FORWADY Forest Hydrology Model – UBC Modelling Webpage 2/13/2016 A forest hydrology model for simulating the effect of stand management and climate change on forest water dynamics. B. Seely, and J. P. Kimmins. Introduction With the expanding use of alternative silviculture systems in Canada and other timber producing countries and the growing threat of climate change, the need for ecosystem models that can cope with the changing ecosystem dynamics produced by such management and climate conditions has increased. One aspect of forest ecosystems particularly sensitive to these types of changes is the effect of soil moisture conditions on tree growth and other ecosystem processes. Several models of forest growth have included soil moisture or rainfall data as a parameter in the calculation of forest production, but few consider the effects of stand management on the dynamics of forest hydrology. Alterations in forest hydrology, whether induced by management or climate change, can have a significant impact on the partitioning of limited water resources among trees and understory species and ultimately on tree water stress and stand development. Here we describe a two-dimensional forest hydrology model designed for simulating the hydrologic dynamics of a forest stand under a given set of climatic and vegatation conditions. The primary goal in model development was to produce a forest hydrology model which could be integrated with the forest ecosystem models FORCEE and FORECAST (Kimmins et al. 1997) for the purpose of simulating the effects of forest water dynamics on stand growth and development. In order to facilitate the use of the forest hydrology model in management applications the data requirements and calibrated parameters were kept to a minimum. Model Description The model described here called ForWaDy (Forest Water Dynamics) was constructed around the foundation of FORHYM, a general water balance model designed by Arp and Yin (1992) for the simulation of water fluxes through temperate forest ecosystems. The major difference between the two models lies in the nature of the central potential evapotranspiration (PET) algorithms. While FORHYM uses a PET equation based on relationships with air temperature, ForWaDy drives PET using an empirically based energy budget approach. The energy budget approach employed in ForWaDy allows the model to partition evapotranspiration into its primary components, thereby facilitating the capacity to simulate water competition. The daily energy available for evapotranspiraton is divided among canopy trees, understory plants and the forest floor based on the proportional interception of incoming solar radiation by each layer adjusted for reflection depending on surface albedos. Subsequently, a passive competition for available soil moisture is simulated through the use of an algorithm that combines species-specific root occupancy information with energy-limited transpiration and evaporation demands. Canopy 2 Rain Snow Evaporation Sublimation Canopy Interception ForWaDy Air temp melt Throughfall Snow throughfall Snowpack Radiation melt Litter lay er Transpiration Def icit Index Runoff Infiltration Humus lay er Canopy Transpiration Demand Forest floor percolation Canopy Transpiration Soil A Understory Transpiration Soil A percolation Soil B Soil B percolation Subsoil Interflow drainage Outf low Figure 1. Schematic of the forest hydrology model indicating the various flow pathways and storage compartments in the model. Compartments with bold borders indicate areas of the model which will facilitate a future integration with FORECAST and FORCEE. water stress is determined as a function of energy-limited canopy transpiration demand and soil-limited actual canopy transpiration through the calculation of a cumulative water stress index. This index represents a dynamic measure of tree water stress over a given time period and may be used as a parameter to limit tree growth rates based on light and 3 nutrient availability in models such as FORECAST and FORCEE. The simulation of snowfall and snowpack dynamics in ForWaDy is based on the RHYSSys Snow Model (RSM) (Coughlan and Running 1997). All equations describing water flow within the model are solved using a simulation dt of 0.25 days. The use of a dt less than one day enables the model to divide the flux of water from a particular soil reservoir among competing outflows. Data Requirements One of the goals in model development was to produce a model that is portable and suitable for use in forest management; thus, climate and site-specific soil and vegetation data requirements were kept to a minimum (Table 