The US and Latin America 60 - White Plains Public Schools

The US and Latin America
US History/Napp
Name: _________________
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“In his annual messages to Congress in 1904 and 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt
expanded the Monroe Doctrine. The corollary stated that not only were the nations of the
Western Hemisphere not open to colonization by European powers, but that the United
States had the responsibility to preserve order and protect life and property in those
European intervention in Latin America resurfaced as an issue in U.S. foreign policy
when European governments began to use force to pressure several Latin American
countries to repay their debts. For example, British, German, and Italian gunboats
blockaded Venezuela’s ports in 1902 when the Venezuelan government defaulted on its
debts to foreign bondholders. Many Americans worried that European intervention in
Latin America would undermine their country’s traditional dominance in the region.
To keep other powers out and ensure financial solvency, President Theodore Roosevelt
issued his corollary. ‘Chronic wrongdoing…may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately
require intervention by some civilized nation,’ he announced in his annual message to
Congress in December 1904, ‘and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United
States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant
cases of such wrongdoing or impotence, to the exercise of an international police power.’
Roosevelt tied his policy to the Monroe Doctrine, and it was also consistent with his
foreign policy of ‘walk softly, but carry a big stick.’ Roosevelt stated that in keeping with
the Monroe Doctrine, the United States was justified in exercising ‘international police
power’ to put an end to chronic unrest or wrongdoing in the Western Hemisphere. This socalled Roosevelt Corollary – a corollary is an extension of a previous idea – to the Monroe
Doctrine contained a great irony. The Monroe Doctrine had been sought to prevent
European intervention in the Western Hemisphere, but now the Roosevelt Corollary
justified American intervention throughout the Western Hemisphere. In 1934, Franklin D.
Roosevelt renounced interventionism and established his Good Neighbor policy within the
Western Hemisphere.” ~
1- What was stated in the Monroe Doctrine?
2- Why did European intervention in Latin America become a problem in 1902?
3- What did President Theodore Roosevelt issue and what was stated in this
4- According to President Theodore Roosevelt, what did his corollary justify?
5- Which President renounced interventionism and established a Good Neighbor
6- How do you think Latin Americans felt about the Roosevelt Corollary?
Analyze the following chart:
The U.S. and Cuba: The Panama Canal: The Big Stick
Woodrow Wilson
- The SpanishPolicy:
and Latin America:
- After the Spanish- American War
American War,
highlighted the need - In 1904, Roosevelt - Seeking additional
Cuba became a
for a canal, so that
barred European
bases in the
protectorate under
the U.S. navy could countries from
Caribbean, Wilson
American control
send ships between using force to
bought the Virgin
the Atlantic and
collect debts owed
Islands from
- U.S. forces
Pacific Oceans
by the Dominican
Denmark in 1917
remained on the
without circling
island, and
South America
- Wilson sent troops
- The U.S. would
to Haiti, Nicaragua,
businesses invested
- By 1903,
intervene to collect
and the Dominican
heavily in Cuba
Americans decided the debt, acting as
Republic to protect
to build the canal
an “international
American interests
- Cubans were
across Panama
police power”
forced to agree to
[Panama was still a
- Wilson became
the Platt
part of Colombia]
- This Roosevelt
involved in the
Amendment, which
Corollary to the
gave the United
- The government of Monroe Doctrine
Revolution; troops
States the right to
Colombia could not became known as
of the rebel leader
intervene in Cuban agree to terms with the Big Stick Policy, Pancho Villa
affairs at any time
the United States,
since Roosevelt
while Panamanian
boasted he would
Americans both in
- The Platt
rebels wished to
“walk softly but
Mexico and across
Amendment was
establish their
carry a big stick”
the border
later repealed in the independence
- The corollary was - Wilson sent troops
- Roosevelt made a
used to justify
to Mexico but Villa
- The U.S. sought to deal with the rebels sending troops to
eluded capture and
keep foreign powers
the West Indies and Wilson withdrew
out of the
- Roosevelt ordered Central America
the troops in 1917,
Caribbean because
U.S. warships in the
when America
they might pose a
area to protect them
entered World War
threat to U.S.
- Roosevelt next
~ The Key to
Understanding U.S. independence
History and
- In return, the US
received land for
the canal
1- What happened to Cuba after the Spanish-American War?
2- What did American businessmen do in Cuba?
3- What was the Platt Amendment?
4- Why did the U.S. want to keep foreign powers out of the Caribbean?
5- What did the Spanish-American War highlight for the United States?
6- Why did Americans want a canal in the Western Hemisphere?
7- Which nation owed the land where the U.S. wanted to build a canal?
8- What happened between this nation and the U.S. over the canal?
9- Who were the Panamanians and what did they want?
10- Why did the U.S. government help the Panamanians?
