Steps for Completing your 2014 Health Assessment 1. To access the online Health Assessment, log into: 2. At the login screen, type in the following: User ID = Type HC and then your 11-digit PreferredOne Member ID Example: HC12345678910 Password = Type in your date of birth in m/d/yyyy format. You MUST INCLUDE THE SLASHES in order to get the password to work and NO ZEROS IN FRONT OF THE DAY OR MONTH. This is your initial password. Once logged in with this, you will be prompted to change your current password (which is your date of birth). After you have changed your current password, your date of birth is no longer valid as your password. Example: 6/11/1970 3. The next screen will ask you to change your password. Password MUST include numbers AND letters and be at least 6 characters long, but no longer than 12 characters. No spaces, accented letters, or special characters (such as !, #, @, $) are allowed. Be sure and write down your User ID and password in a secure spot so that you don’t forget them. Your password IS case-sensitive, your User ID is not. 4. The next screen will ask to verify your account contact information. If any of your contact information has changed, you can edit it on this screen. The items with the red asterisk are required. Click on Save My Changes when done. To receive an email confirmation upon completing the Health Assessment, please enter your email address in your contact information. A confirmation will then be emailed to you within 24 hours. 5. The next screen will ask you to verify/update your health stats. Click on Submit when done. 6. Next, you will need to read and agree to the Consent and Notice to End Users to gain access to the Health Assessment. After you agree to this, you will then be taken directly to the Health Assessment. You will have 20 minutes to complete each section before you will be automatically logged out. You can reset the timer on the lower left hand side of the screen at any time if more time is needed. If you do not have time to complete the entire assessment, you can log back in at a later date and click on Edit an Assessment on the main Personal Wellness Profile™ page to finish it up. 7. Once you have completed all the questions, you will be asked to save your Health Assessment under a title of your choice. At this point, you can also view your personal report. Make sure to print a copy of your report if you would like to have proof of completing the Health Assessment. 8. The Health Assessment is open October 1st – October 31st, 2014. You must complete it before 4:30pm CST, Friday, October 31st in order to be eligible for your 2015 wellness incentive. 9. You can log into the HealthWorks wellness portal at any time and then click on Personal Wellness Profile™ to view and/or edit your Health Assessment. If you cannot remember your User ID and/or password, you can reset your password by clicking on the Reset It link on the bottom of the login page. Follow the directions on the next page to reset your password. Please note that you can only reset your password if you included your email address on your Health Assessment account contact information page and if you type in the answer to your security question exactly as when you created it. If you can’t remember your User ID, or have problems resetting your password, you may contact AdvantageHealth at or 612.823.4470 (select option 1) to request your User ID, or to have your password reset. For a faster reply, please send an email.