Jews from Egypt

The WCJE Congress should be one of pride in our past, and an honorable and substantial
contribution to Israel, to Jewish Culture and History, to the Middle East and to the world of
today and tomorrow.
Its goals are to underline the cultural and historical values of the Jews from Egypt and their
contribution to peace, which all of us are hoping and yearning for.
Like a sparkling flame, this congress discovers, defines and relates our glorious past …
informs and illuminates our present …it will likewise enlighten our future, and will guide
future generations.
1) Study and preservation of the history of the Jews in Egypt in the second half of the 19th
Century and the first half of the 20th Century.
a) Information on research on this subject at different institutions. Information on books and
other publications, and the electronic media.
b) Encouragement and support of further developments of these researches, activities and
c) Promotion of the teaching of the history and culture of the Jews from Egypt, in Israel and
2) Ways of life, opinions and moral values of the Jews in Egypt in the second half of the
twentieth century.
a) Publications written during that period, and afterwards, by Jews of Egypt and others.
b) Possibilities of further contributions and publications resulting from the congress.
c) Definition of general characteristics, moral values, and behavior of Jews of Egypt.
3) Responsibility for the mass Exodus of Jews that took place in Egypt.
a) Was the “Second Exodus” voluntary or imposed?
b) Did the Egyptian authorities respect the rights of the emigrating population?
c) Following the uprooting of the Jews from Egypt, should they be defined as refugees?
4) Compensation to the Jews of Egypt for the losses they incurred.
(a) Desirability and possibility of compensation?
(b) Should the claims of Jews from Egypt be dealt in relation to possible arrangements between
Israel and the Arab world concerning the Palestinian refugees?
5) The role the Zionist Movements in Egypt: He Halutz Maccabi, Ha Shomer Hatsair, and
B’nai Akiva, played in helping to evacuate the Jews from Egypt.
a) Were the leaders of the Zionist Youth Movements who organized the evacuation, Jews from
Egypt or Israelis?
b) Circumstances of the sending of youth leaders and members of the community to
concentration camps: “Huckstep” and “Abu Tor.”
6) The “Parasha” A Criminal Mistake. Though the “Parasha” caused the downfall of two
governments in Israel, some of the fundamental questions concerning it, have never been fully
investigated or answered. A few of the questions we will address and discuss:
a) Why were our friends imprisoned in Egypt kept there for 17 years?
b) Why has there never been a “Governmental Committee” established to fully investigate the
case of the “Parasha” and all its consequences.
7) Jewish communal property remaining in Egypt.
 The Jewish community acquired during the past centuries, communal resources, with an
important historical, religious, artistic, and commercial value: Synagogues, cemeteries, Sifrei
Torah, artifacts etc.
 It is essential to safeguard these treasures and properly settle the problems related to
ownership, restitution and responsibility for their safeguard.
 Reports on the nature of these possessions and on the attempts to improve their safeguard
will be submitted.
Subjects of discussion:
(a) Ownership and responsibility for the safeguard of the Jewish communal property.
(b) Restitution: Encouraging individuals or organizations that are legal owners of items to claim
them and place them in locations more accessible to the Jewish community that has migrated.
(c) Possibility of arrangements with the Egyptian authorities including: possibility of handover of
items to countries in which many Jews from Egypt have migrated.
(d) Improving care of items. Possible contribution to funding of the preservation of artifacts, by
Jewish organizations and other institutions.
(e) Effect of preservation of communal property on relations between Jewish communities and
(f) Accessibility of studying the common history by scholars.
(g) Effect on tourist attractiveness of Egypt.
8) Integration of Jews from Egypt in the countries to which they migrated:
(a) Social and economic positions, culture, way of life.
(b) Effect of background related to life in Egypt.
(c) Links between Jews from Egypt in various countries, links with Israel, links with Egypt.
(d) Attitudes and cultural links of the second generation.
9) Possibilities of contribution of Jews from Egypt to “Cultural Rapprochement” and bridges
of understanding between Egypt and Israel.
(a) Promotion of a full peace between Israel and Egypt.
(b) Promotion of peace relations between Jewish and Egyptian scientists, writers, media, etc …
(c) Bridges of understanding and respect between Israelis, Jews, and Egyptians, in all
professions and trades.
10) Possibilities of contribution of Jews from Egypt to struggles of international importance.
a) Struggle against anti-Semitism.
b) Struggle against world terrorism.
c) Providing a Model of Multi-Culturalism to the third millennium.
11) The organizations of Jews from Egypt in the world.
a) Activities and achievements.
b) Links between the various organizations.
c) Planning of future activities.
d) Contribution to fulfillment of projects discussed in the present Congress.
Prof. Ada Aharoni – WCJE President
Prof. Haim Aharoni – WCJE Counselor
You are invited to visit the WCJE website:
For Contact:
Jacques Perez
Sara Rossano