Dakota County Law Library Collection Development Policy May 2015 I. Introduction A. Mission of the Dakota County Law Library To provide adequate and timely legal information to the judiciary, governmental employees, the members of the bar and the citizens of Dakota County, in the form most comprehensible to all types of users, bearing in mind that ready and convenient access to such information is vital to the justice system of a democratic society To collaborate with existing organizations to maximize the delivery of legal information and to avoid costly and ineffective duplication To utilize information technology to deliver legal information wherever financially feasible and acceptable to users B. Purpose of the Collection Development Policy This policy is intended to serve as a guide to the acquisition and retention of materials as well as the development of the Dakota County Law Library collections in Hastings and Apple Valley. The law library's acquisitions policies are based upon the needs of the law library and the needs of the public, courts, and county. The Dakota County Law Library is constantly growing and changing in response to increased population and new information technologies. The Collection Development Policy must be a "living document" that grows and changes to meet the needs of the law library. The law librarian will continuously review and revise the policy as needed to respond to new resources, technologies, and patron demands. II. Collection Development Principles A. Responsibility for Selection The Dakota County Law Library Manager (hereinafter "Library Manager”) is responsible for review and selection of materials for purchase. The Library Manager will abide by the criteria stated in these guidelines. All purchases must be in the best interest of the Dakota County Law Library and are subject to the discretionary review of the Dakota County Law Library Board of Trustees. The Library Manager will solicit and welcome suggestions and recommendations from staff, and the public and legal community for the acquisition and retention of materials. B. The Law Library's Relationship to the Bench and Bar The Dakota County Law Library is a county entity that provides the largest public legal research collection in the county. As a full service legal research facility, the law library recognizes a responsibility to the bench and bar of the county. Attorneys and judges are welcome to use the collection and facilities of the law library. C. The Law Library's Relationship to Other Minnesota Libraries The law library relies heavily upon the public libraries in Dakota County to distribute family legal materials produced by the Conference of Chief Judges to assist pro se patrons. The library also relies heavily upon the collections and services of the Minnesota State Law Library, particularly the cataloging support and outreach services of the State Law Library. For reference requests not satisfied by the Dakota County Law Library collection, other law libraries in the metro area are consulted. These include the academic law libraries in the region, the state law library, and other county law libraries. The law library also cooperates with staff in other law libraries located in the first judicial district to assist with library organization and reference requests. D. Interlibrary Loan The law library cannot own all materials requested or needed by its users. When information is not in the library's collection, the law library will attempt to locate the material in the metropolitan area. The law library interlibrary loans materials as a last resort. Any charges incurred in this process may be billed back to the requesting patron. E. Selection Criteria for Law Library Materials 1. Potential use by the bench, bar, county government and community 2. Significance of the subject matter (Minnesota priority) 3. Availability of other materials on the subject 4. Relevance to the collection 5. Reputation of the author 6. Reputation of the publisher or producer 7. Appearance of the title in review sources 8. Currency and permanent value 9. Availability of alternative formats (e.g., Internet or electronic sources) 10. Price 11. Format and technical support 12. Physical quality 13. Duplication 14. Available space 15. Maintenance F. Current Materials v. Retrospective Materials The law library will purchase current materials to develop two core areas: current materials for ongoing collections already in the library; and new titles for areas that are new or developing interests. Current materials will have priority over historic and retrospective materials. However, the library will purchase retrospective materials to replace older volumes missing from essential core collections. G. Media The law library acquires materials for the most effective, efficient access. While cost efficiencies may impact a choice of format, it is not the only consideration that applies in selection. The library collection includes materials in all formats. Some users prefer print over the electronic and vice versa. Formats available at present include traditional books, periodicals and computer accessed materials. 1. Computerized Resources The law library subscribes to Westlaw for staff and patron use at the Hastings and Apple Valley locations. Each subscription includes full state and federal primary law plus important secondary sources, practice materials and analytical materials in many legal subjects. The duplication of some print resources in electronic form allows patrons to use the format with which they are most comfortable. Criteria for choosing electronic resources include user need, ease of access, comprehensiveness, and cost. Cost and access issues may preempt user need in deciding whether or not the library acquires materials in electronic format. 2. Microforms The law library does not own any equipment for viewing microforms. Microforms will be purchased at the discretion of the law librarian if the source is not available in the metropolitan area. The law library prefers electronic and print formats. 3. Computer Software The law library purchases computer software as needed for internal administrative use. H. Duplication and Multiple Copies The library generally avoids duplication of print materials for the library collections, except that both law library locations have core Minnesota materials in print. Additional copies are purchased if experience demonstrates that there is high user demand for an item. I. Gifts and Donations The librarian may accept gifts without conditions from the donor. Gifts may be used in any appropriate way for the support of the law library. The law library's collection development policy fully applies to gifts and donations. The librarian will not assign a monetary value or appraise donated materials. Written acknowledgment may be provided to the donor. J. Weeding the Collection The law library will weed materials that need to be removed or withdrawn. These included outdated, worn or damaged materials. Weeding determinations are based upon the following factors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Potential use by the bench, bar, and community Significance of the subject matter Availability of other materials on the subject Relevance to the collection Current and permanent value Price 7. Physical quality 8. Duplication 9. Available space 10. Circulation record K. Print versus Electronic Resources The law library has successfully implemented a program that utilizes electronic legal information resources. The electronic format has increased access to remote law library users through the use of networked and web-based electronic resources. For library resources not duplicated in print, the electronic format has also provided the ability to conserve space. However, the law library is committed to providing a core print collection that is available to all library users, including judges, attorneys, government employees and the public. For some individuals, print resources are easier to use. Many legal materials are not available in electronic format. Where electronic alternatives exist, print also serves as a backup for essential materials when electronic access is temporarily disrupted. Once purchased, they are retained as an archive for future use. In some cases, the print materials are a more cost effective alternative to electronic research. III. Policies for Specific Types of Resources A. Legal Treatises The law library will acquire and maintain a basic collection of general, multi-jurisdictional, federal substantive treatises covering all legal subject areas. Redundancy of coverage will be permitted if warranted by demand, especially in the areas of civil, criminal, evidentiary, and municipal law. The library will acquire and maintain a comprehensive collection of Minnesota treatises. B. Practice Materials The law library will maintain core practice materials, including general, federal, and multijurisdictional and Minnesota materials. The law library also maintains a standing order for all CLEs published by the Minnesota State Bar Association. These are kept for approximately five years. C. Hornbooks The law library will keep one copy of the most current hornbook for all major subject specialties in the collection. D. Directories The law library keeps one national directory of attorneys and one state listing. The library maintains a limited reference collection of all other current legal directories. Superseded editions of directories will be withdrawn from the collection. E. Citators The only available citator is KeyCite through WestNext. Shepard's Citator is no longer being updated as of 2014. F. Digests The library maintains digests for the state of Minnesota, including Dunnell Minnesota Digest and the Minnesota Digest by West. The library also has Federal Practice Digest and Northwestern Digest. The law library will evaluate a need for a U.S. Supreme Court Digest. G. Legal Encyclopedias The library maintains both sets of the national legal encyclopedias. State legal encyclopedias are maintained. At present, Dunnell's Minnesota Digest resembles content often found in state legal encyclopedias and is maintained by the law library. H. Restatements, Uniform Laws, and Model Acts The library maintains a comprehensive collection of the most recent Restatements. The library also retains all prior editions of Restatements. The law library also has electronic versions of the Uniform Laws and the Model Acts. I. Journals and Periodicals The library subscribes to the four general law reviews published by law schools in Minnesota. These materials will be bound for permanent retention by the library. The library will also purchase other general law reviews that become available from any additional law schools. J. Newspapers The library subscribes to one general newspaper, one official state legal newspaper and one national legal newspaper. The library selectively acquires other legal newspapers. K. Periodical Indexes The library maintains a copy of the Minnesota Legal Periodical Index published by the Minnesota State Law Library. For national coverage, the library relies on the Westlaw database for access to law reviews and legal periodicals. L. Loose-leaf Services The library acquires and maintains a number of loose-leaf services that provide coverage unique to the collection or that provide necessary materials more currently and easily than otherwise available. Loose-leaf subscriptions are reviewed annually. Priority is given for loose-leaf materials that pertain to Minnesota legal issues. M. Dictionaries The law library will acquire the latest edition of Black's Law Dictionary for the reference collection. A limited collection of foreign language dictionaries and abbreviation dictionaries are included in the reference collection. The library also has one up to date general English language dictionary. IV. Collection Development by Subject The subject areas of the collection address the needs of the patrons of the law library. As new subject areas develop, new resources will be added based upon patron needs. Subject materials in high demand include family law, legal practice, Minnesota law, criminal law, evidence, property, landlord/tenant, insurance, and estate planning and probate law. V. Collection Development by Jurisdiction A. Federal--the law library collects the constitution, code, session laws, statutes, court rules, court decisions, regulations, and selected treatises. B. Minnesota--the law library collects the constitution, code, session laws, statutes, court decisions, regulations, attorney general opinions, and selected treatises. C. Local Ordinances--the law library maintains a print collection of the ordinances for all cities and townships in Dakota County. This complies with Minnesota Statute § 375.52. C. Other--Wisconsin--the law library maintains an electronic version of the Wisconsin statutes. The North Western Reporter covers Wisconsin case law. ************************************************************************ Core Collection (Based upon standards set by the American Association of Law Libraries; see Law Library Journal, Volume 88:4, 1996.) A. Minnesota Legal Materials 1. The published decisions of state courts. 2. Current statutory compilation. A complete set of older statutory compilations and superseded volumes of current compilations. 3. A complete set of session laws, including a current session law service, if available. 4. The state digest. 5. The state legal encyclopedia. 6. Shepard's Citations or Keycite. 7. Current state administrative code. 8. Published decisions of state administrative agencies. 9. Attorney General Opinions. 10. State and local bar publications and ethics opinions. 11. Significant state-oriented legal treatises and practice materials. 12. Selected legal periodicals and newspapers. 13. Court rules and significant state court publications, including annual reports, judicial statistics, policy statements, and bench books. 14. County and municipal codes, charters, by-laws or ordinances. 15. State-oriented reference tools including state government manual, legal/social services directories, city and/or county directory. B. Federal Legal Publications 1. Official or another reporter of the decisions of the United States Supreme Court. 2. A Supreme Court Digest. 3. United States Code and at least one annotated version. 4. Statutes at Large or other federal session law service. 5. All published decisions of the U.S. District Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeal, and U.S. Bankruptcy Courts. 6. Federal case digest. 7. Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations. 8. Shepard's Citations for reports and codes held by the library. 9. U.S. Government Manual. C. General United States publications 1. Units of the National Reporter System for Minnesota. 2. American Digest System units. 3. Current statutory compilations for contiguous states. 4. American Jurisprudence 2d and/or Corpus Juris Secundum. 5. General legal forms set. 6. ABA/BNA Lawyers Manual of Professional Conduct. 7. American Law Institute Restatements. 8. Set of uniform and model laws. 9. A basic collection of legal texts, treatises, practice materials and loose-leaf services of contemporary value on subjects of interest to the legal community. 10. A broad selection of legal periodical titles. 11. A legal periodical index. 12. Shepard's Citations for units held by the library. 13. Legal reference tools including dictionaries, thesaurus, judicial biographical directories, legal abbreviations, legal quotations, and Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory. 14. General reference tools, including unabridged dictionary, atlas, almanac, statistical abstracts. 15. A collection of general legal and self-help titles on subjects of interest to the public and pro se litigant. Comments: "The materials listed above are recommended as the basis for a strong county law library collection. The list may be used as a checklist for collection evaluation purposes, but should not be used to limit the scope or growth of a collection that meets or exceeds the materials. Alternative forms of publication or cooperative agreements with libraries within a geographic area will satisfy the collection requirements if staff is available to assist users in effectively accessing resources, including off-site resources."