Minutes of the Opononi & Districts Lions Club Business Meeting held on Thursdy 5th February 2015 at the Omapere Fire Station. Present: President Emily(late), Lions Toia (Chaired the meeting until Pres Emily arrived), Lorraine, Graham, Lindsay, Sue Jackson, Lloyd Waker, Diane Vandenbrink, Garth Coulter, John Metcalfe, Chris Dixon, Barbara Adams, Thelma Oldham, Debbie Menere, Apologies: Lions Maria & George Goodhew, Les Read, Owen Whaley, Jenny Barlow, Paul Fowlie, John Askew, Trevor Jones, Mere Morunga. Pres Emily apologies for being late. Moved apologies be sustained. Garth / Diane. Carried. Minutes: The Business meeting 04/12/2014 Minutes read. Moved Lindsay / Diane The Dinner Meeting Minutes of 18/12/2014 and 15/01/2015 were read. Toia / Barbara. Carried. Correspondence: Inwards: KMail - circulated Christmas Card from the ‘Copthorne Team’ Confirmation from Charities Commission of Trust Changes District & M D Dues Request from Sarah Gadd re – Scholarship awarded in 2013. ANZI Forum Newsletter - Circulated Youth News Invoice from MD Office – Tabs etc LCI Dues Get Well Cards as requested – to Lindsay LMLCCT Letter of thanks Notice of Zone 1 Meeting – 23 February Outwards . Moved Inwards correspondence be received and outward approved. Toia / Diane. Carried. Treasurers Report Copy attached. Lindsay presented Les’s Report and moved its adoption. Lindsay / Barbara Carried. Moved accounts be paid. Toia / Graham. Carried. Reports: Membership – Copy attached. There was discussion held about monies paid into LMLCCT and LCIF and the credits that are held to purchase awards. Next Membership meeting to be held at Goodhews 7.30pm 12th March 2015. (as Fire Brigade Station is having renovations done at the moment. Can members please look at taking a position for the incoming officers for 2015/2016 year. Fundraising – Sue’s report attached. Moved that the last amount of $73 of the $500 be given towards the food for Zone 1 Children of Courage Awards being held at Kingston House, Kerikeri. Sue / Lorraine Carried. Members congratulated Sue on the work that was done December-January. Social – Verbal Report - Combined with Fundraising - Thursday 26th February 2014 Message via Debbie requesting more soup recipes as there were only ten. Students from the school are going to help with illustrations. 10 recipes do not make a book. Projects – George’s report attached. George apologies for not being present. Saturday 7th March ~ Rawene Races. Are people able to help. So far Toia is able to help. George to follow up with the Rawene Race Committee. Please can we have cover, table and seats for members who are helping in the parking area. It gets very hot. Also can the gate takings can be picked up regularly. It is worrying holding lots of money. Friday 20th March – Cycle Tour. Move we again hold a Sausage Sizzle at the Opononi Hotel. Sue/ Toia Carried. Sue will do licence for the sausage sizzle and ask permission from the hotel to set up BBQ in hotel carpark, Toia, Lorraine & Lindsay will help on the day. Can others confirm they are available on the day. Move George is reimbursed $136.00 for Opononi Fishing Competition Day - Childrens Events. Lindsay / Garth Coulter. Carried. Members discussed the return of the old security sign. Thank you George, Maria, Les and other members who had actually asked people about giving a donation. People did not understand the word donation or koha. They were happy to pay for someone to look after their cars. Youth – Toia presented the Youth Chairman’s Report. 202K Youth Chairman’s report attached. We will look at a child for the Children of Courage Award. Also Sarah Gadd’s Application for the Scholarship payment, Support Documentation was provided. Recommend we pay Sarah Gadd her $500 for her scholarship. Toia / Graham Carried. Welfare – Verbal Report - Children of Courage Awards are to be held Saturday 28th March 2015, at Kingston House, 123 Hone Heke Road, 11.00am to 2.00pm. Nomination is Levii Pikaahu, who has numerous health issues. Toia to follow up with Parents Terry and Tipene Pikaahu. Almoner – Lindsay has sent Get Well cards to Del Naera, Willie TeHaara, Daniel Waterhouse, Fred Toi, Adriene Boase (John Old’s Daughter Feb 2015, Husband sick), Sympathy (Dec 2014), Mahareta Campbell, Lorraine Parlane. Lindsay attended the funeral of Lucy King. Zone Meeting – Is to be held Monday 23 February in Kerikeri. General Business: 1. Chris Dixon – Had a shortfall of $80.00 for his residence costs at University. Sue, Debbie & Lorraine offered Chris work. He was wrapped to be able to work for the costs. 2. Sue – Defibrillator Pads. We have extra to be returned and a credit will be given. Les had inquired if they had been paid for. Yes they had. 3. Garth – Sand for Rawene Beach. Garth asked if we could pay some money towards getting some sand put onto the beach at Rawene. Garth moved we give $400 towards the cost of the sand. John Metcalfe amended the motion we give all the amount of $800 John Metcalfe/Diane Vandenbrink. Carried. 4. Diane advised that the hospital auxiliary have their Easter Raffle on sale if anyone wants any. Raffles: Various members won the raffles. Meeting closed at 9.30pm Minutes of the Opononi and Districts Lions Club Business held on Thursday 04 December at the Omapere Fire Station at 7.30pm Present: President Emily, Lions Sue, Lindsay, Jenny, Bill, Chris, Les, George, Maria, Mere, Garth, Graham & Diane. Apologies: Lions John M, Deb, Toia, John A, Owen, Thelma & Lorraine. Moved George/seconded Bill. Apologies be accepted. Carried Minutes: Business meeting ( 06/11/14) taken as read. Moved George as true & correct. Seconded Lindsay. Carried. Dinner Meeting (20/11/14) taken as read. Moved George as true and correct. Seconded Sue. Carried. Correspondence: Inwards: KNews – Circulated KMail – circulated Registration & Curriculum details for “Emerging Lions Leadership Institute” to be held in Rotorua 14 to 16 March Lions Magazine Rqst from NFD Update & request for Volunteers for Seafood Feastival Communications re web Training Hokianga Health – Re Wish List Statements – LCI & Goodman Fielder Registration Form for M D Convention Outwards Letter to Jasmine Wikaira – Recipient of Club Scholarship Letter to Hokianga Hosp re “Wish List” for Half Marathon Funds Rawene News – Ad for Half Marathon Moved Leas that Inwards be received and Outwards approved. Seconded Jenny. Carried. George moved the Hospital Letter be referred to the Half Marathon Committee. Seconded Maria. Carried. Treasurers Report: Les presented his Report (attached) and moved its adoption. Seconded Garth. Carried. Moved Diane, seconded Jenny that George be reimbursed $200.00 Koha paid in respect of Goff’s Tangi. Reports: Membership – No report. Fundraising – Please advise Sue by the 8th if you can provide any of the following for the Senior Citizens lunch – eggs, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, & Ice Cream. If not they will be purchased. Winner of the Card Raffle – Diane Vandenbrink. Other Winners have been advised. Volunteers at the Hall from 9am to set up please. Social - $5.00 gift to exchange for Christmas Dinner. If you invite a guest please bring a gift for them & also note on wrapping Male/Female/Unisex. Craft items for Auction. No Raffle. Projects – Painting of the Mural wall has been thwarted by the extensions to the Four Square. The Hall work on the floor, has been postponed until all other proposed work has been completed. Axemens Carnival – 01 January. Members required to clean up the Chopping Arena. Garth & Pip’s trucks offered. Requests for fire wood to George please. Les & Lindsay. Raffle – George will see Frank about a Money Card. Donations for a Hamper. Fishing Club Childrens Activities on 03 January. Pete & Chris have volunteered. Two more required from 10am for a couple of hours, to assist with Sprat Fishing, sand sculpture & Lolly scramble. Highway Hold Up – Emily, Mere & Lindsay. George will set up as usual. Youth – President Emily, Maria & George attended the Te Kura Kaupapa Maori O Te Tonga O Hokianga Senior Prize Giving on 28th November. The Scholarship Winner was Jasmine Wikaira who has been accepted to attend Brigham Young University in Hawaii. She has provided confirmation of acceptance & a breakdown of costs. Maria moved, Diane Seconded that payment be made to her bank account (also provided). Almoner – Lindsay advised cards have been sent as follows – Birthday Card – Pete Watts Sympathy Card – Pete Watts (brother), Hazel Laue (sister), Goff Rawiri Whanau, Olwyn Hill (son), Trevor Jones (sister in law), Chris Dixon (Grandmother – Harriet Dawson) General Business: 1. Web Site Training. Les attended a very well attended day. The activities of the Club & Bulletins should be added to the website. Minutes and Finance can be added to the secure pages for Members access only. Les has a few issues to be ironed out and it will be added to the Agenda at a future date for further discussion. 