Abstract ID biodiv56 Type Oral Theme biodiv Full title Characterization of riverine floodplain habitats and benthic macroinvertebrates across a human disturbance gradient in Pennsylvania (USA) rivers Abstract text Riverine floodplains in unaltered reaches exhibit a patchy mosaic of aquatic habitats characterized by high spatial and temporal heterogeneity, providing diverse habitats for multiple taxa. Using techniques of watershed classification, hydrogeomorphic (HGM) functional assessment, and biological assessment of aquatic macroinvertebrates, we show that these systems are often subject to high rates of human disturbance from agricultural activities and urbanization resulting in a loss of particular habitat types and associated biota. In this paper, we focus on changes in macroinvertebrate taxa in river reaches and floodplain wetlands across a gradient of human disturbance in Pennsylvania streams in the eastern U.S. The least disturbed floodplain habitats contained higher proportions of well-connected and more seasonal habitats with a mix of stream insects and obligatory floodplain taxa, apparently the result of a more stable flow regime consisting of alternating flow and flood pulses. Impacted floodplains were limited to disconnected channels with tolerant non-insect taxa or highly ephemeral habitats with opportunistic taxa, indicating a flashier flow regime characterized by high magnitude flood events and floodplain abandonment. Biological assessments of river channels alone do not capture the variability of wetland microhabitats or taxa found in systems with high ecological integrity. Floodplains associated with higher stream orders proportionally encompass smaller areas of watersheds, and due to extensive alterations, represent a potentially under-represented ecosystem within conservation reserves. Submission date 2009-11-09 Keywords Riverine wetlands, floodplain habitat, hydrogeomorphic functional assessment, aquatic macroinvertebrates, Pennsylvania Will be submitting paper? Yes