingsport District- Kendricks Creek UMC 2000 History’s of Kendricks Creek UMC Kingsport District- Ketron Memorial UMC 1984 History’s of Ketron Memorial UMC Kingsport District- Kincaid UMC 2000 History’s Of Kincaid UMC Kingsport District- Kingsley UMC 2000 History’s of Kingsley UMC Kingsport District- Kleppers Chapel UMC 2000 History’s of Kleppers Chapel Kingsport District- Lebanon UMC 1984 History of Lebanon UMC Kingsport District- Logans Chapel UMC 2000 History of Logens Chapel Kingsport District- Long Island UMC 1984 History of Long Island UMC Kingsport District- Mafair UMC 1999 History’s of Mafair UMC Kingsport District- McFerrin UMC 2001 Miscellaneous History of McFerrin Kingsport District- Meadowview UMC Miscellaneous History’s of Meadowview UMC Kingsport District- Morrison Chapel UMC 1984 History’s of Morrison Chapel UMC Kingsport District- Mt. Carmel UMC 2000 History’s of Mt. Carmel UMC Kingsport District- Mt. Zion UMC 2000 History’s of Mt. Zion UMC Kingsport District- Mountain View Church 1994 History’s of Mountain View Church Kingsport District- Okolona UMC 1984 Short History of Okolona UMC Kingsport District- Old Union UMC 2001 History’s of Old Union UMC Kingsport District- Otes UMC 1984 History of Otes UMC Kingsport District- Pactolus UMC 1984 History of Pactolus UMC Kingsport District- Persia UMC 1984 History of Persia UMC Kingsport District- Rock Spring UMC 1984 History of Rock Spring UMC Kingsport District- First UMC 1984 History’s of First UMC Kingsport District- Ross Campground UMC 1984 History of Ross Campground UMC Kingsport District- St. Luke UMC 2000 History’s of St. Luke’s UMC Kingsport District- St. Mark UMC 1984 History of St. Mark UMC Kingsport District- St. Matthew UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History’s of St. Matthews UMC Kingsport District- Salem UMC 1984 History of Salem UMC Kingsport District- Statement of purpose 1986 Kingsport District- Stone Drive UMC 1984 History of Stone Drive UMC Kingsport District- First UMC (Surgoinsville) 1984 History’s of First UMC Kingsport District- Wheeler Church 1984 Miscellaneous History of Wheeler Church Kingsport District- Valley Center UMC 1984 History of Valley Center UMC Kingsport District- Vermont UMC 2000 History’s of Vermont UMC Kingsport District- Washington Chapel 1984 History’s of Washington Chapel Knoxville District -Knoxville District Index 1962-1963: Statistics/Personnel Church Census 1925 Directory For Methodist Episcopal Church South Wesley House Pamphlet Wesley House History Brotherhood Methodist Church, South: pamphlet, activities & results ‘22 Leaders 1966-67 History of Knoxville, District by Roy L. Howard, ‘85 Ministers Quartet ‘85 Various Reports ( Members/Baptisms/Numbers) Listings of Knoxville District Churches ‘84 Typed name of all churches in Knoxville District Miscellaneous Letters Correspondence b/t Rev Lundy & Mrs. Elton (2) -Outline of Program for Knoxville District Retreat- ’78 Anniversary of Methodism -Asbury UMC: letter Dec ’84, ’84 history (2), ’79 history, 2000 update -Bearden UMC: ’83 bulletins, ’84 history, 2000 update -Bethel UMC: ’91 history, ’80 bulletins (2), ’84 Then & Now, ’80 Hear Ye, Hear Ye, ’83 history, ’80 Then & Now (2), ’83 Then & Now, ’79 letter, Tenth Anniversary, ’79 Then & Now (2), 2000 update -Bethlehem UMC: ’84 history, note ’86, ’86 history, ’86 festival flyer, news flyer ‘6, no 2000 update -Beulah UMC: ’84 history, no 2000 update -Bookwalter UMC: ’84 history, 2000 update -Burlington UMC: ’84 history, ’91 article, no 2000 update -Central UMC: “book”-1927 to 1984 history, ’76 history (3), Nov ’35 bulletin (3) Bulletins: Jan ’35, July ’35, June ’35, Sept. ’36, June ’37, June ’38, June 3, ’38, Oct. ’38, July ’39, April ’40, Jan ’41, Feb ’41, Oct 3 ’41, June ’41, Feb ’41, Feb 21, ’41, Oct. ’56, letter Sept 1 ’35, financial report, order of worship ( Jan 27, Nov ’35 (5)), financial help, 2000 update Centenary (Merged into Central UMC): directory, ’34 history Broad Street( Merged into Central UMC): article, history letter ’83, Sept. ’39 bulletin, Gateway to West June ‘74 -Clapp’s Chapel UMC: 2000 update -Church Street UMC: received in ’84’75 “A Book of Remembrance”(2), Martin’s “book” about Church