2. December is Lions “Feed the Hungry” month and in the past we have made a donation of a Food Hamper to the local Trust at our Christmas Dinner Meeting. Maria moved that there have been many requests of members & therefore the Club donate $500.00 for those requiring help. Seconded Diane. Carried. 3. Maria advised that the “Opo” Committee had met with Council Planners on Tuesday as an application has been made to the Council for the Statue to be classified as an Area of Significance. Dawn Underwood advised George that we can vest the Statue in the Council & the asset is maintained by Council, or every five years we can make a claim for a Grant from the Community Board for maintenance. 4. Maria advised there is one Hamper unsold. Do we put it in the Christmas Raffle or does anyone want it. Diane & Bill agreed to share the contents – total cost $42.00 5. Sue advised 16 people (8 from the Copthorne) attended the De Fib Training on November 28th. Follow up training has been offered in the future. We need to purchase a second set of pads as back up - $60.00, Shears are required for cutting through bras, and a razor to shave mens chests, plus two hand towels. All come in a kit. Sue moved, seconded by Mere that we purchase a kit up to the cost of $100.00. Carried. 6. Sailing Trust. Les updated the meeting. Total Span have provided the cladding at a cost of $10000.00. Some small donations have been received from the community. Meeting agreed that $1000.00 as approved at last meeting be paid out to the Sailing Trust. Raffles: 66 A – Maria 96A – Sue 83A – Jenny 02D – Diane Meeting closed at 8.52pm. 92A – Lindsay 68A – George 98A – Sue 05D – Les 79A – Bill 71A – George 100A – Garth Minutes of the Opononi & Districts Lions Club Dinner Meeting held on Thursday 15 January 2015 at the Copthorne Hotel Omapere. Present: President Emily, Lions Toia, Jenny, Bill, Chris, George, Maria, Lindsay, Faye, Sue, Deb, Graham, Mere, Bob, Lorraine, Diane, Lloyd, Pete & Owen Partners & Family – Bruce, Ethan Hallett, & Boston Stanaway Guests Lion Joe Carr (Okaihau) and Betty Pennell (Sue) Apologies: Lions Thelma, John M, Les, John A, Garth, Paul, Iriana, Ian, Pip, Trevor, Barbara & Errol. Moved George, Seconded Toia. Apologies be accepted. Carried. Invocation said by Deb Menere followed by Dinner. Raffle: Thank you Lorraine for selling the tickets. Winners as follows – 13 – Bob 56 – Chris 62 – George 80 – Toia 64 – Joe 58 – Boston 31 – Deb 02 – Lorraine 18 – Owen 20 – Owen 24 – Betty Membership: Chairman Toia recognised Deb for her 6 years 100% attendance & Chris for his 4 years and congratulated both members and thanked them for their contribution to the Club. “Griff” Bob presented “Griff” to Bill for his contribution to the Club for 32 years, and also to St John & the Axemens committee. Notices: 1.Maria requires a volunteer to take the Minutes at the February Business meeting. Lorraine offered and Toia to type up. 2. Joe invited members to the Okaihau Clubs social BBQ to be held at their place on Saturday night (178 Okaihau – Horeke Rd, Okaihau) at 6pm 3. George advised that the Half Marathon Traffic Management Plan is all go. 4. Jenny asked members again for their Soup Recipes – email to her or bring to the Business meeting. She is going to involve the school to do the art work & would to have it ready for printing soon. A very pleasant evening closed at 8.55pm. VERBAL FINANCE REPORT 5 FEB 2015 NB - Two Reports printed back to back for convenience. 