Mark Nusinov TERRAFORMING OF MARS THROUGH TERRESTRIAL MICROORGANISMS AND NANOTECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES Abstract The project’s aim is to bring nearer the realization of the inverse panspermia scientific theory of terrestrial genetic material transportation to another Solar System planet, as a way of its preserving from all possible Earthly catastrophes. The project elaboration present-day state The information Regolith Model is developed where is proposed an appearance of non-cell live forms in the clay particles of the Early Earth regolith based on the unusual properties of this mineral. This model might explain of the genetic material appearance at the juvenile Earth and in that way is confirmed the correctness of the problem raising “RNA-World vs Panspermia “, and not conversely. Mars is choiced as a terraforming object because of its probable climate likeness to that of the juvenile Earth (3-4 billion years ago) and also of water availability (in solid phase). The project suggested here employs terrestrial virus like microorganisms in association with nanodevices in the first step in the ecopoiesis of Mars, the nanodevices being taken to its surface simultaneously with the microorganisms. In the number of virus like microorganisms to be sent, there are arctic and Antarctic ones, which are more accustomed to the severer conditions existing there. Microorganisms and nanodevices could be sent to Mars by specialized space nanoapparatus employing ‘solar sails’ as propellers. Each vehicle could carry 20 kg of total load. The total mass of different terrestrial microorganism would be about 1 kg; evidently the same mass could be estimated for nanodevices. The remaining mass would be employed for radiation shielding purposes. To protect microorganisms from cosmic radiation, sheets of Al, Cr and other metals with thicknesses up to 10/-3 Angstrem are suggested. Some calculations are made to estimate duration of such preparatory ecopoiesis and the cost of the whole project. Future R&D general directions There is supposed a wide partnership of Israeli scientists and specialists in future R&D of the project. It appears that the main direction of subsequent R&D would consist in more precise definition of the project details on the base of model and laboratory computations and also space experiments using the latest scientist achievements. References: M.D.Nussinov. Panspermia: razvitie idei. Zemlya i Vselennaya.No.6, p.57 1981 M.D.Nussinov, S.V.Lysenko, V.V.Patrikeev. Terraforming of Mars through terrestrial microorganisms and nanotechnological devices. – Journal of The British Interplanetary Society, Vol.47,pp.319-320,1994 M.Nusinov, S.Santoli. Terraforming Report (Japan), V.3, #3, pp. 1998 M.Nussinov, V.Maron, S.Santoli. Self-organization in the Universe and Life. The Pathways to Quantum Life. – Jerusalem 1999, pp.44-47 M.Nusinov,V.Kardashov,L.Eppelbaum. Informational evolution of the Universe: two approaches to the living system evolution-Scientific Israel – Technological Advantages,vol.12,2010,pp.166-176 About the author M.D.Nussinov, Ph.D., FBIS – Chairman of the Advisory Committee of INT – International Nanobiological Testbed Ltd (London, U.K). The field of scientific interests: experimental investigations of physical processes through the Moon, the Mars and others planets regolith’s and theoretical problems, connected with the origin of life. “Man of Year” 1997, awarded by ABI, USE, and “Man of Achievement” 1995-1996, IBC, Cambridge, UK. Contacts : 1. (Dr. Yakov Sosnovsky): E-mail: Tel. 972-4-6333389, mob. 0523841669 2. (Dr. M.Nusinov - direct): tel.972-9- 8858508 2