MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 1 z 12 FACULTY OF MASS MEDIA COMMUNICATION LIST OF COURSES Study programe: MEDIA RELATIONS – bachelor level Program Coordinator: PhDr. Ján Višňovský, PhD., e-mail:, Characteristics of a study programme: The term media relations in professional public is understood as regular communication with the media, maintaining a good relationship with journalists who are interested in the issue of the company or public institution. The resulting publicity - neutral, positive or negative in critical situations - is primarily the result of the quality of these relationships. Relations with media are based on the production and providing with information that attract attention of addressed media about the topic and consequently the interest of recipients of media contents for company, organization, its products or services. The term media relations in the narrow sense also represents creating of good relationships with other subjects involved in the media communication (passive or active). List of Courses (I. year of study, bachelor level) 1. Theory of Media Communication (4 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Juliána Mináriková, PhD., Annotation: Classification of media communication Initial theories of communication Communication as a social interaction Semiotics in mass media communication Levels of communication Models of communication Theory of two-step communication Theory of discourse Media and mass culture Media production Media audience Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 2 z 12 Research of media 2. Media Psychology (4 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: PhDr. Oľga Škvareninová, CSc., Media psychology is concerned with a wide swath of human behavior, especially so in an increasingly media-dominated society. Its purview captures the worlds of entertainment and advertising and their short- and long-term impact on values, attitudes and behavior. It explores the media as they exert influence on social, educational and strategic communications, on Information Technology and telecommunications, on politics and sports, on ideology and on religion, on war and peace and on diplomacy and terrorism, and on physical and psychological wellbeing. Annotation: Media psychology The media and mind, self, and society Media, messages, and the medium as message Psychology and media (processing information) Priming and media messages on physical activity Media and perception Business and citizen (consumers and the media) 3. Marketing (4 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Veronika Pizano, PhD., Annotation: Defining marketing – basic definitions. Needs, wants and demands. Products. Exchange, transaction, relationship marketing. Market. Marketing management: concepts and functions. Marketing information system and marketing research. Marketing environment. Marketing mix and marketing communication. Market segmentation and market targeting. Corporate identity. Customer relationship Management and sustainable Marketing. Services marketing. Place marketing. International marketing. Non – profit marketing. Marketing and the internet. New trends in marketing. 4. History of Journalism (4 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: Dr. h. c. prof. PhDr. Juraj Vojtek, CSc., Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 3 z 12 The basic objective of the course is to present the development of journalism in the world since its beginning to the present. The main focus of the course is to present the development of journalism in Great Britain and the USA since the last third of the 19th century when the present structure of the journalistic industry started to develop. Knowledge of the history of journalism is an indispensable part of the general education of media professionals. Understanding the history of journalism requires adequate knowledge of history in general. Annotation: Social, technical and economic assumptions leading to the creation of periodical press The first forms (newspaper flyers / leaflet newspapers) Emergence of first newspapers in the most developed countries at the beginning of the17th century Building a typology of newspapers: daily, morning paper, evening paper, Sunday paper Legislative assumptions of the development of the press; the fight for the freedom of the press. Legal and economic restrictions of the freedom of the press Great editors-in-chief The role of advertising in the press business; newspapers as big business Emergence and development of mass press and onset of press monopolies Attempts to restrict monopolisation and conglomeratization in the newspaper business Summary of results of the development of journalism and current structure of periodical press in the world 5. General Economic Theory (3 ECTS, winter semester) Economic decisions and economic activities, which underlie the solution of many problems of every-day living, belong to some crucial components of every-day life. The success of solving them out depends on understanding the constantly changing economic events and processes. Within this context, it is necessary to know the elementary economic terms and categories and especially what the economic introduces and what its basic functions are. Language: English Lecturer: Ing Tomáš Fašiang, PhD., Annotation: Basis, meaning and dividing of economy Economy, base types and economic policy Basic economic subjects and production factors Market, market responsibilities and market mechanism Basic macro-economic terms and categories Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 4 z 12 Commercial circle Unemployment and inflation Money and bank sector International financial system and theories of international trade Economic integration and European Union Economic theories and its representatives The Nobel prize for economy 6. Informatics, Mass Media Informatics (3 ECTS/3ECTS, winter/summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Ing. Andrej Trnka, PhD., Ing, Robert Halenar, PhD.,, Mission of teaching informatics the general-education science course in nontechnical field of study in college is to teach students basic concepts, procedures and informatics, building an informatics culture, to teach effective use of information resources of civilization with respect for the legal and ethical use of information technologies and products. The aim of teaching the general-education science course is to make the basic concepts and techniques for working with data to understand the flow of information in computer systems and in conjunction with information technology to create a platform for all other study subjects. Part of the theory underpinning the study subject is dealt with using practical examples listed in the Annex textbook of individual presentations. Annotation: Introduction to computer terminology Internet Information technology and society Security and copyright and law Computer viruses Legal and illegal software 7. Social-cultural Contexts of Communication (4 ECTS, summer semester) The word „communication“belongs to the most frequent specialized terms of contemporary social and human sciences. In the development of human culture, the sole phenomenon of communication is of same prominent status. We do not understand communication in just narrow meaning as a casual process of information transfer, but from the philosophical viewpoint communication has a meaning, symbolical and ritual role in the production of social world, world of a man. Communication created human society, human culture and in the source of the whole history of mankind, it helps to pass human wisdom and education from generation to generation. From this reason, not only theorists of communication focus on the research of communication. Communication is subject of research in Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 5 z 12 many sciences from the field of human, social, technical and natural sciences. Its research is thus of interdisciplinary character. Important positions among these sciences also have sciences on culture, among which cultural studies, science about culture, took prominent position at the beginning of the 1970s. Language: English Lecturer: PhDr. Oľga Škvareninová, CSc., olga.skvareninova@ucm,sk Annotation: Definition of the term culture Starting Points of European Culture. Ancient world of Asia, Egypt Antique culture. Basic values of our culture Medieval culture. Christian basis of our culture Culture of Modern Era. 1492 – 1848 Culture of Modern Era. 1848 – Present times 8. Social responsibility of media (4 ECTS, summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Juliana Mináriková, PhD., Annotation: Morality and ethics, communication ethics, social responsibility of the media and media ethics – basic terminology Characteristics of media ethics as occupational (professional) ethics, relation to enterprise ethics Social responsibility of enterprise subjects and media Forms and institutions of ethical self-regulation in media, marketing, advertising, and journalistic work Importance and history of ethics codes Marketing ethics, PR ethics, advertising ethics Characterization and functioning of ethics codes in the media practice in Slovakia Ethics of the journalistic work Social responsibility of media operative in relation to the public and object of his interest Ethical aspects of media work in relation to recipient, audience and society 9. Effective communication (3 ECTS, summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Veronika Pizano, PhD., Annotation: Social communication Verbal communication Nonverbal communication Principles of effective communication Effective dialogue Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 6 z 12 Group conversation, discussion Effective communication techniques, conflicts solving Manipulation and protection against it Persuasion, inducement, negotiation Assertiveness, assertive techniques 10. Marketing Communication (4 ECTS, summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Ing. Tomáš Fašiang, PhD., e-mail: The aim of this course is to provide basic information about marketing communication tools – advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing. At the end of the course students should be able to define marketing communication, the process of marketing communication, characterise communication mix, and be familiar with the meaning, objectives and forms of each marketing communication tool. Annotation: Nature of marketing communication Marketing communication process Communication mix Advertising: objectives and budget Public Relations: objectives and tools Personal selling Direct marketing 11. Aesthetic in mass media (4 ECTS, summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Michal Kovalčík, PhD., Annotation: Aesthetic relationship to the world, the aesthetic attitude Aesthetical situation Subject and method of aesthetics The categories of aesthetics Brief outline of aesthetic thinking Artifact and aesthetic sign Semiotic relations of aesthetic phenomenons Aesthetic perception and aesthetic experience Aesthetic object Work of art Aesthetic function, aesthetic value, aesthetic standard Non-artistic and natural aesthetics 12. English Language I., II. (4 ECTS/4 ECTS, winter/summer semester) Language: English Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 7 z 12 Lecturer: PaedDr. Eva Habiňáková, PhD., 13. Seminar of Multimedia Production I., II. (2 ECTS/2 ECTS, winter/summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. art. Petra Cepková, PhD., 14. Presentation Skills Trainning I., II. (2 ECTS, 2 ECTS, winter/summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: PhDr. Andrea Koltaiová, PhD., Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 8 z 12 List of Courses (II. year of study, bachelor level) 1. Public Relations (4 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: PhDr. Ján Sloboda, PhD., Annotation: Characteristics of PR starting points. Psychology of PR communication. The public and public opinion From propaganda to discussion – development of PR. Insight into world and slovak history of PR PR as management function. aims and functions of PR Media Relations – basis of PR Corporate Identity Crisis Communication Public affairs Controlled Events as part of PR Sponsorship and Donating Internal PR Integrated planning of PR activities – situational analysis, defining of targets, target groups, and budget of PR activities, implementation and control Social responsibility and PR, ethics of PR communication 2. Media Relations I., II. (5 ECTS/5 ECTS, winter/summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: PhDr. Ján Sloboda, PhD., The aim of Media relations I is to explain and investigate the subject of Media Relations and effective ways to develop relationships, how to deal with journalists, describe the specifics of the media market and ethical rules used in the relationship between PR managers and journalists. Annotation: Media Relations characteristics Specifics of the Media market / How various media operate Media power Creation of an annual communication strategy Main principles of Media Relations Media communication tools Principles of communication with media Spokesperson as the company communicator 3. Creation of Journalistic Messages I, II. (5 ECTS/5 ECTS, winter/summer semester) Language: English Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 9 z 12 Lecturer: prof. PhDr. Nataliya Panasenko, DrSc., Annotation: Introduction to the issue of journalistic genres: Publicistic style, journalistic genres, genre dominant Development processes and particularities of journalistic genres in print media News genres, criteria, attributes, classification Approaches and procedures related to writing news texts, current trends Publicistic journalism of rational type (analytical publicistic journalism), publicistic