Program of Study : DENTISTRY Course : PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY 1 Abbreviation : PFY/ZAB11 Schedule : 30 hours of lectures 45 hours of exercises Course distribution : 2rd year, 4th semester Nuber of Credits : 0 Course Form : Lectures, exercises Lectures: Teachers : prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc. MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc. Study: Continuous Date Subjects 1 15. 2. 2016 Introduction. Basic concepts in pathophysiology. Health and disease. Local and general symptoms, syndromes. Objective methods in course of disease and symptoms evaluation. Genetic basis of diseases. Medical exploration. Laboratory investigation. Laboratory quantities. Laboratory markers. 2 22. 2. 2016 Common mechanisms of disease origin. Disease as regulating disturbance. Disease course and endings. The role of membrane receptors and signals transduction in disease origin. Free radicals: origin, effects, the role in disease pathogenesis. Hypothetical causes of ageing. 3 29. 2. 2016 Pathophysiology of inflammation. Non- specific defence mechanisms, disturbances. Fever. Acute phase response. 4 7. 3. 2016 Pathophysiology of immune response. Specific defence mechanisms, disturbances. Hypersensitivity reactions. Autoimmune diseases. Skin and mucosal manifestations. 5 14. 3. 2016 Pathophysiology of blood cells. Pathophysiological aspects of the most frequent erythrocytes, white cells and thrombocytes disturbances. Skin and mucosal manifestations. 6 21. 3. 2016 Pathophysiology of hemostasis. Coagulation disturbances. Bleeding states. Thrombophilia -civilisation disease. 1 Duration (hrs) 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 28. 3. 2016 Easter holiday. I. Acute circulatory failure. A survey of syncope. Sudden death. Acute episodes in dental practice. 8 4. 4. 2016 II. Acute circulatory failure. A survey of shock states. Pathophysiological aspects of shock pathogenesis, prevention and therapy. 9 11. 4. 2016 Pathophysiology of acute and chronic cardiac failure. Chronic circulatory failure. 10 18. 4. 2016 Ischemic heart disease civilizing disease. Acute myocardial infarction. Risk factors. Pathophysiological aspects of pathogenesis, prevention and therapy. 11 25. 4. 2016 Pathophysiology of hypertension. Hypertension as civilizing disease. Pathophysiological aspects of pathogenesis and prevention. Basi therapeutic aproach. 12 2. 5. 2016 Pathogenesis of principal significant respiratory disturbances. Gas exchange. Obstructive and restrictive pulmonary diseases. Risk factors. Respiratory failure. Distress breathing syndrome. 13 9. 5. 2016 Civilization disorders. A survey. Pathophysiology of cancerogenesis. Mechanisms of cell proliferation, invasive growth, metastases, consequences, complications. 14 16. 5. 2016 HIV- AIDS. Up- to-date etiology, pathogenesis, pathophysiological bases of knowledge. Individual stages manifestation in orofacial area. 15 23. 5. 2016 Free theme. The students are encouraged to specify the theme. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 The lectures are held in the No. 2. 520 room at New Building on Mondays, from 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. Exercises: Leading Teacher: prof. MUDr. Martin Petřek, CSc. MUDr. Dagmar Riegrová, CSc. Other members of the Department Study : Week from-to 1 15. 2. 2016 2 22. 2. 2016 2 Continuous Subject Introduction. The organization of exercises. Recommended study sources. Safety rules. Disease -causes, course and consequences. Anesthesia. Narcosis. Euthanasia. Types, stages, complications. Duration (hrs) 3 3 3 29. 2. 2016 4 7. 3. 2016 5 14. 3. 2016 6 21. 3. 2016 7 28. 3. 2016 8 4. 4. 2016 9 11. 4. 2016 10 18. 4. 2016 11 25. 4. 2016 3 Basic surgical instrumentarium. Injection techniques - forms of application, complications. Training in surgical techniques. 1. Sewing. Types of stitches. Practical training in surgical knot. Video: The use of laboratory animals. Experiment in pathophysiology. Experimental animal, laboratory animal. Protection of animals. Alternative approaches. Training in surgical techniques. 2. Sewing. Types of stitches. Practical training (alternative materials). The course of a disease. Inflammation. Fever. Necrosis, apoptosis and autophagy. Healing. Recovery. Pathophysiology of the immune mechanisms. Allergy. Immunodeficiences Pathophysiology of pain. Acute and chronic pain. Perception, transduction, modulation, interpretation of pain. Oral, facial and head pain. Test No. 1 Content of exercises 1-5, lectures 1-4. Pathophysiology of blood elements. Anaemia. Leucopenia. Leucocytosis. Etiopathogenesis, manifestation in mouth. Pathophysiology of blood substitution, blood transfusion. Pathophysiology of bone marrow transplantation. Easter holiday. Disturbances of hemostasis. Bleeding states. Disturbances of primary and secondary hemostasis, DIC. Thrombophilic states. Etiology, risk factors. Thrombembolism. Pathophysiology of vessels. Venous insufficiency of lower limbs. Lymphatic system and microcirculation disturbances. Edemas. Etiopathogenesis, examples. Cardiac arhythmias. Disturbances of creation excitement. Disturbances of creation conduction. Cardiac blocks, preexcitation, reentry phenomenon. Basic ECG evaluation. Defibrilation and cardioversion. Test No. 2 Content of exercises 6-9, lectures 5-6. Ischemic heart disease. ECG and laboratory changes in ISCHD. Atrial and ventricular hypertrophy. Causes, ECG manifestations. Congenital and hereditary heart defects with L-R shunt, R-L shunt, stenosis, regurgitation. Analysis of clinical cases. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 2. 5. 2016 13 9. 5. 2016 14 16. 5. 2016 15 23. 5. 2016 Arterial hypertension. Volume AH, vasoconstriction AH, Goldblatt hypertension – 1K1C, 2K1C. Hypotension. Introduction to practical training: Pathophysiology of exercise. Exercise tests: Bicycle ergometry, step-test, Shellong´s test, model situations of h. frequency and ECG changes Pathophysiology of respiratory disturbances. Hyper -, hypoventilation, perfusion and diffusion disturbances. Obstructive and restrictive diseases. Respiratory insufficiency- partial, global. Analysis of clinical cases. Test No. 3. Content of exercises 10-13, lectures 7-11 Final credit test. Supplementary exercises. 3 3 3 3 The exercises are held in the No. 2. 520 room at New Building on Mondays, from 9.45 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. Completed by: Credit Requirements: 1) Successful attendance of the exercises is expected (one absence excused without necessity to supply it). Letter of apology is necessary in the case of another absence(s). No more than three absences can be excused by the Department. The students may substitute their absence(s) in week 15 of the semester. 2) Sufficient knowledge of anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology as well as adequate activity and interaction in discussions during the exercises is required. Passivity can be assessed by a teacher as an absence of the student in the exercise. 3) Achieving of at least 70% mean value of the maximum score attainable in the four tests. 4) In the case of mean scoring less than 70%, the students will undergo a final credit test in the week 15 of the semester. The limit is 70% of the maximum score attainable in this test. 5) In the case of scoring between 55%-69% of the maximum in the final credit test, the student may undergo an oral interview in a date offered by the Department. 6) In the case of scoring less than 55% of the maximum in the final credit test, or in the case of falling in the oral interview, there is possibility for the student to ask, in a written form, the head of the Department for an extra re-examination. 1. Guyton A. C. : Textbook of Medical Physiology. 11 t h Edition. Saunders, 2005 . Literature: 2. Braunwald E et al. : Harrisons´s Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2001.;; 4, 5