Delegation Scheme Number Table 4a – A1 HIGH PEAK BOROUGH COUNCIL Report to the Executive Member for Community Services 11th October 2011 TITLE: Waste Collection Service – Removal of Cardboard from Organic Recycling Collections EXECUTIVE COUNCILLOR Cllr Anthony McKeown – Deputy Leader and Executive Councillor for Community Services CONTACT OFFICER: Nicola Kemp – Waste Collection Manager WARDS INVOLVED: Non-Specific 1. Reason for the Report 1.1 To detail proposals for a district wide service change to accommodate the removal of cardboard from the green waste collection service 2. Recommendations 2.1 That the Executive Member for Community Services: Approves the proposed service change (collecting cardboard alongside paper in the blue bags) from 1st November 2011 which will accommodate the need to remove cardboard from the green waste collections Approves the Communications Plan to support the changes as outlined in Section 10 of the report Notes the decision of the chair of the Community Select Committee to exempt the decision from call in 3. Executive Summary 3.1 The current refuse/recycling service is as follows: 1 A green-lidded wheeled bin for cardboard, food waste and garden waste (emptied every 2 weeks). A green kerbside box for mixed glass bottles & jars, food tins & drinks cans, aerosols and foil (emptied every 2 weeks) A blue bag for paper (emptied every 2 weeks) A red and white bag for mixed textiles and clothes (emptied every two weeks) A black lidded wheeled bin for rubbish that cannot be recycled or composted Plastics recycling centres for rigid household plastic packaging (recycling centres located at various points in the borough) 3.2 The Council is faced with having to make changes to the kerbside service due to changes in regulation around organic waste composition. The Council has been advised that from the 1st November 2011 cardboard would no longer be an acceptable material in the current green waste stream i.e. the green lidded bin. This is because the compost product that results from green waste that contains cardboard fails the relevant quality standard (PAS 100). 3.3 In order to accommodate the need to remove cardboard the Council’s operator (Veolia) have proposed to collect cardboard alongside paper in the blue bags from 31st October 2011 as a temporary measure. It is anticipated that operational costs associated with this service change will be approximately £11,583 per calendar month due to the need for an additional vehicle and staff. Derbyshire County Council (DCC) has committed to cover this operational cost from 1st November 2011 until no later than 31st March 2012. 3.4 A report was initially presented to the Community Select Committee on 5th September 2011 that made proposals for a two-stage change in the service the first sage being a temporary measure to deal with the urgent cardboard issue and the second stage being a new service that included the collection of plastics at the kerbside for recycling. Members of the Select Committee did not support the recommendations contained within the report instead opting for the establishment of a sub-committee to look at the proposals in more detail. The sub-committee met for the first time on 30th September 2011 and at that meeting considered the requirement to remove cardboard from the organic recycling collection in more detail. 3.5 After a discussion the sub-committee agreed that the Council should implement the first stage of the original proposal subject to a number of additional actions. 3.6 The service change will inevitably have implications for residents. A communications plan (provided in detail in Section 10) has been developed with the Communications Team to ensure that the transition moves as smoothly as possible and reduces unnecessary contact with the council although it should be noted that this will be challenging due to the tight timescales. 2 4 How this Report Links with Corporate Priorities 4.1 Waste collection is an important front-line service that impacts on every household in the Borough. The quality and perception of the waste collection service have a direct impact on resident satisfaction with the Council. 5 Options 5.1 The requirement to remove cardboard from the green lidded bins from 1st November 2011 is compulsory and the temporary solution has been developed with the waste disposal authority (Derbyshire County Council) at no cost to this Council. 6. Implications 6.1 Community Safety - (Crime and Disorder Act 1998) None 6.2 Workforce None 6.3 Equality and Diversity/Equality Impact Assessment This report has been prepared in accordance with the Council's Diversity and Equality Policies. 6.4 Financial Considerations It is anticipated that operational costs associated with this service change will be approximately £11,583 per calendar month due to the need for an additional vehicle and staff. DCC have committed to cover this operational cost from 1st November 2011 until no later than 31st March 2012 6.5 Legal None 6.6 Sustainability None 6.7 Internal and External Consultation 3 Service areas affected by the service change have been advised for the proposal within this report. The Customer Services Team will be heavily involved in the development of promotional literature and will be fully engaged in the timeframe for the project. 6.8 Risk Assessment A range of risks have been identified as a result of the proposals, these are detailed in the table below. The table also identifies the action proposed to mitigate these risks: Risk type Financial Operational Issues Service Satisfaction Service Satisfaction Risks DCC will cover the operational costs associated with removing the cardboard from the green waste stream up to 31st March 2012, this council be liable after this date. The additional costs to this council would be in the region of £138,996 per annum. Staffordshire Moorlands District Council also has to change its organic waste service to accommodate the removal of cardboard. The Waste Collection Team restructure will be consulted with officers in late September, with a report being presented in October. As the structure may not be in place for the service change this could cause issues on resources within the Waste Team. Due to the transactional review and changes to the CRM system, Customer Services will be under pressure at the time of the proposed service changes. This will mean there will be little or no resource to handle an increase in calls/queries, highlighting the need for good communications. The lack of funds available to promote the new services could impact the understanding of the new services by our residents. 4 Mitigation New proposals will need be implemented by 31st March 2012 to avoid the ongoing financial consequences Temporary staffing will be put in place if required Temporary staffing will be put in place if required Sources of external funding will be investigated. Risk type Performance Risks It is estimated that approx 800 tonnes of the green waste is made up of cardboard (10% of total waste stream). The impact of changing the services with cardboard added onto the recycling service could lead to a loss of material captured and thus affect our recycling rate. If we capture only half of the cardboard the recycling rate could fall by 1.5% to 40.5% based on the 201011 results. Mitigation The Council is committed to deliver and maintain a strong bin inspection and rejection policy, and to educate residents and ensure that card is eliminated from the organics waste stream ANDREW P STOKES Executive Director (Community Services) Web Links and Background Papers Waste & recycling Sub Committee Minutes 17/9/09, 15/10/09, 12/11/09, 10/12/09, 11/3/10 Citizens panel consultation results Sept ‘09 Location Contact details Waste Collection Fowlchurch Depot Nicola Kemp Waste Collection Manager 5 7. Background and Introduction 7.1 A report was presented to the Community Select Committee on 5th September 2011 proposing changes to the Council’s waste collection service to: Provide for additional recycling by implementing a service that includes the collection of plastics; and Provides for the removal of cardboard from the organic recycling collections. 7.2 The report proposed a two-stage change with a temporary measure to remove the cardboard recommended for implementation in November 2011 with a permanent solution proposed for implementation in March 2012 which including the collection of plastics at the kerbside for recycling. 7.3 Members of the Select Committee did not support the recommendations contained within the report instead opting for the establishment of a subcommittee to look at the proposals in more detail. 7.4 The sub-committee met for the first time on 30th September 2011 and at that meeting considered the requirement to remove cardboard from the organic recycling collection in more detail. 8 Current Waste Collection Service 8.1 The current refuse/recycling service is as follows: 8.2 A green-lidded wheeled bin for cardboard, food waste and garden waste (emptied every 2 weeks). A green kerbside box for mixed glass bottles & jars, food tins & drinks cans, aerosols and foil (emptied every 2 weeks) A blue bag for paper (emptied every 2 weeks) A red and white bag for mixed textiles and clothes (emptied every two weeks) A black lidded wheeled bin for rubbish that cannot be recycled or composted Plastics recycling centres for rigid household plastic packaging (recycling centres located at various points in the borough) Since April 2010 green waste has been sent an in vessel composting facility (IVC) at Waterswallows, Buxton which is operated by Sita on behalf of Derbyshire County Council (DCC). This enabled the council to collect food waste alongside garden waste and cardboard in the green lidded bins. 6 9. Collection of Cardboard 9.1 The Council has been advised that from the 1st November 2011 cardboard would no longer be an acceptable material in the current green waste stream i.e. the green lidded bin. 9.2 Research has shown that paper and cardboard wastes comingled with biodegradable wastes i.e. garden and food wastes are very likely to include contaminants that may compromise the quality of the finished compost. Therefore the inclusion of non-compostable plastic-coated paper and cardboard such as; milk / juice cartons, cereal boxes, washing powder boxes, frozen food containers, take-out containers, foil-coated paper and cardboard, paper and cardboard printed with inks or coloured with dyes can affect the quality of compost produced. PAS 100 (Publically Available Specification) standards which determine the quality of compost are to be tightened later this year resulting in the need to significantly reduce levels of contamination. 9.3 The Government Waste Policy Review released on 14th June 2011 confirms that composting is classed as recycling with respect to the waste hierarchy only if compliant with the Quality Protocol (hence, with the PAS 100:2011 Specification). If a compost product fails the PAS 100 standard then effectively the waste has not been recycled and could not count towards recycling performance. 9.4 Currently the compost produced by the IVC facility at Waterswallows is not PAS 100 compliant and as a result is being spread on agricultural land. The facility do wish to gain PAS 100 status for the compost they produce and are therefore keen to reduce contamination levels in order to achieve this. 9.5 In order to accommodate the need to remove cardboard Veolia have proposed to collect cardboard alongside paper in the blue bags from 31st October 2011. It is anticipated that operational costs associated with this service change will be approximately £11,583 per calendar month due to the need for an additional vehicle and staff. 9.6 DCC had committed to cover this operational cost from 1st November 2011 until no later than 31st March 2012. This offer was originally based on the fact that the Borough Council was proposing a permanent solution in March 2012. Following the rejection of the original proposals by the Community Select Committee DCC was approached to see if the funding would be still available despite there being uncertainty over a permanent solution. DCC confirmed that they would still be prepared to provide the funding until 31st March 2012, after this date High Peak Borough Council would need to cover any ongoing costs themselves. 9.7 It has been stipulated that the funding from DCC is subject to this Council’s commitment to deliver and maintain a strong bin inspection and rejection policy, 7 and to educate residents and ensure that card is eliminated from the organics waste stream. 9.8 In addition DCC have requested that in return for the funding that this council will enter into an agreement regarding tonnage/material inputs into the IVC. This had previously not been committed due to concerns regarding the minimum tonnages required per annum. DCC have agreed they are happy to review this level as a result of this Council’s concerns and the removal of cardboard. 9.9 The sub committee considered the proposed temporary solution to remove the cardboard from the organic waste stream and agreed that this should be the way forward subject to the following: That additional blue bags should be ordered and distributed; That the option to supply larger blue bags is investigated and implemented if feasible; That Veolia should be asked to ensure that their staff are effectively trained; That special arrangements are made to provide for collections during the Christmas period; and Promotion of the assisted bin collection scheme is undertaken 10. Communications Plan 10.1 The original report to the Community Select Committee contained details of a comprehensive Communications Plan that would be implemented to support the introduction of the proposed new arrangements. 10.2 Obviously the communications that need to support the proposed changes in this report only need to be focussed upon the changes in respect of cardboard. The difficulty now however is that due to the delays in obtaining approval for the change there is only a very short period of time to communicate the required changes. 10.3 DCC has committed funding from the sale of its Waste Exhibition Vehicle to assist all Waste Collection Authorities (WCA) in promoting the service changes arising from the requirement to remove cardboard from the organic waste stream. HPBC will receive £2,000 of this to support promotional activities associated with the required service change. Any additional costs associated with the changes will be funded from the current promotions budget. 10.4 As a result of the delays in obtaining approval for the temporary service change we have had to rethink the way in which we will be communicating the message to households of the borough. A bin sticker will be used to communicate the message to households presented by collection crews on green bins from Monday 17th October. This will ensure households know not to present 8 cardboard in this bin for future collections. The cost of production of 43,000 stickers is £4,257. This is considerably higher than the estimated costs of leaflet production and delivery. 10.5 Derbyshire County Council (DCC) have intimated that Sita as the in vessel composting operator at Waterswallows are be interested in financially supporting some additional communications, the benefit of course being the faster removal of cardboard if a comprehensive communications campaign is undertaken. The production and delivery of an A5 promotional leaflet to be issued to all households is therefore being investigated with delivery to hopefully occur in early November, this is not currently included in the communications plan as detailed below as yet the timeline is unknown. 10.6 DCC and Sita have intimated that they expect to see a reduction in cardboard presented through the green bins from Monday 31st October and would hope to see total removal by the end of the sixth week (w/c 5th December). Monitoring will be ongoing of collected materials to see if this is happening. Additional communications may be needed if the levels are not falling at a rate in line with expectations. 10.7 Key dates for the diary are as follows: Week w/c 17th October w/c 24th October w/c 31st October Activity o Crews to start stickering green bins presented on collection day o Advert on High Peak community radio commences – three plays per day o Press release issued to local media regarding changes o Dedicated webpage with link from home page detailing changes and reasons why o Crews to start stickering green bins presented on collection day o Advert on High Peak community radio continues – three plays per day o Press release issued to local media o Green waste collections change (cardboard now collected with paper) o Crews continue to sticker bins contaminated with cardboard o Advert on High Peak community radio continues – three plays per day o Contamination monitoring occurring – Supervisors on the ground with crews, monitoring of loads once delivered to Waterswallows 9 w/c Week November 7th o o w/c 14th November to w/c 5th December o o Activity Contamination monitoring occurring – Supervisors on the ground with crews, monitoring of loads once delivered to Waterswallows Crews continue to sticker bins contaminated with cardboard Contamination monitoring occurring – Supervisors on the ground with crews, monitoring of loads once delivered to Waterswallows Crews continue to sticker bins contaminated with cardboard. 11. Exemption from Call-in 11.1 Given the urgency associated with the removal of the cardboard from the greenlidded bin the Chair of the Community Select Committee has agreed that the proposed decision shall not be subject to call-in in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Select Committee Procedure Rules. 10