1 MEDICAL COUNCIL OF INDIA ASSESSMENT FORM FOR 2012 ADMISSIONS REPORT Part A-II (to be filled by the Assessors) 1.1 Type of Assessment U/S 10A-regular/compliance: Letter of Intent ( 1) ) /Letter of Permission ( yes ) ,, 4th renewal included in Landscape format (Appendix U/S 11(2)-Regular/compliance: Recognition ( ), u/s 19 Continuation of Recognition ( ) Name of the Institution : KARNATAKA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Address : VIDYANAGAR, HUBLI, KARNATAKA, INDIA 580021 Telephone No. E-mail : 0836-2373348/2374624 : directorkimshubli@gmail.com /principal@kimshubli.org 4th and 5th February 2011 Assessment Date 07-02-2012 Last Assessment Date: MCI-31 (1)/2011-MED/8712 dated 7-5-2011 Renewal of permission of 3rd batch Particulars of Assessors Name of the Assessors Correspondence Address Dr . B . Srinivasa Rao Professor, 040-27502742 Dept of Physiology, 9849014063 Gandhi medical College, Secunderbad 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) Phone # Off./ Res./(Mobile) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) Email drbsrao@hotmail.com 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 2 Dr. Atul Kulkarni Dr B.V. Phaneendra 1.1 Professor Dept of Anaesthesiology 9869077526 Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai 400012 Professor, 0877-2287777 Dept of Pathology 9491303900 Sri. Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi, 517501 Andhra Pradesh. The College has following plots of land: The campus is 100 Acres kaivalyaak@yahoo.co.in pathphani@yahoo.co.in Unitary (Government of Karnataka Autonomous Institute) Proof of ownership & possession verified from original records Yes at the time of Establishment of medical college/verified 1.2 Dean/Principal: Dr. U.S. Hangarga, M.D (OBGY), with 29 years of teaching experience and 05 years of administrative experience. He is also holding the post of Professor in the Department of OBG. Dean Office is located in college building along with the administrative block. Adequate space (as per MSR guidelines by MCI) and other required facilities (as given in the table below) are provided/not provided to the administrative staff. Office Space Requirement Space (m) Comments (Yes / No) Dean Office 3000 Sft Yes Principal’s Office 2000 Sft Yes 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 3 1.3 Staff Room Yes Yes College Council Room Yes Yes Medical Education Unit (MEU): Available as per regulations : Yes/No Name of the MEU coordinator : Dr. R. Alnawar Name, Designation & Experience of affiliated faculty : Professor in Dentistry Name of the MCI Regional Centre where above training has been : undertaken Belgaum, Manipal & Bangalore centres Details of the Orientation programme and Basic Course Workshop : undergone by MEU(No. of programmes organized during Academic year, No. of People attended, proceedings (to be verified at the time of assessment) Date/s of the above workshops : Copy Enclosed Details & Duration of Workshops in Medical Education : Technology conducted by MEU Copy Enclosed Details of faculty who have undergone basic course workshop in : Medical Education Technology at the allocated MCI Regional Centre Copy Enclosed Copy Enclosed Feedback evaluation of workshops and action taken reports on the : Copy Enclosed basis of feedback obtained (comments in the Annexure I) (APPEND ABOVE DETAILS AS ANNEXURE-I, TO BE FILLED BY THE MC AND VERIFIED BY ASSESSOR). 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 4 1.4 Continuing Medical Education : No and Details of CMEs/workshop organized by the college held in : the past 1 year Conducted Regularly Details of the credit hours awarded for the past one year Enclosed (details / comments in ANNEXURE II) 1.5 College Council : APPEND AS ANNEXURE-III Name, designation, contact no. and address of the President & Secretary. : Dr. (Mrs) Vasanta Kamath Director KIMS Hubli 0836-2373348 Composition of the Council (HODs as members & Principal / Dean as Chairperson Principal & HOD’s are members chairperson) No. of times the College Council meets per year (min 4) : Details of college Council meetings where students Welfare was discussed Every Month Enclosed and Action taken report (details / comments in annexure II) 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 5 1.6 Students Union (optional): Name, contact no. & address of the President & Secretary : Dr Vijeta Madhura Final MBSS student APPEND AS ANNEXURE-III 1.7 Pharmacovigilance Committee: Present If present, append record of activity as ANNEXURE IV (Composition, frequency of meetings, minutes of the meetings & action taken report to be checked and appended) 1.8 Examination Hall-cum-auditorium: Requirement Available Area Adequate Adequate Capacity 250 Adequate Separate auditorium and examination hall available of sufficient capacity (as provided in appendix 2) 1.9 Location & arrangement of building for : Preclinical College Building Para clinical : College Building Clinical : Hospital Building 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 