11- What did the U.S. receive in return for its help to the Panamanians?
12- Which American president was responsible for the building of the Panama Canal?
13- What did President Theodore Roosevelt do in 1904?
14- What did the U.S. act like in Latin America?
15- What was the Roosevelt Corollary or the Big Stick Policy?
16- Why was the Roosevelt Corollary known as the Big Stick Policy?
17- What was the Roosevelt Corollary used to justify?
18- How do you think Latin Americans felt about the Roosevelt Corollary?
19- What did President Woodrow Wilson buy in 1917? Why?
20- Why did President Wilson send American troops to Haiti, Nicaragua, and the
Dominican Republic?
21- Why did the U.S. become involved in the Mexican Revolution?
22- What happened to Pancho Villa?
23- Why did President Wilson withdraw U.S. troops from Mexico?
1. Which statement best describes
President Theodore Roosevelt’s
foreign policy position toward
Latin America in the early
(1) The United States should
reduce its involvement in
Latin American affairs.
(2) The Monroe Doctrine permits
the United States to intervene
actively in the affairs of Latin
American nations.
(3) Latin American nations
should form an organization
to help them achieve political
and economic stability.
(4) The United States should give
large amounts of financial aid
to help the poor of Latin
2. The Monroe Doctrine declared
that the United States would
(1) prevent the establishment of
new European colonies
anywhere in the world
(2) help colonies in North and
South America adopt a
democratic form of
(3) view European interference in
the Americas as a threat to
the national interest of the
United States
(4) prevent other nations from
trading with South American
3. From 1900 to 1915, a basic aim of
United States foreign policy was
(1) promote United States
influence in Latin America
(2) prevent the spread of
communism in western
Europe and Asia
4. “I took the Canal and let
Congress debate.” – Theodore
Roosevelt. This quotation best
(1) an effort by a President to
maintain a policy of
(2) a decline in the use of
militarism as a defense policy
(3) an increased reliance on the
legislative process
(4) a Presidential action that
achieved a foreign policy
5. Early in the 20th century,
Presidents William Taft and
Woodrow Wilson used the
concept of dollar diplomacy to
(1) help European nations avoid
(2) expand United States
influence in China
(3) protect United States
investments in Latin America
(4) support welfare programs for
immigrants to the United
6. Involvement in the SpanishAmerican War, acquisition of
Hawaii, and introduction of the
Open Door policy in China were
actions taken by the United States
Government to
(1) establish military alliances
with other nations
(2) gain overseas markets and
sources of raw materials
(3) begin the policy of manifest
(4) support isolationist forces in
7. Which foreign policy position was
held by both President James Monroe
and President Theodore Roosevelt?
1. Trade with other nations should
be sharply reduced.
2. The United States should follow a
policy of isolationism.
3. A special relationship should
exist between the United States
and the nations of Latin America.
4. The United States should send
troops to aid revolutionary
movements in European nations
8. During the late 19th and early 20th
centuries, United States policy toward
Latin America was most strongly
characterized by
1. friendship and trust
2. intervention and paternalism
3. tolerance and humanitarianism
4. indifference and neglect
9. The principle that the United States
has the right to act as the "policeman of
the Western Hemisphere" and intervene
in the internal affairs of Latin American
nations was established by the
1. Good Neighbor policy
2. Open Door policy
3. Roosevelt Corollary to the
Monroe Doctrine
4. Marshall Plan
11. Which United States foreign policy
was most directly related to the rise of
big business in the late 1800s?
1. containment
2. imperialism
3. détente
4. neutrality
12. United States annexation of the
Philippines (1898) and military
involvement in Vietnam (1960’s and
1970’s) are similar because in each event
the United States
1. achieved its long-range foreign
policy objectives
2. put the domino theory into action
3. demonstrated the strength and
success of its military power
4. provoked domestic debate about
its involvement in the internal
affairs of other nations
13. One way in which the Panama Canal
and the Suez Canal are geographically
similar is that each is located on
(1) a peninsula
(2) an archipelago
(3) an isthmus
(4) an island
14. The main purpose of the Roosevelt
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was to
(1) Renounce the use of military force
in Latin America.
10. Which argument was used to support (2) Provide legal grounds for the
United States acquisition of overseas
extension of America's colonial empire in
possessions in the late 1800’s?
Latin America.
1. The United States needed to
(3) Justify U.S. military intervention in
obtain raw materials and new
Latin America if necessary to forestall
interference by European nations.
2. The spread of Marxist ideas had
(4) Provide a timetable for the
to be stopped because they
withdrawal of U.S. troops from the
threatened world peace.
Caribbean islands.
3. The United States should be the
(5) Justify U.S. intervention in the
first world power to build a
Russo-Japanese War.
colonial empire
Analyze the following images: