GROWTH – DEDICATED CALL – 1/00 TOPIC III.18 Determination of the Milk Fat Content of Mixed Spreadable Fats 1. CONFORMITY WITH THE WORK PROGRAMME This topic falls under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme, generic activity Measurement and Testing. Specifically, it is related to Objective GROW-20006.2.2 Measurement and Testing anti-fraud methodologies for which expressions of interest have been called. 2. KEYWORDS Spreadable fats, milk fat, vegetable fats, fat mixtures, quantification of mixture components, chromatography, spectroscopy, multivariate data evaluation. 3. SUMMARY OF OBJECTIVES AND JUSTIFICATION This research is required to enforce Council Regulation 2991/94, which stipulates that the milk fat content of mixed spreadable fats, i.e. spreads containing vegetable and dairy fat in varying proportions, has to be labelled. At present, no generally accepted test method exists for this purpose. The project proposed is aimed at developing and validating a method to monitor label conformity of fat blends with respect to their milk fat content, thereby (a) satisfying the right of consumers for information, (b) protecting consumers against fraud, (c) providing reliable evidence for successful prosecution of unscrupulous manufacturers, and (d) supporting the development and implementation of anti-fraud regulations. In the EU the spreads market is a high volume business and could therefore be the target of a minority of unscrupulous manufactures, ready to increase their profits by “economic adulteration”. Since milk fat is more expensive than other commodities, a considerable risk exists that mixed spreadable fats contain a smaller proportion of milk fat than declared. The established method currently used by law enforcement authorities relies on the determination of butyric acid, a unique constituent of milk fat. However, the butyric acid concentration of genuine milk fat varies considerably, thus creating large uncertainties when it is solely used as an indicator for the milk fat content in a fat blend. 4. BACKGROUND Whenever the price is high for a certain product and low for another group of different but otherwise related items, a distinctive incentive exists for the unscrupulous manufacturer to blend the cheaper product into the higher priced commodity to reduce costs and improve profits. Moreover, if blends between the two commodities are legalised, a strong need exists to verify the correct labelling of the blend by analytical techniques to protect consumers from fraudulent malpractice. DC 1/00/Topic III.18/ Pg 2 According to article 3 of Council Regulation 2991/94 the milk fat content of mixed spreadable fats has to be labelled, as milk fat is the most expensive ingredient in the blend. Traditionally, the butyric acid content is used for the quantification of milk fat in mixtures. This approach is seriously hampered by the natural variation of this component, and deviations of up to 10 % from the known milk fat content of fat blends might occur when the milk fat used in preparing the blend is not available for analysis (Molkentin and Precht, 1998). In addition, butyric acid is somewhat difficult to analyse and quantify due to its volatility. The influence of varying butyric acid contents can be countered by obliging manufacturers to archive a sample of the milk fat used for formulating the blend, and making this sample available to control authorities upon request. However, the EU Expert Group on Milk and Milk Products (DGVI/D.1) identified two critical points when applying the butyric acid procedure: (i) definition of a “suspected” sample, i.e. a sample with a lower than expected butyric acid content, and (ii) possible manipulation of the composition of the archived milk fat component sample. Several Member States oppose this approach, because the complicated logistics required for handling the archived samples could seriously obstruct intra-Community trade. The International Dairy Federation has also published a method for the determination of milk fat in mixtures (Muuse and Martens, 1993). Provided that the fat mixture as well as the mixture components are available, the milk fat content can be computed, but repeatability values were rather poor (ranging from 5 % to 9 %). Over the recent years, high-performance analytical techniques (gas-liquid chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, and various spectroscopic techniques like infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry) advanced the accumulation of considerable qualitative as well as quantitative knowledge about the chemical constituents (fatty acids, triglycerides, partial glycerides, fat-soluble vitamins, sterols) of natural fats and oils. The statistical evaluation of these data by sophisticated computing procedures proved to be a versatile tool for tracing down fat mixtures. Most of the statistical techniques employed (Principal Component Analysis, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Artificial Neural Networks) are qualitative in nature, i.e. they are aimed at grouping samples into several possible classes, thus allowing to judge whether are a sample is authentic or not (Ulberth, 1994). A few quantitative approaches based on Multivariate Linear Regression Analysis, Partial Least-Squares Regression Analysis and Linear Programming of fat constituents have also been described in order to develop calibration models for the estimation of the composition of fat mixtures (de Jong and de Jonge, 1991; Precht, 1992; Ulberth, 1995; Lipp, 1996). In general, promising results were obtained. The difference between experimentally found and true values for the milk fat content in blends varied around 1 % (absolute). However, none of the multivariate methods mentioned has been challenged, extensively tested, and their performance validated with fat mixtures containing between 10 % and 80 % milk fat, the lower and upper limits of the milk fat content in mixed spreadable fats (Council Regulation 2991/94). The rigorous assessment of the efficiency of these novel approaches, taking into account the natural compositional variation of the raw materials, and their translation into a robust testing method suitable for routine laboratories is therefore urgently needed. DC 1/00/Topic III.18/ Pg 3 De Jong, S., de Jonge, T.J.R. (1991) Computer assisted fat blend recognition using regression analysis and mathematical programming. Fat Sci. Technol. 