Applied Linguistics Glossary

act - smallest unit of discourse : like a clause, contains a proposition, like an uptake [discourse anal.]
action research - techer based ; to improove your own teaching [classroom observation]
accelerated learning - how to achieve a relaxed, yet receptive state of mind involving left and right brains
accomodation - or speech  : how we speak to our interlocutor (convergence, divergence, speech maint.)
accuracy - see. usage
affective strategies - lowering anxiety, ecouraging yourself, relaxing
analytical test - form based, manipulative, atavistic, descrete, objective, quantitative  synthetic [testing]
approach appropriateness - see. use
approximate system = interlanguage ; the acquired language - never reaches the target L.
aptitude - "nyelvérzék" : phonetic coding ability, grammatical sensitivity, inductive ability
bottom-up processing - inspirative writing (putting down everything immediately)  top-down [prod.skills
breach of the code - performance error : eg.: daddy's chair - daddy chair [error analyses]
caretaker speech - language used by teacher when teaching [interlanguage analyses]
classroom research - research on SL learning and teaching whose data are derived from observation or
measurement of the classroom performance of teachers and students [classroom observation]
CLL - Community Language Learning : humanistic involvement; students generate text, counselling-therapy
cloze - reading test : every X word is deleted - random: automatically every xth; rational: purposeful
cognitive ability - the academic language ability; perceiving, conceptualizing, organizing information
cognitive strategies - practicing (repetitions), converstions, translating & analysing, summarizing
coherence - the way of connecting text, so that it can be understood [discourse analyses]
- linguistic signes show that the text belongs together [discourse analyses]
writing - putting down ideas before writing [productive skills (writing)]
strategies - guessing intelligently, switching to mother-tounge, gestures...
competence person's knowledge of his language
communicative competence - the speaker's ability to produce and understand sentences app. to context
communicative testing - integrative, improved subjective scoring; eg.: open rational Cloze [testing]
concept question - concentrating on part. gramm. prob. eg.: When did J. use to drink? (see. marker sent.)
contextualization - how a text is inserted in the context
contrastive analyses - the comparison of two languages (similarities and differences)
convergence - way of accomodation ; change to the interlocutor's way of talk eg.: baby-talk
criterion-referenced test - do not discriminate between testees, but sets up a rank scale beforehead [testing]
covered error or idiosecrecy - performance error : eg.: he asked the dictionary [error analyses]
the critical period - age; when you should start learning [strategies & personal features]
deductive teaching - rule first  examples  inductive teaching
depth - memorable encounter of a word, so you can remember it...
descriptive grammar developmental error - errors deriving from learning [error analyses]
discourse - coherent, interpersonal, suprasentential language use (appropriate in the situation)
discourse analyses - qualitative meas. uses linguistic and pedagogical systems [classroom observation]
discourse competence - cohesion and coherence, textual skills, knowledge of building up a text
divergence - way of accomodation ; we want to show we're different from our interlocutor
drama - everybody involved; liberation and empathy exercise [soc.ling.comp. & productive skills]
EAP - English for Academic Purposes (eg.: Content Based Language Teaching, Genre Analyses, etc.)
EFL - English as a Foreign Language
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESP - English for Selected Purposes (eg.: selected vocabulary for one particular business)
echo correction - mother like repeat of the correct version (of word) [interlanguage analyses]
- systematically recurrent branches of the code; teacher has to correct [error analyses]
error analyses - the identification, descrption, and explanation of mistakes
exchange - unit of discourse : the smallest unit of negotiated meaning [discourse analyses]
exercise - humanistic: personalization, transaction : passing info., interactive : how [productive skills]
explicit grammar - providing a lot of rules  implicit grammar (see. normative grammar)
extensive reading - reading in quantity for information or enjoyment, not focusing on every unkown item
field (in/)dependence - how one sees the world (logical or global) [strtegies & personal features]
fluency - how unbroke and fluent your speech is (vs. accuracy) [sociolinguistic competence]
the four skills - receptive : listening, reading; productive :writing, speaking
foreigner talk - language used by the student [interlanguage analyses]
form - organiztaion of formal elements (see. usage & accuracy)
formal reduction - simplification for the sake of fluency [discourse analyses]
fossiliztaion - when reorganization of the L. stops - pronounciation  most quickly [int.L. analyses]
FTA - Face Threathening Acts : public image that can be ruined by other people's speech []
function - pragmatic contextualization of message (see. use & appropriateness)
functional reduction - see. message adjustment [discourse analyses]
game - psychological situation practicing repetitive actions and patterns [strategies & personal features]
grammatical competence - accuracy, knowledge of the L.code, rules, vocabulary, pron., spelling
hypothesis driven - when you have a pre-set idea of what to observe in class [classroom observation]
hypothesis generating - before observing class you have no pre-set idea of what to observe  driven
illocution - part of speech-act : the speaker's intention (to say that smg.) [sociolinguistic comp.]
implicit grammar - no rules, but a lot of practice and repetition  explicit grammar
inductive teaching - lot of examples they build rule  deductive teaching
information gap - speaking exercise using picture [productive skills]
input - whatever the teacher gives (should be more than output) [interlanguage analyses]
intake - what students remember from the input [interlanguage analyses]
intensive reading - reading a passage in depth for complete comprehension and/or analyses  extensive
interaction analyses - uses instruments for objectively descrribing classroom behavior [classroom observatio
interference (negative transfer) - L1 and L2 disagree [contrastive analyses]
interlanguage analyses - the analyses of the acquired language (see. approximate system)
interlingual error - caused by the interference of two languages eg.: Hunglish [error analyses]
intralingual error - difficulty in acquiring the target language (also for young natives) [error analyses]
jazz-chants - listening exercise [receptive skills (listening)]
language awareness - knowledge of grammar; gives insight on L. [grammatical competence]
lapse - performance error : slip of the tounge; usually self corrected [error analyses]
lexical chunks - grammar tought as vocabulary see. implicit grammar [grammatical competence]
locution - part of speech-act : what is said/heard/seen [sociolinguistic competence]
markedness - error : eg.: I ate a apple - He's an Europien
marker sentence - concentarting on part. gramm. probl. eg. J. used to drink... (see. concept question)
the maxim of relevance - sign of cooperation in discourse; showing what is important or not [discourse]
memory - where (linguistic) knowledge is stored [strategies & personal features]
memory pegs - eg.: one man, two apples, three dogs... [strategies & personal features]
memory strategies - creating mental linkages, applying images to sounds, reviewing, employing action
message adjustment - topic avoidance, message abandonment, meaning replacement  lack of L.
metacognitive strategies - centering learning, planning learning, evaluating
microteaching mistake - c
be lapse or error (see there) [error analyses]
- unit of discourse : speech-act, often coterminous with utterance [discourse analyses]
analyses - specified in sociolinguistic terms, who and how rather than what...
noise-test - listening exercise; recognition of sounds and disturbed conversations [receptive skills (list.)]
non-directive approach - humanistic strategie : learnerr directs his own learning [strategies & pers.features]
norm-referenced test - is aimed at maximizing the differences between the test takers [testing]
normative grammar - rule orientated (see. explicit grammar) [grammatical competence]
notion - grammatical concepts expressed non-linguistically [sociolinguistic competence]
oral test - checks fluency, vocabulary, grammatical correctness, pronounciation, interactive comm. [testing]
output - what the students produce (less then input) [interlanguage analyses]
pace - how fast a lesson is [classroom observation]
passive listening - din in the ear; relaxed, barrier-free to sounds, plenty to listen to  selective [recept.skill
pedagogical observation - see what the supervisor does  headmaster giving advice [classroom observation]
performance - the specific utterance of speech
perlocution - part of speech-act : the hearer's understanding (of what you say) [socioling.comp.]
piloting - trying out the test : does not mean breach of secrecy; it is a must [testing]
pragmatic failure - faliure of speech-act : often becuse of cross-culture differences [socioling.comp.]
pre-scientific testing - integrative, subjective ; eg.: a global marking of a translation [testing]
productive skills - 1. speaking 2. writing (see handout)
productive vocabulary - the active words (2000  considered OK)  receptive vocabulary
psychometric approach - compares the effects of specific instructional programs or methods on student
learning outcomes, as measured by standardized proficiency tests or achievement tests. [classroom observatio
psychometric testing - structuralist, discrete point, objective ; eg.: multiple chioce [testing]
rating - after class you evaluate on a rate [classroom observation]
rapport - student-teacher relationship [classroom observation]
real time coding - when you fit a code in class, and observe how many... [classroom observation]
receptive skills - 1. listening 2. reading (see handout)
receptive vocabulary - the deductive/passive words (2000-7000 OK)  productive vocabulary
redundancy - "terjengôség" : using a lot of explanation not appropriate [productive skills (speaking)]
register reliability - the extent to which a test is free of random measurement error and produces consistent results.
role-play - practice dialogue (set,guided,open and controlled,semi-controlled,free)[soc.ling.comp.&prod.skill
scanning - a reading technique : looking for a specific information [receptive skills (reading)]
schema theory selective listening - concentrated; tone of voice, sounds, words, phrases, grammar  passive [receptiveskill
simulation - imitates a real life situ.;needs a lot of background information [soc.ling.comp. & productive skil
skimming - a reading technique : reading through quickly for the gist [receptive skills (reading)]
social strategies - asking questions, cooperating with others, empathizing with others
Socratic elicitation - when error, then elicitation of the error [interlanguage analyses]
speech-act - what you do with the learnt language (locution, illocution, perlocution) [socioling.comp.]
speech maintenance - way of accomodation ; the ignorance of the interlocutor
standardization - checks the reliability and validity of the test [testing]
strategic competence - communication strategies, knowledge of  enabeling to overcome difficulties
strategies - direct : memory, cognitive, compensation; indirect : metacognitive, affective, social
STT - Student Talking Time [classroom observation]
suggestopedia - a way of accelerated learning [strategies & personal features]
synthetic testing - use based, communicative, holistic, integrative, subjective, qualitative  analytical [tes
teaching skills and strategies test - a sample behaviour on the basis of which inferences are made about the underlying competence of the
testee. Can be analitic or syntactic [testing]
test analyses - check the skewness of the curve to see if it follows normal distribution. [testing]
top-down processing - making a sketch before writing  bottom-up [productive skills (writing)]
transaction - unit of discourse : scenes, series of speech-act sequels [discourse analyses]
transfer of training - teacher training : how they tell will add to what they tell; the form dominates
transfer - L1 helps L2 learning [contrastive analyses]
triangulation - confronting 3 perspectives (observer, teacher, student) [classroom observation]
TTT - Teacher Talking Time [clasroom observation]
turn - who is speaking (holding the floor while you speak) [discourse analyses]
usage - accuracy; the correct grammar use (form) [interlanguage analyses]
use - appropriateness; the appropriate use of L. according to the situation (function) [interL. anal.]
validity - the extent to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure and nothing else [testing]
written test - checks accuracy, coherence and register. Genre requirements need to be met. [testing]