Street, Presiding Elders & Pastors, Misc. letters, bulletin ’35, bulletin July ’39, Training School sheet ’36, directory 1910, directory & financial report ’21-’22, ’66 roll call directory, 1913 info. from directory, old directory (missing cover), letter ’52 (3), Hardin letter, dedication of window ‘41(2), Our Heritage & Hope- ’78 (2), Forward ’45 (3), preacher list, letter’92, letter ’73, letter ’81, minutes ’44, ’81 history, 2000 update -Colonial Heights UMC: ’84 history (2), 2000 update -Dante UMC: ’84 history, letter ’80, no 2000 update -Ebenezer UMC: ’84 history, ’90 history (Centennial) no 2000 update -Emerald Avenue UMC: 2000 update only-see Knoxville Coop Parish -Fairview UMC: play pamphlet ’74, ’74 bulletin (3), ’74 history (4), received in ’79, ’83, ’84June 1956: “History of Forestdale Evangelical United Brethren Church -Faith UMC: 2000 update -First Methodist Church: ’43 schedule of missions, 1911 bulletin, ’34 yearbook & telephone directory, (2) photocopied pictures, ’83 directory, 2000 update (2) -Fountain City UMC: ’57 bulletin, ’37 directory(3), History by Martin (4), History 1892-1926, ’80 dedication [1978], ’84 history, note to Fountain City w/history attached, 2000 update -Halls Central UMC: ’84 content page, ’84 history, no 2000 update -Hillcrest UMC: ’84 history, 2000 update -Holston Chapel: ’84 history, no 2000 update -Holston French Broad Group Ministry Kodak Circuit Oak Grove: ’84 history, booklet of ’84 history, no 2000 update Henry’s Crossroads: ’84 history, no 2000 update -Holston French Broad Group Ministry Mascot: ’84 history, no 2000 update Hopewell: letter ’97,’84 history, letter ’85 May 28, letter May 3 ’85, letter April 30 ’85, 2000 update -Holston French Broad Group Ministry Piney Grove UMC: ’84 history, 2000 update -Holston French Broad Group Ministry Pleasant Hill UMC: history letter, 2000 update -Holston French Broad Group Ministry Sand Branch UMC: ’83 history (2), no 2000 update -Holston French Broad Group Ministry Trentville: ’58 bulletin, ’84 history, no 2000 update Huckleberry Springs: ’84 history, no 2000 update -Inskip UMC: ’57 history, ’84 history, no 2000 update Maryville District Maryville District- Maryville District Church records Maryville District- First UMC 1984 History of First UMC Maryville District- Bethel UMC (Loudon) 1984 History of Bethel UMC Maryville District- Bethel UMC (Blount Co.) 1984 History of Bethel UMC Maryville District- Binfield UMC 1984 History’s of Binfeild UMC Maryville District- Broadway UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Broadway UMC Maryville District- Browder’s Memorial UMC and Forkner’s Chapel UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Browder’s Memorial UMC and Forkner’s Chapel UMC Maryville District- Bungalow UMC 1984 History’s of Bungalow UMC Maryville District- Campground UMC 1998 History’s of Campground UMC Maryville District- Carpenters UMC 1984 History of Carpenters UMC Maryville District- Fairgarden Circuit (Cedar Bluff, Eden, and Fox) 1984 History’s of Fairgarden Circuit Maryville District- Fairview UMC 1984 History of Fairview UMC Maryville District- First UMC (Gatlinburg TN) 1984 History of First UMC Maryville District- First UMC (Madisonvillie TN) 1984 History of First UMC Maryville District- Friendsville UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Friendsville UMC Maryville District- Greenback Circuit (Axley’s, Greenback, and Williamson) 1984 History’s of Greenback Circuit Maryville District- Greenmeadow UMC 1984 History of Greenmeadow UMC Maryville District- Immanuel UMC 1984 History of Immanuel UMC Maryville District- Logan’s Chapel UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Logan’s Chapel Maryville District- Loudon UMC 1984 History’s of Loudon UMC Maryville District- Madisonville Circuit (Chestua, Eleazer Camp Ground, and St. Mary’s UMC) 1984 History’s of Madisonville Circuit Maryville District- First UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of First UMC Maryville District- Meadow UMC 1984 History of Meadow UMC Maryville District- Middle Settlements UMC Miscellaneous History’s of Middle Settlements UMC Maryville District- Mountain View UMC 1984 History of Mountain View UMC