Thomas Russell Junior School Inspiring all, achieving together. Newsletter Issue No. 21 Headteacher Mrs S Sharpe What is the Big Pedal? - The Big Pedal is a giant inter-school cycling competition happening in schools all across the UK from 5-23 March 2012. It’s powered by UK charity Sustrans ( and funded by the Bike Hub ( The Big Pedal works a bit like the Tour de France. Each day is a new stage taking schools on a virtual route all around the UK. Schools record how many pupils, parents and staff cycle and scoot to school each day and the more that do, the faster their time will be for that stage. The winning school is the school that completes the whole race in the fastest overall time. Parent Governor As you may recall we have a vacancy on the Governing Body for a Parent Governor. I would ask parents to consider if they feel they have the necessary time, skills and commitment to be a School Governor. We would be particularly interested to hear from any parents with expertise in the fields of Finance and / or Health and Safety. If anyone would like to see me for an informal chat so I can outline the key roles and responsibilities, then please feel free, or speak to an existing Governor who will be able to tell you more. Nomination forms can be collected from the office. The closing date for nominations is Friday 16th March at 9:30am. This post is subject to a CRB check due to the nature of work and contact with pupils at the school. Parent Consultations We are holding our Parent Consultations on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th February. You should by now have received your appointment. Please do let us know if you are unable to attend the appointment given. Some Governors will be present at Parent Consultations, so do take the opportunity to speak to them then if you may be interested in being a Parent Governor, or about other aspects of school. Complimentary hot drinks will be served in the hall for parents. **PLEASE NOTE** There will be NO after school clubs on Tuesday or Wednesday due to Parent Consultations Let’s all get involved - The more of us that take part, the better we will do in the competition and the higher our chances of winning some brilliant prizes, not to mention the health benefits for everyone. What to do - The best thing you can do is encourage your child(ren) to cycle or scoot to school every day during the race, and to join them in doing so. Why we're taking part - We think it's a fantastic way to promote cycling in our school and to get more pupils riding their bikes. What's more it's a fun, sociable way to start the day and we'll be competing to become one of the UK's top cycling schools! Great prizes too! - There are some brilliant prizes up for grabs this year including cycle storage from Cyclepods and Lockit Safe, and a bike stunt show from Team M.A.D., the UK's No. 1 mountain bike display team. Dinner Money More information - For more information about the Big Pedal and to keep track of how we’re doing during the competition, visit the Big Pedal website: Enjoy the ride! Find Newsletters online at: 24th February 2012 Please remember that Dinner Money for the half term was due last Monday - the payment due is £60.90. Less £10.50 for those at Chasewater. Please remember any credits / debits from last half term. A word from the Chair of Governors I am writing to you regarding the restoration of beef as an option on the school lunch menu. I expect you will recall that BSE in cattle emerged as an issue in the 80s with vCJD in humans confirmed as a possibility in the 90s. Staffordshire County Council reacted by imposing a ban on serving beef in all county schools. Subsequently the council invited schools to decide individually whether they wished to resume the serving of beef. Governors at TRJS sought further information regarding the sourcing and processing of the beef provided to schools. At the time a private company was involved and further information could not be obtained. Consequently beef has not since been served at the school. County Catering Services have undergone significant changes in the last three years and we have now received information and assurances regarding beef supplies. Beef chunks are sourced from Mathews based in Rochdale and originates in the UK, is Farm Assured and Non GM. Minced beef is obtained from Wilsons in Gosport: country of origin is the UK and it is processed using EU approved methods. (More expensive cuts are not provided due to cost.) All products used by the Service are fully traceable and locally sourced wherever and whenever possible. Learning Platform Workshop Session Don’t forget we are offering a workshop on Tuesday 6th March, from 3:45 - 4:45, in the ICT suite for any parents who would like help understanding how to navigate and use the Learning Platform or using ‘’. It is essential that you bring your log on details with you, which were sent after the Learning Platform launch. Please let your class teacher know if you will be attending via a note in the Homework Diary. Games Kit - including Trainers As the weather begins to improve we hope to be able to take the children outside for their Games lessons on a more regular basis. From next week we would ask parents to ensure children have trainers on a Tuesday (Y5&6) or Thursday (Y3&4) for their Games lesson as pumps are not adequate for outdoor use. As a result, governors expect beef to again become an option on TRJS menus as from the week commencing 5th March. Children always have a choice of menu options at lunchtime so there is no question of anyone being expected to eat any particular foodstuff. We will continue to ensure meals are properly identified so children can make informed choices. If you have any concerns, queries or comments please contact either Mrs Sharpe or myself. Best Wishes, Terry Wells Residential visits questionnaire Thank you for the excellent level of returns regarding residential visits. We will be making decisions based on the information we receive from these. We have had 35% returned already - if you wish to have your say then please ensure you return the completed questionnaire to school by Friday 9th March. Find Newsletters online at: World Book Day We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 2nd March, including an opportunity for the children to come dressed as any book character for the day. There will also be various book based activities and competitions going on throughout the day. Another Prize Winner! Congratulations to Millie H in Y4 who has won 3rd place in a regional design competition after designing a ceramic tile for Staffordshire’s Olympic Wonderwall. The purpose of the competition, which received over 1,600 entries, was to encourage and inspire young children to look at the future in a positive manner and to give them the opportunity and means to demonstrate their artistic talents. All of the winners from Foundation, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Secondary Categories will have their tiles made into a permanent piece of Public Art that future generations can admire. The unveiling of the winning designs will form part of the Olympic Torch visit to Staffordshire. Congratulations Millie. Best wishes, Mrs S Sharpe