Reconstruction of a Temperature Time Series for Linnédalen, Svalbard Daniel P. Lane Atmospheric Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Spring 2005 Abstract A temperature time series has been reconstructed for the period from 1974 to 2004 at Linnédalen, Svalbard (78°N latitude, Norway). A method for extending the time series back to the early 20th Century is also presented. This reconstruction is important as a surrogate instrumental record in a region of low observation density and high observation value. As an important site of paleoclimate research, Linnédalen’s meteorological record is essential to calibrating a multi-century record of regional climate change. Lake Linné, a glacial lake situated in the valley of Linnédalen, provides researchers with a high-resolution sediment record of climate change during the late Holocene. To better interpret this record, limited local meteorological data from the Valley have been coupled with longer regional weather records to develop an extended meteorological record for the location. The reconstruction and methods used are presented and assessed and recommendations for further work are provided. This project is part of the Svalbard Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Introduction Global climate models indicate that warming associated with rising atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will have its greatest magnitude in the high latitudes (Overpeck, et. al. 1997). Projected temperature increases for the interior Arctic are as large as 4°C by the middle of this century with most of that warming occurring during the winter months. This is more than twice the mean projected warming for the globe (IPCC 2001). Due to the sensitivity of the Arctic, much research has focused on monitoring high latitude climate with the goal of detecting the re- gionally amplified signals of global climate change. Successful detection of these signals will require 1) a sufficient data collection network to assemble modern meteorological observations and 2) an adequate knowledge of the preanthropogenic modes of variability in Arctic climate (Johannessen, et. al. 2004). Neither is currently available. In spite of evidence for Arctic environmental change during the twentieth century (Overpeck, et. al. 1997; Przybylak 2003), a lack of comprehensive observational records from the region has made it difficult to separate internal variability from externally-forced trends (Moritz, et. al. 2002). Moreover, the variability 1 of high latitude climate is one the greatest of any region in the world on interannual and longer time scales (Przybylak 2003). Therefore, detecting climate change in the Arctic will likely require a longer data record than at latitudes where the climate is less variable. Analysis of the observational records that are available has elucidated some of the characteristics of decadal and interdecadal variability (Polykov and Johnson 2000), while paleoclimate proxy records have been employed to understand variations on longer time scales (Overpeck, et. al. 1997). A more complete picture of Arctic climate change will require further efforts to assemble and analyze both modern meteorological data as well as paleoclimate data. This paper contributes to both of those initiatives by presenting a reconstructed temperature time series for Linnédalen, a glacial lake valley in western Svalbard. Svalbard is a mountainous archipelago that lies north of Norway and about 1000 km from the North Pole. The islands lie at the climatological fulcrum between the northernmost advance of the warm Gulf Stream current and the southernmost extent of the wintertime pack ice (Capelotti 2000). Settlement of Svalbard was motivated by coal prospecting interests in the early part of the 20th Century, and meteorological records exist at Longyearbyen (the territory’s largest settlement) for most of the period since then. Other records are also available from Isfjord Radio and Ny-Alesund. Linnédalen (78°N, 13°E) lies a few kilometers inland from Isfjord Radio on Svalbard’s west coast, about 50 km to the west of Longyearbyen and about 150 km to the south of Ny-Alesund. The valley harbors Svalbard’s largest lake— Linnévatnet. The lake contains a highresolution record of Holocene climate in the glacial silt sediments that line its bottom. For this reason, Linnévatnet has been the focus of extensive investigation by geologists and paleoclimatolgists for several decades. As part of an ongoing effort to collect and calibrate sediment cores from this basin, meteorological data have been collected from the valley. This limited instrumental record and the longer observational record from Longyearbyen and other regional stations have been coupled using a regression technique to produce an extended record for the valley. The resulting reconstruction serves as a new observational record for the high Arctic and will allow for a meaningful interpretation of a new proxy record of several centuries of climate in the region. Data and Methods Local Observation Network During July 2003, three temperature logger stations and an automated weather station were established in Linnédalen. The loggers collected synchronous temperature readings every half hour while the weather station recorded temperature, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, rainfall, solar insolation, and soil temperature at the same interval. A map of the local observation network is shown (Fig. 1). 2 Figure 1. A map of Linnédalen showing the local area of observation. Data from these instruments was downloaded during the following summer. Two of the temperature loggers provided a continuous record, but one was destroyed by an avalanche during the spring melt. The weather station gathered data on all variables until March 2003 when it was silenced by an icing event or an altercation with a reindeer. Fortunately, the weather station was equipped with an auxiliary temperature logger that provided a continuous record for the weather station location for the entire observation period. The local temperature data were converted to daily averages by calculating the mean of the daily maximum and minimum temperature at the weather station site. A time series of daily average temperatures was then reconstructed for Linnédalen for the period during which regional observations are available but local observations are absent. Regional Observation Network To produce the best reconstruction possible, adequate predictor data must be selected. The regional observation stations (Figure 2) were evaluated based on their proximity to Linnédalen, the length and continuity of their record and their preliminary Pearson correlation coefficient with the local temperature record. Individually, all regional stations as predictors produced regressions accounting for at least 96.7% of the variation in Linnédalen temperature. Longyearbyen (LYR) has by far the longest period of record, but the daily data available to the author only extend back to 1975. Ny-Alesund (NYS) has the longest available record (back to 1974), but the smallest R2 value (96.7%). Isfjord Radio (ISF) has the largest R2 value but the shortest available period of record (back to 1996). Given the strengths and weaknesses of each dataset, the stations were used to create multiple linear regressions for each period of available observations. Local and regional data for the overlapping observational period for all stations (11 Jul 2003 through 8 Jul 2004) was used to develop each regression model. Data Reconstruction Methods Data reconstruction is essential to the study of climatology. Gaps in daily datasets can hinder the analysis and application of meteorological data, and for this reason reconstruction of missing data from existing instrumental records is a common practice. Though these methods are usually applied to datasets with scattered missing daily values, reconstructions have also been made for longer periods. Klingbjer and Moberg (2003) coupled regional instrumental records with local daily temperature rec- 3 ords found in a journal to construct a two hundred year temperature record for Tornedalen in northern Sweden. Similarly, regression reconstructions have been used to evaluate anomalously warm 19th century summer temperature records from Scandinavia (Moberg, et. al. 2003). There are three classes of data reconstructions that use instrumental records. Intrastation techniques use the data from the local station that frames the period of missing record. Averaging yesterday’s and tomorrow’s temperature to infer today’s temperature is an example of one type of intrastation reconstruction. These often produce the least accurate reconstructions of the three methods. Secondly, interstation reconstructions use climatological departures at neighboring stations to infer local departures and thus local, missing temperature values. Finally, regression-based reconstructions use statistical transfer functions between local and regional stations. This third type is generally the most accurate (DeGaetano, et. al 1995). Figure 2. Map of regional instrumental record and chart of predictor correlation with Linnédalen temperature. Red dots indicate stations with data unavailable to the author and blue dots indicate stations with available data. The period of record from Linnédalen frames no missing period of data (intrastation methods not possible) and is not of sufficient