Week 8 Oct 8-12

Week 8
Language Arts Daily Edits
Monday October 8
1st period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
Down the street from the college, I attend, the Save-U Laundromat is always open, and someone is always there.
2nd period
No change
b. college, I attend c. college I attend, d. college I attend
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
It was on a corner, across the street from a drugstore on one side and a big park on the other.
3rd period
No change
b. is
c. had been
d.. was located
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
The park isn’t really a park at all but part of the grounds of a private boarding school. But no one is ever around to enforce the threats, and in the
summer everyone enjoys the benches, the grass, and the coolly magnificence of the shade trees.
4th period
No change
b. cool magnificence
c. magnificently cool
d. cool magnificent
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
Signs are posted all over threatening every sort of drastic action against trespassers who wrongfully enter the property.
No change
c. those who trespass by walking on private property
d. trespassers who ignore the signs and walk on the grass
5th period reading comprehension and editing
1 The park isn’t really a park at all but part of the grounds of a private boarding school. 2 But no one is ever around to enforce the threats, and in the
summer everyone enjoys the benches, the grass, and the cool magnificence of the shade trees. 3 Signs are posted all over the lawn threatening
every sort of drastic action against trespassers.
For the sake of logic and coherence, the order of the paragraph should be:
6th period
no change
b. sentence 3, 2, 1
c. sentence 1, 3, 2
d. sentence 2, 3,1
reading comprehension and editing
The Save-U has a neon sign out front that says “Friendly 24-Hour Service,” but as far as I can tell, no one really works there. The washers and
dryers are lime green, and the paneling on the walls has been painted to match, although it was later varnished with some kind of artificial wood
grain finish. **
7th period
No change
b. have been
c. were
d. are
reading comprehension and editing
The Save-U has a neon sign out front that says “Friendly 24-Hour Service,” but as far as I can tell, no one really works there. The washers and
dryers are lime green, and the paneling on the walls has been painted to match, although it was later varnished with some kind of artificial wood
grain finish. **
At this point ** the writer wants to add a sentence that would further describe the laundromat’s paneling. Which of the following sentences would
BEST accomplish this?
I guess the brush strokes are intended to resemble wood gain, but they don’t.
I know that the varnish provides some protection for the wood paneling.
To me, it seems that lime green was a bizarre choice for an interior wall paint.
I imagine that the person who chose that color scheme must be a unique individual.
Answers for Monday Oct 8
C---college I attend, is correct---places comma in correct place for introductory phrase
B—correct tense is is; sentence before is in present tense
B—cool magnificence is the description phrase used to highlight the shade trees
B—trespassers correctly and clearly and concisely completes the sentence; (standardized tests--always like the SIMPLEST answer)
C—makes the most sense in that order
A—no change; the way it is puts it in present tense, the same tense as the whole passage;
A—it comments about the previous sentence with the wood grain finish detail
Tuesday Oct. 9
1st period
reading comprehension and editing
The Save-U has a neon sign out front that says, “Friendly 24-Hour Service,” but as far as I can tell, no one really works there. The washers
and dryers are lime green, and the paneling on the walls has been painted to match, although it was later varnished with some kind of artificial wood
grain finish. I often stare at that paneling when I don’t have a magazine or newspaper to read and don’t want to do my schoolwork. Deep in thought, I
contemplate the competence of the laundromat’s interior designer.
Some machines even provide a certain amount of sustenance and entertainment.
Which choice effectively guides the reader from the preceding paragraph about the interior of the Laundromat into this new paragraph?
2nd period
No change
Maybe what the Save-U means by friendly service is an abundance of machines.
The Save-U has to have friendly service because it is across the street from a park.
Washing machines are the Save-U’s version of 24-hour service.
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
This Laundromat has three soda machines, two candy machines, two pinball machines, five video machines, and a machine that eats dollar bills and
spits out too much or too few quarters.
3rd period
No change
b. many or too fewer
c. many or too few d. much or few
reading comprehension and editing
There are many regular customers whose faces have become familiar—mostly older people from around the neighborhood.
The writer is considering deleting the following phrase from the preceding sentence---mostly older people from around the neighborhood. If the writer
were to make this deletion, the essay would primarily lose:
Specific descriptive material
foreshadowing of the conclusion
4th period
c. detail providing a logical transition
d. An understatement of important information
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
Usually a crowd of thirteen-year-old kids that is gathered around the video machines, regardless of the time of day.
No change
5th period
b. kids who
c. kids, and they
d. kids
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
Imagining all these people, it is that I know they remain there even after I have left.
No change
It being that I imagine all these people, they
Imagining all these people, they
I imagine that all these people
6th period
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
I know that I could go in there anytime, and someone would look up from playing pinball or folding clothes and nods and smiles at me.
No change
7th period
b. nod and smile
c. nodding and smiling
d. nods to smile
reading comprehension and editing
Read through the following passage and answer the questions about the underlined portion of text:
It is comforting to know that the Save-U Laundromat. And its people are always nearby.
