Mack Hall Council Constitution Revised Spring Quarter 2006 Article

Mack Hall Council
Revised Spring Quarter 2006
Article II: The Executive Board
The residents of Mack Hall hereby associate into an organization called Mack
Hall council (abbreviated MHC). Authority for operation of this student
government is given to MHS and the executive board.
A. The policy of MHS is that discrimination against any individual for
reasons of race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin,
sex, age, handicap, or Vietnam veteran status is specifically prohibited.
B. Accordingly, equal access to employment opportunities, admissions,
educational programs, and all other university activities is extended to all
persons MHC promotes equal opportunity through a positive and
continuing affirmative action
A. The purpose of MHC shall be to promote unity, representation, and
responsibility among residents of Mack Hall, and to offer to individual
residents opportunities for the development and education in selfgovernance, recreation, service, leadership, and scholarship.
B. Provide a forum to address community issues.
Article II: The Executive Board
The Executive board shall be composed of a President, Vice President, treasurer,
Secretary, and a RHAC Representative. Executive Board Members shall not be
Paraprofessional Staff members. The MHC Executive Board shall:
C. Ensure weekly meetings of the MHS to be determined by the end of the
academic year in which they are elected.
D. Run the meeting in accordance to the President and Advisor’s discretion
with the agenda created.
E. Ensure bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Board prior to MHS
F. Formulate and administer policies, procedures, and regulations relative to
G. Implement at least two hall programs per quarter.
H. All Executive Board members must be willing to work with the
advisor(s) and the Paraprofessional Staff.
I. Meetings may be cancelled by the discretion of the Executive Board and
the advisor(s).
J. All Executive Board positions may be co-chaired.
The President Shall:
A. Preside over MHS meetings and the meetings of the Executive Board
B. Prepare an agenda for each meeting and run the meetings according to
the agendas at the discretion of the Advisor.
C. Ensure all Executive Board members are fulfilling the obligations of
their respective offices.
D. Attend all MHS meetings and all Executive Board meetings unless
otherwise excused by the Advisor in advance, disregarding emergencies.
E. Be responsible for signing checks, in the absence of the Treasurer.
F. Attend weekly meetings with his or her Advisor.
G. Maintain close contact with other residence hall governments.
The Vice President Shall:
A. Temporarily fulfill the duties of any officer, except the presidency,
should a vacancy or absence occur. In the event of a presidential
vacancy, he or she will serve the remaining term of that office.
B. Preside at weekly meetings of MHS and the Executive Board in the
absence or at the request t of the President.
C. Attend all MHS meetings and all Executive Board meetings unless
otherwise excused by the Advisor or President in advance, disregarding
D. Place weekly advertisement fliers around the hall and to keep the MHS
bulletin board up to date.
E. Attend meetings with an advisor if one is assigned to him or her
F. Perform additional duties as requested by the President or Advisor and to
assist other board members as needed.
The Treasurer Shall:
A. Maintain a complete and current record of all financial transactions of
B. Give a financial report at each MHS meeting.
C. Meet weekly with Advisor to write checks through the last day of his or
her term in office and/or until checks are signed over to the next
D. Authorize payments to all legitimate purchases of Mack Hall.
E. Keep records of floor funds and update floor fund balances weekly.
F. Attend all MHS meetings and all Executive Board meetings unless
otherwise excused by the Advisor or President in advance, disregarding
G. Create a quarterly budget which includes money allotted for the
following: MHS programs, building-wide programs, floor programs,
outside building programs, building activities, and start up money for the
following year.
H. Attend training sessions provided after elections.
I. Prepare quarterly treasurer repot by the second week of the following
J. Present books to MHS at the end of each quarter for the discussion of
spending practices.
K. Perform additional duties as requested by the President or Advisor and to
assist other board members when needed.
The RHAC Representative shall:
A. Attend Weekly RHAC meetings
B. Actively take part in and support RAHC programming.
C. Communicate RHAC’s activities/business with MHS weekly.
D. Attend all MHS meetings and all Executive Board meetings unless
otherwise excused by the Advisor or President in advance, disregarding
E. Attend meetings with an Advisor if one is assigned to him or her.
F. Perform additional duties as requested by the president or advisor and to
assist other members as needed.
The Sustainability Chair Shall:
A. Attend meeting of the OSU Sustainability Council
B. Organize events with recycling themes
C. Report on campus-wide recycling events to the council
D. Create and manage a “GreenZone” recycling center
Article III: Terms of Office and Election Process
Selection of the President and Treasurer shall take place during the second week
of May for the following academic year.
The Vice President, Secretary, and RHAC Representative can be elected then,
but if one or more is not filled, they must be decided by the third (3rd) week of
Fall Quarter.
Any current officer wishing to hold the same office the following year must be
re-elected through the regular election process.
All those wishing to hold an office will follow the following selection process:
A. Meet the University’s requirement for participation in a major activity.
B. Start a petition, obtaining at least twenty (20) signatures of current Mack
Hall residents.
C. The petitions must be turned in to the Hall Director at least one (1) week
before the set election date.
D. Each candidate must submit a platform along with the petition.
E. The following MHC meeting, each candidate must present their
platform, with a time limit of five (5) minutes.
F. Any campaigning strategies may be implemented the day following the
MHC meeting where platforms were presented.
G. Any candidate that is found to have used campaigning strategies before
the specified date will be disqualified.
H. Elections for the offices of President and Treasurer willb e held in the
second (2nd) week of May.
I. The voting process will run for at least three (3) days, but not more then
five (5) days. Tallying should be done by the President and Advisor (s).
If the President is seeking re-election, then he or she must appoint
someone else from the Executive Board to help with tallying.
Article IV: The Advisor
The Hall Director or Assistant Hall Director (Senior Staff) shall serve as the
Advisor(s) to MHC. The Advisor shall have no vote but is responsible for
informing members of policies and procedures that affect council.
Additional Advisors shall be appointed by Senior Staff if needed.
Article V: Grant Approval Process
The voting party shall consist of the following members
A. Each resident Advisor will appoint two (2) floor representatives totaling
four (4) floor representatives per floor.
B. With an exception of paraprofessional Staff members and Executive
Board members, any resident in Mack Hall is eligible to serve as a floor
Two current Executive Board members will count votes in the presence of an
A motion shall pass by a simple majority (fifty percent plus one) of affirmative
and negative votes.
The secretary will ensure that all voting proceeds according to Parliamentary
At least one floor representative from each wing must be present to meet quorum.
If the abstentions outnumber the affirmatives and negatives combined, then the
motion does not pass and is returned to the floor for discussion.
Article VI: Treasury Funds
Grants and Grant Requests
A. All Grant Requests must be put in the MHC mailbox, or e-mailed to the
MHC President and Treasurer at least 48 hours before the meeting.
B. The Presenter of the Grant must be present at the MHC meeting from the
beginning of the MHC meeting.
C. All internal grants must be backed by either a MHC Executive Board
member or a Paraprofessional Staff member. All external grants must be
approved for presentation by the MHC President.
D. Grant Requests must be approved before the program takes place.
E. Reimbursements will only be allocated after purchases have been made
and after the program has taken place.
Article VII: Removal of Officers
MHC Executive Board members who fail to fulfill the responsibilities of their
office may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at the
MHC meeting, in which the removal vote takes place provided quorum has been
met. Such actions shall only be taken after a private meeting with the officer in
question, the Executive Board and an Advisor, during which a resignation may
be requested by the majority of the Executive Board Members and an Advisor. If
the officer in question refuses to resign, the above procedure is led by the
Violation of University policy could result in removal of an Executive Board
member from the MHC executive Board by Senior Staff without impeachment
Aricle IX: Amendments and Ratifications
A. Any MHC members, including Executive Board members, can propose
amendments. Proposals should be typed and then distributed at the
meeting in which it is proposed.
A. The constitution in its original format must be presented to the general
assembly and posted one week before ratification voting may take place.
It shall be effective and render the older version null and void if
approved by 2/3 majority vote of those present at the ratification
B. A 2/3 majority vote is necessary for yearly ratification at the end of each
academic school year during Spring Quarter, provided quorum is met.
C. Amendments to this constitution may be presented to the general MHC
body for ratifications as necessary during the academic year.
D. A 2/3 majority vote of the individuals present at the MHC meeting,
providing quorum has been met, is required for the amendment to be
passed and incorporated into the constitution.