Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Centre Name Website Head of centre Other academic staff Research interests Other info Cambridge (Addenbrooke’s Hospital) Clinical Gerontology Unit, University of Cambridge http://www.me dschl.cam.ac. uk/gerontolog y/ http://www.epi cnorfolk.org.uk Prof. Kay-Tee Khaw kk101@medschl.cam .ac.uk Dr Phyo Kyaw Myint Phyo.myint@phpc.cam. ac.uk Please see website for EPIC-Norfolk http://www.epicnorfolk.org.uk Bone health Cardiovascular epidemiology Cerebrovascular epidemiology Cancer epidemiology Functional Health Role of behavioural factors in chronic diseases Social and Environmental determinants of health Clinical Gerontology is a unit within the Department of Public Health and Primary Care in the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine. We aim to understand how best to maintain health in older populations. Our overall research aim is to quantify the combined role of lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors in the aetiology of the major disabling diseases of later life, focusing in particular on cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis and to identify effective prevention strategies. Current projects The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer EPIC - Norfolk The Cambridge General Practice Study The Vitamin D and Hip Fracture Study Name of person completing questionnaire Phyo Myint Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Edinburgh Geriatric Medicine, Department of Clinical and Surgical Sciences, University of Edinburgh http://www.ger iatric.med.ed. ac.uk/default.h tm Professor Archie Young a.young@ed.ac.uk Dr. John Starr, Parttime Clinical Reader John.Starr@ed.ac.uk Dr. Gillian Mead, Clinical Senior Lecturer Gillian.E.Mead@ed.ac. uk Dr. Colin Currie, Clinical Senior Lecturer Colin.Currie@ed.ac.uk Dr. Paul Syme, Parttime Clinical Senior Lecturer paul.syme@borders.sc ot.nhs.uk Dr. Alasdair MacLullich, MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow/Hon. Consultant a.maclullich@ed.ac.uk Dr. Carolyn Greig, Senior Research Fellow Cal.Greig@ed.ac.uk Dr. Susan Lewis, Research Fellow S.Lewis@ed.ac.uk Muscle, exercise, and nutrition Stroke Cognition and ageing Delirium Trainees at any level are warmly invited to make informal enquiries about doing research in the above fields. We have an excellent track record of attracting funding (eg. MRC, Wellcome Trust) for Fellowships to enable research towards an MD or PhD. Please see our main university website for further information. Alasdair MacLullich Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Stroke Research Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead www.ncl.ac.uk /strokeresearch-unit/ Prof David Barer d.h.barer@ncl.ac.uk Susan Fall susan.fall@ncl.ac.uk All aspects of stroke care ranging from acute stroke management to rehabilitation and discharge, mood after stroke and long term patient and carer issues. Research opportunities include observational and epidemiological research as well as randomised trials experience University Geriatric Medicine, Southampton www.som.soto n.ac.uk/resear ch/dohad/ Prof Roger Briggs rsb1@soton.ac.uk Dr Frazer Anderson f.h.anderson@soton.ac .uk Dr Helen Roberts hcr@soton.ac.uk Dr Avan Aihie SAyer aas@mrc.soton.ac.uk This unit's research areas include Biological (and social) gerontology developmental origins of ageing; bone health osteoporosis; epidemiology - life course epidemiology; and Health Services Research -Assessment We have a growing academic group with research programmes in three major areas: 1. Clinical trials of lowcost drugs for falls and fracture prevention in older people (FHA) 2. Health service research on the Research fellows will be encouraged to study for higher degrees. Opportunities exist for studhing in research or teaching methods, including teaching diplomas Phil Birschel, SpR Dr Avan Aihie Sayer Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint provision of care to older