No change
b. Laundromat. Its c. Laundromat and that its
d. Laundromat and its
Answers for Tuesday Oct 9
B===the friendly service line ties into the first line of the preceding paragraph
C—correct phrase of ‘too many or too few quarters’
A---specific descriptive material is what the phrase tells, giving insight about who the people are
D---kids is correct so the sentence flows together
D---correctly describes beginning of sentence without repetition or redundancy
B—nod and smile because ‘someone’ is singular
D—Laundromat and its---combines the two sentences correctly together
Wednesday Oct 10
1st period
Linking verbs make statements (She is a good girl---the verb is is) or express links and relationships (She is my mother—is is the verb that identifies
the relationship) There is a special list of linking verbs (am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been, has been, have been, had been, will be, shall be,
may be, would have been, should have been, can be, should be, would be, seem, become, taste, feel, smell, sound, look, appear, grow, remain,
Write the following sentence and UNDERLINE the verbs.
He is a football player.
2nd period
Linking verbs
Write the following sentence and UNDERLINE the verbs.
The address on the envelope was Mexico.
3rd period
Write the following sentence and UNDERLINE the verbs.
The two friends water-skied on Utah Lake.
4th period
Write the following sentence and UNDERLINE the verbs.
The twins, who are from the large city of Houston, are vacationing in Utah.
5th period
An action verb expresses achievements or something a person does in a concise, persuasive manner.
Write the following sentence and UNDERLINE the action verbs.
He accelerated introduction of a new technology.
6th period
Write the following sentence and UNDERLINE the action verbs.
She organized consumer databases to efficiently track product orders.
7th period
Write the following sentence and UNDERLINE the action verbs.
Lydia supervised a team of six service employees.
Answers for Wed Oct 10
are vacationing
Thursday Oct 11
1st period
Punctuation review
Use a period at the end of a command.
Write the following sentence and write in the correct punctuation.
Hand in the poster essays no later than noon on Friday
2nd period
Punctuation review
Use a period at the end of a command.
Write the following sentence and write in the correct punctuation.
In case of tremors, leave the building immediately
3rd period
Punctuation review
Use a period at the end of an indirect question.
The teacher asked why Maria had left out the easy exercises
4th period
Punctuation review
Use a period at the end of an indirect question.
My father used to wonder why Egbert's ears were so big
5th period
Punctuation review
Use a period with abbreviations and use commas where needed.
Dr. Espinoza arrived from Washington DC at 6 p m
6th period
Punctuation review
Occasionally, a statement will end with a question. When that happens, it is appropriate to end the sentence with a question mark. Write in the
appropriate punctuation where needed:
For example: We can get to Boston quicker, can't we, if we take the interstate?
Write the following sentence and add in correct punctuation—commas, periods, question marks, quotation marks, and so on.
His question was can we end this statement with a question mark
7th period
Punctuation review
Occasionally, a statement will end with a question. When that happens, it is appropriate to end the sentence with a question mark. Write in the
appropriate punctuation where needed:
She ended her remarks with a resounding why not
Answers for Thurs Oct 11
put a period after Friday
put a period after immediately
put a period after exercises
put a period after big
put a period after D.C. and p.m.; put commas after Washington, and D.C.,
put a comma after was, and a question mark at the end of the sentence: His question was, can we end this statement with a question
She ended her remarks with a resounding why not?
Friday Oct 12
1st period
Periods: The period signifies a full stop.
Rule 1: Use a period at the end of a complete sentence that is a statement.
Example: I know that you would never break my trust intentionally.
Edit: correctly use end punctuation in the following sentence:
I cannot believe that he came so late to class
2nd period
Rule 2: If the last word in the sentence ends in a period, do not follow it with another additional period.
I know that M.D. She is my sister-in-law.
Please, shop, cook, etc. I will do the laundry.
Edit: Place periods correctly where needed in the following sentences.
I wonder if she will get her B.A She is such a smart girl
3rd period
Edit: Place periods correctly where needed in the following:
I can totally believe he is going to get his M.B.A He is such a smart guy
4th period
Edit: Place periods correctly where needed in the following:
If you’re going to run errands, definitely go to Petsmart We need more cat food
5th period
Edit: Place periods correctly where needed in the following:
I thought Dominique had a great opinion about the M.D The doctor was not at all what we expected when we first read the story
6th period
Edit: Place periods correctly where needed in the following:
The presidential candidates both have a J.D from prestigious law schools
7th period
Edit: Place periods correctly where needed in the following:
Bastian had a sharp comment regarding which of the two men, both with an M B A , were more likely to succeed
Answers for Friday October 12
I cannot believe that he came so late to class. Place period at end of sentence
I wonder if she will get her B.A. She is such a smart girl.
Place period after A in B.A. and after girl-end of sentence
I can totally believe he is going to get his M.B.A. He is such a smart guy. place period after A in M.B.A./ place period after guy==end of
If you’re going to run errands, definitely go to Petsmart. We need more cat food. Periods needed after Petsmart, food—end of sentences
I thought Dominique had a great opinion about the M.D. The doctor was not at all what we expected when we first read the story.
Periods needed after D in M.D. and after story—end of sentence
The presidential candidates both have a J.D. from prestigious law schools.
period after D for J.D. degree; and schools—end of
Bastian had a sharp comment regarding which of the two men, both with an M.B.A., were more likely to succeed.
Periods after M.B.A. for degree; after succeed---end of sentence