PROTOCOL FOR MULTI-AGENCY ASSESSMENT OF PREGNANT WOMEN AND THEIR BABIES IN CASES WHERE THERE IS DRUG / ALCOHOL USE Multi-Agency Pregnancy Liaison and Assessment Group (MAPLAG) JULY 2008 Title of Protocol for Multi-Agency Assessment of Protocol Pregnant Women and their Babies in Cases where there is Drug / Alcohol Use Application All SSCB partner agencies Date of June 2000 initial ratification Date of July 2008 revision Date of 2nd September 2008 ratification Date of next July 2010 review Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Contents Page No. Introduction 3 Route for Multi-Agency Assessment 3 Multi-Agency Pregnancy Liaison and 4 Assessment Group (MAPLAG) process MAPLAG Risk Assessment 5 Case Review 6 Following birth 6 Exiting MAPLAG process 6 Storage and copying of MAPLAG 7 minutes MAPLAG PROTOCOL - July 2008 2 1.0 Introduction 1.1 This protocol is applicable for all staff working with women, and their partners, who use drugs and/or misuse alcohol during pregnancy. It should be used in conjunction with Sheffield’s Integrated Practice Manual, ‘Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board Interagency Protocol for Gathering Information when working with Drug/Alcohol Misusing Parents’ and South Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Boards’ Child Protection Procedures 2007. 1.2 The purpose of this protocol is: To encourage pregnant women who use, or are suspected of using drugs and / or misusing alcohol to seek early antenatal care and, where appropriate, treatment To normalise antenatal and postnatal care as much as possible whilst recognising the social and medical issues associated with drug and / or alcohol use and providing appropriate services to address these To establish an action plan to meet the needs of the pregnant woman, her baby and any other children within the family. The action plan should also try to meet the needs of the woman’s partner wherever possible To encourage communication between all professionals so that advice to the woman is consistent, and that any concerns about drug / alcohol misuse or safeguarding children are identified and dealt with appropriately. 1.3 It is important to ensure early identification of women who use drugs and/or misuse alcohol in order to provide appropriate care. All pregnant women must be asked by their community midwife about their use of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs (both legal and illicit) and alcohol. This is an integral part of the health (booking) assessment. 1.4 If a pregnant woman discloses drug use and/or alcohol misuse to any worker or drug use / alcohol misuse is suspected (as in 1.1), she MUST be referred to the Specialist Midwife in drugs and alcohol use based at Jessop Wing. This is the responsibility of the worker to whom this information is disclosed and must be done as soon as they become aware of the pregnancy and the drug use and/or alcohol misuse. The woman must be informed that she has been referred. 1.5 The specialist midwife in drugs and alcohol acts as the care coordinator for all pregnant women where there are issues relating to drugs and alcohol. 2.0 Route for Multi-Agency Assessment 2.1 Where a pregnant woman uses drugs and/or misuses alcohol, assessment needs to consider if there is the potential for the family life MAPLAG PROTOCOL - July 2008 3 and unborn baby to be affected. It also needs to take account of whether there are any associated activities that impact on the unborn child, and result in concerns for the child’s welfare or safety. 2.2 Assessment of risk will be undertaken by multi-agency collaboration (MAPLAG). 3.0 Multi-Agency Pregnancy Liaison and Assessment Group (MAPLAG) process 3.1 Criteria for discussion at MAPLAG are: Any problematic drug use during current pregnancy, including problematic cannabis use Any problematic or dependent drinking during current pregnancy Suspicion of drug use where indicators of use are evident but no disclosure e.g. street sex work, criminal activity known to be associated with drug use, past drug and /or alcohol misuse. (Problematic use is defined as use that affects lifestyle i.e. social, financial, psychological, physical or legal problems as a result of their drug and / or alcohol use (Drugscope 2009)) 3.2 The woman needs to be informed, both verbally and by leaflet, about the MAPLAG process. 3.3 Women who are identified as using drugs and/or misusing alcohol (as in s3.1) will be discussed for the first time at MAPLAG at 20 - 24 weeks gestation. 3.4 MAPLAG is comprised of named representatives from the agencies, which a woman is likely to have contact with during her pregnancy. This includes: Specialist midwife in drug and alcohol use Specialist social worker Specialist GP Liaison health visitor in drug and alcohol use Senior practitioner from Social Care Work Department Interviewing officer from Social Care Work Department 3.5 MAPLAG is chaired and minuted by staff from the SSCB Substance Misuse Development Project, and is held fortnightly. 