people with a special interest in Parkinson’s Disease (HCR) 3. Epidemiology research on the causes, consequences and prevention of sarcopenia (loss of physical function and frailty in older people (AAS, RJB) Leeds Leicester Nuffield Research Unit Prof Graham Mulley graham.mulley@leed sth.nhs.uk www.hs.le.ac. uk/lnru Prof Carol Jagger Prof J B Young (Bradford) john.young@bradfordh ospitals.nhs.uk Dr A Catto (senior lecturer) Andrew.catto@leedsth. nhs.uk Prof James Lindesay (and see website) There are opportunities to do research in all these areas from small projects integrated with clinical work to full time research fellowships. We welcome informal visits to discuss trainees’ interests Leeds: Health Services Research, especially intermediate gait; hoists and other equipment. Bradford: Many aspects of rehabilitation research, especially stroke, community geriatrics Research Groups Medical Statistics We provide research topics and guidance on a range of subjects for trainees throughout the region. Prof Graham Mulley Prof Carol Jagger Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Genetic Epidemiology Social Sciences TIMMS Older People Disabling Conditions Oxford http://phi.uhce .ox.ac.uk Prof Ray Fitzpatrick Raymond.Fitzpatrick @dphpc.ox.ac.uk Special areas of research activity: - Provision of a bibliographic database containing records of publications relating to the development and testing of patient reported health instruments - Details of selection criteria to guide the application of patient reported health instruments - Systematic reviews of instruments for specific populations and conditions (Child health, Mental health, Diabetes Mellitus, Older people and Patient involvement) - Development of the Oxford Hip Score, Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire, and UK Seattle Angina The Patient Reported Health Instruments Group (http://phi.uhce.ox.ac.uk) is part of the National Centre for Health Outcomes Development and is based in the Unit of Health-care Epidemiology Department of Public Health, University of Oxford. Elizabeth Gibbons Research Officer 01865 227157 elizabeth.gibbo ns@dphpc.ox.a c.uk Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Questionnaire - Evaluation of generic instruments including EuroQol and the SF-36 and individualised instruments including the Patient Generated Index - Advice and support to health-care professionals in use and interpretation of patient reported health instruments University of Nottingham, Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing) and Clinical Gerontology Research Unit, Nottingham City Hospital www.nottingh am.ac.uk/reha b Prof Tash Masud (Clinical Gerontology) and Dr John Gladman (Division of Rehabilitation) Dr Simon Conroy Dr Rowan Harwood Dr Opinder Sahota Dr Rowan Harwood (Univ of Nottingham) Dr P Bath Dr Rob Morris Dr Peter Berman * Health services research * Evaluation of complex services * Health status measurement Falls * Osteoporosis * Rehabilitation * Mental health law and ethics * Health Status Measurement * Falls and Osteoporosis * Stroke We are consultants with research training (MSc Epidemiology). We have close links with the Dept of Epidemiology, and access to some excellent, large datasets for interested researchers There are strong links with academic departments of radiology and neurosciences, making stroke a major interest in Nottingham. The unit is also developing an interest in care home medicine and end of life care generally. Dr Simon Conroy and Prof Tash Masud Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint University Dept of Geriatric Medicine, Wales College of Medicine, Biology and Life Sciences, Cardiff www.cardiff.ac .uk/medicine/g eriatric_medici ne Tony Bayer (Acting Head) bayer@cf.ac.uk Sinead O’Mahony (omahonyms@cf.ac.uk) Jolyon Meara Taj Hasan hasanm@cf.ac.uk Win Tadd taddw@cf.ac.uk Ruth Hubbard hubbardruth@hotmail.c om University Dept of Geriatric Medicine, Newcastle www.ncl.ac.uk /iah Prof Rose Anne