journalism of emotional type (belles-lettres publicistic journalism), process of writing the text, methods, features Investigative journalism Publicistic genres of rational type, classification, basic characteristics Analysis and creation of genres – commentary, note, editorial, reflection, recension Analysis and creation of genres – analysis, interview, editorial chat, recension Analysis and editing of genres of epistolary publicistic journalism – reaction, inquiry, discussion, journalistic letter Publicistic genres of emotional type, basic characteristics Analysis and creation of genres – glossa, feature, essay, column 4. Media Marketing (5 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Marianna Schmidtová, Annotation: Media marketing and media market Specifics of marketing mix in media marketing New trends in media: Product placement New trends in media: Guerrilla marketing in media New trends in media: Viral marketing New trends in media: Mobile marketing Corporate Identity in media and its characteristics Communication of media Design of media Presentation of student´s seminar papers – list of topics 5. System of Work in Print Media (5 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: PhDr. Oľga Škvareninová, CSc., This course acquaints students with the fundamental rules of the collective journalistic process through theoretical study and covers the set of activities taking place in the editorial office. In addition, it introduces issues dealing with the assumptions of a collective component of the creative journalistic process, Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 10 z 12 that means, the organization of editorial work and management of editorial teams. Annotation: Place of editing in journalism theory Organisation of editorial work in general Organization of editorial work and editing Editing as a purposeful, creative process Systematic characteristic of a journalistic unit Internal and external forms of a journalistic unit 6. Electronic Media System of Operations (4 ECTS, summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Juliána Mináriková, PhD., The course Electronic Media – System of Operations aims to provide students with an overview of the system of electronic media as such - the coexistence of different types of media in the same space, particularities and means of expression of electronic media in determining journalistic activity, perspective for electronic media development and its subsequent use by recipients. In this course students acquire a better ability to understand the media environment and how the media affect society and the individual. Annotation: Origins of electronic media Types of electronic media Regulation of electronic media Broadcasting: methods and options, transmission and retransmission Electronic media audience Electronic media – current situation Organizational structure and production conditions Creative journalistic activity with respect to media types Programming and its importance Relationship: electronic media and internet Tendencies in development of electronic media 7. Creating Media Message (5 ECTS, summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: prof. PhDr. Nataliya Panasenko, Annotation: News value of event Main features of journalistic information Message caption Message language and compositional means Message fact DrSc., Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 11 z 12 Message composition - chronological, logical, emphatic, contra-chronological and causal Hard news, soft news, spot news, developing news, and continuing news Message particularities in press, radio and television News service interview Dramaturgy of news service interview 8. Organization of Media Events (2 ECTS, winter semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Igor Lakatoš, Goal of the subject is to teach the students to identify, distinguish, evaluate and prepare various media events and presentations. The student will understand the meaning of press conference, press-presentation, accreditation, event for media, media testing, excursion for media, media day and another forms of media undertaking for companies, organizations and for the media itself. The student will handle the ways of set up and production of some tangible media events. The student will get the knowledge dealing with the basis of presenting for media, he will learn to analyse and define goals, structure and content of media events, he will learn to know the needs and preferences of particular media. He will learn to react to media questions give arguments and keep attention of media. Annotation: Importance of media events in terms of creating relations with media Media events and their development – historical overview Media events as a part of marketing plan Organizing a media event How to hold an effective press conference Handling the media Creating a media event Creating a press list Press releases and calls Organizing the event Managing the event 9. Case studies I., II. (2 ECTS/2 ECTS, winter/summer semester) Language: English Lecturer: Mgr. Veronika Pizano, PhD., Annotation: Methodology of solving case studies Case study structure Problem solving Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: MEDIA RELATIONS COURSES Strana 12 z 12 SWOT analysis Marketing strategy 10. Creative Writing I., II. (2 ECTS/2 ECTS, winter/summer semester) The goal of subject is to enable some assumes, forms and order and practices of creative writing for both, media needs and art production. A student will understand the basic characteristic signs of literary genres, he will learn to identify and create them. The student will master the description of surroundings, characters, plot, principles of pressure creating, dialogues making, metaphors and punch line. The student will get the writing skill when it comes to ideas, synopses, fictions, broadcasting and audiovisual screenplays of various genres. He will learn to create some dramatic situations, solve conflicts and create literary characters. Language: English Lecturer: prof. PhDr. Nataliya Panasenko, DrSc., Annotation: Personal assumptions of creativity Creative writing as a craft Structure of creative outputs Genres and forms of creative outputs Surroundings description as basic starting point of Literary work Dialogues and conflict as dramatic item of literary work Stylistics and syntax of written discourse Importance of original metaphor and punch line Most frequent mistakes of creative outputs – phrases, calques, Deaf metaphors Message of literary work Production of literary works 19. 1. 2015 PhDr. Ján Višňovský, PhD. Department Coordinator Faculty of Mass Media Communication University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava Slovakia Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie, Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave Adresa: Námestie Jozefa Herdu 2, 917 01 Trnava Telefón: 033/55 65 424 E-mail: Internet: