NAP Office Environmental Audit Checklist

Green Office Checklist
This checklist is meant to lend guidance and share ideas on how to
manage a more environmentally sound office.
It was put together by a small office in Chicago and is intended for
use in similar environments.
Green Office Checklist
Responsible Paper Usage
Purchase chlorine-free, high post consumer waste recycled paper.
Keep mailing lists up-to-date and avoid duplicates.
Eliminate use of fax cover sheets; write on the fax itself or attach a fax post-it.
Edit documents on-screen as much as possible to avoid printing multiple drafts.
Conserve paper by printing and copying double-sided. Buy machines that have this feature and
ensure that instructions on using it are clearly labeled.
Use the reduction feature on a copier to fit more on a page.
Print using lowest quality print setting when appropriate to conserve ink and cartridges.
Save paper by design: use narrower margins and smaller fonts when acceptable.
Use postcards for mailings when possible and use the smallest size envelope required.
Save ½ used sheets of office paper (sheets printed on only one side) to stock fax machines, use
as scratch paper, and copy and print on when appropriate.
Use reusable inter-office envelopes.
Avoid using colored paper when possible.
Cancel junk mail and mailings you receive two copies of.
Work with printers who use responsible inks and papers.
In the Kitchen
___ Keep washable plates, mugs, glasses and silverware in the kitchen and avoid disposables.
___ Purchase recycled and non-chlorine bleached paper towels and napkins.
___ Hang hand-towels in the kitchen (and bathroom) and use cloth napkins in place of paper ones.
Establish a system for washing cloth items.
___ Purchase fair-trade, organic coffee.
___ Avoid individually packaged sugar and cream in the kitchen.
___ Bring lunches in reusable rather than disposable containers.
___ Provide a dish washing area to support staff efforts to use reusables.
___ Eat out as opposed to carrying-out food, and don’t accept Styrofoam containers.
___ Bring your own bags when shopping.
___ Limit or eliminate “fast food” chain restaurants from eating options.
Office Supplies, Products and Furniture
___ Have a “used goods area” within the office and include binders, folders, padded envelopes,
cardboard boxes, disks, etc. Use these before purchasing new supplies.
___ Purchase and use products that are recycled and recyclable.
___ Purchase unbleached or chlorine-free, high post consumer waste recycled paper products
including binders, envelopes, and even toilet paper.
___ Consider products with minimum packaging; purchase in bulk.
___ Use refillable pens and tape dispensers instead of disposable ones.
___ Use non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning supplies.
___ Fix or donate broken furniture rather than sending it to a land-fill.
___ If replacing your carpet, look for non-toxic recyclable carpeting.
___ Purchase products from local suppliers (to avoid long distance shipping and packaging) and from
suppliers committed to environmental issues.
___ Purchase used items from thrift stores when possible.
Recycling and Proper Disposal
___ Set up a comprehensive office recycling program for paper, cardboard, glass, metals and plastic;
and clearly label all recycling bins.
___ Recycle toner cartridges through manufacturers.
___ Dispose of hazardous materials properly. This includes cleaning products, fluorescent light
bulbs, computers and electronics, paint, paint thinner, lawn chemicals, gasoline, motor oil,
antifreeze, and drain cleaners. under recycling
___ Collect and recycle batteries, especially rechargeable batteries. Free drop-off’s:
___ Donate old cell phones for reuse. Drop-off and mailing information:
___ Compost food waste outdoors or indoors.
___ Recycle packing peanuts. (Call 1.800.828.2214 to find the nearest drop off location).
___ Donate equipment and furniture to a resale store. Salvation Army offers free pick-up.
___ Educate your office about recycling and proper waste management.
Meetings and Events
___ Support environmentally responsible hotels and meeting spaces.
___ Ensure that meetings and trainings are held at locations served by public transportation.
Include train or bus directions on the invite.
___ Buy locally grown organic food, and support caterers who do too.
___ Label foods at events if they are local and organic.
___ In evaluations of meetings and events, ask how the event could be “greener” in the future.
Bike, walk, take public transportation or car-pool to work.
Tune-up vehicles on a regular basis.
Purchase hybrid or fuel-efficient vehicles, or car-share.
Use videoconferencing and conference calls instead of travel when possible.
Energy Efficiency
___ Turn on power-save modes on equipment and appliances.
___ Turn off equipment during nights and weekends. Attach TV’s, radios, computers, copy machines,
microwaves, telephones etc. to power strips for ease in turning them off at the end of the day.
(Even when not in use, appliances use electricity. According to Co-op America, turning computers and
copiers off after work can cut energy usage by up to 75%.)
___ Install an automated thermostat (it’s easy to do!) and/or set temperatures so that it will be
comfortable during the day, and will use less energy during nights and weekends.
___ For windows that receive direct sunlight, close the blinds after work and on weekends to
prevent excess heating in the summertime.
___ Use a ceiling fan or other fan in the summer time with or without air conditioning. Fans use 98%
less energy than A.C. and make you feel up to 6 degrees cooler.
Open the windows and turn off the air conditioning on nice days.
Ensure radiators and heaters are not blocked by furniture.
Add weather stripping to all doors and windows.
Use energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs.
Use thin fluorescent tubes (T8) which use less energy but have the same output as T12 tubes.
Replace flickering fluorescent lights promptly.
Turn off lights when exiting rooms.
Schedule an energy audit though your local power company.
If you have to use batteries, buy rechargeable batteries and a charger.
If purchasing new equipment or appliances, look for EPA Energy Star certified options.
Water Efficiency
Attach low-flow aerators to sink faucets.
Fix leaky toilets and faucets promptly.
Check for water leaks at least twice a year.
Purchase water efficient toilets and dishwashers.
Research what could be done with office gray water and put ideas into practice.
Improved Air Quality
Conduct an air quality check.
Add plants to offices and use natural fertilizers.
Change air filters regularly.
Use low VOC paints for walls.
Integrate indoor air quality concerns into your purchasing behaviors.
Turn off air conditioning and open the windows on nice days.
Establish an effective smoking policy to protect indoor air quality.
Notify your building manager immediately if you suspect indoor air quality problems.
Work with building management to ensure only necessary and appropriate pest control practices
and non-chemical methods where possible.
Green Office Links:
Green Purchasing:,
“Working Your Way to a Green Office” booklet:
Compiled by Sundee Wislow, Midwest Field Coordinator for Heifer International
and Chicago Recycling Coalition Board Member.