Maryville District- New Salem UMC 1984 History of New Salem UMC Maryville District- Oakland UMC 1984 History of Oakland UMC Maryville District- Peck’s Memorial UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Peck Memorial Maryville District- Philadelphia and New Hope Churches 1984 History’s of Philadelphia and New Hope Churches Maryville District- Pigeon Forge- Huskeys Grove 1984 History’s of Pigeon Forge and Huskeys Grove Maryville District- Pittman Center Circuit (Burnett Memorial, Sheild’s Mountain, Shultz Grove, and Webbs Creek) 1984 History of Pittman Center Circuit Maryville District- Pleasant Hill UMC 1999 History’s of Pleasant Hill UMC Maryville District- St. John UMC 2000 History’s of St. John UMC Maryville District- St. Mark UMC 2003 History’s of St. Mark Maryville District- Sevierville Circuit (Middle Creek, Roberts, Murphy Chapel, and Luretta) 1984 History’s of Sevierville Circuit Maryville District- First Sevierville UMC 1984 History of First Sevierville UMC Maryville District- First UMC (Sweetwater TN) 1984 Miscellaneous History of First UMC Maryville District- Sevierville Parish (Pleasant Hill, Union Grove, Waldens Creek, and Wear Valley) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Sevierville Parish Maryville District- Sweetwater Circuit (Fender’s UMC and Pleasant Hill UMC)1984 History’s of Sweetwater Circuit Maryville District- Tellics Plains Circuit (Ironsburg UMC) History of Ironsburg UMC Maryville District- Trundle’s UMC Article about Trundle’s UMC History Maryville District- Tuckaleechee UMC 1984 History of Tuckaleechee UMC Maryville District- Vonore Circuit (Vonore and Walnut Grove) 1984 History’s of Vonore Circuit Maryville District- Walland UMC 1984 History of Walland UMC Morristown District Morristown District- Tell all church’s in the Morristown District Morristown District- Tells all the church’s in Morristown District; this is the 2001 update Morristown District- Antioch UMC History of Antioch UMC Morristown District- Asbury UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Asbury UMC Morristown District- Baileyton UMC 1984 History of Baileyton UMC Morristown District- Bales Chapel 1984 History of Bales Chapel Morristown District- Beeler’s Chapel Miscellaneous History of Beeler’s Chapel Morristown District- Beth-Car UMC History’s of Beth-Car UMC Morristown District- Bethel UMC Miscellaneous History of Bethel UMC Morristown District- Bewleys Chapel UMC Miscellaneous History Morristown District- Bogart Chapel UMC 2000 History of Bogart Chapel Morristown District- Bradburn Hill UMC 1984 History of Bardburn Hill UMC Morristown District- Boyd Chapel UMC Miscellaneous History of Boyd Chapel UMC Morristown District- Bridger’s UMC 1984 History of Bridger’s UMC Morristown District- Bruner’s Grove UMC History of Brunner’s Grove UMC Morristown District- Bull’s Gap First UMC 1984 History’s of Bull Gap’s Fist UMC Morristown District- Burchfeild Memorial UMC History of Burchfeild Memorial UMC Morristown District- Bybee UMC Short History of Bybee UMC Morristown District- Carter’s Chapel UMC History of Carter’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Carter Station UMC Miscellaneous History’s of Carter Station UMC Morristown District- Catons Grove UMC 2000 History of Caton’ Grove UMC Morristown District- Cedar Grove UMC 2000 History of Cedar Grove UMC Morristown District- Centenary UMC 2000 History of Centenary UMC Morristown District- Chestnut Grove UMC 2000 History of Chestnut Grove UMC Morristown District- Central UMC 2000 History’s of Central UMC Morristown District- Christ UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History of Christ UMC Morristown District- Creech’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Creech’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- First UMC 2000 History of First UMC Morristown District- Dotson’s Camp Grounds UMC 2000 History of Dotson’s Camp Grounds Morristown District- Doty’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Doty’s Chapel Morristown District- Ebenezer UMC 2000 History’s of Ebenezer UMC Morristown District- Economy UMC 1984 History of Economy UMC Morristown District- Edwards Chapel UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History of Edwards Chapel UMC Morristown District- Fairview UMC 2000 Short History of Fairview UMC Morristown District- Fowler’s Grove UMC 2000 History’s of Fowler’s Grove UMC Morristown District- George Street UMC 2000 History of George Street UMC Morristown District- Glendale UMC 2000 History of Glendale UMC Morristown District- Grant’s Chapel UMC 2000 History’s of Grant’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Hardin’s Chapel UMC 2000 History’s of Hardin’s Chapel Morristown District- Harned’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Harned’s Chapel Morristown District- Hills Union UMC 2000 History of Hills Union UMC Morristown District- Hartman’s Chapel UMC 2000 Short history of Hartman’s Chapel Morristown District- Holston Chapel UMC Miscellaneous History of Holston Chapel Morristown District- Hunts Chapel UMC 2000 History of Hunts Chapel UMC Morristown District- First UMC 2002 History of Fist UMC Morristown District- Jones Chapel UMC 2000 Short History of Jones Chapel UMC Morristown District- Joppa UMC 2000 Short History of Joppa UMC Morristown District- Large’s Chapel UMC (Closed in 1995) Miscellaneous History of Large’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Lawson’s Chapel UMC 2000 History’s of Lawson’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Liberty Hill UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History of Liberty Hill UMC Morristown District- Love’s Memorial UMC 2000 History of Love’s Memorial UMC Morristown District- Loy Memorial UMC 2000 History’s of Loy Memorial UMC Morristown District- Mary’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Mary’s Chapel Morristown District- McCampbell UMC 2000 History of McCampbell UMC Morristown District- Midway UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History of Midway UMC Morristown District- Mooresburg UMC 2000 History of Mooresburg UMC Morristown District- First UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History of First UMC Morristown District- Mosheim Central UMC 2000 History’s of Mosheim Central UMC Morristown District- Mt. Airy UMC 1984 History of Mt. Airy Morristown District- Mt. Carmel UMC 2000 History of Mt. Carmel UMC Morristown District- Mt. Hebron UMC 2000 History of Mt. Hebron Morristown District- Mt. Hope UMC History’s of Mt. Hope UMC Morristown District- Mt. Pisgah UMC 2000 Short History Morristown District- Mt. Pleasant UMC 2000 History of Mt. Pleasant UMC Morristown District- Mt. Pleasant UMC 2000 History of Mt. Pleasant UMC (Greeneville TN) Morristown District- Mt. Sinai UMC Miscellaneous History of Mt. Sinai Morristown District- Mt. Vernon UMC 2000 History’s of Mt. Vernon UMC Morristown District- Mt. Pleasant UMC (Tallbott TN) History of Mt. Pleasant UMC Morristown District- Mt. Zion UMC (Sandridge TN) 1991 History of Mt. Zion Morristown District- Mt. Zion UMC (Greenville TN) 2000 History of Mt. Zion Morristown District- Mulberry Gap UMC 2000 Short History Morristown District- First UMC (Newport TN) 2000 Miscellaneous History of First UMC Morristown District- Noe’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Noe’s Chapel Morristown District- Oakland UMC History of Oakland UMC Morristown District- O& S Chapel UMC 2000 History of O & S Chapel UMC Morristown District- Ottway UMC History of Ottway UMC Morristown District- Oven Creek UMC 2000 History of Oven Creek UMC Morristown District- Panther Springs UMC 2000 History of Panther Springs UMC Morristown District- Parrottsville UMC Miscellaneous History of Parrottsville UMC Morristown District- Pine Grove UMC 2000 History of Pine Grove UMC Morristown District- Pleasant Hill UMC 2000 History of Pleasant Hill UMC Morristown District- Pleasant Valley UMC 2000 History of Pleasant Valley UMC Morristown District-Pruitt Hill UMC History of Pruitt Hill UMC Morristown District- Rehobeth UMC 2000 History of Rehobeth UMC Morristown District- River Hill UMC 2000 History of River Hill UMC Morristown District- Romeo UMC 2000 History of Romeo UMC Morristown District- Russellville UMC 2000 History’s of Russellville UMC Morristown District- Rutledge Chapel UMC 2000 History of Rutledge Chapel UMC Morristown