Unit 7 Happiness & Success

Unit 7
Happiness & Success
Teaching Content: Avant-garde Lifestyles:
S: Various modern lifestyles
L: An interview with a DINK couple
L: Two backpackers
S: Freelance—to be or not to be
W: Writing a poster for the LOHAS Club
Ways to success:
S: What can lead to success
L: Success at the Supermodel Contest
L: An interview on success
S: Factors of success
R: Chance or choice
W: Writing an ad for the barber
R: Complain or change
Teaching Purpose:
Students will be able to:
1. be familiar with the English vocabulary and expressions related to
avant-garde lifestyles.
2. master the techniques to express desires in English.
3. acquaint students with the life and working style of DINK,
backpackers, freelances and LOHAS.
4. write a poster for the LOHAS Club.
5. be familiar with the English vocabulary and expressions related to
personal character and personality.
6. master the techniques to show agreement in English.
7. acquaint students with the relationship between success and
8. write an ad for the barber.
Teaching Steps:
I. Warm-up:
II. Avant-garde Lifestyles:
Part I. S: Various modern lifestyles
1. Have students match the given names for modern lifestyles with their
2. Check the answers with students.
3. If necessary, the teacher can offer more examples of the English names
for modern lifestyles.
Part II. L: An interview with a DINK couple
1. Explain what the abbreviation “DINK” stands for.
2. Have students listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks to answer
the questions.
3. Check the answers with students.
4. Organize a discussion among students on the following questions by
referring to the Learning Box:
1) Is DINK popular among Chinese?
2) Can you name other reasons for DINK?
3) Do you agree with the idea of DINK? Why?
5. Useful expressions:
1) Because we want to spend our leisure time together…
leisure n. 空闲
eg: He has a lot of leisure time since retirement.
I seldom have leisure to consider the question.
leisure 常用结构:gain/obtain leisure 得到一点空闲;occupy one’s
leisure time/hours 利用/占用某人的空闲时间;have much leisure 有
很多空闲;at one’s leisure 有空时,方便时。
2) But have you ever thought of yourselves as being selfish?
think of…as… 把……看作……
eg: I think of him as my best friend.
He doesn’t think of himself as a politician.
selfish a. 自私的
eg: I didn’t realize you are so selfish.
It seems to me an awfully selfish way of looking at things.
selfish 常用结构是 it is selfish of sb. to do sth.。
eg: It was selfish of them to do that. 他们那样做太自私了。
3) We never want to come across as being selfish or anything like that.
come across as 给人……印象,使人产生……印象
eg: He came across as being rather mean.
He comes across as someone who means what he says.
Part III. L: Two backpackers
1. Have students listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks.
2. Check answers with students.
3. Useful expressions:
1) We went on our trip and arrived at Istanbul Airport, dead tired. 我们
此句中的 dead 作副词用,表示“非常,极度”,常置于所修饰词之
eg: You were dead lucky to get the job.
I was dead scared.
2) We both decided to do the right thing and stay up all day.
stay up 不睡,熬夜
eg: Nobody stayed up to give us our supper.
I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning.
3) We were feeling quite proud of ourselves by the time we checked in at
our hotel in the afternoon.
be/feel proud of sb./sth. 为某人/事感到骄傲
eg: She’s proud of her daughter.
He felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas.
4) We ended up falling asleep at about 4:00 in the afternoon…
end up (with) 以……结束,以……告终
eg: We don’t know where Nancy will end up.
Part IV. S: Freelance—to be or not to be
1. Group students to have a discussion on the advantages and
disadvantages of being a freelancer.
2. Have students to work with a partner to make a dialogue according to
the above discussion.
3. Invite two or three pairs of students for demonstration.
Part V. R: LOHAS
1. Text Lead-in:
1) Ask students to describe their ideal life style to the class.
2) Comment on the given cartoon.