6 1.10 Lecture Theatres: Medical college 120 seating capacity reqd. Hospital Number 05 250 seating capacity reqd. --- Capacity 150 each -- Type (Gallery) Yes -- A/C Yes -- A.V. Aids (LCD / Yes -- Comments 150 seating capacity reqd. Not Available Renovation of lecture halls in advanced stage of construction. One hall of 90 seats in the hospital and multiple small rooms (30-40 seats each) available however a hall of 200 seating capacity not available. Available / VPS/ OHP) Facility for E-class 1.11 Under process Under process Library Staff available Librarian 01 Deputy/Assistant Librarian 01 others Computer operator -02 Attenders – 11 Peons -02 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 7 Working hours 9-00 A. M to 11:00 P.M. Open on Sundays and Holidays 9-00 A.M. to 3:00 PM APPEND AS ANNEXURE-V the list of books and journals. 1.12 Common Room for boys : Common Room for Girls: 1.13 Central Photography cum AV Aids: 1.14 Hostel: Location – within campus/ at a distance of 0.1kms From the college. Hostels Capacity 200 Attached toilet yes Capacity 150 Attached toilet yes Available Staff Equipments Number Rooms 05 436 01 Students Interns P.G./resident Nurses Yes. 01 available Capacity Furnished (Y/N) Toilet Facility Adequate/ Inadequate Mess (Y/N) Adequate as per norms: Y/N 845 Yes Adequate Yes yes 68 68 Yes Adequate Yes Yes 03 195 206 Yes Yes Yes Yes 01 150 300 Yes Yes Yes yes Comments: Adequate hostel facilities available both for boys and girls. Postgraduates and house surgeons also having adequate hostel facility. 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 8 1:15 Recreational Facilities: Outdoor games Yes Play field/s Adequate Type of games Indoor & Outdoor Games Indoor games facilities Yes Gymnasium Available. 1.16 Student Welfare Activities: (Documents to be seen) Involvement in decision making in curriculum structuring : involvement in decision making in extra-curricular activities Students Grievance handling mechanism in place 1.17 Yes Yes : Yes Gender Harassment Committee: (Documents to be seen at the time of assessment) Requirement as per Supreme Court Order. Existing 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 9 TEACHING HOSPITAL 2.1 Name of the Hospital: Karnataka Institute of medical sciences 2.2 Name of the Medical Superintendent: Dr. B Vijayachandra, MS, Professor, with 15 years administrative experience. 2.4 Office Space Requirement Comments Medical Supdt’s Office Hospital Building Office Space 2500 sft Owned by: Government Teaching and other facilities: (Scale of accommodation to be incoprporated) OPD Timings : 9.00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Separate Registration areas for male/female patients : available Yes Separate Registration counters for OPD/IPD : Available Are the Registration counters computerized : Staff for registration center : adequate (on the basis of OPD attendance) Waiting areas for above patients available : Yes No. of rooms for examination of patients (Reqd 4 per major departments – Surgery, Medicine, OBG and GYN 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) Yes : Adequate 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 10 and Pediatrics) 2.5 Capacity of teaching area (30 students /department reqd) : Yes Enquiry Desk : Yes Facilities available in OPD Medicine Injection room - Male - Female Surgery - Dressing room Orthopedics Plaster room 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) E.C.G. Room Yes yes Yes Minor OT Plaster cutting room Central clinical laboratory 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) Yes yes Yes Yes 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 11 Ophthalmology ENT Pediatrics OBS & GYN Dispensary Refraction Rooms Yes Dark Rooms Yes Dressing Rooms / Minor Procedure Room Yes Audiometery Yes Speech Therapy Yes Child Welfare Clinic Yes Immunization Clinic Yes Child Guidance Clinic Yes Child Rehabilitation Clinic Yes Antenatal Clinic Yes Sterility Clinic Yes Family Welfare Clinic Yes Cancer Detection Clinic Yes Yes Minor O.T. Yes Comments : OPD and IPD facilities adequate 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 12 2.6 Total number of beds 1200 Teaching free beds Distance between two beds should be (1.5m) between center of two beds yes Depts Beds* Nursing Treatment Station Room Pantry Utility Room Utility Room Doctor Duty Demo Room /Store (Clean) (Dirty) Room (25 capacity) Gen. Medicine 180 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes TB & 20 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pediatrics 90 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Psychiatry 10 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Dermatology 30 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gen. Surgery 180 6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Orthopedics 120 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Ophthalmology 90 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ENT 90 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes OB & GYN 120 