Language K2 Grade 1 Grade 2 Discussion Students will raise their hands to speak in turn. Children will listen to others and respect one another. Students will learn to wait patiently. Students will raise their hands Students will raise their hands, to speak in turn. They will speak in turn, and respect the respect the contributions of contributions of others. others. Questioning, Listening, Contributing Students will contribute to the discussion of a variety of topics. Students will contribute ideas Students will pose questions and information, as well as following an oral presentation to ask pertinent questions. acquire knowledge. Students will work in groups. Oral Presentation Students will make oral presentations of information, personal experiences and songs. Students will present finished work to the class using complete and audible sentences while staying on topic. Students will provide oral presentations based on personal experiences. Students will stay on topic while providing an oral presentation of projects. Ex: fire safety, science, biography. Students will be able able to answer questions posed by other students. Vocabulary and Students will be familiar Students will use visual cues Students will keep a journal of Concept with basic high frequency in the classroom. Students vocabulary words from their Development words. Students will be will identify homographs reading and use these words in familiar with past, future and (saw/saw), use context clues, their writing. Students will present tense, homonyms, compound words, root words, identify synonyms, antonyms, and compound words. and context vocabulary. homographs and compound Students will use picture words. Students will learn to and context cues. use a dictionary. Structure and Students will understand Origins of that words have different Modern English meanings and uses. Students will identify and use nouns, form plurals, and identify and use adjectives, verbs,pronouns, correct capitalization and end marks. Students will identify parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives and pronouns. Students will learn capitalization rules for names, places and dates. Students will identify appropriate end marks. Formal and Informal English Students will learn to use complete sentences when speaking and writing. Students will listen to a variety of literature that models language use. Students will recognize and use appropriate language based on the type of writing assignment and audience. Students will learn that words can have different meanings. Beginning Reading Students listen to read Students will recognize that Students will recognize that alouds and provide a printed material provides there are correct spellings for reading response. Students information or entertainment. words including high frequency will participate in shared Students will learn that words words. Students will learn reading to reinforce are separated with spaces consonant blends, r- controlled concepts of print, spacing, and sentences are made from words and multi-syllable words. punctuation and words. Students will learn capitalization. Students will that phonemes can be learn word families and how isolated and manipulated. to build words through Skills include initial, medial digraphs and blends. and final sounds, blends, syllables, letter/sound relationships, and rhyme. Understanding Students will use picture a Text clues and listen to the beginning, middle and end of stories. Students will use picture Students will retell a story and cues, make predictions and make predictions prior to make comparisons. Students reading. Students will identify will re-tell a story, and identify the main idea and supporting the sequence of events in details in a story. Students will fiction and non-fiction text. distinguish cause from effect. Students will answer who, what, when,where and why questions, and contrast and compare characters. Making Connections Students will read and hear Students will connect stories to different versions of the same other stories and to their own story. Students will identify, lives. Students will participate in compare and contrast plot, author studies. setting, solution, problem and characters. Students will learn to connect stories and books to other literary works. Genre Students will listen to daily read alouds to develop knowledge of a variety of genres. Theme Students will relate themes in Students will compare fiction and topics in noncharacters in fiction and nonfiction to personal experience. fiction to themselves through discussion and graphic organizers. Students will show an Students will read and Students will read and identify understanding of various identify character, setting, plot character, setting, plot and texts and provide evidence and sequence. They will sequence. of their comprehension identify who, what, where, through student illustrations. when and how elements. Fiction Students will identify fantasy Students will identify biography, and reality, fiction and non- fiction, non- fiction and poetry. fictions, poetry and fables. They will reenact dramatic scenes. Non-fiction Students will learn that non- Students will use text features Students will use the title, fiction contains facts and such as content vocabulary, headings, and pictures within a opinions. Students will charts and illustrations to text to make predictions and identify title, headings, enhance comprehension. identify the subject matter. captions, and table of Students will make Students will identify the main contents. predictions through accessing idea and supporting details in a their prior knowledge. text. Poetry Students will identify theme, Students will identify the structure and rhythm elements of poetry, including through the reading and theme and rhyme. Students writing of poetry. will participate in choral reading. Students will define and identify stanza, beat, rhyme and rhythm. Students will read rhyming poems and free verse poems. Students will discuss poetry and the author's intent in writing. Style and language Students will be exposed to a variety of literature through daily read aloud and discussion. Myth, Traditional Narrative and Classical Literature Students will learn about myth, classical literature, and traditional narratives through read alouds and videos. Dramatic Literature Dramatic Reading and Performance Students will identify the "voice" of the author. Students will note the author’s use of descriptive words, and analyze the word choices that the author makes to create the mood and intent in literature. Students will dramatize, retell and analyze reoccurring features within a text. Students will identify words that describe the five senses. Students will use graphic organizers to analyze the mood, imagery, and tone created by an author’s word choice. Students will listen to, read, and retell nursery rhymes, fairy tales and fables. They will identify common themes and features, including identifying the moral within a fable. Students will reenact dramatic literature within the class. Students will perform dramatic presentations at school events. Students will participate in Students will focus on fluency, rhymes, songs and choral volume and clear annunciation speaking. Students will in choral reading. Students will perform plays, stories and present informal plays. songs while using appropriate eye contact and volume. Composition Writing Consideration of Audience and Purpose Revising K2 1 2 Students will practice daily writing as the teacher models writing through interactive lessons. Students will learn left to right Students will write using a progression, use of phonetic beginning, middle and end spelling and use of complete format. Students will learn to sentences. Students will write for different purposes. write daily in journals/learning logs. Students will write paragraphs with topic sentence and details. Students will write for various purposes and audiences. Students will write factual paragraphs, personal narratives, friendly letters, and fictional stories, Students will write creatively in their journals, Students will produce reports from factual material, and express opinions through book reports. Students will create a final copy of their writing by correcting work that has been edited. Students will peer edit through suggestions of added detail, organization, or word choice. Standard English Conventions Students will use the correct Students will use upper case Students will space words and spelling of high frequency letters to begin sentences indent paragraphs. Students will words and the capitalization and names. Students will use use appropriate end marks to of names and places. the correct end mark to complete a sentence. Students complete a sentence. will use upper-case letters where Students will use proper appropriate. Students will use spacing between words and the correct spelling of previously the correct spelling of high taught vocabulary and high frequency words and featured frequency words. content vocabulary. Organizing Students will provide Students will create stories Students will place sentences in Ideas in Writing illustrated stories with a and re-tell stories in writing proper order, grouping beginning, middle and end. incorporating a beginning, information in a way that is clear Students will identify the middle and end. Students will and makes sense. order of events. place events in chronological order. Students will use a four square template to write a well organized paragraph. Research Students will generate Students will use a “KWL” questions from material that chart to document newly is presented. learned information from material that is presented to them. Evaluating Writing and Presentation Students will respond to presentations. Students will gather and combine relevant information from a variety of sources on a given topic. Students will respond to Students will provide feedback presented material and offer to one another during peer suggestions for the editing. improvement of written work that is presented by their peers. Analysis of Media Media Production Students will identify techniques used in media, such as sound effects, music, etc. Students will identify techniques used in media via books on tape, video, Smart Board and iPad. Students will identify search engines and appropriate web sites when using the computer Smart Board or iPad. Students will create presentations using various iPad applications. Students will create video lessons following specific guidelines.