You have received this information because either:
1. You have been automatically enrolled into your employer’s pension scheme, or
2. You have opted into your employer’s pension scheme under automatic enrolment provisions.
What are the minimum contributions?
The minimum contributions needed for Auto Enrolment into the Complete Pension Trust are set by the
Government and are based on a percentage of banded qualifying earnings. The minimum will increase
over time as shown in the table below:
Now to 30 September 2017
1 October 2017 to 30 September 2018
1 October 2018 onwards
Employer Contribution
Total Contributions
The minimum employee contributions are determined by the difference between the total contributions
required and the amount the employer contributes. If the employer decided to contribute more than their
required minimum amount, this will reduce the amount that the employee needs to contribute in order to
meet the overall minimum level.
How can I build up extra benefits?
In order to build up extra benefits, you can increase your contribution rate by completing a Contribution
Rate Change Form.
If you want to pay a one off lump sum into the Complete Pension Trust, you can do this by completing the
Contribution One-Off Lump Sum Form.
Will I get tax relief on my contributions?
Yes, your contributions are deducted from your pay before tax. This means that you receive tax relief on
your contributions at the highest rate of tax you pay.
How often are my contributions invested?
Whether you are paid on a monthly, fortnightly or weekly basis, your contributions are sent to us once a
month and then invested at the earliest opportunity.
How can I find out about my investment choice?
Further information is available in the Complete Pension Trust Investment Fund Guide.
If you wish to change your investments, you can obtain an Investment Change Form.
How do I know the value of my pension fund?
If the scheme administrators (HS Admin) have your email address they will contact you to provide you
with access to their secure online portal.
If you have not provided them with your email address then unfortunately, due to the security levels built
into their systems, they are unable to provide you with access to the Member Account website. If you
would like to obtain access to the Member Account website, please contact the scheme administrators for
further information. Their contact details are contained within the ‘Contact Details’ section below.
Do I get a personalised statement?
Each year, you will receive a benefit statement showing:
the contributions received
the value of your benefits
the funds in which your account is currently invested
an estimate of what your pension might be at your Target Retirement Age
Can I transfer in other pension benefits?
If you have built up benefits in a previous pension arrangement, you may be able to transfer the value of
those benefits into the Complete Pension Trust, at the discretion of the Trustee. Any transfer received
from another pension arrangement will be invested in your existing fund(s). If you wish to make a transfer
into the scheme, you need to complete a Transfer in Request Form.
How do I change my details?
If you are paying into the Complete Pension Trust and have told your employer of the change, your
employer will let us know.
If you are no longer paying into the Complete Pension Trust, you need to tell the scheme administrator
(HS Admin) of any changes. Their contact details are contained within the ‘Contact Details’ section below.
You should be aware that if you change your name or your marital status, they will need to see the
original certificate(s); your document(s) will be returned to you by recorded delivery.
How do I transfer out?
Once contributions have ceased, you can transfer your benefits to another registered pension scheme.
There are no charges for transferring out and the transfer value of your fund will be equal to your fund
value. Please contact the scheme administrator (HS Admin) for further details. Their contact details are
contained within the ‘Contact Details’ section below.
Can I take money out of my pension fund before I retire?
Unless you are seriously ill, you are unable to access your pension fund until the ‘minimum pension age’,
currently 55.
Please see “what happens when I retire?” for further information.
What happens to my pension fund if I die?
If you die before retirement, the Trustee will decide to whom the value of your benefits should be paid. If
you wish to provide guidance to the Trustee, please complete a Nomination Form.
If you die after retirement, the benefits to be paid will depend on the type of income option you choose at
Can I opt out of the Complete Pension Trust?
Yes, you can opt out if you wish, in which case you should obtain an Opt Out Form.
Remember, if you opt out of the Complete Pension Trust, your employer may not contribute to another
pension arrangement for you.
Please note that under the Auto Enrolment rules, should you opt out, your employer may re-enrol you
automatically every 3 years.
What are my options if I opt out or leave employment?
Your options will depend upon the length of time you have been a member of the scheme:
Within one month of your Auto
Enrolment date
Within three months of your
Date Joined Scheme
Between three months and two
years of your Date Joined
After two years of your Date
Joined Scheme
Your employer will pay your contributions back to you in your
You will receive a refund of the current value of your employee
contributions plus or minus investment returns.