length to construct a local climatology (interstation methods not possible). The nature of the dataset necessitates a regression-based method that, fortuitously, is often the most accurate approach. That said, high linear correlation coefficients between Lin4 nédalen temperature and the temperature recorded at regional stations have already been demonstrated (see Figure 2). Given that high degree of correspondence, focus was placed on the development of multiple linear regressions describing the relationship between local and regional temperature observations. Different multiple linear regressions were then used to reconstruct Linnédalen temperature depending upon which appropriate regional datasets were available for a particular period. The resulting time series (Aug 1974 – Jul 2004) was then pieced together. A simple linear regression that uses Longyearbyen temperature to predict Linnédalen temperature was also constructed so that, once the longer regional record becomes available, it will be possible to reconstruct the local record back to 1911. In every case, residuals were analyzed in order to frame the limitations of each regression and provide some caveats regarding its use. (April – September) and differ more widely during the polar night (October – March). LYR was generally warmer than LIN during the daytime months and colder than LIN during the nighttime months whereas this relationship is reversed for ISF and NYS which are both generally warmer in winter than LIN due to their more maritime climate. LIN is located several kilometers inland and behind a ridge while NYS and ISF are situated directly on Svalbard’s west coast where the warm Spitzbergen Current keeps the ocean surface unfrozen during the winter. LYR has a more interior location on Svalbard and thus has a more continental climate with colder winters. Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate that temporal and spatial temperature variability is greater during the polar night. For this reason, regressions will have a better fit during the summer months than during the winter months. Multiple Linear Regression for Linnédalen Temperature: 1996 to 2004 Results Due to the temporal limitations imposed by the record from Linnédalen, regression models were developed using the mutually available temperature data from the local station at Linnédalen (LIN) and the three regional stations (LYR, NYS and ISF) for the period from 11 July 2003 to 8 July 2004. The time series of average daily temperature for this period (Figure 3) show a close correspondence among the locations. The time series of the temperature difference between the local (LIN) station and the regional stations (Figure 4) reveal that the values match more closely during the polar daytime months Three regional datasets exist for the period from September 1996 through July 2004. A regression was produced using forward selection and all three stations as predictors. This gave the highest apparent R2 (99.3%) value; however, discarding the NYS data for this period (Figure 5) resulted in more normally distributed residuals (Figure 6 and 7) with a minor reduction in R2 (99.2%). This second regression, which uses ISF and LYR as predictors, was therefore chosen to reconstruct LIN temperatures for this time period. Figure 8 demonstrates the heteroscedasticity of the residuals, that is, variance is not 5 Local and Regional Avg. Daily Temperature 15 10 5 Temp (C) -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 Time LIN Temp LYR Temp ISF Temp NYS Temp Figure 3. A time series of local and regional daily temperature from 11 Jul 2003 to 8 Jul 2004. Temperature Departures (Regional - LIN) 8 6 4 1/ 20 03 7/ 25 /2 00 3 8/ 8/ 20 03 8/ 22 /2 00 3 9/ 5/ 20 03 9/ 19 /2 00 3 10 /3 /2 00 10 3 /1 7/ 20 03 10 /3 1/ 20 03 11 /1 4/ 20 03 11 /2 8/ 20 03 12 /1 2/ 20 03 12 /2 6/ 20 03 1/ 9/ 20 04 1/ 23 /2 00 4 2/ 6/ 20 04 2/ 20 /2 00 4 3/ 5/ 20 04 3/ 19 /2 00 4 4/ 2/ 20 04 4/ 16 /2 00 4 4/ 30 /2 00 4 5/ 14 /2 00 4 5/ 28 /2 00 4 6/ 11 /2 00 4 6/ 25 /2 00 4 0 7/ 1 Del T (C) 2 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 Date LYR - LIN NYS - LIN ISF - LIN Figure 4. A time series of the temperature differences between the local and regional stations. constant but tends to increase with decreasing temperature. Again, seasonality provides a physical mechanism for this. The highest spatial and temporal vari- ance in temperature occurs during the polar night along with the coldest temperatures of the year. Unfortunately, this means that the regression will overcon- 6 Ju n04 Ap r-0 4 M ay -0 4 M ay -0 4 Ju n04 Ap r-0 4 Ap r-0 4 ar -0 4 ar -0 4 M M Fe b04 Fe b04 Ja n04 Ja n04 ec -0 3 ec -0 3 D ov -0 3 D ct -0 3 ov -0 3 N N ct -0 3 O ct -0 3 