Kenny r.a.kenny@ncl.ac.uk Prof Oliver James o.f.w.james@ncl.ac.uk Prof Gary Ford g.a.ford@ncl.ac.uk Roger Frances roger.francis@tfh.nuth. northy.nhs.uk Helen Rodgers 1. Vulnerable older adult (frailty, cardiorespiratory disease, ageism, research ethics, health service delivery) 2. Professional-patient interaction (Information needs, dignity, communication health education) 3. Neurodegenerative disease (Epidemiology, quality of life, drug treatment of dementia and PD) 4. Ageing Brain – biological gerontology 5. Bone Research Cardiovascular disease in ageing; syncope and falls, vascular dementia, clinical pharmacology, neurobiology of ageing, stroke The Clinical Gerontology Research unit at Nottingham City Hospital (focusing on falls and bone health) has strong links with the Universities of Nottingham, Derby and Loughborough. 1. Research Methodology Course 2. MSc in Ageing, Health and Illness (8taught modules and dissertation) 3. Short term research attachment The Institute of Ageing and Health in Newcastle is one of the largest in Europe with active Biogerontology, Social and Clinical Reasearch. There have been over 50 higher degree awards to clinical, PhD and Tony Bayer (Snr Lecture r and Acting Head) And Shirley Green (Dept Secret ary) Deborah Little, PA to Prof Kenny Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Ageing and Stroke Medicine Section, Leicester Royal Bournemouth Hospital (University of Bournemouth) www.le.ac.uk/ cv/research/as tm Prof John Potter jp34@le.ac.uk Prof S C Allen Stephen.allen@rbchtr.swest.nhs.uk d.l.jones@ncl.ac.uk Janice O’Connell Chris Gray Chris.gray@northy.nhs. uk Michelle Davis mechelle.davis@ncl.ac. uk Steve Parry steve.parry@nuth.north y.nhs.uk Julia Newton Julia.newton@nuth.nort hy.nhs.uk Terry Aspray t.j.aspray.ncl.ac.uk Dr Tom Robinson (Snr Lecturer) Dr Martin Fotherby (Senior Lecturer) Michele Board (nurse lecturer) mboard@bournemouth. ac.uk Affiliated NHS staff: Dr M Vassallo Dr K Amar Dr D Jenkinson Dr A Williams University of Manchester, Division of Medicine and Neurosciences – MD students in the past 10 years. Stroke; hypertension; cardiovascular syncope; cardiovascular physiology of ageing We are NHS consultants (Including Prof Allen) who have a strong working relationship with the Universities of Bournemouth and Southampton Genetic aspects of cognition and dementia Inflammation and wounds Regulation of blood flow Injury in old people Autonomic disorders, inhaler technique, palliative care of end-stage lung disease, falls intervention strategies, stroke trials (thrombolysis), cerebral blood flow in stroke. Prof S C Allen Contact Prof M A Horan mhoran@fs1.ho.man.ac.uk Prof M A Horan Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Hope Hospital Countess of Chester Hospital Centre for Rehabilitation and Ageing, Geriatric Medicine, St George’s University of London King’s College, Dept of Stroke Medicine This is a clinical department. Headed by Dr Fitzroy-Smith www.sgul.ac.u k VM Pomeroy vpomeroy@sgul.ac.u k Prof Lalit Kalra Lalit.kalra@kcl.ac.uk Professor VM Pomeroy - vpomeroy@sgul.ac.uk Dr M Cottee – mcottee@sgul.ac.uk Dr IR Hastie – ihastie@sgul.ac.uk Research Fellows: Deborah Ramsey Deborah.ramsey@kcl.a Exercise physiology; Ageing; Arthopometrics; Ventilatory Control and Ageing; Osteoporosis (audit); Postural Stability (audit) Our primary programme is focused on the restoration of motor control and functional ability after stroke. Projects span the range of clinical research from translational research to definitive clinical trials. We also have growing research programmes in the areas of: Epilepsy and postural control Gait initiation difficulty in older people Exercise interventions for older people with physical frailty Stroke (mainly acute) Current projects are: Dysphagia/aspiration; small Dr FitzroySmith Other information: Our rehabilitation research laboratories enable biomechanical and neurophysiological measures of the effectiveness and underlying mechanisms