STELLAR SUCCESS June 2006 • Harris County Drug Court Program • Volume 1 • Issue 3 STAR welcomes guests both near and far On Thursday March 23rd, the STAR court hosted a very special group of guests from the national program Ready4Work. STAR partner Moving Forward offers Ready4Work to STAR clients and other ex-offenders. The Ready4Work goal is to bring together justice, government, business, faith, and community sectors to deliver employment and other services to individuals reentering society. The program is an initiative of Public/Private Ventures, a national nonprofit organization seeking to improve the effectiveness of social policies, programs, and community initiatives. Ready4Work held its Third Annual Conference and Workshop in Houston, and both Moving Forward and the STAR court were pleased to host delegates from various States and the United Kingdom. All delegates sought to understand how to structure programs that would reduce A British participant of the Ready4Work Conference presents her 25-years of sobriety story to the STAR clients. reoffending through learning various skills and gaining employment. Ms. Earlene Drayden of Moving Forward helped organize the visit to the STAR court during the delegates’ busy visitation schedule. The guests attended Judge Thomas’s STAR II docket. The Ready4Work Conference supports practical, interactive, and participatory opportunities for both the delegates and the programs they visit. STAR Program -1- Manager Mary Covington and Judge Cosper explained the purpose of drug courts and the successes of the STAR court. The STAR court clients welcomed their guests, and several delegates spoke to the court, telling life stories and reminding clients to make good decisions. STAR clients learned that geography and distance have no effect on addiction, but any effort, near or far, encourages recovery. After the delegates observed the court proceedings, Ms. Covington answered questions about the STAR program’s eligibility criteria, phase requirements, drug testing procedures, judicial supervision, and graduate population. In turn, the STAR court learned about probation and ex-offender programs in England and Scotland. STAR thanks all those who participated in this event. Stellar Program: The Women’s Home For almost fifty years, The Women’s Home has served numerous women in the Houston area suffering from substance abuse, mental illness, and family abuse in need of long-term residential and vocational care. The STAR program has several women at The Women’s Home, all of whom applied individually to receive the intensive care that this facility has to offer. The Women’s Home provides several types of services to its clients. There is a maximum of 55 women in the facility, and all must live on the facility. The average length of stay is 10-18 months. Psychiatric and nurse practitioner services, psychotherapy, chemical dependency services and vocational and spiritual development programs are other benefits of The Women’s Home. The Women’s Home wishes for every client to regain their self-esteem, dignity, and empowerment as a member of society. Women in the program participate in job and life skills training, stress management, positive selfdevelopment workshops, and other classes presented by volunteers and staff. In addition to the vocational curriculum, The Women’s Home offers spiritual development through counseling and holistic care. Clinical services, including chemical dependency and therapy groups, are also available through the Baylor College of Medicine. The most unique aspect of Program is the Cottage Thrift Shop. All clients work and train in the shop, learning The program goal is for every client to regain their self-esteem, dignity, and empowerment as a member of society. practical business knowledge and skills. The shop accepts personal and business contributions at its 811 Westheimer location. If you would like to learn more about The Women’s Home, make a donation, or volunteer, please visit for more information. STAR Court Announcements STAR Program’s Summer Graduations This summer we will graduate several deserving members of our STAR program. Please join us on Thursday May 25th in the Ceremonial Courtroom and Monday June 5th in the STAR Courtroom at 3 pm to celebrate the achievements of our clients’ stellar success. Alumni Bowling Night Mentoring Program The STAR Alumni will have their second Bowling Night during their regular June meeting. Usually, the Houston Council for Drug and Alcohol Abuse hosts the Alumni meetings. The Alumni recognize the importance of positive and sober social activities, and will use their monthly meetings as time to celebrate their recovery. STAR graduate and Alumni member Ryan C. has created a mentoring program for STAR Alumni and current clients. Ryan collaborated with STAR treatment provider Pathway to Recovery to develop the program, which will debut this summer. -2- STAR Court Announcements STAR Program’s School Supplies Drive As summer begins, we ask that you help the STAR program in gathering supplies for the next school year. All supplies are donated to the children of STAR clients and Alumni. Suggested items are manila and construction paper, facial tissues, and pencils. All items are greatly appreciated. Please contact Mary Covington to make donations. NADCP Conference This summer several members of the STAR team will attend the National Association of Drug Court Professionals Training Conference. Among the attendees will be Mary Covington, Judge Caprice Cosper, Judge Brock Thomas, Judge Mike Wilkinson, and Assistant District Attorneys Hans Nielsen and Katherine Cabaniss. The Conference will include focused tracks on “Using Culture to Strengthen your Program,” “Incentives and Sanctions: More Than Jail Time and Coupons,” and “Caring for the Caregivers.” The STAR Drug Court team attends conferences as often as possible to update their training and increase their knowledge about the expanding Drug Court concept. Acknowledgements—A Message of Thanks I want to thank personally all of our STAR Partners and their continuing efforts that make our program possible. A special thanks to the following: The City of Houston for its $2500 donation through the Demand Treatment Grant. This support allows our growing program to help more clients receive the intensive treatment they need. Ray Andrews with Houston Crackdown for his continued support and dedication to the drug court mission. GiGi Lewis of Club Etiquette for giving a presentation on business etiquette. We routinely quiz our clients about the rules they learned, and we expect them to use these valuable tools. The Texas Sunset Commission and TDCJCJAD for attending court sessions and their continued support. STAR Alumni Ryan C., Kathryn G. Jeana B., and Julie B. who exemplify the contributing community members that we hope all STAR clients will become. Thank you again, and have a spectacular summer. Mary Covington STAR Program Manager STAR Drug Court Program 1201 Franklin, 14th Floor Houston, TX 77002 For more information, please contact Mary Covington at 713-755-4610 -3-2-