دو ــ ـق علاو ت اـــ يرتشملا ةرـــئاد
Procurement and Contracts
Administration - PCA
Sealed Quotation: DAG-289620 Double Headed Microscope
Date: 20/08/2014
Purpose: The American University of Beirut invites proposals for the supply of the following items:
Double headed microscope supporting a morphometric system
Specs and quantities as listed on page 2.
Proposals: Prices must be quoted item by item in US $ or L.L.
, (Euro is not acceptable) delivered to AUB inclusive of all expenses (unless otherwise specified in your proposal). Prices should be quoted net of any discounts or allowances and exclusive of Value Added Tax. All proposal documents must be signed by an authorized representative of the supplier, each page must be initialed and the final page must be signed and dated.
Apology: In case the requested items are not available, or you do want to participate in this bid, you are kindly requested to respond by submitting a written apology indicating the reason and the bid reference number.
Delivery: To be made as soon as possible and to AUB Campus Receiving Area. A sum equivalent to 1% of the delivered price of the delayed goods/services for each commenced week of delay until actual delivery, to a maximum deduction of 10% of the contract value.
Payment: AUB payment term is 100% 60 days after delivery and complete installation.
Suppliers who are registered for VAT shall invoice (with the supplier VAT registration No. and AUB Purchase Order No.
clearl y stated on the invoices), and the University will pay, VAT in addition to the net invoice price, as may be applicable under the Lebanese laws governing such taxes. The VAT amount should be added on a separate line on your proposal and invoice. AUB VAT registration # is 123329 601.
- Original invoices + 1 copy shall be delivered by hand to AUB Accounts Payable office at the AUB Campus Receiving Area.
Insufficient Data: It is the responsibility of the person submitting the proposal to ensure the completeness of the information submitted. Failure to do so may result in the elimination of the proposal from consideration.
Kindly include in your offer original catalogue(s) or brochure(s) with full technical data.
Award of the Proposal: The University reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to award this tender in whole or in part to the supplier or suppliers that, in its opinion, offers the most advantageous combination of cost, quality, service and other factors which in its sole discretion are deemed important to the University.
Suppliers offering the shortest delivery date will have advantage during evaluation and awarding.
Bid awarding will be either item by item or by total for the lowest total which is technically compliant
Submission Date: Proposals must be submitted on or before : 27/08/2014.
In the event that AUB offices are officially closed on the date the proposals are due, the deadline for submission shall be automatically extended until the next business day.
Submission Time: Proposals must be submitted : Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m.
Submission Address: American University of Beirut
Purchasing Department - Sealed Quotations Box
Old Pharmacy Building, Ground (1 st ) floor.
Bliss Street – Beirut - Lebanon
Submission means: The proposal submitted by hand or via post mail shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly marked:
Proposal for Sealed Quotation DAG-289620 Double Headed Microscope
All proposal documents should be in two copies: Original with prices (stamped ORIGINAL) and Copy without prices (stamped
COPY) and must be signed by an authorized representative of the supplier, each page must be initialed and the final page must be signed and dated.
In the event that AUB offices are officially closed on the date the proposals are due, the deadline for submission shall be automatically extended until the next business day.
Validity: Proposals submitted shall be valid for at least 3 Months from the date of submission. AUB reserve the right to revise the quantity of any item listed during this period. Proposals will be treated as final and binding offers and may not be amended or withdrawn without the written permission of the University.
Inquires: Please direct your questions or comments about this document to Purchasing Agent Mr. George Sader by email: gs09@aub.edu.lb
. Subject: Sealed Quotation DAG-289620 Double Headed Microscope
George Sader
Senior Purchasing Agent.
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BLISS STREET - P.O. BOX 11-0236 - BEIRUT - LEBANON - TEL (961 1 350000 - EXT. 2200) FAX (961 1 360407) – http://www.aub.edu.lb - purchase@aub.edu.lb
NEW YORK OFFICE: 3 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD PLAZA, 8TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10017-2303 U.S.A. - TEL. (1 212 583 7600) FAX (1 212 583 7650)
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دو ــ ـق علاو ت اـــ يرتشملا ةرـــئاد
Procurement and Contracts
Administration - PCA
Sealed Quotation: DAG-289620 Double Headed Microscope
Date: 20/08/2014
Led light microscope supporting a morphometric system:
The microscope should support a morphometric system (e.g. lens, computer program for automatically identifying fields and quantitating them and a digital camera to record exactly the image within the field of vision at highest accuracy).