of rehabilitation interventions. Prof V M Pomeroy In collaboration with other research groups we also undertake neuroimaging studies. We encourage informal enquiries from trainees who are interested in involvement in a research project, undertaking a research project for a Masters degree or registering for a research degree. We are due to get one of the posts as stroke subspecialty training which Deborah Ramsey Research Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Queen’s University, Belfast Dept of Geriatric Medicine University of Dundee Section of Ageing and Health Wolverhampton University School of Health – DementiaPlus www.qub.ac.u k Prof R W Stout www.dundee. ac.uk/ageingh ealth/welcome .htm Prof Marion McMurdo m.e.t.mcmurdo@dun dee.ac.uk www.Dementi aplus.org.uk Prof David Jolley (Director of Dementiaplus) Dementiaplus.wm@s olvespct.nhs.uk c.uk Jonathan Birns Jonathan.birns@kcl.ac. uk Daniel Lasserson Daniel.lasserson@kcl.a c.uk Dr I M Rea i.rea@qub.ac.uk Dr P Passmore p.passmore@qub.ac.uk Dr Neil D Gillespie n.d.gillespie@dundee.a c.uk Dr Miles D Witham m.witham@dundee.ac. uk Kate Reed Prof Susan Benbow Prof Paul Kingston Dr Tony Elliott vessel disease and blood pressure management; respiratory muscle function post stroke ideally will involve research as well as clinical care. Fellow (Stroke) Genetics of health ageing Alzheimers Disease M Rea Physical activity and exercise; nutritional interventions; heart failure MET McMurdo Sarcopenia – a trial is being conducted on ACE inhibitors to improve muscle strength Services for older people with mental health problems Training for staff of all sorts in the identification, treatment and care of older people with mental health problems. Ethnicity and mental health ‘Graduate’ chronic psychotics, liaison psychiatry and older people Spirituality in late life and mental health Elder Abuse Institutional Care Early onset dementia Dementiaplus is the Dementia Services Development Centre for the West Midlands and broadens its activities to include all mental health of late life. We have strong links with Wolverhampton University and Staffordshire University. WE run a Masters in Ageing and Mental Health and contribute to a new Masters programme to train people for the Physician Assistant role in the NHS (Masters in Prof David Jolley Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint Newcastle University Dept of Geriatric Medicine (Sunderland) Academic Section of Geriatric Medicine, Glasgow Royal Infirmary Prof Chris Gray (Newcastle University) Chris.gray@chs.north y.nhs.uk Prof David J Stott d.j.stott@clinmed.gla. ac.uk Dr J E O’Connell Mr A J Hildreth Dr R O’Brien Mrs D Johnston Dr J Baxter Dr A Jones Dr S Bansal Dr A Davies Dr N Majmuder Acute Stroke COPD Congestive Heart Failure Cerebrovascular Disease Stroke rehabilitation Vascular cognitive impairment Health services research Prof Peter Langhorne p.langhorne@clinmed.g la.ac.uk Rehabilitation Stroke Medicine Health Services Research Specialist Healthcare Practice) This centre is the coordinating centre for UK Glucose insulin in stroke trial Department also hosts “Teaching Research Fellowships” which are advertised annually and are funded by host NHS Institute and the research department. The dept is situated 10 miles from Newcastle and is largest single clinical department in North East. Opportunities are available for registrars and SHO (3 equivalent) to take time out of programme to pursue either higher degree research studies or teaching qualifications as part of the undergraduate teaching programme Strong track record of supporting researchers to obtain further degrees (MSc by research, MD and PhD) Academic geriatrics embedded within the Division of Cardiovascular Prof Chris Gray Prof David J Stott Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint and Medical Sciences in the University of Glasgow Dept of Medicine, Archway Campus, University of London www.ucl.ac.uk /medicine/clini cal-sci-tech Prof James