The Wimbledon Guild Volunteer Form

Wimbledon Village Fair 21st June 2014
Volunteer Registration Form
Please return this form to:
WVF Volunteers, The Wimbledon Guild,
30/32 Worple Road, Wimbledon SW19 4EF
The Wimbledon Village Fair, our annual community and fundraising event, attracts thousands of people every year.
It’s the largest free, outdoor event in South London, and visitors enjoy a huge variety of entertainment. Highlights
include the horse show, hundreds of arts and crafts stalls, a delicious food village boasting food from around the
globe, a hand-selected farmers market, live entertainment and family fun.
By volunteering for The Wimbledon Village Fair you will not only have fun and be helping us on the day but also be
supporting our aims: to tackle poverty, support ageing and encourage mental wellbeing within the local community.
Only applicants aged 16+ will be accepted unless they are accompanied by a responsible adult.
Your Contact Details (Please write in CAPITAL LETTERS)
First Name:
Post code:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number
When are you available? (Please tick)
6am – 10am
10am – 2pm
2pm – 5:30pm
5:30pm – 7pm
Why not volunteer with a friend? Tell us their name and we will try to place you together!
How can you help us at the Fair? Tick all that apply
Stallholder Setup (labelling stalls and assisting stallholders to find and set up their stalls. Early Start)
Fair setup (setup gazebos, Guild stalls, chairs, signage, delivering boxes to stalls and other setup duties)
Volunteer Base Assistant (assist with check in and out of Volunteers, supply volunteers with refreshments)
Traffic Marshall (helping to manage the traffic and car park. Beginning and end of day)
Raffle Ticket Seller
Bucket Collection
Runners (running errands between stalls, fetching and carrying)
Photographer (capturing the essence and fun of the fair)
Helping at the Wimbledon Guild Marquee.
Fair HQ Assistant (assist with public queries, e.g. giving directions)
Close down (help with gazebos, chairs, signage, boxes and general clear up of the common)
Specialised Roles – Experience Required
Stage Manager (Directing the acts, assist with equipment, keep the stage area safe, All day)
Stage Assistant (Assisting the stage Manager. All day)
Stage MC (Introducing acts on the stage. All day)
Jazz Tent Stage Manager (Directing the bands to the correct places, ensuring the Jazz tent is clean and
running smoothly. All day)
Jazz Tent Stage Assistant (Assist Jazz Tent Stage Manager. All day)
Important Information
Do you have any medical conditions including allergies?
Have you ever received a criminal conviction?
Emergency Contact
First Name:
Post code:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Relationship to you:
For our records
Where did you hear about this volunteering opportunity?
Have you volunteered at the Wimbledon Village Fair before? Yes
Age on 21st June 2014:
Volunteers Name:
I declare that I am capable, competent and conscientious. I understand that strenuous and
unsupervised assignments may be given to volunteers. There may be occasions where I will use my
own judgement to proceed in certain tasks if I deem health and safety to be an issue
Parental Consent for volunteers under the age of 18
If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian must sign this form.
Volunteers Name:
Age on 21st June 2014:
I grant my permission to my son/daughter/ward to serve as a volunteer. In the event of a medical
emergency while he/she is volunteering for the Wimbledon Village Fair I authorise the appropriate
emergency medical treatment to be administrated by responsible medical attendants.
Signature of Parent/Guardian:
Relationship/ Nature of Authority: