Survival and Growth of Several Important Juveniles Tree Species in a Tropical Rain Forest, West Sumatra Erizal Mukhtar Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University, Padang 25163, West Sumatra, Indonesia ABSTRACT Survival and Growth rate of juveniles tree species in a tropical rainforest, West Sumatra, was measured for seven tree species over 13 year period in 1-ha plot of tropical rain forest in Ulu Gadut, West Sumatra, Indonesia. All individuals with dbh < 8 cm were sampled in 1989-1998 and 2002. The highest Survival rate of seedling was observed for Swintonia schwenkii and followed by Cleistanthus glandulosus and Gonystylus forbesii. The lowest survival rate was observed for Grewia florida. Relative Height Growth Rate (RHGR) were various between emergent, canopy and subcanopy tree. The highest RHGR was observed for emergent tree species, S. schwenkii. Whereas between canopy species, Hopea dryobalanoides was showed higher RHGR than Calophyllum soulattri. Furthermore, S. schwenkii as emergent tree species showed highest performance in Integrated Response Index (IRI). The relationship between their performances in the forest stand was also discussed in this paper. Key Words : Survival, RHGR, IRI, seedling, Ulu Gadut forest. INTRODUCTION Regeneration is a key process for the existence of species in the community. It is also a critical part of forest management, because regeneration maintains desired species composition and stocking after biotic and abiotic disturbances. Various studies on regeneration of trees have been carried out in survival and growth. For example, the rate of forest regeneration depends largely on the growth rates and survival of native species that are planted or arrive on their own (Clark et al., 1999; Quintana-Ascencio et al, 2004) and large differences in seedling growth and survival of several species in response to spatial heterogeneity in microenvironments (Beckage and Clark, 2003). We have monitored the population of major species at 1-ha permanent plots of a foothill rain forest in Ulu Gadut, West Sumatra since 1980. Spatial distribution pattern of major species in this forest have been revealed and their regeneration mechanisms were discussed with demographic data (Suzuki & Kohyama, 1991; Kohyama et al., 1994; Mukhtar et al., 1992, 1998). This study follows the above previous paper observing the regeneration mechanisms of several tree species in respect to their survival and growth rate. We aimed to clarify species characteristics survival and growth rates of juveniles in differences stage of the major tree species in this forest. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study site This study was carried out at 1-ha permanent plot, named Pinang-pinang plot in a foothill forest of Mt. Gadut (Lat. 0o 55’ S, Long. 100o 30’ E), 18 km east from Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The elevation ranged from 490 m to 520 m in altitude. This plot is covered primarily by matured trees occurring in patches with sporadic gap and regrowth patches. Details of stand descriptions could be referred to the previous papers (Kohyama et al., 1989; Yoneda et al., 1990; Mukhtar et al, 1992; 1998) 1 Study species We chosen 7 species which all these species are common and dominant in Ulu Gadut forest floor. The species were Swintonia schwenkii T & B (Anacardiaceae), Calophyllum soulattri Burm (Guttiferae), Hopea dryobalanoides Miq. (Dipterocarpaceae), Cleistanthus glandulosus Jabl. (Euphorbiaceae), Mastixia trichotoma Bl. (Cornaceae), Grewia florida Miq. (Tiliaceae) and Gonystylus forbesii Gilg. (Thymelaeceae). The species characteristics of seven tree species in forest stand are shown in Table 1. Observation for seedling dynamics All juveniles selected tree species were measured and mapped into a grid of 115 subplots of 10 x 10 m. The trees were marked and the species were identified. In September 1989, we were carried out first census of individuals for representative tree species in the plot permanent. The juveniles were re-sampled on September 1998 and on September 2002 in a second and the third census, respectively. Their positions and tree height were also measured at the first census and it recorded position make easily for next measurement. Calculation of Survival Rate and Relative Growth Rate Survival rate was calculated in two different census intervals, 1989-1998 and 19892002. For each tree species, we analyzed survival rate in each year with respect to juveniles size and distance to the nearest conspecific adult. Survival rates were determined as : Survival = (Nt/No)/ ∆t x 100 % where No number of population count at the beginning of the measurement interval, Nt = number of emerged among the initial population, ∆t = measurement interval between census (Stephanie and Jean-Francois, 2000; Quintana-Ascencio et al., 2004; Munemitsu and Shiro, 2005). Relative Height Growth Rate (RHGR) could obtained by the following formula : RHGR = [ ln Ht1 – ln Ht2 ]/ ∆t where Ht1 and Ht2 are juvenile height in t1 and t2, and the duration (∆t), respectively (Hunt, 1982; Beckage and Clark, 2003; Quintana-Ascencio et al., 2004). Integrated Response Index In order to assess relative establishment success among the species, a composite performance index was used to integrate the contributions of regeneration responses of survival and growth. The relative value of the index indicates the expected success of each species at their habitat. The Integrated Response Index (IRI) was calculated as IRI = Survival x RHGR (De Steven, 1991; Quaintana-Ascencio et al., 2004). RESULTS Vertical structure Figure 1 is shown the height distributions of seven tree species in Pinang-pinang plot. The result shows a time trend of the population number during 13 years since 1989. The population was decreased gradually as the height class increased. The distributions patterns were founded majority (six species) in L-shaped whereas the distribution pattern for Gonystylus forbesii were changed to Bell-shaped at the second and third census measurement. Furthermore, the numbers of population were dominant at seedling stage (H=0-100 cm) for both census interval. The highest population number at seedling stage were observed for Calophyllum soulattri and followed by Cleistanthus glandulosus and Swintonia schwenkii. The lowest population number was observed for Grewia florida. 2 Number of Individu 200 Swintonia schwenk iii Calophyllum soulattri 2800 2400 150 2000 1600 100 1200 800 50 400 > 1000 801-900 901-1000 701-800 601-700 501-600 301-400 201-300 401-500 801-900 901-1000 > 1000 801-900 901-1000 > 1000 701-800 601-700 501-600 401-500 301-400 201-300 Cleistanthus glandulosus 500 Gonystylus forbesii 101-200 0-100 0-100 > 1000 801-900 901-1000 701-800 0 601-700 0 501-600 50 101-200 > 1000 801-900 901-1000 701-800 601-700 501-600 401-500 50 401-500 100 301-400 100 201-300 150 101-200 Grewia florida 200 150 200 400 150 300 100 200 50 100 701-800 601-700 501-600 401-500 301-400 0-100 201-300 0 > 1000 801-900 901-1000 701-800 601-700 501-600 401-500 301-400 201-300 101-200 0-100 0 101-200 Number of Individu 301-400 101-200 Hopea dryobalanoides 0-100 Number of Individu 200 201-300 0 0-100 0 Number of Individu Height class (cm) Mastixia trichotoma 300 Population 1989 200 Population 1998 Populationi 2008 100 > 1000 801-900 901-1000 701-800 601-700 501-600 401-500 301-400 201-300 101-200 0-100 0 Height class (cm) Figure 1. The height class distribution of seven tree species based on seedling stage (H=0-100 cm), sapling stage (H=101-400 cm) and pole stage (H=400-1000 cm) Survival rate Survival rate was differences among seven tree species as shown in Fig. 2. In general the result showed that survival rate was highest in the seedling stage and rapidly increased as the height class increased. Among seven tree species studies showed that the similar survival pattern between two interval censuses. The highest survival was observed in small height class (seedling, < 100 cm in height) for Swintonia schwenkii and followed by Cleistanthus glandulosus and Gonystylus forbesii. Furthermore, Calophyllum soulattri, Hopea dryobalanoides and Mastixia trichotoma showed intermediate. The lowest survival rate was observed for Grewia. The survival rate pattern was also similar for the second census interval. l (%/yr) 12 9 Swintonia schwenkii 12 9 Calophyllum soulattri 3 Figure 2. Frequency distribution of survival rate for seven tree species in two different census interval. Growth rate In general Relative Height Growth Rate (RHGR) was decreased as the hight class increasead as shon in Figure 3. The highest RHGR was observed for Grewia florida for the first census interval but at the second census interval the rate become lowest one. At the second census interval the highest RHGR was observed at Swintonia schwenkii. Furthermore, Hopea dryobalanoides, Gonystylus forbesii, were showed intermediate in both interval census. Mastixia trichotoma showed higher RHGR at first census but showed the lower one at 4 > 1000 801-900 901-1000 601-700 501-600 401-500 301-400 701-800 701-800 801-900 901-1000 701-800 801-900 901-1000 601-700 501-600 401-500 201-300 301-400 > 1000 601-700 501-600 401-500 301-400 0-100 > 1000 901-1000 801-900 0 701-800 0 601-700 3 501-600 3 401-500 6 301-400 6 201-300 9 101-200 9 Cleistanthus glandulosus 201-300 12 Gonystylus forbesii 201-300 0-100 0-100 901-1000 0-100 801-900 0 701-800 0 601-700 3 501-600 3 401-500 6 301-400 6 201-300 9 0-100 Grewia florida 12 9 12 Calophyllum soulattri 101-200 > 1000 101-200 Hopea dryobalanoides 101-200 RHGR (cm/cm/yr) 801-900 0 901-1000 0 701-800 3 601-700 3 501-600 6 401-500 6 301-400 9 201-300 9 12 RHGR (cm/cm/yr) 12 101-200 Swintonia schwenkii 101-200 12 0-100 RHGR (cm/cm/yr) the second census. From these results it can be concluded that the long term survey for survival rate is necessary for clarify exactly the growth rate of each species. Height class (cm) RHGR (cm/cm/yr) 12 Mastixia trichotoma RHGR 1989-1998 9 RHGR 1989-2008 6 3 > 1000 901-1000 801-900 701-800 601-700 501-600 401-500 301-400 201-300 101-200 0-100 0 Height class (cm) grated Response Index Figure 3. Relative Growth Rate of seven main tree species. Integrated Response Index Based on the values the Integrated Response Index (IRI) showed that Swintonia as emergent tree species have higher response in their performance compared than another tree species. This result indicated that the characteristics of this species in order to reach upper layer of stand forest. Whereeas between canopy tree species, Hopea dryobalanoides showed higher IRI than Calophyllum soulattri. Furthermore, between subcanopy species Cleistanthus glandulosus and Gonystylus forbesii showed higher IRI than that two other subcanopy species. The pattern was similar in both two surveys. 