93: 532536 Lipp, M. (1996) Comparison of PLS, PCR and MLR for the quantitative determination of foreign oils and fats in butter fats of several European countries by their triglyceride composition. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 202: 193-198 Molkentin, J., Precht, D. (1998) Precision of milk fat quantitation in mixed fats by analysis of butyric acid. Chromatographia 48: 758-762 Muuse, B., Martens, R. (1993) Mixtures of milkfat with non-milkfat – determination of the milkfat content. IDF Bulletin 285: 65-69 Precht, D. (1992) Detection of foreign fat in milk fat. II. Quantitative evaluation of foreign fat mixtures. Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 194: 107-114 Ulberth, F. (1994) Detection of milk fat adulteration by linear discriminant analysis of fatty acid data. J. AOAC Internat. 77: 1326-1334 Ulberth, F. (1995) Quantitation of foreign fat in foreign fat/milkfat mixtures by multivariate regression analysis of fatty acid data. J. Agric. Food Chem. 43: 1556-1560 5. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL BENEFITS The development and enforcement of food standards has gained increasing importance within the EU and is of direct concern to European citizens. One main positive impact of this proposal on society will be to help increase consumer protection within the EU. A scientifically well founded testing method which enables the enforcement of Council Regulation 2991/94 will benefit consumers, who can be better protected against potential malpractice of unscrupulous manufacturers of mixed spreadable fats. Moreover, a standardised testing method will also be advantageous for the dairy as well as for the fats and oils industry, since it will help fight unfair competition. Likewise, effective testing of the milk fat content will foster the trustworthy of European suppliers and vendors of mixed spreads in other markets, thus increasing competitiveness of the European industry. Unless there is a harmonised testing method available in the EU, significant differences in the results obtained by food control authorities in the Member States could arise, and may therefore necessitate costly re-testing. It is thus essential for this proposal to be conducted at the Community level. 6. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES The ultimate aim of the project is to develop, document and validate by an interlaboratory study a methodology, which allows a reliable quantification of milk fat in mixed spreadable fats. In particular, the technical objectives could be: to select constituents of milk fat and non-milk fats (fatty acids, triglycerides, partial glycerides, components of the unsaponifiable matter) which could serve as potential predictor variables for the calculation of the milk fat content in spreadable fats to develop and/or improve existing analytical methods based on chromatographic (GLC and HPLC) or spectroscopic (IR, NMR, MS) or other appropriate principles for the determination of these predictor variables to ascertain the fitness-for-purpose (accuracy, precision and ruggedness) of the developed analytical tools to ensure that the data produced can stand up to scrutiny DC 1/00/Topic III.18/ Pg 4 to study the natural compositional variation (seasonal, production system, climate, and geographic origin) of the selected fat constituents on the Community level to correlate the analytically determined amount of the predictor variable(s) to the true milk fat content in model milk fat/non-milk fat mixtures using advanced statistical techniques (multiple linear regression analysis, partial least-squares analysis, or other suitable techniques) and develop calibration models for fat blends containing between 10 % and 80 % milk fat, taking into account the natural compositional variation of the ingredients to compare the performance of different computational routines implemented in commercial statistical software packages for modelling calibration functions to ring-test the finally selected method to write the standardised method in CEN-style format The project should be organised along individual workstreams, i.e. partners with high expertise in a particular analytical technique should develop and document suitable analytical tools and the one best suited for the purpose should be collaboratively tested and adopted as standard method. New findings should be actively promoted through publications in scientific journals and presentations at conferences and exhibitions. Moreover, compositional data of spreadable fats and its constituent ingredients should be made available to interested parties in form of an electronic database with access via the Internet. 7. TIME SCALE Since Council Regulation 2991/94 is already in force and no efficient testing method for law enforcement is available at present, the availability of a validated procedure at the earliest moment possible would be highly welcomed by food control authorities, the oils and fats industry and consumers. The work load to be carried out under the project would justify a duration of three years.