
Chemical Reactions Notes
1. Attach this paper to notebook page 39.
2. Carefully read pages 28-31 in the “Interactions of Matter” textbook.
3. Complete the notes below by filling in the blanks. I have already determined the Main Ideas for these notes. Under each Main Idea, develop at least 1
question. (7 Main Ideas = 7 questions) There is space at the very bottom for a summary. Make sure it’s approximately 5 sentences long.
4. Create at least 4 flashcards. If you do not remember how to make flashcards, look in your old notebook. Put the flashcards in the pocket you created
at the back of your notebook.
Main Idea/Question
1. Chemical Reaction
Detailed Notes/Answer to Question
1. A. (Definition) - describes matter based on _______________________________
B. Compounds form new substances and are involved in chemical reactions.
C. The chemical and physical properties of the new substances ________________
D. Examples: (Figure 1)
1. ___________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
2. Signs of reactions
2. A. Some signs that a chemical reaction has occurred (Figure 1)
1. Form _______________________
2. Form a _________ “_________________”
“Precipitate” - __________________________________________________
3. ____________ is given off (examples: _________, ___________, __________)
4. Change in ___________ (Identify remaining sign using Figure 2)
B. Reading these signs
1. Reactions often have __________________________________
2. The more signs you see, the _________________________________________
3. Even though the signs are good signals that a chemical reaction is taking place,
they do not ______________________________________________________
C. The most important and reliable sign that a chemical reaction is taking place:
1. Formation of _____________________________________________________
2. Properties of the new substances are __________________________________
3. Chemical Bond
3. A. (Definition) - _____________________________________________________
B. For a chemical reaction to take place, the original bonds must _______________
C. The process of forming a new substance through a chemical reaction:
1st The starting substances’ chemical bonds must ___________.
This happens when molecules _____________________________________
with enough energy to ______________________.
2nd The atoms ____________ forming _______________ and ______________
Carefully read pages 42-43 in the “Interactions of Matter” textbook then complete the notes below.
Main Idea/Question
Detailed Notes/Answer to Question
4. Chemical Energy
4. A. Chemical energy is part of all _______________________________
B. Energy is needed to _______________________________________
“reactants” – the starting substances in a chemical reaction
C. Energy is released as _______________________________________
“products” – the new substances formed in a chemical reaction
D. Able to determine if energy is released (given off) or absorbed (taken in)
by comparing the chemical energy of the ____________ with the ____________
5. Exothermic Reaction 5. A. (Definition) a chemical reaction in which ______________________________
B. Types of energy that can be released in an exothermic reaction: (Figure 1)
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
6. Endothermic Reaction 6. A. (Definition) a chemical reaction in which ______________________________
B. Example: ____________ because ____________________________________
7. Law of Conservation
of Energy
7. A. (Definition) energy can not be ______________________________________
B. But, energy can ______________________ as it is transferred from one
substance to another.
Carefully read pages 42-43 in the “Interactions of Matter” textbook then complete the notes below.
Main Idea/Question
Detailed Notes/Answer to Question
4. Chemical Energy
4. A. Chemical energy is part of all _______________________________
B. Energy is needed to _______________________________________
“reactants” – the starting substances in a chemical reaction
C. Energy is released as _______________________________________
“products” – the new substances formed in a chemical reaction
D. Able to determine if energy is released (given off) or absorbed (taken in)
by comparing the chemical energy of the ____________ with the ____________
5. Exothermic Reaction 5. A. (Definition) a chemical reaction in which ______________________________
B. Types of energy that can be released in an exothermic reaction: (Figure 1)
1. ____________________
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
6. Endothermic Reaction 6. A. (Definition) a chemical reaction in which ______________________________
B. Example: ____________ because ____________________________________
7. Law of Conservation
of Energy
7. A. (Definition) energy can not be ______________________________________
B. But, energy can ______________________ as it is transferred from one
substance to another.
Chemical Reactions Notes
Main Idea/Question
1. Chemical Reaction
Detailed Notes/Answer to Question
1. A. (Definition) - describes matter based on a process in which one or more
substances change to make one or more new substances
B. Compounds form new substance so are involved in chemical reactions.
C. The chemical and physical properties of the new substances differ from
those of the original substances
D. Examples: (Figure 1)
1. Leaves change color during Fall.
2. Making muffins by mixing and baking the ingredients.
2. Signs of reactions
2. A. Some signs that a chemical reaction occurred (Figure 1)
1. Form gas bubbles
2. Form a solid “precipitate”
“Precipitate” – a solid substance that is formed in a solution
3. Energy is given off (examples: light, heat, electrical)
4. Change in color (Identify remaining sign using Figure 2)
B. Reading these signs
1. Reactions often have more than one of these signs
2. The more signs you see, the more likely a chemical reaction is taking place
3. Even though the signs are good signals that a chemical reaction is taking place,
they do not guarantee that a reaction is happening
C. The most important and reliable sign that a chemical reaction is taking place:
1. Formation of new substances that have different properties
2. Properties of the new substances are different from the starting substance
3. Chemical Bond
3. A. (Definition) – a force that holds two molecules together in a molecule
B. For a chemical reaction to take place, the original bonds must break and
new bonds must form
C. The process of forming a new substance through a chemical reaction:
1st The starting substances’ chemical bonds must break.
This happens when molecules bump into each other
with enough energy to break their bonds.
2nd The atoms rearrange forming new bonds and new substances
Carefully read pages 42-43 in the “Interactions of Matter” textbook then complete the notes below.
Main Idea/Question
Detailed Notes/Answer to Question
4. Chemical Energy
4. A. Chemical energy is part of all chemical reactions
B. Energy is needed to break down bonds in reactants
“reactants” – the starting substances in a chemical reaction
C. Energy is released as new bonds form in the products
“products” – the new substances formed in a chemical reaction
D. Able to determine if energy is released (given off) or absorbed (taken in)
by comparing the chemical energy of the reactants with the products
5. Exothermic Reaction 5. A. (Definition) a chemical reaction in which energy is released
B. Types/forms of energy that can be released in an exothermic reaction: Figure 1
1. Light energy
2. Electrical energy
3. Light and thermal (heat) energy
6. Endothermic Reaction 6. A. (Definition) a chemical reaction in which energy is taken in
B. Example: photosynthesis because it needs the suns energy to happen
7. Law of Conservation
of Energy
7. A. (Definition) energy can not be created or destroyed
B. But, energy can change forms as it is transferred from one
substance to another.
Summary: Summarize the information above without listing definitions. Explain how the terms are connected.