District- History of Rutledge Circuit Morristown District- St. Clair UMC 2000 History of St. Clair UMC Morristown District- St. John UMC 1988 History of St. John UMC Morristown District- Seahorn’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Seahorn’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Shady Grove UMC 2000 History of Shady Grove UMC Morristown District- Shiloh UMC 2000 History of Shiloh UMC Morristown District- Shiloh UMC (Sneedville TN) 2000 History of Shiloh UMC Morristown District- Sneedville UMC 2000 History of Sneedville UMC Morristown District- Strawberry Plains UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History’s of Strawberry Plains UMC Morristown District- Sulphur Springs UMC 2000 History of Sulpher Springs UMC Morristown District- Talley’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Talley’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Tate’s Chapel UMC 1984 History’s of Tate’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Trinity UMC (Greenville) 2000 History’s of Trinity UMC Morristown District- Trinity UMC (Morristown TN) 2000 History of Trinity UMC Morristown District- Trinity UMC (Morristown TN) 2000 History of Trinity UMC Morristown District- Union UMC 2000 History of Union UMC Morristown District- Warrensbrug UMC 2000 History of Warrensburgh UMC Morristown District- Watkins UMC 2000 History’s of Watkins UMC Morristown District- Weems Chapel UMC 1992 History’s of Weems Chapel Morristown District- Wesley Chapel UMC 2000 Various History’s of Wesley Chapel UMC Morristown District- Wesley Chapel UMC (Established in 1876) 2000 History’s of Wesley Chapel UMC Morristown District- Whitesburg UMC (Closed In 1977) Short History of Whitesburg UMC Morristown District- First UMC 2000 Miscellaneous History’s of First UMC Morristown District- Whittenburg UMC 2000 History of Whittenburg UMC Morristown District- Woodlawn UMC Miscellaneous History of Woodlawn UMC Morristown District- Wooten’s Chapel UMC 2000 History of Wooten’s Chapel UMC Morristown District- Zion UMC 2000 History’s of Zion UMC Oak Ridge District Oak Ridge District- Oak Ridge District; tells all the church’s that are in the Oak Ridge District and the location of the Oak Ridge District Oak Ridge District- Oak Ridge District Church Founding Dates- For 1988 Annual Conference Oak Ridge District- Asbury UMC/ Swan Pond UMC 1984 Articles about Asbury UMC and Swan Pond UMC Oak Ridge District- Beaver Ridge UMC Miscellaneous History of Beaver Ridge UMC Oak Ridge District- Bethel- Luminary UMC Miscellaneous History of Bethel- Luminary UMC Oak Ridge District- Cardwell- Bradbury (Cardwell UMC and Bradbury UMC) 1984 History of Cardwell UMC and Bradbury UMC Oak Ridge District- Chevront UMC 1984 and 1987 History of Chevront UMC Oak Ridge District- St. Mark UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of St. Mark UMC Oak Ridge District- Concord UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Concord UMC Oak Ridge District- Farragut- First UMC 1984 History of Farragut- First UMC Oak Ridge District- Grigsby Chapel 1984 Brief History of Grigsby Chapel Oak Ridge District- Harriman UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Harriman UMC Oak Ridge District- Harrrogate UMC 1984 History of Harrogate UMC Oak Ridge District- Bell Campground UMC 1984 History of Bell Campground UMC Oak Ridge District- Jacksboro- Caryville (Jacksboro and Caryville UMC) 1984 History of Jacksboro and Caryville UMC Oak Ridge District- Jellico UMC Brief History of Jellico UMC Oak Ridge District- Kingston UMC 1984 History of Kingston UMC Oak Ridge District- LaFollette- Mt. Zion 1984 History of LaFollette UMC and Mt. Zion Church Oak Ridge District- Lake City- Briceville Short History of Lake City and Briceville Oak Ridge District- Central UMC 1984 History of Central UMC Oak Ridge District- Trinity UMC Miscellaneous History of Trinity UMC Oak Ridge District- Martel- Booth Chapel (Martel UMC and Booth Chapel) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Martel UMC and Booth Chapel Oak Ridge District- Maynardsville Circuit (Hansards Chapel UMC, Irwin’s Chapel, and Pleasant Grove UMC) 1984 History’s of Maynardsville Circuit Oak Ridge District- Midtown- Valley Chapel (Midtown Methodist Church and Valley Chapel Methodist Church) 1984 History of Midtown- Valley Chapel Oak Ridge District- New Century UMC - Cowan’s Chapel 1984 History of New Century UMC Oak Ridge District- New Tazewell UMC 1984 History of New Tazewell UMC Oak Ridge District- Norris- Sinking Springs (Norris UMC and Sinking Springs UMC) 1984 History’s of Norris UMC and Sinking Springs UMC Oak Ridge District- Oakdale- Woods Chapel (Woods Chapel UMC and Oakdale Methodist Church) 1984 History’s of Oakdale Methodist Church and Woods Chapel UMC Oak Ridge District- Oliver Springs UMC 1984 History of Oliver Springs UMC Oak Ridge District- Oneida UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Oneida UMC Oak Ridge District- Petros Circuit (Jonesville UMC and Petros UMC) 1984 History’s of Petros Circuit Oak Ridge District- Valley View UMC 1984 History of Valley View UMC Oak Ridge District- Sunbright- Mt. Vernon (Sunbright Methodist Church, Mt. Vernon UMC and Rugby Road UMC) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Sunbright- Mt. Vernon Oak Ridge District- Tazewell UMC 2001 Miscellaneous History of Tazewell UMC Oak Ridge District- Tazewell UMC History Project Correspondence Oak Ridge District- Tazewell UMC History Project Documents and Photos Oak Ridge District- Tazewell UMC 1984 History of Tazewell UMC Oak Ridge District- Well Springs Circuit (Cawood Church, Flat Hollow, and Well Springs Church) 1984 History of Well Springs Church and Cawood Church Tazewell District -Mt. Hermon: ’91 history, 2000 update -Belfast-Midway Circuit Belfast: ‘84-‘91 history, 2000 update Midway: ‘92-‘9-, 2000 update -Bishop Circuit Alexander: ‘84 history (2), 2000 update Brown’s Chapel: ’84-85 history, 2000 update Boyd’s Chapel: 2000 update -Bluefield Parish Bethel-Bluefield: ’84 history, 1883-1983, no 2000 update -Bluefield First UMC: ’84 history, 2000 update -Bluefield, Va-Virginia Avenue UMC: ’84 history, 2000 update -Boissevain Circuit Boissevain: ’84 history, ’94-28(n), no 2000 update Macedonia: ’84 history, 2000 update Moore’s: ’94-28(o), no 2000 update -Cedar Bluff-Pounding Mill Circuit Cedar Bluff: ’84 history, 2000 update Pounding Mill: ’91 history, 2000 update -Christ First UMC, Abbs Valley, Va.: ’91 history, 2000 update -Clearview UMC: ’84 history, undated church histories, letters, miscellaneous, 2000 update -Steelesburg UMC, Cedar Bluff, Va.: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update -Coleman’s Chapel: ’84 history, ’91, 2000 update -East Tazewell Circuit Burkes Garden: ’81 history, ’84, ’91, 2000 update Concord: ’84 history, ’91, ’94, date zeroxes, ’94 church register, 2000 update Mt. Olivet: ’84 history, letter, information found in church, ’94 church register (2), 2000 update -Eggleston Circuit Bear Springs: ’84 history, article 5 Oct 1955, 2000 update Eggleston: undated article, ’84 history, 2000 update Green Valley: 2000 update Mount View: ’84 history, article ’55, 2000 update Wesley’s Chapel: ’84 history, article 5 Oct 1955, 2000 update -Elk Garden Circuit Dennison: ’84 history, letter ’83, 2000 update Elk Garden: picture, 1788-1988 (2), letter ’72, article ’78, from Lundy ’72 letter, letter ’83, letter ’73, from Tate ’73 letter, from Hendrick’s ’83 letter, article by Pierce, ’38 bulletin(photocopy), ’83 article, log ’72, ’84 history, 2000 update -Falls Mills-Midway Charge Falls Mills: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update Midway: ’84 history, 2000 update -Garden-Keen Mountain Circuit Garden: ’62 bulletin, ’63 bulletin, ’53 bulletin, ’84 history, ’84 history by Miller, ’84 facts, 2000 update Grundy: 2000 update, 1869 history, ’71 bulletin, ’75 pamphlets, bulletin sample, ’84 history, ’78 bulletin, March ’68 bulletin, July ’68 bulletin, ’71 bulletin, Church Caller ‘66 Keen Mountain: ’84 history, 2000 update -Graham Circuit Ebenezer: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update Bailey: ’84 history, 2000 update Mt. Zion: ’84 history, 2000 update -Graham First UMC: ’94 history, no 2000 update -Honaker Circuit Honaker: ’84 sample bulletin, ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update Blackford: ’84 sample bulletin, ’84 history, 91, 2000 update -Looney’s Chapel: ’89 bulletin (2), ’89 letter, ’89 history, ’84 history, article ’84, 2000 update -Narrow’s First UMC: ’84 history, 2000 update -Narrows Circuit Hales Chapel: ’84 history, 94, 2000 update Kathleen Memorial: ’84 history, 2000 update -North Tazewell UMC: ’34 history includes letter, ’84 history, 2000 update -Pearisburg Circuit Big Stoney: undated article (2), ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update Edgewood: ’84 history, 2000 update Ingram Village: ’84 history, ’92 letter, ’94 history, 2000 update Providence: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update -Pearisburg First UMC: ’66 Grand Opening, ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update -Pocahontas/Christ First Circuit Christ First: 2000 update Community: ’91 history, 2000 update Pocahontas: 1882-1982 history, ’91, ’75 letter & bulletin history by Phillips, 2000 update -Rich Creek First/Powell Mtn.: ’84 history, 2000 update -Richlands Frst: ’82 history (3), letter: ’90, ’80, ’80 (2), 2000 update -Riverside UMC: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update -Rocky Gap: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update -Round Mountain Circuit Green Valley: ’84 history, ’91 letter, no 2000 update New Hope: ’84 history, 2000 update Pine Grove: ’84 history, 2000 update -Staffordsville Circuit: charge in folder for ’91 & ‘81 Eaton’s: ’84 letter, ’84 history, 2000 update Pleasant Hill: ’84 history, ’80 history, 2000 update Shady Grove: ’84 history, 2000 update Sheffey Memorial: ’84 history, 2000 update Thessalia: ’84 history, 3 pictures, ’80 bulletin, 2000 update -Summit Circuit Tip Top: ’84 history, 2000 update Wright’s Valley: ’84 history, 2000 update -Tazewell Circuit: charge ’82 (2) Pisgah UMC: see separate folder Pleasant Hill UMC: ’84 history, 2000 update Mt. Pleasant: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update Dailey’s Chapel UMC: ’91 history, 2000 update -Pisgah UMC: ’93 history (2), miscellaneous items, ’92 bulletin, ’88 history, ’92 article, ’88 letter, ’80 bulletins (4), ’82 history, 1793 history (2), ’79 letter, article ’79, letter from Mullins, bulletin pamphlet on Tazewell, ’81 letter, various histories undated, ’80 history (2 pink), ’80 history (2 blue), donor from ’80 (2), archive paper, ’78 history, 2000 update -Main Street UMC: ’84 history, ’78 history, 2000 update -Wilbur Memorial UMC: ’84 history, ’94, 2000 update -Bland Circuit Bland: 2000 update Central: 2000 update Trinity: 2000 update -Ceres Circuit Bethany: 2000 update Ezelle: 2000 update Goodman’s Chapel: 2000 update Red Oak: 2000 update Zion: 2000 update -Little Walker Circuit Davis: 2000 update Goshen: 2000 update Millirons: 2000 update Strader: 2000 update -Mechanicsburg Circuit Bryne’s Chapel: 2000 update Mt. Zion: 2000 update Salem: 2000 update Shady Grove: 2000 update Shiloh: 2000 update Wesendonck: 2000 update -Round Bottom UMC: 2000 update Wytheville District Wytheville VA- Wytheville District Miscellaneous History Grayson County VA- Old Grayson Circuit Miscellaneous History of Old Grayson Circuit Wytheville VA- Wytheville District Miscellaneous History’s Floyd County VA- Wytheville District History of Methodism in Floyd County Wytheville VA- Wytheville District Miscellaneous History Wytheville VA- Bethel and Auburn Circuit Miscellaneous History Wytheville District- Sassin UMC Miscellaneous History Riner VA- Auburn Circuit (Auburn, Fairveiw, Pilot, Sidney) 1984 History’s of Auburn Circuit Bland County VA- Bland Circuit (Bland UMC, Central UMC and Trinity UMC) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Bland Circuit Galax VA- Blue Ridge Circuit (Oakland and Bishops Chapel) 1984 History’s of Blue Ridge Circuit Bridle Creek VA- Bridle Creek Circuit ( Bathany, Flat Rock Bridle Creek Methodist) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Bridle Creek Circuit Wytheville District- Cedar Springs Circuit ( Asbury, Speedwell, Groseclose, and Blue Springs) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Cedar Spring Circuit Wytheville District- Ceres Circuit (Bethany, North Holston, Red Oak, Goodmaris Chapel) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Ceres Circuit Wytheville VA- Cripple