Special Guest form for the McEachern High School Junior-Senior Prom Your name: ________________________________________ Grade: ______ As a student of McEachern High School, I plan to bring a guest to the Junior-Senior prom on May 1, 2009. I understand that I am directly responsible for the actions and behavior of my date. I understand that my date is a special guest of McEachern High School. I will inform my date of this privilege, including appropriate dress guidelines for the prom and the need for proper identification at the prom facility. If my date is a high school student, then I will ask that he/she secure the signature of his/her high school principal endorsing him/her as a guest at the McEachern High School Junior-Senior Prom. Name of guest (print name): _____________________________________________ Signature of guest: ___________________________________________ Guest’s school: _______________________________________________________ Signature of guest’s principal: ___________________________________________ Signature of McEachern Student: ________________________________________ Signature of McEachern student’s parent: _________________________________ Once completed, please have your guest’s school fax this form to McEachern High School, attention PROM. The McEachern fax number is 770-222-3712.