00 Account: Total Craft Auction figure $907 04 Account: Total Highway Holdup figure $1302 Charities Comm. Payment is annual fee we pay for filing our Charitable Status Returns once I put our accounts on their website. Young Ambassador Balance $184.30 moved to Projects account just to tidy up. Apologies Please note Westpac Statement shows bounced cheq. For $840 where Treasurer took the cash & forgot to transfer his money in time. Invoices for approval: LCI Levy $859.79 Defib Pads $123.63 (not sure if done in December) George Goodhew $136.00 for children’s prizes for Fishing Competition Event. Sand for Rawene Beach ~ $800 Les Membership Report We really need to look at Officer’s for the next Lions Incoming year, 2015/2016 Thank you to Diane Vandenbrink who will do Greeter again. All other members please we need your commitment to support our next President. Membership this month is taking care of our own members please if you need help, let our Welfare Chairman Lorraine, myself or other members who you know are there for you. I also would like to congratulate Lion Sue for all the hard work organising care packages for our community. Well Done! To Lindsay our Almoner, thank you for sending get well cards, condolence cards to our community. They absolutely think the cards are wonderful. I have a seat for a pensioner in Rawene that I need to get to her. Hopefully I will be able to send to her soon. I hope lion members have asked One person to be a lion. Let’s see if it will work. Thank you for always supporting me. I am grateful for all members support. I was sorry I was unable to attend the Opononi Area School clean up working bee. As Bruce was away I had to work, but I rang people in the community to support their school Sounds like they had a great cleanup. My next meeting will be held Thursday 12th March 7.30pm at Maria & George Goodhews, as construction work is being done at the Omapere Fire Station. (Hopefully this will be okay for Maria and George as I have not even asked them yet!!!) Toia Baker Membership Chairman ALMONERS REPORT – FEBRUARY 2013 GET WELL (December 2014) Del Naera Willie TeHaara Daniel Waterhouse Fred Toi Adrienne Boase (John Old’s daughter Feb. 2015, Husband sick) SYMPATHY (December 2014) Mahareta Campbell ( Husband and Grand-nephew) Lorraine Parlane (Mother) Went to funeral of Lucy King Lindsay Gray – Almoner. Countdown community project 2014 In Nov 2014 “ Countdown Stores “ as part of a nation wide project were offering per store , a $500 donation to a local family in need, this was through their One-card web site. I wrote online to the site and said while I applauded Countdowns community spirit and generosity ,to give this amount of money to just one family when it could benefit many more people if it was divided throughout the community. That it would be better to donate the money to an organization such as a Lions Club and let them distribute to individuals and families throughout their district I received a phone call in mid December to say that my application had been accepted and could I go along and collect the reward card. I made several phone calls and spoke to a number of people asking for ideas .Maria sent out an email also asking members for ideas. Just after Christmas the manager from Countdown Kaikohe phoned to find out if there was a problem , the card had not been activated and contrary to our first phone call Countdown wanted the card to be activated and money spent in Dec 2014. I made several phone calls but could only make contact with answer machines until I called Toia Toia offered to go into Kaikohe with me and we met with the manager and staff of Countdown One member of Countdown staff asked if we could make a donation to the baby unit at Rawene Hospital. So far Toia and I have taken out around the community over from 20 gift packs of Dilmah Tea and Shortbread Biscuits. 