SAMPLE LETTER for your Congress member

Dear Congressman
We are writing as your constituents regarding our concern about the safety of vaccines and the
cover-up of CDC study results that have linked vaccines to autism.
CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson (17 year CDC veteran, and author and coauthor of
all three of the leading CDC studies that supposedly exonerate vaccines as a cause of autism)
now admits that, under pressure from his superiors, his team fraudulently withheld study
results showing that many children do regress into autism from vaccination, and that
African American boys have a 340% greater likelihood of developing autism from the
MMR vaccine, if given on the CDC-recommended schedule before the age of three.
This book we’ve given you, Vaccine Whistleblower: Exposing Autism Research Fraud at
the CDC, expounds upon the fraud committed in covering up these study results.
Dr. Thompson submitted 100,000 CDC documents on this fraud to Congressman Bill Posey.
He’s invoked the protection of the Federal Whistleblower Statute and wants to be subpoenaed
by Congress to give testimony under oath. See Congressman Posey's request:
We respectfully request that you insist that Congress subpoena Dr. Thompson and
investigate these allegations of fraudulent autism studies and corruption at the CDC.
There is much evidence that the explosion in childhood diseases, such as asthma, allergies,
ADHD, ADD, diabetes and autism, correlates directly with the tremendous expansion since
1989 in the number of vaccines given to children. This increase in vaccinating occurred after
Congress passed a law in 1986, absolving pharmaceutical companies of all liability from any
damage caused by their vaccine products. You don’t hear of these vaccine injuries in the news
because parents are not allowed to file lawsuits; and the mainstream media receives 70% of
their advertising revenue from Big Pharma, so doesn't want to upset the industry.
In October, 2015, the CDC identified about one in 45 children as having autism spectrum
disorder, and the numbers are increasing. In the 1960’s it was one in 10,000. Since 1986, the
Vaccine Court has paid out over 3.5 billion dollars of our taxpayer (not pharmaceutical) money
to suffering people, many of them children, who’ve been irreparably injured for life.
This is nothing less than a national tragedy that must be urgently addressed. The American
public must have protection and choice in this matter. Again, we prevail upon you to take up
action on our behalf, not on the behalf of pharmaceutical companies who are the ones receiving
the most benefit from the selling of mandatory vaccines.