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Respiratory Medicine 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 13 Patients should be verified randomly for genuineness of admissions in that specialty. Comments : 2.7 Clinical material (*Random verification to be done by the assessor). Assessor should randomly verify the monthly data and fill accordingly in the daily average columns, specifying the months Item Daily average (for last 3 randomly selected months ) Day of assessment 31-01-2012 Remarks O.P.D. attendance 1026 1075 Sufficient clinical material available Casualty attendance 103 104 Sufficient clinical material available No of admissions 112 116 Sufficient clinical material available No. of discharges 104 85 Bed occupancy % 97% 100 Operative Work No, of major surgical operations 23 14 No. of minor surgical operations 88 81 No. of normal deliveries 19 16 No. of caesarian sections 07 06 Radiological Investigations O.P.D 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) I.P.D O.P. D I.P.D 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 14 X-ray 160 153 Ultrasonography 33 33 Special investigations 02 (Fluoroscopy etc) 02 19 17 Laboratory Investigations OPD/IPD OPD/IPD Biochemistry 703 670 Microbiology 26 25 Serology 130 130 Hematology 469 463 Histopathology 11 09 Cytopathology 11 11 C.T. Scan Others (MRI preferable) Others Any other (HIV/AIDS, DOTs, 36 HIV 05 ADSP Malaria etc) IDSP 06 Comments: 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 15 Sufficient clinical material available in the hospital. 2.8 Medical Record Section: Available; Manual / Computerized Computerised If computerized registration software Available ICD X classification of diseases followed for indexing : yes 2.9 Central casualty services : Number of doctors posted / Shift : yes CMO (required) 16 Number of nurses posted / Shift: yes Separate casualty for OBGY cases: yes available, No. of beds 10, Equipment Availability Oxygen & suction facility (Central / Stand Alone) 01 Pulse oximeter Yes 06 Ambu bag Yes 08 Disaster trolley Yes 02 Crash Cart Yes 03 Emergency Drug Tray Yes 10 Defibrillator – 01 Ventilator – 09 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) Number X-ray Unit – 01 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 16 Emergency Minor Operation Theatre available Emergency Operation Theatre: Comments: available 2.10 Clinical Laboratories (a) Central Clinical Laboratory: Under control of department of : Pathology Separate sections for pathology, microbiology, hematology & biochemistry: Technical staff : 25 (b) available adequate (as per Minimum Standard Requirements) Other laboratories: 05 (give no. and locations) OPD/Hospital _________________________________________________________________. Which ones we are talking – college or in hospital ? 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 17 2.11 2.11 Operation theatres No. of operation theatres : 08, No. of tables: 16 Equipment available in O. T. Block (Specify numbers) Dept OT Table Gen Surgery (1) (major) Gen Surgery (2) (major) ENT Central Central Boyles A/C Oxy / apparatus Nitrous Oxide Multipara Monitor with Capnograph Resp gas monitor Resp gas Defibrillators monitor + pulse oximeter Ventilators Infusion Syringe Any Pumps Pumps other 2+1 2+2 Central + 03 yes Two Two Two 2 stations Ophthal Ortho OBS & GYN ER / Septic Waiting area - 03 Yes Yes 03 02 - - 01 01 01 01 12 No Yes 7 1 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Pre-Anesthetic / preparation room ____ beds, Post Op recovery room _____ beds APPEND AS ANNEXURE-VI the list of equipments 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) -- 18 2.12 Intensive Care: Following intensive areas are available – Type Beds (Required) Beds (Available) Patients admitted Central day of assessment AC ICCU 5 10 10 MICU 5 6 6 SICU 5 7 7 RICU Major Equipment (Monitor, Ventilator, ABG, Pulse Oximeter etc.) yes Central Oxygen/ suction yes Yes Yes Monitors – 8 Available 5 infusion pumps – 05 Ventilators – 9 syringe pump – 05 Monitors – 12 infusion pumps 8 Ventilators – 02 syringe pumps – 13 (Preferable) Pulse oximeter -6 NICU/PICU 5 20/6 20/6 No Yes ABG machine -01 / central O2 present central suction 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 19 2.13 Labour Room Rooms 2.14 Beds Clean Cases 20 Septic Cases 4 Ecalampsia 4 Remarks Radiological Facilities: AERB Approval : Yes * - AERB : - Layout, Machine, Operations, Registration of Unit, Operational (TLD batches) & documentary proof for each document PNDT Approval : Yes Equipment Log Bok Availability Downtime Mobile X Ray 30 mA : 02 No. 60 mA :02 No. Yes Yes Yes No No Static X Ray 300 mA : 02 No. 500mA : 01 No. 