1). The use of parameters that must be calibrated for each site was also avoided when possible. Table 1. Data requirements for ForWaDy Data Requirements Climate data (daily) Vegetation data Forest floor & soil data • Mean, Max and Min air temperature • Percent cover by conifers & hardwoods • LF layer mass (kg/ha) • Solar radiation • Seasonal conifer and hardwood LAI • Humus depth and bulk density • Total precipitation • Seasonal understorey % cover • Depth of soil layers (rooting zone) • Snow fraction • Rooting depths for trees • Soil texture class of each soil layer • Rooting depths for understorey • Coarse fragment content of layers • Root occupancy in each layer • Canopy resistance Radiation interception The energy available for driving evapotranspiration is estimated separately for the canopy, understorey, and forest floor based upon the proportion of adjusted total daily solar radiation intercepted by each layer. The interception and extinction of radiation as it passes through the canopy and subsequently through the understorey is calculated as a 4 function of LAI using a simple formulation of Beer’s Law with an extinction coefficient of 0.4 (Figure 2). Forest floor radiation is calculated as the total remaining radiation following simulated canopy and understorey interception. For simplification purposes, the transmittance of net radiation (Rn) is assumed to be equal to that of shortwave radiation (Kelliher et al. 1990) following the reflection of a portion of total incident shortwave radiation according to a surface albedo (a) (Eq. 1). Albedo (a) for the canopy and understory is set at 0.12 which is representative of typical values reported for forests (Spittlehouse and Black, 1981a; Jarvis et al., 1976) and should be used as a reasonable approximation in the absence of a measured value. The forest floor albedo is determined as a function of solar zenith angle and moisture content according to Yin and Arp (1994). Intercepted Light (%) Rn Rad * (1 a) (1) 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 LAI 6 8 Figure 2. The relationship between leaf area index (LAI) and intercepted light as a percent of total above canopy light according to Beer’s Law with an extinction coefficient of 0.4. Energy-limited evapotranspiration Energy-limited or potential evapotranspiration (PET) is calculated for each layer represented in the model based on the following simplification of the Penman-Monteith equation proposed by Priestly and Taylor (1972): 5 PET s 1 (Rn G M) s L (2) where is an experimentally determined coefficient, s, y, and L are respectively, the slope of the saturation vapor pressure curve, the psychrometric constant, and the latent heat of vaporization of water each evaluated at the daily average air temperature and Rn, G and M represent the daily (24-hour) values of net radiation, soil heat flux and energy storage in the canopy. The daily value of M is ignored in this model as it generally represents less than 5% of RN in coniferous forests (Monteith, 1973). Thus, using the Rn values calculated for each layer according to the radiation interception submodel, PET is calculated separately for the canopy, understory and forest floor using equations (3-5), respectively. PETCan s 1 RnCan s L (3) s 1 PETUS RnUS s L PETFF (4) s 1 (Rn FF G) s L (5) In (Eq. 5) soil heat flux is estimated as a function of RnFF (Eq. 6) (Flint and Childs, 1991) G 43.1 0.335 * Rn FF (6) Typically, the use of (Eq. 2) has been limited by the fact that, for dry canopy conditions, must be calibrated against actual evapotranspiration rates for a particular site using Bowen ratio / energy balance techniques (Spittlehouse and Black, 1981b) which can be prohibitively expensive. For a range of dry forest conditions, has been shown to vary from 0.6 to 1.1 (Flint and Childs, 1991). However, for a wide range of 6 relatively smooth, freely evaporating (wet) surfaces is generally equal to 1.26 (Priestly and Taylor, 1972; Stewart and Rouse, 1977; Davies and Allen, 1973). Values of less than 1.26, typical in most forests with dry canopies, are thought to be the result of surface control of evaporation through stomatal resistance (McNaughton et al., 1979). In an effort to eliminate the need for to be experimentally determined for each new site, we suggest the use of a canopy resistance term (RCan) based on mean literature values of for dry canopies of various forest types (Table 2). Using this method is set at 1.26 for wet canopy conditions and adjusted under dry canopy conditions (where evaporated water must pass through stomata) through the use of RCan. Table 2. Estimated canopy resistance (RCan) for three forest