O O Se p03 Se p03 Au g03 -5 Ju l-0 Ju l-0 3 3 Au g03 0 fidently reconstruct relatively cold temperatures and will underconfidently reconstruct relatively warm temperatures (the large R2 is an average measure of fit throughout the year). Note also that the residuals of the regression are significantly serially correlated (DurbinWatson = 0.95). Figure 5. Multiple linear regression using LYR and ISF as predictors for LIN temperature for 1996 to 2004 period. Figure 8. The residuals demonstrate decreasing (non-constant) variance. Multiple Linear Regression for Linnédalen Temperature: 1975 to 1996 Figure 6. Histogram of the residuals for 1996 to 2004 model. Two regional datasets exist for the period from August 1975 through September 1996. By forward selection, a regression (Figure 9) using both stations as predictors produced an apparent R2 value of 98.5%. This regression uses LYR and NYS as predictors and was chosen to reconstruct LIN temperatures for this time period. Figures 10 and 11 show a reasonable degree of normality in the regression’s residuals while Figure 12 demonstrates the non-constant variance of the residuals. Note also that the residuals of this regression are significantly serially correlated (DurbinWatson = 1.24) Figure 7. Normal probability plot of the residuals for 1996 to 2004 model. 7 Figure 9. Multiple linear regression using LYR and NYS as predictors for LIN temperature for 1975 to 1996 period. Figure 12. The residuals demonstrate decreasing (non-constant) variance. Simple Linear Regression for Linnédalen Temperature: 1974 to 1975 Figure 10. Histogram of the residuals for 1975 to 1996 model. One regional dataset is available for the period from August 1974 through August 1975. A simple linear regression (Figure 13) using NYS temperature as a predictor produced an apparent R2 value of 96.7%. NYS provides the only data available to reconstruct LIN temperature during this period. Figures 14 and 15 show a reasonable degree of normality in the regression’s residuals while Figure 16 demonstrates the non-constant variance of the residuals. Note also that the residuals of this regression are significantly serially correlated (DurbinWatson = 1.45) Figure 11. Normal probability plot of the residuals for 1975 to 1996 model. Figure 13. LIN temperature versus NYS temperature. 8 Figure 14. Histogram of the residuals for 1974 to 1975 model. Figure 15. Normal probability plot of the residuals for 1974 to 1975 model. Figure 16. The residuals demonstrate decreasing (non-constant) variance. Simple Linear Regression for Linnédalen Temperature: Prior to 1974 The dataset from LYR extends back to 1911, but only the LYR record after 1975 is available to the author. A simple linear regression is presented so that once the longer dataset is obtained the Linnédalen record can be recon- structed back to 1911. Daily temperatures for LIN were plotted against those at LYR and a simple linear regression was constructed with an apparent R2 value of 97.7% (Figure 17). This first regression is produced by using all the available temperature data for one fit (not segregated) and is dubbed the annual model. A histogram of the residuals for this model (Figure 19) shows that they are normally distributed and centered at zero indicating that a linear model appropriately describes the relationship. Time series of the residuals (Figure 22) confirm that the largest magnitude residuals are present during the winter months. Since this regression will ultimately be used to reconstruct a time series for LIN temperature for most of the 20th Century, every effort was made to qualify the fit of the model. A power transformation was attempted on the LIN data, but this overcorrected the variance of the residuals and skewed them significantly to the right. The data were then segregated by season and two different regressions were fit in order to get a better estimate of the true R2 value. A second regression model was fit with the influence of seasonality in mind. It is referred to as the seasonal model. At LIN and LYR, the sun is completely below or above the horizon for 24 hours a day for eight months of the year. The other four months (roughly March, April, September, and October) are transition periods during which the sun spends some time above and below the horizon each day. To construct a seasonal model, two separate regressions were fit (Figure 18) for the period from 21 March to 20 September (day) and for the period from 21 September to 20 March (night). Thus, the transition periods were each halved and categorized into either day or night observa- 9 tions. The histograms of the residuals for both the annual and seasonal models (Figures 19 and 20) show little difference in the center and distribution of the residuals. However, the residuals are significantly serially correlated (annual model Durbin-Watson = 1.18). The R2 value should be revised downward toward its lower bound in each model (which would occur at night when the error in the model is highest). For day and night regressions, the R2 values were 96.9% and 95.4% respectively—both smaller than that of the annual model but still indicative of good regressions. Dichotomizing the data reveals that the R2 value of 97.7% for the single regression is overstated due to the unmet assumption of constant variance. By breaking the data into day and night, two datasets with more constant (though nonconstant) variance are produced. The resulting regressions have smaller, more realistic R2 values. Understanding the quality of fit for this model is particularly important if it is to be used to reconstruct more than sixty years of data. Also, this simple linear regression is more likely subject to seasonal influences. In the case of the multiple regressions, a more continental station (LYR) is coupled with a coastal station (NYS or ISF) to predict the temperature at an intermediate location (LIN). Thus, the seasonal differences between continental and coastal climates are stabilized in the case of two predictors. This stability is lacking in the single regression model so this further necessitated the division of the data into polar day and polar night. As it turns out, the residuals for the seasonal model are essentially the same as those for the annual model. Therefore, this tworegression seasonal model is not used to reconstruct the local record because it does not provide much improvement over the single regression. It only qualifies the fit of the Annual Linear Model: LIN Temp vs. LYR Temp Seasonal Linear Model: LIN Temp vs. LYR Temp 15 15 y = 0.9053x + 0.0315 10 y = 0.8892x + 0.0405 R2 = 0.9773 10 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 -5 LIN Te mp (C) -30 -10 5 10 15 LIN Tem p (C) 0 -35 R2 = 0.969 5 5 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -5 y = 0.9148x + 0.1607 -10 R2 = 0.9543 -15 -15 -20 -20 -25 -30 -25 -35 -30 LYR Temp (C) -35 LYR Temp (C) Day Night Linear (Night) Linear (Day) Figures 17 & 18. The annual and seasonal model regressions. Figures 19 & 20. Histograms of the annual and seasonal models respectively. Both reveal similar patterns of normally distributed residuals. 10 annual model. Reconstructed Temperature Time Series For Linnédalen Temperature: 1974 – 2004 The available regional instrumental record was used to calculate Linnédalen average daily temperature for the period from August 1974 to July 2004 (Figure 21) using the above regressions developed for the time periods in which appropriate predictor data was available. Rather than the 1996 to 2004 regression (which uses ISF data), the regression developed for the period from 1975 to 1996 was used to reconstruct local temperature for the period from 5 February 2002 to 20 June 2002 due to missing data at ISF. Discussion Limitations of the Reconstruction Though all of the regression models produced large R2 values, these were likely overestimations of the fit in each case. Inferences regarding the fit of a regression require three assumptions about the residuals: that they be normally distributed, display constant variance, and that they are independent (not serially correlated). The histograms of the residuals above demonstrate a fair degree of normality in each case; however, the latter two assumptions are not met in any case. A time series of the residuals for each regression is shown (Figure 22) for the period of local instrumental record. Upon qualitative assessment, it is apparent that variance is not constant and is higher in the winter, and that the residuals are not independent and are perhaps most serially correlated in the summer months. This means that the fit of each regression is not as good as the regression parameters would suggest. A table summary of each regression is shown Reconstructed Linnédalen Temperature 20.0 10.0 0.0 Temperature (C) 01.08.1974 31.07.1978 30.07.1982 29.07.1986 28.07.1990 27.07.1994 26.07.1998 25.07.2002 -10.0 -20.0 -30.0 -40.0 -50.0 Time Figure 21. The reconstructed temperature dataset for Linnédalen from 1974 to 2004. 11 Residuals for Regressions (LIN - LIN Calc) 10.0 8.0 6.0 2.0 n04 Ju -0 4 n04 Ju -0 4 ay M r- 0 4 r- 0 4 ay M Ap Ap -0 4 r- 0 4 ar Ap M 04 -0 4 ar M 04 Fe b- n04 Fe b- Ja 3 n04 Ja 3 -0 D ec 3 -0 D ec 3 -0 -0 N ov -0 3 N ov -0 3 ct ct O ct O O 3 -0 3 3 p0 Se 3 p0 Se 3 g0 Au g0 Ju Au Ju -2.0 l-0 3 0.0 l-0 3 Residual (C) 4.0 -4.0 -6.0 -8.0 Time LIN(ISF,LYR) LIN(NYS,LYR) LIN(NYS) LIN(LYR) Figure 22. A time series of the residuals for each regression for the period from 8 Jul 2003 to 11 Jul 2004. Period of Reconstruction Regression R-Squared DurbinValue Watson Value 3 Sep 96 - 4 Feb 02, 21 Jun 02 - 8 Jul 04 LIN = -0.281 + (0.867*ISF) + (0.201*LYR) 99.2% 0.95 1 Aug 75 - 2 Sep 96, 5 Feb 02 - 20 Jun 02 LIN = 0.226 + (0.551*LYR) + (0.408*NYS) 98.5% 1.24 1 Aug 74 - 1 Aug 75 LIN = 0.366 + (1.01*NYS) 96.7% 1.45 Prior to 1 Aug 74 LIN = 0.0315 + (0.9053*LYR) 97.7% 1.18 Table 1. Summary of each period of record, reconstruction and the regression used. Values reflecting the fit of each model and the autocorrelation of their residuals are also reported. (Table 1). The Durbin-Watson statistic is included for each regression and suggests the relative autocorrelation of the residuals in each case (the smaller the value, the higher the autocorrelation, though the lowermost critical value is slightly smaller for the regressions with two predictors). Multiple Linear Regressions and Overfitting Overfitting is a concern when adding predictors to a linear regression. The two multiple regressions presented above were constructed through the forward selection of physically relevant predictors. The decision to add a second predictor variable was motivated by geography in each case rather than by an arbitrary stopping value of R2. When dealing with simple linear regressions with R2 values of greater than 95%, a R2 of 5% (a typical criterion for pre- 12 dictor addition) is impossible. As previously mentioned, each multiple linear regression coupled a coastal station with LYR (a more continental station) in order to account for both influences at LIN. ISF is located less than 100 m from the coast and the ocean remains open throughout the year. Due to the moderating effect of the ocean, the relationship between the temperatures at ISF and LIN cannot be precisely linear. The difference in temperature between the two stations is, in fact, influenced by the temperature itself (Figure 23). Adding LYR as a more continental predictor compensates residuals for the days with the largest (top 10%, N=37) positive (p) regional pressure gradient values (pressure at NYS – pressure at LYR), negative (n) pressure gradient values, and smallest magnitude (z, close to zero) pressure gradient values. Similarly, Figure 25 shows boxplots of residuals by regional temperature gradient. Figure 24. Boxplots of residuals for LIN(LYR) by regional pressure gradient. Figure 23. Plot of LIN temp versus temperature gradient between LIN and ISF reveals role of maritime influence. for this while maintaining the superior R2 value of ISF as a predictor. The logic is the same for the LIN(LYR,NYS) regression which couples a coastal and an interior station. Residuals and Other Meteorological Factors The data were analyzed to evaluate the effects of regional pressure and temperature gradients, local wind speed, direction and solar insolation on the magnitude and sign of residuals for the LIN(LYR) simple linear regression model. Figure 24 shows boxplots of the Figure 25. Boxplots of residuals for LIN(LYR) by regional temperature gradient. T-tests for the residuals associated with the positive and negative pressure and temperature gradients gave P values of 0.0002 and 0.0000 respectively. The significance of these values is somewhat misleading, however, since large positive/negative gradients tend to be clustered in time. Thus, the data are partially serially correlated. The physical explanation for the differences in the pressure gradient boxplots relates to regional flow and local geometry. When 13 the pressure is much higher at NYS than at LYR, the flow will generally be out of the north. This represents an up-valley flow at Linnédalen and hence adiabatic cooling at the site of the weather station. This causes the valley to be cooler than expected and makes LIN(LYR) – LIN more positive. The opposite is true when the pressure at LYR is much higher than the pressure at NYS. The physical explanation for the difference in residuals due to temperature gradient is rooted in seasonality. NYS is more coastal and LYR is more interior. Positive gradient values will tend to occur in the winter months while negative values will tend to occur in the summer. Thus, the differences in the residuals are only a reflection of the seasonal bias of the model. Similar analyses for wind direction and speed and solar insolation were inconclusive due to a lack of adequate data (the weather station stopped recording these values in March 2004). Once more data is available, further analysis of these variables will be possible. Anomalies and the Short Period of Local Record There is always a risk of selecting an unrepresentative sample of data when attempting to infer the