5 Baby gift packs were put together and taken to the Rawene hospital Each pack contained One pk 30 New Born Disposable Nappies Johnsons Lavender Baby Bath. Baby Oil Johnsons Baby Talc. Baby Wipes Gift for the Mum also a pack of individual Gingerbread man cookies for brothers and sisters visiting the new born. Hospital staff asked if we could help make a basket of items that could be used for patients when admitted in an emergency situation We made a basket which contained Tooth Brushes / Tooth paste, Soap, Talc. Combs and Tissues Lyndsay Gray gave us a shopping list to be used for the Hospice Care group she supports. The group were given two baskets . Which contained Packs of Herbal teas Specialty coffees Sweet & Savory biscuits A second basket of containing Soaps, Talc and Tissues Also two food boxes containing basic food items were given out, to the value of $45 each. Mike made labels for us which were attached to all our packages which read “With the complements of management and staff Countdown Kaikohe Distributed by the Opononi & Districts Lions Club” Many Thanks Sue Fundraising Chairman Projects Report to 05 February Business Meeting Firstly, my apologies for not being present. We had an excellent response from Members for assistance with the Opononi Axemens Carnival on New Year’s day, with a great turn out. Thank you to all who assisted in any way. The Opononi Fishing Competition on Saturday 03 January had a slight ‘hiccup’ for the Childrens events. A sign was erected on the Opononi Wharf with times of the events as due to high tide at 10am the Spratt Fishing had to be held at 10am and the Sand Sculpture at 11am so there was some sand. When we went to set up for the sand sculpture at 11am, with various sections for each age group, a number of people had begun working on sculptures. I announced that they would not be considered and marked out the various areas and advised they could start. It had to be a level playing field for all competitors – we subsequently received a letter of complaint. Lions Fay and Chris judged the sand sculpture. Lions Pete & John M seeded the Treasure Hunt with again one ‘stick’ not retrieved. I also ran a Lolly Scramble. The lollies and prizes for the Spratt Fishing were donated by Opononi Four Square – we need to acknowledge their sponsorship. The monetary prizes for the Sand Sculpture of $105.00 over three categories (I took from the security monies held). The monetary prizes for the Treasure Hunt of $136.00 I funded, but would like to be reimbursed. Thanks to John M, Pete, Chris & Fay who was seconded from the Highway Hold-up to assist with the Sand Sculpture judging. On Anniversary Monday we had been asked by the Opononi Area School to assist with a clean up of the school grounds. I am very disappointed that only Maria, Pete, Chris & myself turned up. I think it is important that we have a good working relationship and partnership with the school. We are going to be using their facilities when we run the Half Marathon in April – so there has to be a two way relationship. The Rawene Races are to be held on Saturday 7th March and Rob Pink has again asked for our support in manning the gates and the parking. Horse Gate – from 8.30am George & Maria. Main Gate – from 9am – two required – Volunteers please. Parking - from 9am – two required – volunteers please. First Race 10am. On Friday 20th March we have the Cycle Tour. I move we again hold a sausage Sizzle at the Opononi Hotel. I am available and hopefully other members of the team from previous years are – please confirm. A Half Marathon Meeting has been called for Thursday 12 Feb as we need to make final decisions regarding the event. All welcome to attend. Toia has also called a Membership Meeting for the 12 March. At this meeting we will be considering our Officers for 2015/16. We want & need a greater commitment from many of you – What Office do you want to fill next year? I move the adoption of this report. George. PS Security Thank you to everyone for taking their turn at South Head. The extra half hour has not been too big an imposition & has covered most of the day time that visitors are around. We have replaced the new sign and are again using the old one. Donations received were minimal & it was embarrassing asking members to give their time for such a small return. Les discussed it with visitors one day when he was on duty and found that asking for a donation only, they didn’t understand especially non English speaking visitors so the decision was made to try the old sign. The next day we took over $100 & since then the results have been very good.