3.6 Details of all workers involved with the family are noted on the front sheet of the MAPLAG minutes. Prior to discussion at MAPLAG an update of the situation will be requested from all workers, including GPs and primary care professionals. MAPLAG PROTOCOL - July 2008 4 3.7 The discussion for each woman and her family follows a set agenda including: Details of the referral to the specialist midwife in drug and alcohol use. Social, medical, psychological and forensic history Mental health issues Health and care of pregnant woman and unborn baby Progress in managing any drug and/or alcohol misuse and details of their treatment plan Attendance at appointments and cooperation, or non-compliance, with support services The woman and her partner’s perception of the situation, and commitment to change Care of any existing children and any relevant information about previous pregnancies Whether any family/friends support network is available Whether the woman and/or partner, or any of their children are known to Children’s Social Care and why, including whether known to the list (previously known as Child Protection Register) Information about the pregnant woman’s partner; whether they are a drug and/or alcohol misuser, any available details of the partner’s treatment plan Preparation for the baby’s birth Details of all workers involved with the family Confidential information slot (e.g. information from the police). 3.8 An initial risk assessment and action plan will be made based on this information to provide coordinated support for the woman and her partner, stating where necessary who will action certain pieces of work. The minutes will be circulated to all members of the group, the woman’s GP, prescriber, significant workers and any social workers involved. 3.9 The meeting will agree who will make the contents of the minutes known to the mother and her partner. This will usually take the format of a letter to be given to the woman and her partner outlining the strengths and difficulties identified in their case and the current risk assessment, and will provide an opportunity for the woman and her partner to reply to the current MAPLAG assessment. 3.10 If an initial risk assessment cannot be made due to insufficient information being available to the meeting, the case will be brought back for further discussion and risk assessment at the next appropriate meeting. The date for next discussion will be written in the Action Plan. 4.0 MAPLAG Risk Assessment 4.1 The MAPLAG risk assessment: MAPLAG PROTOCOL - July 2008 5 Tier 1 (Low risk) – monitoring of mother/partner and baby through normal universal pathways Tier 2 (Medium risk) – targeted support – multi-agency meeting with mother/partner to look at CAF. Tier 3 (High risk) – Referral into social care services (Child Protection concerns identified) 4.2 Following the risk assessment, a multi-agency meeting should be convened to ensure all parties, including the parents are clear of the outcome. (E.g. Multi-agency meeting, Child Protection Conference, Children in Need meeting). This should happen prior to the birth of the baby. 4.3 A birth plan should also be completed and forwarded to the specialist midwife for drugs and alcohol and the senior practitioner, Jessop wing social care services. The birth plan can request that a parenting assessment is completed on the ward, and also should indicate whether a 5 day stay in hospital is needed for mother and baby. 5.0 Case Review 5.1 All cases will be brought back to MAPLAG at 32 weeks. The discussion will review the previous minutes; look at the action plan; update the information, including feedback from mother and partner, and all workers involved. If a birth plan hasn’t already been completed a provisional one needs to be added at this stage, which will indicate whether a 5 day hospital stay is needed for mother and baby. 6.0 Following birth 6.1 A pre-discharge meeting should be held wherever possible in cases assessed as needing Tier 3 intervention. This will be indicated in the MAPLAG action plan. The pre-discharge meeting needs to be chaired and minuted and the minutes filed in the women’s obstetric notes. 6.2 The purpose of the pre-discharge meeting is to ensure that the community based care of the woman and her baby is well co-ordinated prior to their discharge into the community. The pre-discharge meeting should include midwife, health visitor, drugs/alcohol worker and social worker. 6.3 In cases where the MAPLAG action plan has not indicated a predischarge meeting to be needed, the specialist midwife in drug and alcohol use will co-ordinate the discharge. MAPLAG PROTOCOL - July 2008 6 7.0 Exiting MAPLAG process 7.1 Once a woman has been referred to MAPLAG, her case will only be closed and exited from the MAPLAG process: If she is not pregnant If her substance misuse does not fit the criteria in 1.1 (where safeguarding children issues are identified the case will be passed to the safeguarding midwifery team.) If the woman moves out of city (all relevant information will be shared with new local authority) Following birth (all cases are discussed for the final time following birth) 8.0 Storage and copying of MAPLAG minutes 8.1 MAPLAG minutes are strictly confidential and are to be shared only with workers in contact with the woman and her family. 8.2 Disclosure of this material to other parties must be appropriate to the purpose and only to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose. 8.3 MAPLAG minutes should be kept within the client’s file and should be kept for the length of time the agency would usually keep their clients files. MAPLAG PROTOCOL - July 2008 7