attributes of a large dataset from a subset of that dataset. In this case, one year of daily temperature data was available to infer the relationship between regional and local temperature over several decades. The problem of sampling is complicated by the large interannual variability exhibited in the record (see Figure 21). Any meteorological anomalies during the period of local record that would affect the relationship between temperatures at different stations would cause additional errors in the regression. The regressions developed here may produce good results and small residuals for the period of model development but may produce poor results for other years. Figure 27 shows standard anomalies of barometric pressure and temperature at LYR for the period of local record. The anomalies were calculated from 14-day climatological (1975 – 2004) pressure and temperature means and standard deviations at LYR and the curves shown in Figure 27 are themselves 5-day averages (smoothed) of those anomalies. Due to the averaging and high correlation between local and regional conditions, it is reasonable to assume these anomalies are essentially the same at Linnédalen as well. The average standard pressure anomaly (Z = 0.13) and temperature anomaly (Z = 0.22) for the year were both positive but not very large. Since the regressions perform better with higher temperatures, this may reflect another reason to suspect their overconfidence. Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstruction More importantly for paleoclimatic reconstruction, the spring of 2004 appeared to be quite warm. This coincides with the period of the spring melt when there is a large flux of sediment into the Lake. Thus, an unusually warm spring during the period of observation could impact the calibration and interpretation of the sediment record that was underway during this field season. The warmth of this past field season may also have influenced the ablation of the up-valley glacier. The effects on sedimentation (Figure 26) and ablation will be clarified by forthcoming research pursued by other members of the Svalbard REU project. Standard anomaly analysis may also have implications for 14 the study of glacier health in the region. Peaks and troughs in the anomaly curves seem to be correlated to one another. It appears that large dips and large peaks in pressure and temperature often coincide; however, large peaks and large dips also overlap as well. These combinations could be related to different air masses or storm systems (i.e. warm and wet, cold and dry, warm and dry, etc.) that would have different implications for glacier growth and ablation. other factors as well. For example, a year could have a very cold average temperature but a change in the temporal distribution of precipitation (a dry winter with little snow and a wet summer with lots of rain) would lead to a negative glacier mass balance for the year. In this way, anomaly analysis could be used to infer the seasonal storminess and temperature trends that would have implications for glacial changes. Meanwhile, close attention to temperature anomalies during the spring melt would inform the study of sediment deposition into Lake Linné. Standard anomalies like these are available and have been calculated for LYR by the author back to 1975. With access to LYR data going back to 1911, regional anomalies could be calculated for most of the 20th Century. Figure 26. Thin-section of a sediment core retrieved from Lake Linné during the 2004 field season. Glacier health is not only sensitive to average temperature but to many Standard Anomalies at LYR 2.5 2 1.5 0.5 Jun-04 Jun-04 May-04 May-04 Apr-04 Apr-04 Apr-04 Mar-04 Mar-04 Feb-04 Feb-04 Jan-04 Jan-04 Dec-03 Dec-03 Nov-03 Oct-03 Nov-03 Oct-03 Oct-03 Sep-03 Sep-03 Aug-03 Aug-03 -0.5 Jul-03 0 Jul-03 Std. Anom (Z) 1 -1 -1.5 -2 Time Pressure Anom. Temp Anom. Figure 27. Standard anomalies of pressure and temperature at LYR for the period of local record. 15 Figure 28. 20th Century instrumental record from Longyearbyen. Courtesy Ole Humlum, UNIS Trends in the Regional and Reconstructed Local Record The long-term record from LYR (Figure 28) reveals low variability in summertime temperatures with the exception of a slight warming trend during the 1990s. Wintertime temperatures, however, demonstrate very large interannual variability. Figure 28 suggests winter warming at the beginning and end of the 20th Century with a period of cooler winters during the 1960s and 1970s. A running 30-day average of reconstructed Linnédalen temperature (Figure 29) is consistent with the seasonality of interannual variability discussed above. High within-season variability is also apparent during