The most famous unsolved mystery of the 19th century

Jack the
sent half
a kidney
to the
police to
One of the most famous unsolved mysteries of the 19th century.
By Jacob Assante
Jack the ripper was a famous doctor in 1888 who turned
out to be a serial killer.
Jack the ripper was a doctor during the day and at night he was an
unknown serial killer. He only murdered women who where prostitutes. He
was really mysterious when he wrote taunting note to the police and left
notes so when people would read them they would say no bother an telling
the police because that would not help you and that it was like a game only
not. He would tell people not to go to the police because that would be
The one who was never caught.
There was no arrest to jack the ripper. The case was retained its hold on
the popular imagination in part because serial murders were rarer then
than they are today. He made things seem like a game when he listed
things about people that they thought no one knew. Even though the people
tried to figure out who he was it always came down to him being a famous
doctor and they would think of him as a good person.
This is a picture of
jack the ripper with
one of his victim’s
organs and he is
trying to avoid the
though we
have his
notes we
still have a
hard time
what they
This is a picture of
an old comic about
jack the ripper.