2. Text Skimming: make a conclusion of the features of the LOHAS
3. Text Comprehension: ask students to read the text and then proceed to
the detailed study of the text.
4. After-text exercise: have students complete the exercises after the text
and check the answers with students.
5. After-text discussion: Do you want to be LOHAS? Why or why not?
6. Useful expressions:
1) Do you care about your health and exercise frequently to keep fit?
keep fit 保持健康
eg: In order to keep fit, she exercises every day.
Practicing yoga regularly is a good way to keep fit.
2) …do you feel responsible for the environment and say no to
non-reusable chopsticks and plastic bags?
feel/be responsible for 感到有/有责任的,应负责任的
eg: The bus driver feels responsible for the passengers’ safety.
The police are responsible for the preservation of public order and
say no 表示拒绝。
eg: Of course you’ll end up doing most of the work if you don’t learn
to say no.
You know me — when people ask me to go round to their homes
I just can’t say no.
plastic a. 塑料的,塑胶的
eg: He wrapped his sandwiches in a plastic bag.
The cups and the plates were plastic.
plastic 也可当名词用,表示“塑料”。
eg: These spoons are made of plastic.
The toy motorcycle is made of plastic and is easily broken by
3) Do you consider the effect of the hamburger on your health, or even on
the whole environment? 你会考虑汉堡包对身体甚至对整个环境的
effect n. 影响
eg: She thought about the effect of such news upon her husband.
It had an almost immediate effect on his thinking.
effect 还可表示“结果,效果”。
eg: Irony was the effect he worked for in conversation.
The advertising campaign didn’t have much effect on sales.
effect 还可当动词用表示“使发生,完成”。
eg: I shall effect my purpose; no one shall stop me!
He effected his escape by killing a guard.
4) I realized that I was not living a really healthy life, and started
thinking about ways to change my life for the better.
think about 考虑
eg: The boss is thinking about raising the sales manager’s pay.
Have you thought about what job you are going to do?
5) I set a goal to stop smoking within a certain period of time.
set a goal (to do sth.) 设定目标,确立目标(做……)
eg: At the beginning of this year he set a goal to save enough money
for a piano for his daughter.
Set a goal and work on it till you achieve it.
6) LOHAS stands for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability. 乐活族代
stand for 代表;支持;容忍
eg: What does “WTO” stand for?
I am not going to stand for that kind of behavior.
7) LOHAS markets are growing too, such as healthy buildings, recycled
self-improvement programs. 乐活族的市场也在扩大,如环保建筑、
recycled a. 回收的,循环的
eg: The company tries its best to produce high-quality recycled paper.
recycled energy 再生能源
organic food 表示“有机食品”,又称“绿色食品”,在原料生产和产
Part VI. W: Writing a poster for the LOHAS Club
1. Group students to discuss:
1) Both personal and environmental benefits of being LOHAS.
2) What should we do and not do in order to be a real LOHAS?
2. Inform students of the points of writing a poster.
3. Have students write a poster according to the given requirements.
Part VII. Read me!
1. Have students listen and repeat.
2. The teacher reminds students of paying attention to the sentence
III. Ways to success:
Part I. S: What can lead to success
1. Group students to make a conclusion of the top five factors for success
and the reason for that.
2. Have one student out of each group to report to the class their final
result. This is an open question, so there are no fix answers.
3. Ask students to put the given sentences in order of importance.
4. Check answers with students.
Part II. L: Success at the Supermodel Contest
1. Ask students the following questions:
1) Have you ever dreamed to be a super model? Why?
2) What do you think contributes to the success of a supermodel?
2. Have students listen to the tape or CD and answer the given questions.
3. Check answers with students and explain the key language points.
4. Useful expressions:
1) Did you hear that Marilyn just won first prize in the Supermodel
prize n. 奖,奖赏,奖金
eg: At school, I received several prizes for chemistry and physics.
