View Safety Plan - US Masters Swimming

FLOAT PLAN for the FKCC Swim Around Key West
DATE: June 14, 2014: Check In: 7:30-8:30 A.M. Race Start: 8:30am
Start In-water start and swim clockwise toward Key West harbor, through Fleming Key,
around Sigsbee toward Cow Key Channel, around to Atlantic Ocean and back to White
Street Pier to finish. (map attached)
1. Marker buoys will be located at the following locations:
a. N24 32.685 W 81 48.765 GPS: Entrance to the harbor
b. N24 34.093 W 81 48.132 GPS: Entrance to the Fleming Key
Channel off the north west end of Pier D3 Coast Guard Station
c. N24 43.035 W81 47.592 GPS: turn toward mooring fields
d. N247 35.157 W81 45.997 GPS: around Sigsbee toward Cow Key
e. N24 33.209 W81 44.707 GPS: From Cow Key Channel to Atlantic
f. At the start and Finish: in front of Bath house at Smathers Beach
1. A minimum of 2 stationary boats, 2 roving boats and 2 or more rescue kayaks will
be located along the course.
2. Boats will be equipped with the following items: basic first aid kit, 2 extra
PFD’s, bailing devices for kayaks (sponges), extra rigging/towing line and/or
straps, fire extinguisher, utility knife, signal flares, multiple anchors with lines,
whistles and/or horns, binoculars, and a cooler with an extra case of water and
box of snacks for swimmers and boat crew.
3. Each boat will be required to have a working VHF radio and cell phone for
communications with the race director, safety director and USCG Station Key
4. Stationary boats will be located at the following locations:
a. Located at the Entrance of Key West Harbor
b. Located at end of Fleming Key Channel
c. Located before entrance of Cow Key
d. Located before entrance to Atlantic Ocean
5. Duties of the safety boats:
a. Provide guidance for the race course and monitor all vessel traffic to
insure safety of the swimmers.
b. Check boat for swimmers along the course (see Swimmer Checkpoint)
c. Assist with individual support boats who may be experiencing technical
d. Monitor the weather and sea conditions
e. Provide transportation for the race officials
f. Monitor set channel on VHF radio and check in with Race Director and
Safety Director throughout the race
g. Warn other water crafts that swimmers are in the water
h. Listing of Boats and Call signs: (Updated list will be provided prior to the
a. “Island Living” call sign college boat—roving boat
b. “MWR boat”
call sign MWR boat- stationary boat
c. “FordFish”
call sign Ford Fish—lead roving boat
d. “Butt Naked”
call sign: Butt Naked –stationary boat
e. “Dickie Bird” call sign “Dickie Bird” stationary boat
6. Safety Kayaks
a. located throughout the course. Roving boats will transport them to
different locations in order to provide rescue on the water for both the
swimmer and their own kayakers.
b. Warn other water craft that swimmers are in the water
c. Each safety kayak will be equipped with one extra PFD, bailing device,
tow line, water and snacks for both the kayaker and swimmers
d. If needed, they may become a swimmers escort until that swimmers escort
is able to continue their duties
1. Located at the Start/Finish line
a. Cell phone number: Lori Bosco 305-360-2124
b. VHF call sign: monitor channel __; (TBD)
c. Land line: for other communications: 305-809-3562
2. Duties:
a. Direct communication link to Coast Guard, Sheriff Department, Safety
Director, and all Safety Boats
b. Provide the Coast Guard with a list of names of the Safety boats and crew
prior to the race
c. Has ultimate authority to cancel the race due to increment weather or
safety conditions.
d. Coordinate all activities held on land and water
e. Determine any race protests or disqualifications
f. Oversees finish of the race to ensure accuracy
g. Oversee all officials and ensure all swimmers follow rules of the course
and have a safe race
h. Brief all participant and event support personnel about the course, safety
procedures and any site-specific rules applying to the event.
3. Has the authority to stop the race for safety concerns or unforeseen circumstances
1. Located along the course in a boat: Name: Will Minor
a. Cell phone number: 781-316-7233
b. Located on FKCC boat: Island Living
2. Duties:
a. Direct communication with the Race Director
b. Direct communication with all boats on the water
c. Oversee safety of the course
d. Ensure all swimmers are with escort crew and adhering to the rules
e. Ensure all escort crew are safe throughout course and craft is acceptable
f. Ensure all checkpoints have accounted for all swimmers
g. Render emergency first aid if necessary
h. Advise the Race Director of any unforeseen circumstances that may pose a
safety risk for the swimmers.
i. May recommend a modification of the race course due to safety
j. Consult with Race Director for cancellation of the race
1. Located throughout the course on safety boats
a. Cell phone number: Greta Ford: 305-797-0284
b. Boat name
2. Duties
a. Ensure safety of swimmers
b. Ensure all participants are following rules of the race
c. Ensure all swimmers are with their escort crew
d. Make sure all open water rules according to United States Swimming Part
7 Article 701 in the USA swimming rules and regulation book are
followed.(although this race is not sanctioned, we will be adhering to the
rules put forth by United States Swimming).
1. Each swimmer will to be required to have a number visibly marked on the upper
arm and on their escort boat.
2. Each swimmers will be required to follow rules of the race.
3. A Swimmer is required to end race upon notification by Race Official Boat or
USCG Coast Guard Boat.