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) Functional Status at the time of assessment Working Working working Working Yes Yes No Working 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 20 800 mANo IITV & Fluroscopy – yes 01 CT 01 Yes MRI (optional) No USG: No : 04 Yes 2.15 2.16 20-12- 2011 o till date working No Working Blood Bank: Available and functional: yes Number of units dispensed in a day 34 Number of units stored on day of assessment 50 License valid up to: Applied for Renewal (LICENCE NUMBER AND COPY TO BE APPENDED AS ANNEXURE-VII) Pharmacy : Pharmacist/Staff available: List to be included No. of sub-stores located in different parts of hospital 04 Average no. of patients per day given drugs: 1086 outdoor & 122 indoor. 2.17 Not working Central sterilization Department : Timings 8:00am to 8:00 pm & Shifts: 02 Equipment: Horizontal autoclaves / Vertical autoclaves 06, bowl sterilizer & instrument washing machine & disinfecting 01. ETO Sterilisers / Flash sterilizer (Desirable): No No. of Bins ____, Trays _____, Packs sterilized ______/day. Sterilization validation facilities available : both Separate receiving and distribution points staff: adequate 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) And bins_____ Trays _____, packs _____ sterilized on day of assessment : Yes Incharge: Nursing Supdt Grade II 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 21 2.18 Intercom: Available : yes No. of incoming lines 02 No. of extension lines: 200 2.19 Central laundry/Alternative Arrangements: No. of staff available: 74 Outsourced / In House: both Type of Laundry: Mechanized / Manual Equipments: List to be provided by the Medical College. Bulk washing machine yes Hydro extractor 01 Rolling machine 01 and Storage Area available 2.20 2.21 Kitchen/ Alternative Arrangements Electric City /Gas : Gas Food free of charge: yes Number of patients : 1200 beds Provision of special diet: yes Services of a nutritionist/dietician: available If Available Number: _01_ Storage facilities : yes Service trolley : yes Total no. of Canteens: 02 For staff__01____________, For students _01__________. 2.22 Arrangements for biomedical waste management. Authorisation Certificate from State Pollution Control Board: Available Outsourced 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 22 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 23 MEDICAL COLLEGE 3.1 Teaching Programme* : It consists of Lecture Demonstration Clinical posting Clinical Pathological Conference Grand Rounds Statistical Meeting Seminars Organized: As per Council recommendations Yes, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared list Yes, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared list yes, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared list Yes, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared no, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared Yes, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared Yes, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared Yes, if yes Weekly Schedule Prepared Teaching roster & Attendance Register to be verified at the time of assessment. Regular curriculum of teaching is being followed for theory, practicals/clinicals 3.2 Teaching Facilities in: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine & Community Medicine Departments (verify deptt wise data from form A & B made available by the institution and coorelate with MSR regulations by MCI). 3.3 Anatomy Number of Demonstration Room/s Capacity 33 x 27 Number of practical laboratory/ies – Number of Lab seats Number of microscopes/laboratory 02 AV Aids Adequate 150 Yes 446 Number of dissection tables Cold store / cooling chambers Embalming room 20 1 02 Museum Mounted specimens Models Bone Sets MRI CT Number of cadavers Storage tank Band saw 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 10 04 01 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 24 Lockers 120 Adequate exhaust, light, water supply and drainage facilities are available. Deficiency if any: __________________________________________. 3.4 Physiology Number of Demonstration Room/s Capacity 02 AV Aids Adequate 75 Amphibian laboratory Adequate Hematology laboratory Adequate Seats 60 60 Mammalian laboratory Adequate Clinical Physiology Adequate 60 3.5 Departmental Library Adequate Research Lab. Adequate Preparation rooms 02 Adequate Human physiology Deficiency if any: Nil Biochemistry Number of Demonstration Room/s 01 Capacity 75 Number of practical laboratory/ies – 01 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) AV Aids Library rooms Available / 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) Seminar Available 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 25 Number of Lab seats - 75 Research Lab. PG cum RL Deficiency if any: __________________________________________. 3.6 Pathology Number of Demonstration Room/s 02/75 Capacity EACH Practical labs. Morbid Anatomy/Histopathology./ 1/1 Cytology Clinical Pathology/Hematology Departmental library Research lab. 3.7 AV Aids YES Museum - Specimens - Catalogues 2280 1420 Microbiology Number of Demonstration Room/s Capacity Number of practical laboratory/ies – Number of Lab seats Number of microscopes/laboratory Number of service laboratories (7) AV Aids Adequate Media preparation facility Auto Claving Washing and drawing room Museum Deficiency if any: __________________________________________. 3.8 Pharmacology Number of Demonstration Room/s Capacity 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 02 60 150 AV Aids & 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 26 3.9 Experimental Pharmacology Present Clinical pharmacology/pharmacy Present Departmental Library Present Research lab. Present Museum - Specimens – 440 - Charts – 35 - Models -13 - History of Medicine - 28 - Catalogues - 35 Deficiency if any: __________________________________________. Forensic Medicine Number of Demonstration 02 Room/s AV Aids 75 Capacity Forensic histopathology Utilising facility of pathology Serology Utilising facility of Microbiology & Bio chemistry Autopsy room Gallery type 40-50 students capacity (one room) Museum : Medico-Legal specimens 225, Charts 56 Anthropology Utilising facility of Anatomy Toxicology Regional Forensic lab Belgum Cold storage Four total 18 bodies Prototype fire arms 15 slides 34, Poisons 125, photographs 250, catalogues 09 Departmental library, 200 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) Research lab. One 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 27 Deficiency if any: __________________________________________. 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 28 3.10 Community Medicine Number of Demonstration Room/s 01 Capacity 50 students Museum : AV Aids Adequate Charts 142, Models 110, Specimens _______, catalogues_____, Practical lab. 1500 sq.ft 50 students Departmental Library 300 sq.ft Research lab. 500 sq.ft Deficiency if any: __________________________________________. Health Centers (Department of Community Medicine) PHC I -: _RHTC Kalgatagi (place) 28 KM’s (Distance from the college) PHC II -: Kundgol(place) 20 kms (Distance from the college) PHC III -: UHTC Old Hubli (place) 04 kms (Distance from the college) Population covered by the RHTC It is under the control of the 40,000 6 House Surgeons Students and interns posted in batches throughout the year Separate blocks for accommodating boys in 03__rooms having 02__beds. Girls 03_ rooms having 02 beds. Present Facilities for cooking & dining Yes 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 29 Daily OPD/IPD 80-100 Specialist visits if any Twice in a week for supervision by staff Cold chain equipment available Available Survey/MCH/Immunization/FP registers Available Activities under the National Health Programmes RNTCP, UIP Deficiency if any : _______________________________________________. Details of U.H.T.C.: Old Hubli Place 04 kms Distance from college Population covered by the UHC 30,000 It is under the control of the Corporation Students and interns posted in batches of 30 Daily OPD/IPD 100-120/22 Survey/MCH/Immunization/FP registers Available Specialist visits if any Daily visit by faculty Deficiency if any --- 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 30 3.10 CONDUCT OF III MBBS EXAMINATION (only for recognition) University which conducts Examination: Rajiv Gandhi University Health Sciences Banagalore No. of Candidates appeared in Examination: 105 The III MBBS examination (Part-II)was conducted satisfactorily: yes Centre for written/practical examination : KIMS Hubli Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________. Medical College-Staff Strength : as per attached appendix. Adequate teaching staff are available. Following teaching staff could not be counted due to reasons mentioned against each: Name Designation Department Remarks Attach list of faculty on leave 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 31 Shortages Teaching Faculty _______%(that is i.e. _____out of ____) as under:- Professors: Associate Professor Assistant Professor Tutor Shortage _______%(that is i.e. _____out of ____) as under:- Senior Residents Junior Residents Signatures of the Assessors Signatures of the Dean/Principal. List of documents attached: 1. Xerox copy of the implementation of the MCI rules to curb ragging 2. Xerox copy of list of members of anti ragging committee and minutes of the meeting 3. Details of the CME programs of all departments 4. Academic cell and curriculum committee 5. Medical education unit and its activities 6. Blood bank FDA license copy 7. Animal house details 8. Central sterilizations services department 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member) 32 9. Kitchen details 10. Details of recognition of UG and PG seats 11. Budget of the hospital and college (in Kannada) 12. Details of class 2, 3, 4 staff 13. Essentiality certificate of the Govt. of Karnataka 14. Library details 15. Information about the PHCs 16. Undertaking of the Director that they will not admit students without the permission of the MCI 17. Undertaking of the Director that the lecture hall renovation will be completed within one month 18. List of faculty present at the time of physical verification with their signatures. 1. Dr B Srinivasa Rao (coordinator) 2. Dr Atul Kulkarni (Member) 3. Dr BV Phaneendra (Member)