Draft Unit Standard Maintain and repair bins, pallets and cartons NQF Level : 2 Credit(s) : 2 Field : NSB 01: Agriculture and Nature Conservation Sub-Field : Secondary Agriculture SGB Name : SGB Secondary Agriculture: Processing PURPOSE STATEMENT: Learners who demonstrate competence as described in the outcomes of this unit standard will be able to repair and maintain bins, pallets and cartons to accepted standards of quality and serviceability. Learners are be able to: Plan and schedule work activities Ensure the availability of functional tools and equipment Ensure the availability of material and consumables required Repair and maintain bins and/or pallets LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE: Learners accessing this unit standard will have demonstrated competence against numeracy and literacy at NQF level 1. SPECIFIC OUTCOMES AND ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Specific Outcome 1: Plan and schedule work activities Assessment Criteria: 1.1 The bins, pallets and cartons are inspected for serviceability and conformance to quality standards according to workplace standards 1.2 The volume and extent of repairs that must be undertaken is estimated and quantified in man days 1.2 Daily targets are planned and agreed upon in terms of workplace requirements Specific Outcome 2: Ensure the availability of functional tools and equipment Assessment Criteria: 2.1 Tools and equipment is required are selected and inspected for functionality and safe operation 106731189 -1- Assessment Criterion Range: The range includes all equipment used for repairing and maintaining wooden bins and pallets such as basic hand tools, measuring tools, clamping tools and power tools 2.2 Unsafe, worn or malfunctioning tools, equipment and accessories are identified and corrective action is taken according to worksite procedures Assessment Criterion Range: The range includes performing basic repairs such as lubrication, sharpening, replacement of basic worn parts (blades, handles) and reporting of major unsafe, worn or malfunctioning tools. The range excludes all repairs of power tools such as the repair of electrical connections, stripping and assembly of power tools. Specific Outcome 3: Ensure the availability of material and consumables required Assessment Criteria: 3.1 Material and consumable requirements are estimated in terms the job on hand Assessment Criterion Range: The range includes all materials and consumables required for repairs and maintenance such as fasteners, replacement components, paint 3.2 Materials and consumables are ordered according to workplace procedures 3.3 Wastage and loss of materials and consumables are controlled according to workplace standards Specific Outcome 4: Repair and maintain bins, pallets and cartons Assessment Criteria: 4.1 Items are restored and finished to quality standards required by the workplace 4.2 Personal protective equipment is identified, selected, used and maintained according to workplace procedures 4.3 Tools and equipment is correctly handled and used in terms of safety and manufacturer specifications 4.4 Items are directed to storage according to workplace procedures 4.5 Tools and equipment are cleaned and placed in safe storage at the end of the shift according to workplace procedures 4.6 Housekeeping routines and standards are maintained according to workplace standards 4.7 Waste control and disposal measures are complied with according to workplace standards 4.8 Records and documentation are kept and maintained according to standard workplace procedures 106731189 -2- ACCREDITATION AND MODERATION OPTIONS: Assessors assessing learners against this unit standard must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA An institution offering learning that will enable achievement of this unit standard must be accredited as a provider through the relevant ETQA. Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines in the relevant qualification and the agreed ETQA procedures. NOTES: Critical cross-field outcomes UNIT STANDARD CCFO IDENTIFYING The learner is able to identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions, using critical and creative thinking, have been made by: Identifying required repairs that will restore the items to full functionality Identifying worn or malfunctioning tools and equipment and taking the appropriate action to correct the situation Identifying work situations that could create health and safety risks and addressing these by taking the appropriate action UNIT STANDARD CCFO WORKING Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation or community by: Maintaining sound relations with co-workers / learners UNIT STANDARD CCFO COMMUNICATING Communicate effectively by using mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentations by: Requesting materials and consumables required from stores Maintaining records on items repaired Keeping line management informed on work targets and progress UNIT STANDARD CCFO ORGANISING The learner is able to organise and manage himself and his activities responsibly and effectively by: Setting work targets according to workplace requirements Ensuring the availability of required materials and consumables required Directing movement of repaired items to the appropriate storage areas UNIT STANDARD CCFO COLLECTING Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information when: Monitoring work progress against work targets Identifying required repairs UNIT STANDARD CCFO SCIENCE 106731189 -3- Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others by: Maintaining a safe and productive work environment UNIT STANDARD CCFO CONTRIBUTING Contribute to the full personal development of each learner and the social and economic development of the society at large. Embedded Knowledge: Embedded knowledge is reflected within the assessment criteria of each specific outcome. The essential embedded knowledge included in the outcomes of this unit standard includes but is not limited to: Quality standards of bins, pallets and cartons Materials used for repairs Tools and equipment used for repairs 106731189 -4-