types based on reported literature values of . Forest Type Dry Pine 0.7* 0.45 * Estimation based on reported range Spittlehouse and Black (1981b) Conifer 0.84 0.33 Black (1979);Giles et al. (1984); Spittlehouse and Black (1981b) Broadleaf / understory 1.1* 0.13 Munro (1979); * Estimation based on reported range Spittlehouse and Black (1981b) RCan = 1- ( / 1.26) References The use of an approximated RCan will undoubtedly lead to some error in the calculation of canopy PET, but it should provide a reasonable estimate suitable for the intended use of the model. Canopy water, throughfall and canopy evaporation The amount of water held in the canopy at time t (CWat(t)) is calculated as the difference between incoming rainfall (P) and the sum of throughfall (TF) and canopy evaporation (ECan) evaluated at each time step (dt) (Eq. 7). The fraction of rainfall intercepted by the canopy is determined as a function of canopy vegetation area index 7 (VAI), where a maximum canopy storage term is calculated based on the assumption that at saturation the upper surface of leaves and branches can hold a film of water 0.2 mm in depth (Rutter, 1975), thus CMax = 0.2 * VAI. CWat(t + dt) CWat(t) (P(t) TF(t) ECan(t)) * dt (7) Throughfall and canopy evaporation are calculated as follows: TF 0 TF CWat - CMax CWat < CMax CWat CMax ECan = min(CMax,CWat, PETCan) (8) (9) Stemflow is assumed to be included as part of throughfall. Soil water storage and drainage Hydrologic dynamics in the forest floor and rooting zone are simulated using a multi-layered approach in which inflows and outflows are estimated sequentially for each soil layer (Figure 1). Water storage in and vertical movement through the mineral soil layers are simulated using a “tipping bucket” type algorithm based on total porosity adjusted for coarse fragment content, field capacity and permanent wilting point boundaries determined as functions of soil texture (Arp and Yin, 1992). Water stored in the humus and soil layers between field capacity and permanent wilting point boundaries is considered to be available for plant uptake. Water storage in the litter layer is calculated as a function of fine litter mass (i.e. not including coarse woody debris) per area and is assumed to be unavailable for plant uptake. Lateral flow or interflow of water from soil layers into stream channels is only allowed to occur when the water content of a given soil layer is greater than its estimated field capacity and is based on a coefficient related to slope. 8 Soil-limited evapotranspiration As the forest floor and soil layers begin to dry, evapotranspiration rates are limited by the availability of soil water. Transpiration loss is calculated separately from each layer for both the canopy and understory. Rooting depths of canopy and understory species are used to determine the layers from which water may be extracted. In order to represent the limited capacity of a drying soil to supply water to roots, particularly during periods of high PET, the daily, energy-limited transpiration rate is scaled back through the use of a relative transpiration rate (RTR) term. RTR is estimated as an empirical function of the percent of available water in each layer and PET (Denmead and Marsh, 1962) (Fig. 3). A root fraction term is also introduced for both the canopy (RFCan) and understory (RFUS) as a scalar to account for the fraction of each layer occupied by roots. Proportion of PET 1 Energy limited transpiration 0.75 PET 0.5 0.25 0 0 25 50 75 Available soil water (%) Figure 3. The relative rate of transpiration determined as a function of available soil water and energylimited evapotranspiration (PET). The function curve shifts to the right as PET increases. 9 100 This term is calculated from root depth occupancy data as well as soil layer depths provided by the user. The daily extraction of water from the various layers via transpiration occurs sequentially from the top downward, beginning with the humus layer and continuing down through the soil B layer. The total amount of energy available for canopy transpiration (CanT(total) ) is estimated after accounting for the canopy PET energy consumed by canopy evaporation and canopy resistance (Eqs. 10-11). CanT(total) is then used to drive transpiration loss from each of the soil layers using an energy budget approach, moving from the humus layer downward as the amount of extractable soil water is depleted in each soil layer (Eqs. 12-14). The daily extractable fraction of available water in a given layer is largely a function of the estimated RTR value and is generally less than the total plant available water in that layer. The transpiration algorithm continues until either all layers have been depleted of extractable water or the energy available for daily transpiration is depleted. Understorey transpiration is calculated simultaneously using the same method. GCanT (PETCan ECan) (10) where: GCanT = gross canopy transpiration (mm day -1) CanT (total) GCanT *(1 - RCan) (11) CanT (humus) CanT (total) * RTR(humus) * RFCan(humus) (12) CanT (soilA) (CanT (total) CanT (humus)) * RTR(SoilA) * RFCan(soilA) (13) CanT (soilB) (CanT (total) (CanT (humus) CanT (soilA))) * RTR(soilB) * RFCan(soilB) (14) Energy-limited surface evaporation from the LF layer and humus compartments is also regulated as a function of water content through the use of a relative evaporation rate term (RER) estimated using a simple empirical function of available soil moisture. Drying proceeds from the top downwards (Eqs. 15 & 16) and evaporation from the humus layer is only allowed to occur when the litter layer has dried out. 10 ELitter PETFF * RER(litter) (15) EHumus (PET FF ELitter ) * RER(humus) (16) Canopy water stress Typically, models of forest growth which include water stress as a feedback to forest growth have quantified tree water stress using a summed measure of soil water deficit. One of the problems in a using a summed water deficit for a measure of water stress is that it frequently fails to capture the dynamic interactions between different components of the hydrological cycle and net effect of such interactions on tree water stress. For example, as part of the Biology of Forest Growth Study near Canberra, Australia, Meyers (1988) demonstrated that cumulative soil water deficit may not be well correlated with tree water stress as defined by pre-dawn xylem potential, a commonly used physiological indicator of tree water stress. The weakness of the technique is even greater when monthly summaries of climate data are used to calculate the water deficit. In order to evaluate tree water stress more dynamically we propose the use of a cumulative index termed the transpiration deficit index (TDI) (Eq. 17-18). TDI provides a means of summarizing the net effect of several factors including canopy evaporation, understory transpiration and surface evaporation on actual tree transpiration. Furthermore the index is calculated on a daily timestep to better capture the cumulative effect of short term water stress events. CanT (total)i CanT (actual)i CanT (total)i i 0 it TDI (17) CanT (actual) CanT (humus) CanT(soilA) CanT (soilB) (18) In (Eq. 17) the difference between total canopy transpiration demand (CanT(total)) and actual canopy transpiration (CanT(actual)) is divided by CanT(total) to normalize the 11 effect of leaf area index on the relative canopy transpiration deficit. This adjustment effectively converts the total canopy water deficit to a per unit leaf area measure of water deficit which should be more representative of the water stress of individual trees. Linking ForWaDy with ecosystem models Use of the model for simulating and exploring the effects of water competition and climate change scenarios such as shifting rainfall patterns on stand development through time requires the linkage with a stand-level forest ecosystem model such as FORECAST or FORCEE. An integration of such models will be facilitated through a series of feedback loops (see Figure 1) in which stand and individual tree characteristics including canopy and understory LAI, rooting depth, percent cover, and forest floor characteristics are evaluated at each yearly time step in the ecosystem model and used as state variables in the forest hydrology submodel. Likewise, cumulative annual results characterizing canopy or individual tree water stress (i.e. TDI) produced by the forest hydrology submodel, operating on a daily basis, may be directed back to the ecosystem for use in calculating the current year’s growth. Another pathway for integrating the two models is through the use of simulated water content in the forest floor layers for the calculation of litter decomposition rates in the ecosystem model. When combined with litter quality parameters, such a relationship will allow the integrated model to have more flexibility in predicting the effects of various silviculture systems on forest floor moisture contents and thus, litter decomposition rates. Development of these and other pathways for the complete integration of the two models are currently underway. 12 References Arp, P.A. and X. Yin (1992). Predicting water fluxes through forests from monthly precipitation and mean monthly air temperature records. 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