The Rush Way
‘Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet Begins the Path to Victory’
The Rush Way is the embodiment of all that is Rush Soccer; the rules and manner in which Rush member’s hold themselves and how they expect other RUSH members to conduct themselves.
This is not inherent in all people, but can be learned. The Rush Way encourages passion, leadership, respect and, above all, quality.
The following is a summation of the Rush Way. It is by no means all-inclusive, but enough to provide an idea of what it means to wear the Rush colors and is part of the best.
RUSH Core Values
Accountability: Be accountable for your actions and hold others accountable for their actions. Who am I ultimately accountable to, and who judges my work?
Advice: Seek out advice and aspire to be the best. In order to learn, we must be open to learning and consider the advice of others. Are you coach-able?
Empathy: Empathy is at the core of solid relationships.
Enjoyment: Enjoy your work this is a gift. The desires of diligent workers are satisfied.
Humility: Apologize when you make a mistake. Forgive others and do not look back.
Leadership: Leaders strive to be trustworthy, honest and sincere. They possess traits such as integrity and honor. They are willing to serve others and sacrifice their own interests. Leaders are constructive and hardworking.
Passion: Passion always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. Passion never fails.
Respect: Respect everyone. Respect the opponent, the rules, your colleagues, your superiors and subordinates. Be thoughtful and considerate.
Safety: Our environment is safe. This includes the office, our travels, the fields and our bodies. Safety is not only physical safety from harm, but safety from ridicules and attack. We are comforted and encouraged in the club. We portray self-control and kindness to our staff, our colleagues and players.
Tenacity: To be successful, persevere…. persevere but do not be anxious. Fear no one. Be strong and courageous. Work when no one is looking, even when the circumstances are not right and everyone else quits. Diligence never loses because it
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O PERATIONS never quits. Out work your opponent, and most importantly, work smart. Don’t wait for external inspiration. The people who go far do so because they motivate themselves and give life their best, regardless of how they feel.
Unity: Together all things are possible. When your teammates are down, bear each other’s burdens; conversely, celebrate your teammate’s successes.
Rush Vision Statement
Our aim is to partner with like-minded clubs around the world and create a player base, which is unmatched in both quality and quantity, which in turn is used to develop elite level players that will eventually feed into a Rush professional team representing one of the most recognized brands in the world.
Rush Mission Statement
Rush Soccer is committed to providing an unparalleled soccer experience for all who have interest in the game of soccer. Rush Soccer promotes the development of character, the electricity of competition and the importance of pure enjoyment. We accept the responsibility of teaching life lessons to our athletes to further their growth inside the game and out. We believe that all players should be afforded an equal opportunity to explore their potential and participate in challenging circumstances that will yield positive outcomes. We are committed to making soccer a pleasant, safe and rewarding experience for everyone involved, regardless of age or ability. Through quality coaching, sound leadership and absolute sincerity, Rush Soccer will work to be the best soccer club in the world.
Our mission is to create an enormous player base that feeds into a Rush professional team representing one of the most recognized brands in the world .
Rush Principles for Good Governance and Ethical practice
Federal Law The Rush will comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations, as well as applicable laws and regulations of the states and local jurisdictions in which it is based or operates. When we conduct business outside of the U.S., we will also abide by applicable international laws, regulations and conventions that are legally binding in the U.S.
Core Values (125 113) The Rush has formally adopted, written code of ethics with which all of its directors or trustees, staff and volunteers are familiar and to which they adhere.
Conflicts of Interest The Rush has policies and procedures to ensure that all conflicts of interest, or the appearance thereof, within the organization and the board are appropriately managed through disclosure, recusal or other means.
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Violation Reporting The Rush organization has policies and procedures that enable individuals to come forward with information on illegal practices or violations of organizational policies. This “whistleblower” policy should specify that the organization will not retaliate against, and will protect the confidentiality of, individuals who make good-faith reports.
I.P. Protection The Rush has policies and procedures to protect and preserve the organization’s important documents and business records.
Asset Protection The Rush has adequate plans to protect its assets—its property, financial and human resources, programmatic content and material, and its integrity and reputation—against damage or loss. The Rush board reviews regularly the organization’s need for general liability and director’s and officer’s liability insurance, as well as take other actions necessary to mitigate risks.
Public Disclosure The Rush allows information about its operations, including its governance, finances, programs and activities, widely available to the public.
Players Code of Conduct:
All participants in the Rush Soccer Club are expected to be polite, positive, wellmannered, cooperative, good sports, and respectful and considerate of others as they represent the club on the field and during club-oriented functions. The following rules will apply to all players. By signing below that I have read these rules, I understand the consequences if I do not live within them.
The use of tobacco, drugs, including steroids, or alcoholic beverages in any form will not be tolerated regardless of quantity, and is cause for immediate dismissal from the
Persistent irresponsibility and disrespectful behavior is cause for dismissal from the
Destruction of property or violation of State and Federal laws is cause for dismissal from the Rush.
Players are expected to conduct themselves in a commendable manner at all times in
Rush-related activities. Use of profane language is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
Failure to comply with team or specific activity rules (dress code, attendance, etc.) is cause for dismissal from the Rush.
There will be “zero tolerance” for assault upon, hazing, disorderly conduct toward, harassment of, intimidation of, or discrimination against another player or damage of property of another player.
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Non-payment of team fees, travel expenses, or Rush club fees is cause for dismissal from the Rush or suspension from playing until such fees are paid or current.
Code of Conduct for Travel:
TRAVEL DRESS The minimal standard dress code while traveling will be no cut off’s, no hats. Disrespectful slogans, political statements, disrespectful wording or statements shall not be displayed on the being. Clothes shall “fit”; nothing too tight or nothing too loose. No holes or tears in the clothing shall be present. The Head Coach when desired may establish a higher standard. At no time will the Head Coach set a lesser standard then set forth in the Rules and Regulations.
ROOM REQUIREMENTS At no time will anyone of the opposite gender be allowed in each others rooms while club travel is taking place.
TRAVEL CURFEW Unless extenuating circumstances or the Head Coach has determined a team curfew; the Club Curfew is 11:00 pm in the time zone you are currently staying.
RUSH TRAVEL RESPONSIBILITIES the players are expected to travel stay and participate with the team for the entire event. The entire event is classified as when the player arrives at the home airport and when the player returns to the baggage claim at the home airport. Any exceptions will be granted and determined by the Head
COMMON PRACTICE: all participants on the trip are expected to be polite, positive, well-mannered, cooperative, good sports, and respectful and considerate of others - those you encounter along the way as well as those with whom you are traveling.
Rooms and the vans will need to be kept clean.
WITHOUT DIRECT SUPERVISION: There are times when you will be off without direct adult supervision. When this happens, one of the adults will expect to know where you are and when you will be back. At the same time, it is always your responsibility to a) know how to find one of the adults, b) know when and where you are expected to be next, and c) be there on time. When you are off without adult supervision, you will always use the “Rule of Three” - at least three players together.
Behaviors, Healthy & Abusive
It is the policy of the Rush to strive to protect its employees, board members, volunteers, coaches, and players from intimidating, demeaning or abusive behavior that is contrary to positive encounters or a healthy environment. As a result, action may be taken for any abusive encounter not conducive to treating people with courtesy, dignity and respect.
Those who feel they have been subjected to any abusive behavior or who witness abusive behavior they are uncomfortable dealing with directly, are requested to report the incident immediately to one of the following:
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Immediate Supervisor
Person In Charge
Administrator or Club Director
Any Board Member, preferably an Officer
Anonymous reporting through the anonymous identification process identified in this procedure. All incidents will be promptly investigated. Based upon the results, appropriate action may be taken. Anyone interested in anonymously reporting an incident he/she either experienced or witnessed, may leave the following information:
Location of incident
Detailed description of incident
Names of individuals involved
When incident took place
If anyone experiences abusive behavior from Employees, Members, other persons, report the incident directly to one of the persons listed above. Nothing in this policy precludes the Employer or Employee from taking more serious action if the particular incident warrants such.
Harmful, Damaging Behaviors to be avoided:
Disrespectful treatment (talking down, interrupting, discourteous behavior, demeaning)
Raised voices, yelling, angry verbalizations, angry gestures, foul language
Throwing charts, slamming doors, slamming phones, temper tantrums
Intimidation, coercing
Lack of support, discounting
“Put-downs” in front of members and staff
Insults, destructive criticism, name calling
Unwanted touching, getting too personal verbally
Healthy, Productive Behaviors to be modeled:
Shows respect through
Valuing people and various opinions
Honoring differences
Courteous behaviors and attitude
Listens without interrupting
Maintaining objectivity
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Seeking to understand others’ viewpoints
Clear expectations
Sharing information openly, honestly and timely
Talking with an individual directly
Problem solves by maintaining composure under pressure, during interpersonal conflict or hostility
Seeking solutions agreeable to all parties
Recognizes others through “thank you”, praise, encouragement, positive feedback
Rush Staff Coaches Philosophy
The Rush takes great pride in the coaches that work for full time, and us, both parttime. In fact they are the cornerstones, the backbone of who and what we are.
Developing soccer players is the primary objective for our coaches, but what cannot be underestimated is the importance of coaches shaping lives. Gone are the days when coaching responsibilities consist of working with X’s and O’s. Today, coaches must be technically proficient and tactically sound of course. But coaches must also have an understanding of how to teach players to take care of their bodies. Running sprints is no longer the only method of maintaining fitness.
Today’s athlete must understand the importance of endurance for sure, but strength, coordination, nutrition…are all facets of physical conditioning.
Understanding the psyche of youth players and managing those players is also a key component in coaching. Today’s coaches must be able to motivate and build selfesteem in their players. All this simply means we need quality, well-rounded men and women to lead our youth to success both on and off the field. Coaches are now teachers, motivators, psychologist, mentors and more.
Our coaches continually strive to develop players on and off the pitch. It is a great privilege to coach in the Rush, the best soccer organization in America. And with great privilege comes great responsibility. We are proud to boast of the great many hard working coaches we have who embrace this privilege and thrive with this responsibility.
1.10 Rush top 10 performance skills
The ability to analyze issues and situations correctly and then determine the most effective course of action to achieve the desired outcome.
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The ability to positively assert one’s self in a given situation. Knowing how to make a positive impact. Knowing what needs to be done and proactively doing it. Having the right sense of urgency about the right priorities. .
The ability to understand the needs of internal and external customer and to meet those needs on a consistent basis.
The ability to apply one’s self to a challenge with intensity and consistency in order to achieve the desired outcome.
The ability to approach problems and tasks from a new perspective and successfully implement improved solutions and ideas.
Understanding the abilities of the audience, then effectively and persuasively conveying and receiving thoughts and ideas in writing and verbally.
The ability to self-manage, set priorities and use time effectively in achieving desired objectives. To consistently maintain the proper sense of priority amidst changing circumstances.
The ability to be flexible, to anticipate and comprehend one’s changing circumstances and make proper adjustments in order to consistently achieve objectives.
9.PEOPLE SKILLS (Interpersonal Effectiveness).
The ability to effectively interact with all levels of personnel. Consistently practice a
Win- Win mentality by seeking mutual benefit for all involved parties while accomplishing the desired objectives.
The ability to successfully communicate and work in a dynamic team situation. To successfully manage relationships. To apply the principles of synergy where different ideas can be blended successfully in achieving the desired outcome without sacrificing individuality
1.11 Standard code of Conduct for Players, Coaches and Parents of Rush.
The following Standards of Conduct are set forth by Rush to govern the behavior and ethical practice for players, coaches, and spectators before, during, and after soccer matches. The following will be expected:
A consistently positive attitude shall be conveyed toward players, coaches, officials, and spectators.
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No remarks shall be addressed to opposing players, coaches, spectators, or to referees, except when comments convey genuine friendship and respect.
Only the coach will be allowed to question certain calls by the referee in a respectable manner at the half time or when the time is appropriate.
No ill-tempered behavior shall be displayed.
No smoking or alcohol consumption shall be allowed during soccer matches and soccer practice. No smoking is allowed within 50 ft. of the field or in the presence of players.
The coach shall assume responsibility for all actions of players, spectators, and parents.
The coach shall not engage in any outside scheduled Rush activities with the players.
He/she shall avoid physical contact.
The coach will make best efforts not to be isolated with the players.
The coach shall place first and foremost the safety of the players when planning activities.
The Rush shall expect genuine cooperation between coaches within their own age group. Every effort will be made by coaches and staff to place players at the appropriate level.
All members of the Rush are subject to the operating policies and the Bylaws.
No player or coach will be excluded from participation or discriminated against due to race, creed, religion, or national origin. All members will respect one another and the integrity of the game.
These standards should be a common practice. They should be adhered to all the way from the Board of Directors down through the club’s volunteers and players.
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