MaloneLee James.malonelee@ucl.ac.uk Imperial College Faculty of Medicine, Section of Care of the Elderly (Hammersmith Campus) Sheffield Institute for Studies in Ageing www.fom.sk.m ed.ic.ac.uk/me d Prof C Bulpitt c.bulpitt@imperial.ac. uk Dr N S Beckett n.beckett@imperial.ac. uk Ms R Peters r.peters@imperial.ac.uk www.sheffield. ac.uk/sisa Prof S G Parker s.g.parker@sheffield. ac.uk Prof I Philp Prof A WArnes Dr S Gariballa Dr M Jennings Dr K McKee Dr M Gott Mrs C Parker Dr R M Francis Roger.Francis@tfh.n uth.northy.nhs.uk Sister A M Sutcliffe Arine.sutcliffe@nuth.no rthy.nhs.uk Dr S P Tuck jasp@tuck70.freeserve. co.uk Bone Clinic, Musculoskeletal Unit, Freeman Hospital Lower urinary tract dysfunction Diabetes and vascular risk Surgical Risk Human Performance Clinical Science Cardiovascular disease in the over 80’s Dementia and hypertension End of life care Geriatric assessment Gerontological Nurse Education Health Services Research Intermediate Care Homeless People & Homelessness New technology Nutrition Osteoporosis Population studies Sexual Health Prevention of fractures in older people Pathogenesis and treatment of osteoporosis in men Calcium and Vitamin D metabolism and ageing Prof James Malone-Lee Dr Nigel Beckett Please visit our website for more details of our research and training activities, and information about our cross-faculty programmes Prof Stuart Parker Dr R M Francis Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint East Kent Hospitals Trust, Centre for Health Services Studies, University of Kent, Canterbury www.kent.ac.u k/chss CHSS – Prof Andy Alaszerski Health Research Programme : Dr Iain Carpenter Stroke Research : Dr David Smithard and Dr Jonathan Potter Bristol Dementia Research Group www.bris.ac.u k/clinicalscien cenorth Prof G K Wilcock Gordon.Wilcock@bris .ac.uk Geriatric Medicine, Keele University Medical School www.keele.ac. uk Prof Peter Crome p.crome@keele.ac.uk Dr Carpenter g.i.carpenter@kent.ac. uk Dr Potter Jonathan.potter@ekht. nhs.uk Dr Smithard David.smithard@ekht.n hs.uk Dr Yvonne Challiner y.challiner@kent.ac.uk Dr Shelagh O’Riordan Shelagh.oriordan@ekht .nhs.uk Heads of Research groups include: Dr David Dawbarn (Molecular Neurogiology Group) Dr Patrick Kehoe (Gestetner Research Fellow) Dr Andrea Tales (Clinically Neuropshychologically related research Dr Christine Roffe Christine.roffe@nschtr.wmids.nhs.uk Dr Bernadette Bartram Health Services Research Stroke Medicine Renal Medicine This includes clinical research, evaluating and developing new compounds for the treatment of dementias, especially Alzheimer’s Disease, as well as basic neuropsychological research into different dementias. In addition, we have genetically and neuropathologically orientated basic research programmes, and molecular neurobiology group exploring identification of potential new compounds. Stroke Dementia Health Services Research Social Gerontology Dr J M Potter Prof Wilcock is always pleased to discuss potential dementia related research with anyone who is interested. Prof G K Wilcock The geriatricians are part of a pan-University Institute of Ageing. There is also an MSc in Geriatric Medicine Prof Peter Crome Centres of Excellence 2005 Survey conducted by Phyo Myint University of Reading www,reading. ac.uk/agenet Prof Margot Gosney Dr David Oliver Dr Christina Victor Dr Sally Richards Dr Ann Quinn Dr Molly Courtenay Prevention of falls and fractures (especially in institutions) Health Services Delivery Gerontology End of Life Care Discharge Planning Nurse prescribing and Gerontology The University is one of the most research active universities in science without a medical school and the hospital is one of the largest in the UK without a medical school. As such, Reading has applied to be considered for the next wave of medical schools. It also has a wide commitment to expand in health research and to forge closer academic links with the hospital and primary care. Prof Margot Gosney or Dr David Oliver