50 Swintonia schwenkii 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 Calophyllum soulattri 5 Figure 4. Integrated Response Index (IRI) from seven main tree species DISCUSSION Our discussion will focused on their relationship with statue in the forest stand. Various pattern of survival rate were found between emergent, canopy and subcanopy tree species. Grewia florida and Mastixia trichotoma as subcanopy tree species have performance the lower survival for seedling as shown in Figure 2. According to Kohyama et al., (1994) both of two species were recognized to be more sensitive to gap dynamics than Hopea dryobalanoides, Gonystylus forbesii and Cleistanthus glandulosus. In our data founded that G. forbesii and C. glandulosus also as subcanopy tree species showed higher survival for seedling stage. Both canopy tree species Calophyllum soulattri showed the lowest in survival rate for seedling. The higher RHGR was observed for emergent tree species, Swintonia schwenkii. Whereas between canopy species Hopea 6 dryobalanoides showed higher growth rate compare than Calophyllum soulattri. These result concluded that the subcanopy species showed their strategies in order to reach upper part of the forest canopy. The regeneration behaviour of each tree species is controlled by many factors such as distance from the mother tree, topography and their statue in the forest stand. In our previous result (Mukhtar et al., 1998) we found clear relationship between mortality rate and distance from the mother tree of C. soulattri, eventhough the measurement in short time (five years). Similar result was also found by Suzuki and Kohyama (1991) for Swintonia schwenkii microenvironment in the area around mother tree seemed not to be suitable for the survival of the seedlings. Many factors affected to low survival rate around mother tree have been proposed for example, Suzuki and Kohyama (1991) conluded that the wings of Swintonia fruits play a significant rolw by dispersing the fruit under the crown of other species, and escaping from hazardous place for seedling survival around mother trees. Most tropical rain forest tree species have strongly aggregated spatial distribution pattern. The species distributions are also strongly aggregated with respect to variation in soil nutrient status (Clark et al., 1998). Palmiotto et al., (2004) in Lambir, Borneo founded that Swintonia schwenkii naturally aggregated on low-fertility humult ultisol and Hopea dryobalanoides on moderate-fertility udult ultisols. Furthermore, in the same forest, Lambir, Russo et al., (2005) was also found that growth and mortality were lowest on the poorer soil (sandy loam). Their result concluded that Hopea dryobalanoides had significantly higher survival rates in udult than in humult soils in gaps area. Whereas for Swintonia schwenkii had no significant differences in survival rates between soils or light level. In our study area, according to Hermansah et al., (2002a,b) mentioned that nitrogen (N), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) were highest concentration in Pinang-pinang plot. High diversity of tree species and the diverse nutritional characteristics of tree species contributed to the variation of soil nutritional status and to edaphic niche. However, in our result, Integrated Response Index as shown in Fig 4, showed more clear the species characteristics in their performance in growth and survival in order to reach position in the forest stand. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to express our appreciation to Prof (Emiretus) Mitsuru Hotta of Kagoshima University, Prof (Emiretus) Kazuhiko Ogino of Ehime University and Prof Tsuyoshi Yoneda for their initiation and valuable advices for this long term research. This study is based on a long-term observation and Prof (Emiretus) Syunzo Kawamura of Kyoto University had supported this study throughout the period under Sumatra Nature Study (SNS) Project and Field Biology Research and Training (FBRT) Project in Padang. We also thanks to Prof Eizi Suzuki (Kagoshima University) and Takeshi Kohyama (Hokkaido University) for their permission for use their initial data. Finally we would like to thank to DGHE of Indonesian Government through Basic Science financial support fiscal year 2008. REFERENCE Beckage, B and J.S. Clark. 2003. Seedling survival and growth of three forest tree species : The role of spatial heterogeneity. Ecology 84 (7); 1849-1861. Clark, D.B; Clark,D.A and I.M. Read. 1998. 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