Qty = 1 each
Please fill in the following information and include it in your offer for each offered item:
Model Name:
Part No.:
Illumination: LED
Contrast method:
Phase contrast
(Yes/No) Details
Objectives 4x-10x-20x/PH-
Camera: Digital color camera, image format: minimum 3.1 megapixel
Software: a- Fully integrated with microscope and camera b- Measurement options:
- Layer thickness measurements, count tool, distance, angle, width, single or multiple for statistical analysis
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____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
BLISS STREET - P.O. BOX 11-0236 - BEIRUT - LEBANON - TEL (961 1 350000 - EXT. 2200) FAX (961 1 360407) – http://www.aub.edu.lb - purchase@aub.edu.lb
NEW YORK OFFICE: 3 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD PLAZA, 8TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10017-2303 U.S.A. - TEL. (1 212 583 7600) FAX (1 212 583 7650)
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دو ــ ـق علاو ت اـــ يرتشملا ةرـــئاد
Procurement and Contracts
Administration - PCA
- save and recall settings and configurations to exactly recreate the same conditions at a later date, sophisticated measurements on individual features including size, shape, position, orientation and intensity
- create meaningful results with a range of analysis tool including statistics, histogram and pie charts.
- Measurements can be applied to individual image or accumulated over multiple images for statistical analyses
Optional side by side dual headed
Height adjustable focus knobs
Fast changeover from Right to Lefthanded operation
Symmetrical operation
Durable stage
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____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
BLISS STREET - P.O. BOX 11-0236 - BEIRUT - LEBANON - TEL (961 1 350000 - EXT. 2200) FAX (961 1 360407) – http://www.aub.edu.lb - purchase@aub.edu.lb
NEW YORK OFFICE: 3 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD PLAZA, 8TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10017-2303 U.S.A. - TEL. (1 212 583 7600) FAX (1 212 583 7650)
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دو ــ ـق علاو ت اـــ يرتشملا ةرـــئاد
Procurement and Contracts
Administration - PCA
Sealed Quotation: DAG-289620 Double Headed Microscope
Date: 20/08/2014
Item 1:
Model Name:
Part No.:
Made in:
Unit Price = $
Excl. 10% VAT
Quantity =
10% VAT=
Total Price= $
Incl. 10% VAT
Additional upgrade and accessories items ( Price Separately)
Option 1 Option 2
1 each 1 each
Quantity Unit Price
Exc. VAT
10% - USD
Total Price Exc.
VAT 10% - USD
Please INCLUDE technical brochure in your offer.
Your offer should specify the brand, full specs, of each item.
Delivery date for the item should be accurate and earliest as much as possible.
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____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
BLISS STREET - P.O. BOX 11-0236 - BEIRUT - LEBANON - TEL (961 1 350000 - EXT. 2200) FAX (961 1 360407) – http://www.aub.edu.lb - purchase@aub.edu.lb
NEW YORK OFFICE: 3 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD PLAZA, 8TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10017-2303 U.S.A. - TEL. (1 212 583 7600) FAX (1 212 583 7650)
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دو ــ ـق علاو ت اـــ يرتشملا ةرـــئاد
Procurement and Contracts
Administration - PCA
Sealed Quotation: DAG-289620 Double Headed Microscope
Date: 20/08/2014
Supplier Name:
Prepared by Name:
Supplier quotation Ref.:
Supplier Website:
Brand Website:
Technical Support Hot Line:
Technical Support Engineer
Company stamp:
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____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___
BLISS STREET - P.O. BOX 11-0236 - BEIRUT - LEBANON - TEL (961 1 350000 - EXT. 2200) FAX (961 1 360407) – http://www.aub.edu.lb - purchase@aub.edu.lb
NEW YORK OFFICE: 3 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD PLAZA, 8TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY 10017-2303 U.S.A. - TEL. (1 212 583 7600) FAX (1 212 583 7650)
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