The prize money for singing contests can be as high as $10,000.
prize 一般用来表示在大赛或竞赛中获奖。prize 当动词用时表示
eg: I prize my independence too much to go and work for them.
contest n. 竞赛,竞争,比赛
eg: Last week she took part in and won a beauty contest.
Many students want to enter the singing contest next week.
contest 可以作动词,当动词用时表示“争取赢得……”,
eg: The championship is being keenly contested by eight athletes.
2) Being a good model calls for a lot of qualities.
call for 需要,要求
eg: This problem calls for quick action by the government.
Congratulations! This news calls for a celebration!
3) And Marilyn has been practicing her modeling skills a lot.
此处 model 作动词,意思是“做模特”。
eg: She modeled for a few years when she was in her twenties.
Part III. L: An interview on success
1. Have students listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks.
2. Check answers with students.
3. Have students listen again and then make a conclusion of the opinions
given by three interviewees as follows:
1) Jane’s view: ability, talent and opportunity.
2) Bob’s: ability and persistence.
3) James’: ability and persistence.
4. Useful expressions:
1) Jane, what do you think makes people succeed?
succeed vi. 成功
eg: If you try hard enough, you’ll succeed in the contest.
succeed 表示成功的常用结构为:succeed in sth./doing sth.。
eg: She’s absolutely determined to succeed in life.
I tried to clean the watch, but only succeeded in breaking it.
succeed 还可表示“继承”。
eg: When the queen dies, her eldest son will succeed her.
2) So ability is of great importance. 因此能力很重要。
ability n. 能力
eg: I did the work to the best of my ability.
Thanks to his ability, he was appointed to the chairmanship of the
ability 常 用 来 表 示 做 某 事 或 从 事 某 事 的 能 力 , 常 用 结 构 :
display/exhibit/show ability 显露才能;develop/foster/cultivate one’s
ability 培养……的才能;have ability in 具有……才能。
“be + of + 抽象名词”为英语中常见结构,相当于形容词形式,如
be of importance = be important。名词前还可插入形容词,起修饰
3) But I think what leads to eventual success is persistence.
persistence n. 坚持不懈
eg: By persistence we succeeded in winning him over at last.
This is not easy. It requires hard work and persistence.
persistence 的形容词形式为 persistent。
eg: He is always persistent in his questions.
4) What leads to success is the ability to carry on when things go
wrong. 成功的秘诀在于出现问题时能够坚持下去。
what leads to success 为名词性从句作主语。
carry on 继续,进行下去
eg: He expects his son to carry on the business when he retires.
We have carried on correspondence for years.
go wrong 出问题,出错
eg: The plan has gone wrong.
The sum hasn’t worked out, but I can’t see where I went wrong.
5) By the way, opportunity is also important.
by the way (说话时)顺便提一下,附带问一下
eg: By the way, Bill, I’m so glad your wife has agreed to speak.
I won’t be in next Tuesday evening, by the way.
6) Never let a good chance go by. 绝不要错失良机。
go by 过去,经过
eg: You shouldn’t let this opportunity go by.
Part IV. S: Factors of success
1. Have students read the poem till they remember it.
2. Invite some students to recite the poem to the class.
3. Check answers with students.
4. Useful expressions:
1) Factors of Success 成功要素
factor n. 因素,要素
eg: These were all factors that had to be taken into consideration.
factor 也可表示“因子,因数;系数”。
eg: 3 and 5 are factors of 15.
This kind of quilt has a high warmth factor.
2) You must take a blow or give one 要么接受打击,要么给予回击
blow n. 打,打击
eg: The general strike delivered a heavy blow to the economy of the
western world.
blow 当名词用时为可数名词,常用结构:deal/give sb. a blow 给
某人以打击;receive a blow 遭到打击;suffer a blow 受到打击。
blow 当动词用时,表示“刮风;吹响;爆炸”等含义。
eg: The storm yesterday blew down several large trees.
He would have blown his hand off if he’d fired the gun.
3) It takes a little courage 需要一些勇气
courage n. 勇气
eg: Perhaps later on she might find the courage to do it.
courage 为不可数名词,常见搭配:call up/build up/get up/pick up
one’s courage 鼓起勇气,振作精神;lose courage 丧失勇气,灰心;
recover/regain courage 恢复勇气;take one’s courage in both hands
勇往直前,敢做敢为;test one’s courage 考验某人的勇气。
4) And some grim determination 更需要坚定的决心
determination n. 决心
eg: If she had more determination, she could be a success at anything.
determination 的动词形式为 determine,表示“下决心;确定,测定,
eg: The police determined that no crime had been committed.
Part V. R: Chance or choice
1. Text Lead-in:
1) Ask students the questions “Do you think you are successful? What
success do you want?”
2) Read the pictures and explain the factors of success.
2. Text Comprehension: ask students to read the text and then proceed to
the detailed study of the text.
3. After-text exercise: have students complete the exercises after the text
and check the answers with students.
4. Useful expressions:
1) He earned such a good income that he built a nice big house and
could afford to send all of his six children to university.
earn 表示“获得,赢得(应得的报偿)”。
eg: It’s been a tough six months and I feel I should earn a few weeks
such…that… 如此……以至于……
such 为形容词,后面应接名词,但名词前也可以有形容词修饰。
eg: She is such a lovely girl that we all like her.
He left in such a hurry that he forgot to take the umbrella.
eg: He is such a good teacher that all his students respect him. = He is
so good a teacher that all his students respect him.
She is such an honest woman that everybody trusts her. = She is
so honest a woman that everybody trusts her.
2) And this big new hair salon advertised in the newspapers and posted
signs all over the town that read, “Six-dollar haircuts. Everything for
only six dollars!” 这家新开张的大型美发厅在报纸上大做广告,还
该句中的 this big new hair salon 是唯一的主句主语,主句的并列
谓语动词是 advertised 和 posted。all over the town 是地点状语,
修饰前面两个动词谓语,它把后面由 that 引导的定语从句与其先
行词 signs 隔开。
advertise v.(为……)做广告,宣传
eg: A new shampoo is being advertised on TV.
We’ve advertised for someone to look after the garden.
advertise 的名词形式为 advertisement,如:classified advertisements
分类广告;a newspaper advertisement 报纸广告。
3) The owner of the old hair salon knew he could never afford to beat the
big new salon’s price of only six dollars. 这家老美发店的店主明
此处 beat 的意思是“打败,胜过”。本句 beat the new salon’s price of
only six dollars 的意思是:
offer a better price than the big new salon’s
price of only six dollars,即拿出比新美发厅 6 美元更便宜的价格。
eg: The government had a long fight to beat fast-rising prices.
The company’s profits are unlikely to beat last year’s £10 million.
4) But then he thought of a way to turn things around and win his
customers and business back.
turn (sth.) around 好转,扭转,有起色
eg: They believed that they would turn the situation around.
win back 重新获得,赢回
eg: How can I win back her love?
5) So he had a local sign company paint him a giant sign and he put this
huge sign in front of his hair salon.
have sb./sth. do sth. 与 have sb./sth. doing sth.,两者都表示宾语发
出主动动作。前者指 “使某人/物做某事(指一次性的具体的动
作状语。have sth./sb. done 这一结构中的宾语与宾补动词是被动关
eg: I had him arrange for a car.
We had a passer-by take our photo.
I tried to have her talk. But no use.
She’ll have you doing all the housework if you’re not careful.
I’ll have you all speaking English well within a year.
I must have my hair cut.
They were angry with Jerry and had him beaten.
giant a. 巨大的
eg: There are many giant supermarkets in Shanghai.
注意区别 big,giant,huge,large:
这组形容词含有“比通常标准尺寸大或多”之意。big 指具体事物的
来指人时,主要指“高大的;成年的”;giant 指大小或规模方面异
乎寻常的庞大;huge 多指数量和体积特别大,超过一定的标准;
large 有时可以和 big 互换,侧重于形容大小和数量多少,用来指
eg: You’re a big girl now.
This temple is made of several thousand huge stones.
The company is too small to manufacture clothes on a large scale.
A giant photograph of Deng Xiaoping in Shenzhen attracts
visitors from home and abroad.
6) It read, “We fix six-dollar haircuts.” 上面写着:“专门补救六美元价
7) That may not be a good example of handling problems we have and
tough times we go through. 我们遇到难题、经历困难时,这个故
handle vt. 处理,应付,对待;操作
eg: Be ready to handle new challenges.
He knows how to handle the machine.
handle 当名词用时表示“柄,把手”。
eg: I can’t pick up the kettle — the handle’s too hot.
tough a. 困难的,艰苦的;坚强的
eg: It is tough finding a job these days.
He has a reputation for being a tough guy.
tough 还可表示“严厉的;
eg: The police are very tough on drunk drivers.
The meat was tough and hard to chew.
tough 的名词形式为 toughness。
eg: She has a reputation for toughness.
tough 的动词形式为 toughen。
eg: Be careful not to toughen the chicken by overcooking it.
go through 遭受,经受
eg: The poor girl has gone through such a lot of hardships since her
parents died.
How can she keep smiling after all she’s gone through?
8) But it’s the intelligent people who respond sensibly and handle those
problems positively who end up succeeding in life.
此处“it is…第二个 who…”为强调句型:it+be+被强调部分+that(强
调部分为人时可用 who,指人做宾语时可用 whom)+句子其他部
eg: It was Mary who/that met an old beggar in the street yesterday.
It was an old beggar whom/that Mary met in the street yesterday.
It was yesterday that Mary met an old beggar in the street. (强调
It was in the street that Mary met an old beggar yesterday. (强调
intelligent a. 聪明的;有头脑的,有智力的
eg: Helen had a few intelligent things to say on the subject.
It would not be intelligent to provoke him.
intelligent 的名词形式为 intelligence,
eg: an intelligence test 智力测试。
respond vi. 反应;回答
eg: He responded to my suggestion with a laugh.
She responded to my letter with a phone call.
respond 后常跟介词 to,名词形式 response 后也常跟介词 to。
eg: Responses to our advertisement have been disappointing.
sensibly ad. 理智地,明智地
eg: He decided, very sensibly, not to drive when he was so tired.
positively ad. 积极地,乐观地;肯定地
eg: Clinton spoke positively of Sino-American relations.
Are you positively convinced that he is not coming back?
9) It’s not luck that controls your life; it’s your choice to be happy and
successful or not. 掌控你生活的不是运气,而是你对幸福和成功
此处两个 it 的功能和意义都不一样,要注意区分。前面的 it 用于
强调句型,后一个 it 是形式主语,
真正的主语是其后的不定式 to be
happy and successful or not。
10) Because things turn out for the best for people who make the best
of the way things turn out.
此处前后有两个 things turn out,不过,前一个是主句,后一个是
way 的定语从句。
make the best of 充分利用,尽量好好去做
eg: Since we can’t find a bigger apartment, we’ll have to make the
best of what we have.
I’ll help you to make the best of the voice that you do have.
11) So sooner or later, tough people will win over tough times.
sooner or later 迟早
eg: Why not now? She has to know about it sooner or later.
You should tell her the truth, because she’ll find out sooner or
Part VI. W: Writing an ad for the barber
1. Have students recall the ad mentioned in the previous text.
2. The teacher can write it on the blackboard and ask students the
question “Do you think it is a good ad? Is there something wrong with
3. Have students design another successful advertisement for the barber.
The advertisement should be as good as the one in the passage, but
must not damage their business rival’s reputation.
4. Check answers with students.
Part VII. R: Complain or change
1. Have students read the passage and then complete the exercise after the
Check answers with students.