Accreditation Case Study competence 2 2014

Case Study for Competency 2.5
In an agenda setting meeting for the first meeting of the Autumn term the following points
are raised by the chair and headteacher. Having regard to the governing body’s Standing
Orders (S/O) and Terms of Reference (TOR) reproduced below, are there any issues that
you would need to raise with the chair and headteacher in your role as clerk? For each
example please note down whether or not there is an issue in what is being proposed
when consideration is given to what is in attached documentation and provide details to
support your answer by making reference to the relevant part of the S/O or TOR.
An example is provided below for your guidance in completing the case study.
The headteacher confirmed she would not be able to attend the Finance
Committee meeting but the Bursar was fully briefed and would represent her.
Answer: in line with TOR (Membership) - H/T does not need to be at the
meeting if she has put forward someone to attend on her behalf.
1. Election of chair - the chair asks you to ensure that all candidates have submitted their
names to you so that they can be listed on the agenda and to note that only those listed
will be considered for the post.
2. You are asked to prepare voting papers in case there is a need for a secret ballot.
3. The chair confirmed that committee minutes would be ready by the time of the meeting.
Provided under license from Hampshire County Council
Issue: July 2014
4. The headteacher said that she was going to get the Finance Committee to approve the
expenditure on the replacement minibus which will cost £12000 so that it can be
purchased as soon as possible. They can then report back on the matter to the full GB
meeting and hopefully she would be in position to give an update on the purchase at that
5. It was agreed to have a timed agenda for this meeting to try to ensure business is dealt
with in a timely fashion and to aim to have the meeting completed in an hour and a half.
6. Membership issues – the headteacher would confirm at the meeting that a letter had
been circulated to parents to try to fill the 2 parent governor vacancies and provide an
update on the responses to date. The chair advised that the community vacancy would
have to be put on hold at present as he did not have time to follow up on this matter.
Provided under license from Hampshire County Council
Issue: July 2014
South Downs School Governing Body - Standing Orders
All governors will be appointed for a 4 year term of office.
The governing body will ensure that it creates an environment which enables it to
recruit and retain effective governors and which encourages the participation of all
groups and sections of the community.
The governing body will be proactive in recruiting governors whose appointment is
their responsibility.
Election of chair and vice-chair
Any changes to the governing body’s arrangements for elections (below) will be
made in advance of any election.
The chair and vice chair will be elected for one year at a time.
Candidates may self-nominate at any time in advance of a vote.
Candidates will be able to make a personal statement to the meeting before the vote
if they wish.
The clerk will take the chair for the election of the chair.
Where an election is contested, voting will be by secret ballot with the candidate
receiving the largest number of votes being elected.
An annual calendar of dates for main and committee meetings will be set and
The governing body will hold the minimum number of meetings necessary to ensure
the strategic business of the school is properly addressed.
The programme of meeting agendas will have a focus on the governors’
responsibilities in monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes of the School
Improvement Plan, within the full range of governing body responsibilities.
Governors will receive relevant information sufficiently in advance of meetings to
enable sound discussion and decisions to be made.
The governing body will aim to complete full governing body and committee meetings
within two hours.
Provided under license from Hampshire County Council
Issue: July 2014
Terms of Reference
Title Finance Committee - South Downs School
The committee will consist of 4 governors plus the Head Teacher. They will be chosen by
the governing body from its members.
The quorum shall be 3 members or 4 including the Head Teacher. The committee shall not
meet without the head teacher being present or substitute nominated by her.
Meetings The committee shall meet at least 5 times a year and otherwise as required.
 To provide guidance and assistance to the Head and Governing Body in all matters
relating to budgeting and finance.
 To take responsibility for the Best Value Statement, Charging Policy and Governor’s
Expenses Scheme.
 To prepare and review financial statements, including consideration of long term
planning and resourcing.
 To consider each years School Improvement Plan priorities.
 To monitor the income and expenditure of all public funds.
 To recommend the level of delegation to the head for the financial management of the
 Produce an annual review of the budget for inclusion in the annual report to parents
 To approve the annual budget each year and to put forward to the governing body for
 Consider the use of any remaining balances
Minutes Distributed to all governors at next full governors meeting
Levels of Delegated responsibility
The committee has agreed that the level of delegated responsibility for purchasing one of
items was £1,000 for official and unofficial funds. The level of delegation for purchases
authorised by the Finance Committee is £5,000. Items above this level should be
approved by the Full Governing Body. In the case of an emergency, a committee
consisting of the Head Teacher, Chair of Governors and Chair of Finance may approve the
Provided under license from Hampshire County Council
Issue: July 2014