California Lutheran University Student Clubs and Organizations Fundraising Information Student Organizations must complete a fundraising and/or donation form 5 days prior to the start of the fundraiser or donation request. The purpose of this form is to ensure the validity of the fundraising or donation request along with making sure that multiple clubs and organizations are not approaching the same businesses or individuals to help support their club. Additionally, to ensure reduce the proliferation of fundraising which may be in competition with other institutional initiatives and to ensure proper gift crediting. Below are guidelines to follow for any approved fundraising. If these guidelines are not followed the club or organization can be put on probation and ASCLU funding can be withheld from the club or organization. o Noncommercial Fundraising 1. Registered student clubs or organizations that have received permission from the Student Leadership and Programs Office are permitted to fundraising. 2. Noncommercial fundraising is defined as the collection of money’s by means of sales, contributions, donations, solicitation,, membership fees, and/or admission charges to fund raising events or meetings on a regular or occasional basis. 3. University properties are not to be used in fundraising efforts for personal gain, and no monies raised by a registered student club or organization is allowed to be deposited into a private bank account. 4. The Office of Student Leadership and Programs must first approve all fundraising by registered campus organizations. 5. All fundraising activities sponsored by a registered campus organizations and occurring on University properties must be conducted entirely by the membership of the sponsoring group. 6. The occasional sale of manufactured items is permitted. Unless otherwise approved, such sales are not allowed to compete with items sold by campus departments or auxiliaries. 7. The active solicitation of credit card applications on University property, whether by individual students, or student organizations are prohibited. 8. Registered campus organizations may not sponsor non-University vendors or commercial entities that promote the sales or solicitation of merchandise or products to the general campus. 9. Any student group is permitted to solicit the parents or family members of organizations members after notice and clearance by the Student Leadership and Programs Office. o Expenses and Revenue 1. All fundraising profits must be deposited (on the first working day after the event) into the campus club account with the fundraising deposit form. Any student club or organization that fails to abide by this procedure may lose university fundraising privileges. 2. Funds raised may not be used for illegal purposes; furthermore, use of funds raised must be defined and be consistent with the stated purpose of the fund raising activity. 3. In the event that a fundraising activity loses money, the sponsoring organization remains accountable for covering all costs incurred by that activity. o Prohibited fundraising 1. No club or organization is allowed to approach or request donations from any of the following unless they are related to the club or organization is some way. All non-retail businesses (attorneys, accountants, insurance agents etc.) Corporations (Amgen, JD Power, Countrywide, Starbucks, Costco, etc.) Banks (Wells Fargo, Citi Bank, Washington Mutual, etc.) 2. No student Club or Organization is permitted to sell any items door-to-door in the residence halls. California Lutheran University Student Clubs and Organizations Fundraising Application This form must be submitted 5 days prior to fundraising or donation request Name of Student Organization ________________________ Student Chair for Activity ______________ Contact Person’s Phone Number ______________________ Email Address _______________________ Date of Fundraiser/Donation request: ______/____/____ Objective/Dollar Goal: _________________ Description of Fundraiser/donation request (Please be as specific as possible as to who you will be requesting funds/donations and this includes meal donations or anything that is donated for a meeting or event. As well as what you are selling/doing to raise funds, location of the fundraiser, and why you are needing/wanting to raising the funds. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I declare this description of how _____________________will be fundraising or requesting donations is Student Organization accurate and true. If there are any changes to our event or request I will notify the Office of Student Leadership and Programs. Signature of Organization President: ______________________ Signature of Advisor: _______________ Print Name of Organization President: ___________________ Printed Name of Advisor _____________ STUDENT LEADERSHIP AND PROGRAMS OFFICE USE ONLY Received by: __________________________________ Date ___________________________ SL&P staff/student worker Recorded by: __________________________________ Date ___________________________ Clubs and Organizations Accountant THE SIGNATURE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF STUDENT LIFE IS REQUIRED FOR FUNDRAISING APPROVAL. Assistant Director of Student Life: _______________________________ Date: ________________ California Lutheran University Student Clubs and Organizations Deposit Form This form must accompany either cash, check, and is due 1 business day after fundraising event or donation was received Name of Student Organization ________________________ Student Chair for Activity ______________ Contact Person’s Phone Number ______________________ Email Address _______________________ Date of Fundraiser/Donation received: ______/____/____ Date Incoming funds (amounts of money) Total amount deposited ________________ How money was accumulated Name of individual who purchased/donated these funds. TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED $_______________ Signature of Organization President: ______________________ Signature of Advisor: _______________ Print Name of Organization President: ___________________ Printed Name of Advisor _____________ STUDENT LEADERSHIP AND PROGRAMS OFFICE USE ONLY Received by: __________________________________ Date ___________________________ SL&P staff/student worker Recorded by: __________________________________ Date ___________________________ Clubs and Organizations Accountant