Datis Kharrazian, DC, MS

Clinical Interactions of the Neuroendocrine-Immune System with
Hormone Disorders
Datis Kharrazian, DC, MS
The stress response is an orchestration of nervous, endocrine and immune systems.
Neurological adaptation to stress requires integrative synthesis of the hypothalamic,
neocortical, basal ganglionic and mesenchepalic activation. The coordination of these
neurological tissues in a stress response is based on activity of the
corticolenticulopallidostratiothalmalic loop, neocortical-hypothalamic modulation of the
pontomedullary reticulospinal tract and mesencephalic integration of the locus ceruleus
on ponotmedullary pools of neurons.
The immune system, via cytokines, immunokines, neurotransmitters, prostanoids,
prostaglandins, and leukotrienes transmits signals from the body to segmental and
suprasegmental structures. The expression of these cellular messengers impacts excitation
and inhibition of the central integrative state of the neuraxis and leads to phenotypic
clinical expressions of immune and hormone dysfunction seen commonly in a clinical
practice settings.
Activation of the neuroendocrine-immune system leads to the production of
cytokines that may be expressed in the body as TH-1 or TH-2 subset dominance,
suppression of natural killer cells and abnormal immune modulation. The exaggerated
expression of cellular messenger systems leads to inflammatory disorders,
hypersensitivities, suppression of hormonal feedback systems, gut mucosa dysfunction,
hindered phase I and II detoxification, etc.
Chronic expression of the neuroendocrine axis leads to central neuronal cell
death, trans-neural degeneration, global loss of mitochondria pools and far reaching
clinical expressions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, asthma, depression, etc.
The expressions of abnormal neuroendocrine dysfunction can be evaluated using
hormone profiles, cytokine testing, immune panels, VNG testing and standard physical
examination. Modulation of abnormal neuroendocrine expression may be achieved by
removing antigenic stimulation, herbal compounds, nutrition, neurological rehabilitation,
and cognitive and physical exercises.
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