As your
contributions will have been invested, your units will need to be
sold. Once monies are returned from the investment manager we
will pay the money to your bank account, less a tax charge
You can EITHER:
Choose to take a refund of the current value of your employee
contributions once returned from the investment manager; this
will be subject to a tax charge
Transfer the value of your fund to another registered pension
scheme or qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme
You can EITHER:
Choose to leave your fund in the Complete Pension Trust until
you take your benefits. Your fund will continue to be invested in
the way that you have chosen
Transfer the value of your fund to another registered pension
scheme or qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme
If you are over age 55, use your account to provide immediate
pension benefits
Please note that, where possible, your correspondence is sent via email therefore if you leave the
scheme you will need to provide the scheme administrators (HS Admin) with your personal email address
to enable them to inform you of your options. Their contact details are contained within the ‘Contact
Details’ section below.
What happens when I retire?
The earliest you can retire from the Complete Pension Trust is currently age 55. At retirement, you can
use the value of your fund to buy a pension for yourself, and, if you wish, a pension for your dependant(s)
that will become payable on your death. You have other options such as whether or not your pension
increases once in payment. You may also be able to take part of your fund as a cash lump sum, currently
The benefits the Complete Pension Trust provides on retirement will depend on a number of factors
How much is paid into your fund
Investment returns on contributions invested
How much cash you take when you retire
How much it costs to buy a pension
What sort of pension you buy
The scheme administrators (HS Admin) will contact you prior to your Target Retirement Age detailing the
retirement options available to you. However, if you want retirement information before your Target
Retirement Age please contact them. Their contact details are contained within the ‘Contact Details’
section below.
How is the Complete Pension Trust run?
A Trust Deed and Rules (the Rules) govern the Complete Pension Trust.
Nothing stated in this document overrides the Rules.
How does the Complete Pension Trust look after my data?
The administrators (HS Admin) will hold and process your personal data in accordance with the Data
Protection Act 1998 and from time to time, this may be shared with other companies involved in the
administration of your benefits.
Any contact information you have provided will be used as a means of communicating with you about
your pension. By providing the information either directly, or via an employer, you are giving them
permission to retain this data and contact you via any of the contact details provided.
As a processor of personal data, HS Admin, is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office as
required under the Data Protection Act 1998. They will use this information for the administration of your
pension and will only process your personal data in accordance with registration and current data
protection legislation. Information provided will be available to employees of HS Admin. Your information
will not be used for marketing purposes. It will not be shared with third parties except as required for the
operation of the Complete Pension Trust.
HS Admin will periodically participate in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) data matching exercise carried
out by the Audit Commission. Their participation in NFI will assist in the prevention and detection of fraud
against organisations within the public sector. They provide the Audit Commission with particular sets of
data for matching as set out in the Audit Commission’s guidance,
The use of data by the Audit Commission in a data matching exercise is carried out with statutory
authority under its powers in Part 2A of the Audit Commission Act 1998. It does not require the consent
of the individuals concerned under the Data Protection Act 1998. Data matching by the Audit
Commission is subject to a Code of Practice.
For further information on the Audit Commissioner’s legal powers, click here.
For further information on data matching, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Can I access my personal information?
You have the right under the Data Protection Act to get a copy of the information that is held about you;
this is known as a subject access request. To make a subject access request you need to write to the
scheme administrators (HS Admin) and let them know what information you need. Please note that a fee
of £10 will be payable to them to provide a copy of your information. They will reply within 40 days from
the date they receive both the fee and the details you need from them.
What do I do if I have a complaint?
If for any reason you are not happy with the service you are receiving, please contact the scheme
administrators (HS Admin) so they can resolve any issues. You should also be aware that there is a
special complaints procedure in place, known as the Internal Disputes Resolution Procedure. This
procedure is available on request by contacting HS Admin.
Contact Details:
Complete Pension Trust
HS Admin
25 Goodlass Road
L24 9HJ
0151 448 5550
This guide has been prepared based on our current understanding of
workplace pension reform and may be subject to change. It does not
constitute financial advice and should not be relied upon as such.
Charles Stanley Financial Solutions Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Charles Stanley Group PLC and is registered in England – No.
Charles Stanley Financial Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated
by the Financial Conduct Authority
Document version 1.1 correct as of 21/11/2014