the winter, while variability within the summer is minimal. The reconstruction is also consistent with the warmer/cooler cycling of winter temperatures exhibited in the regional record since the 1980s. 16 30-Day Running Avg of Reconstructed LIN Temp 10.0 5.0 0.0 01.08.1974 31.07.1978 30.07.1982 29.07.1986 28.07.1990 27.07.1994 26.07.1998 25.07.2002 Temp (C) -5.0 -10.0 -15.0 -20.0 -25.0 -30.0 Time Figure 29. Smoothed curve of reconstructed temperature record for LIN. High wintertime interannual variability is related to Svalbard’s position on the southernmost extent of the wintertime pack ice. Small changes in the location of the ice/ocean boundary from year to year lead to large changes in the regional meteorological conditions from year to year. Identification of trends from the limited reconstructed record is merely qualitative. A longer reconstruction, like that available from a paleoclimatic study, is required to quantify climate change in the region. Conclusion A time series of daily average temperatures has been reconstructed for the period from 1974 to 2004 at Linnédalen, Svalbard. Caveats regarding the accuracy of this reconstruction have been demonstrated. Value is assigned to this reconstruction due to the problem of monitoring climate change, the sensitivity of the Arctic to such change, the relative lack of meteorological data from the Arctic and the importance of Linnédalen as a field site of paleoclimatic research. As part of a larger project, this paper reports on the meteorological component of a broader framework of goals, namely to calibrate a multi-century climate record. However, this study can also inform the objectives of the project for the upcoming field season and beyond. To improve the regression models, it is suggested that the regression be refitted after the next field season using additional data from the August 2004 to July 2005 period. This will help reduce the sampling error inherent in using one annual cycle of data at a site with high interannual variability. Verification of the regressions developed here is also suggested. This can be achieved by comparing the local temperature time series retrieved during the next field season to the time series predicted by running regional data through the regression for the same time period. Verification could provide some insight into how well the pre-instrumental record is being repro- 17 duced for Linnédalen. Further analysis of standard anomalies is also recommended due to their importance in understanding annual sediment flux into the Lake and glacial health in the region. The local observation network, a system of temperature loggers at different altitudes and locations up the valley, would be conducive for microclimate studies. With a spatial scale of a couple kilometers and a temporal scale of half an hour, an in-depth study of the local dynamics of Linnédalen’s meteorology might be a worthwhile project. More extensive meteorological data (wind speed, direction, etc.) will also be available should the weather station go unperturbed until the next field season. This will enable new layers of complexity for those studying meteorology in Linnédalen. For example, adiabatic and upslope/downslope local temperature changes could be assessed from the lapse rate, wind speed and direction. Many additional projects will undoubtedly be spurred by the doubling of data anticipated after the next field season. In light of this new evidence, the reconstruction, conclusions and suggestions put forth here will likely be reexamined and modified. However, a line of reasoning and method of interrogating the data for a larger understanding has been established. This will provide groundwork for the study of meteorology through the Svalbard REU project and, in turn, advance the study of climate change in the high arctic. Acknowledgements I would like to thank the National Science Foundation’s Svalbard REU Program and its principle investigators Al Werner of Mount Holyoke College and Steve Roof of Hampshire College for their organization of the program and support during the field season. I would like to thank my faculty advisor Art DeGaetano of Cornell University for his guidance and support during the analysis of the data and the writing of this paper. I thank Mark Wysocki and Dan Wilks of Cornell University for their thoughtful review of this document. I thank Ole Humlum of the University of Norway Center on Svalbard (UNIS) and the University of Oslo for providing regional climate data for the Svalbard area. I thank the Cornell Presidential Research Scholars Program for financial provisions and guidance throughout my undergraduate career. 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