Saving Time and Money While Maintaining Quality

Saving Time and Money While Maintaining Quality
Suzanne Butler-Lich
 Teach students skills early
 Let them fail and be supportive and positive
 Team or table leaders
 Teach and expect everyone is responsible
 Conservation
o Students are expected to take care of materials
Glue bottles
o Portion Control
o Model and reward acts of conservation
 Storage- clear plastic food containers
 Materials-frequently used items stored together, precut paper, paper scraps
 Material distribution
 Clean up and dismissal
Creative Problem Solving
 Students problem solve corrections
 Recycle- Reuse
o Containers for storage
o Materials for lessons
 Paint to music using water colors or tempera followed up by embellishing with old markers.
Stella style, relief using old file folders, paint and old markers.
Pop Art and Color Theory based on Jim Dine’s “Heart” series. Tempera, Cut paper and old
Clown “soft” relief sculpture (great problem solving lesson) connected to Calder’s Circus (You
Tube clips) and “Sandy’s Circus” – donated fabric, felt, trim, buttons, holiday trim, ribbons and
“goodies”, poster board scraps, file folders, left over yarn.
To save time background was a short lesson on Positive and Negative Space.
Personal Statement based on Bearden’s Collages. Setting, Characters, Plot
Calder wire sculpture using the wire from the fluorescent light balusters, string, pipe cleaners
beads, buttons, straw pieces.
Box Sculptures (Dragons, Masks, People)
3 Day Paper Mache mask- paper plate- tag (file folders) features with one layer of construction
paper instead of painting. Details with paper and oil pastels.