Creek Circuit (Olive Barnch UMC, Mt. Zion, Crocketts Chapel UMC, Calvary and Huddle Memorial) 1984 Miscellaneous History of Cripple Creek Circuit Draper VA- Draper Circuit 1984 History of Draper Circuit Methodist Church Dublin VA- Dublin UMC 1984 History of Dublin UMC Grayson County VA-Elk Creek Circuit ( Salem, Forest, Lebanon, Mt. Zion, and Bathel) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Elk Creek Circuit Floyd VA- Floyd Circuit (Falling Branch and Camp Bethel) 1984 History’s of Floyd Circuit Floyd VA- Floyd United Methodist Church 1984 History of Floyd United Methodist Church Fries VA- Fries UMC 1984 History’s of Fries UMC Galax VA- First Methodist Church 1984 Miscellaneous History of First Methodist Church Wytheville District- Grant-Flat Ridge (Central Methodist Church, Honey Grove, Grant, Mill Creek and Bald Rock) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Grant-Flat Ridge Galax County VA- Galax Circuit (West Galax UMC, Asbury, Longview and Leonard Memorial) 1984 History’s of Galax Circuit Galax VA- Wytheville District (Gladeville and Mt. Olivet) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Gladeville and Mt. Olivet Wytheville District- Hillsville Circuit Fancy Gap and Island Creek UMC 1984 History’s of Fancy Gap and Island Creek Hillsville VA- First UMC and Goad Memorial UMC 1984 History’s of First UMC and Goad Memorial UMC Independence VA- Independents UMC 1984 Various Papers and Pictures and also a Brief History of Independents UMC Wytheville District- Jacksonville Station/ Circuit (Floyd Church/ Mission) Various copies of a book Wytheville VA- Lead Mines Circuit ( Bethany UMC) Short History of Bethany UMC Fries VA- Fries Circuit ( Liberty Hill UMC) History of Liberty Hill UMC Wytheville District- Max Meadows Circuit (Grahan’s Forge, Fort Chiswell, Max Meadow, Brick and Locust Hill UMC) 1984 History’s of Max Meadow’s Circuit Wytheville District- Mechanicsburg Circuit (Byrne’s, Mt. Zion, Salem, Shady Grove, Shiloh and Wessendonck) 1984 History’s of Mechanicsburg Circuit Wytheville District- Mt. Pleasant UMC Circuit (Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Mitchell, Mountain View and Fairview) 1984 History’s of Mt. Pleasant UMC Circuit Wytheville District- Mount Vale Circuit ( Mt. Vale and Savannah) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Mount Vale Circuit Wytheville District- New River Circuit ( Parrott Church, Belspring, Rockford and Morgan’s) 1984 History’s of New River Circuit Pulaski County VA- Newburn UMC and Mountain View UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Newburn UMC and Mountain View UMC Pulaski VA- First Methodist Church 1984 History of First Methodist Church Pulaski VA- Aldersgate Methodist Church and Jordan’s Chapel 1984 History’s of Aldersgate Methodist Church and Jordan’s Chapel Pulaski VA- Trinity UMC 1984 History of Trinity UMC Wytheville District- Fairlawn UMC and Bethel UMC 1984 History’s of Fairlawn UMC and Bethel UMC Radford VA- Grove Avenue UMC and Central UMC 1984 History’s of Grove Avenue UMC and Central UMC Pulaski VA-Randolph Avenue UMC Miscellaneous History’s of Randolph Avenue UMC Rural Retreat VA- Rural Retreat UMC 1984 Miscellaneous History of Rural Retreat UMC Wytheville District- Rural Retreat Circuit (Fulton, King’s Grove, Fairview Marvin) 1984 History’s of Rural Retreat Circuit Carroll-Grayson County VA- Spring Valley Circuit (Summer Field UMC, Ebenezer UMC, Jerusalem UMC, Pleasant Hill and Providence UMC) 1984 Miscellaneous History’s of Spring Valley Circuit Grayson County VA- Stevens Creek UMC 2002 Short History of Stevens Creek UMC Wytheville District- Thorn Spring and Wesley Memorial 1984 History’s of Thorn Spring and Wesley Memorial Woodlawn and Carroll County VA- Woodlawn UMC and Shiloh UMC 1984 History’s of Woodlawn UMC and Shiloh UMC Wytheville VA- St. Paul UMC and West End UMC 1984 Various History’s of St. Paul UMC and West End UMC Wytheville District- Wytheville Circuit ( Cedar Hill, Evergreen, MT. Ephrim and New Bethel) 1984 History’s of Wytheville Circuit Wytheville District- Wytheville Parish (Cross Road Methodist Church, Harrison Chapel Church and Franklin St. UMC) 1984 History’s of Wytheville Parish