James Huchison Stirling

Centre for Democratic Governance
Working Paper Series
Number 8
Bibliographies of
Richard Lewis Nettleship
James Hutchison Stirling
William Wallace
(2007 version)
Compiled by
Dr Colin Tyler
Centre for Democratic Governance
University of Hull
February 2007
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Colin Tyler:
Centre for Democratic Governance
Department of Politics & International Studies
University of Hull, Cottingham Road
Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom
Table of Contents
Richard Lewis Nettleship
Reviews and Obituaries
Other Discussions
James Hutchison Stirling
Reviews & Obituaries
Other Discussions
William Wallace
Reviews & Obituaries
Other Discussions
Acknowledgments for the 2004 version
The work on these bibliographies was supported by a Resource Enhancement Award
(B/RE/AN3141/APN17357) from the Arts and Humanities Research Board.
‘The Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB) funds postgraduate and advanced
research within the UK’s higher education institutions and provides funding for
museums, galleries and collections that are based in, or attached to, HEIs within
England. The AHRB supports research within a huge subject domain - from
‘traditional’ humanities subjects, such as history, modern languages and English
literature, to music and the creative and performing arts.’
I have also profited enormously from having access to the Brynmor Jones Library at
the University of Hull, a resource which benefits from an excellent stock of written
and electronic sources, as well as extremely helpful and friendly librarians. My thanks
also go to Dr Christopher Bearman, the research assistant on this and other projects.
William Sweet helped with references to William Wallace’s writings. Peter Nicholson
has provided many additional references for both bibliographies. The remaining
deficiencies are my responsibility alone.
I wish to thank Philip de Bary for permission to reproduce the ‘Reviews &
Obituaries’ sections for Stirling and Wallace, both of which appear in Colin Tyler, ed.,
Early Reviews and Responses to the British Idealists: Volume 1 (London: Thoemmes
Continuum, 2004), pp.247-251 and 243-245, respectively.
Dr Colin Tyler
University of Hull
April 2004
Acknowledgments for the 2007 version
I would like to thank the many people who sent in references, and hope they will not
mind my not mentioning them individually. All future references will be received
with thanks.
In addition to updating the entries on Stirling and Wallace, I have added a
bibliography for Richard Lewis Nettleship, a very unfairly neglected philosopher. I
have checked my bibliography against that provided in Ferreira, 2002b (below).
Dr Colin Tyler
University of Hull
February 2007
Richard Lewis Nettleship (1846-1892)
(in chronological order)
‘An Italian Study of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress’, MacMillan’s Magazine (November
1878); printed in Zumbini, Studi di Letterature Straniere (1893)
‘The Theory of Education in Plato’s Republic’, in Evelyn Abbott, ed., Hellenica. A
collection of essays on Greek poetry, Philosophy, history and religion (London, Oxford and
Cambridge: Rivingtons, 1880), pp.67-180; second edition London and New York:
Longmans, Green, 1898; reprinted separately as R.L. Nettleship, The Theory of
Education in Plato’s Republic, (University of Chicago, 1906); also Oxford University
Press, 1935, 1955 and 1961 with introd. Spenser Leeson; and New York: Teacher’s
College, 1968, with a forward by Robert McClintock
‘Thomas Hill Green’, Contemporary Review (May 1882)
(Editor) Works of Thomas Hill Green, 3 vols. (London: Longmans, Green, 1885-88)
‘Preface of the Editor’ and ‘Memoir’, in R.L. Nettleship, ed., Works of Thomas Hill
Green. Volume 3 Miscellanies and Memoir, (London: Longmans, Green, 1888), pp.v-vii
and xi-clxi, respectively: ‘Memoir’ published separately as Memoir of Thomas Hill Green
(London: Longmans, Green 1906)
(Translator), Hermann Lotze, Logic, ed. B Bosanquet (Oxford: Clarendon, 1884),
Book 1.
‘ “Viaggio del Pellegrino” di G. Bunyan, pt. ii’ and ‘ “Il Paradiso perduto” di Milton’,
in Bonaventura Zumbini, ed., Studi di Letterature Straniere (Firenze: Succossor Le
Monnier, 1893; second edition 1907)
Philosophical Lectures and Remains of Richard Lewis Nettleship, A.C. Bradley and G.R.
Benson, eds., 2 vols. (London: MacMillan, 1897) [Volume one was published
separately as A.C. Bradley, ed., Philosophical Remains of Richard Lewis Nettleship (London:
MacMillan, 1901), and volume two was published separately as Lectures on The
Republic of Plato, ed. G.R. Benson (London: MacMillan, 1901).]
Some of Nettleship’s papers can be found among the Green Papers and the Jowett
Papers, both of which are archived at Balliol College Library, Oxford.
II. Reviews and Obituaries
C.E. Matthews, letter of August 28, 1892 written in Chamouny, The Times, August 31,
Reports of his death in ‘English newspapers of August 28, 1892 and the following
days’ (ACB’s Memoir, p.xxxiv n1)
Anon., ‘In Memoriam Richard Lewis Nettleship’, Uppingham School Magazine, vol. 30
P.D., ‘A Reminiscence of R.L. Nettleship’, Uppingham School Magazine, vol. 31 (1893)
G.R. B[enson], ‘A Reminiscence of R.L. Nettleship’, Uppingham School Magazine, vol.
31 (1893)
H.D. Rawnsley, Good Words (January 1893)
H.D. Rawnsley, Westminster Gazette, (July 10, 1893)
Benjamin Jowett, ‘Richard Lewis Nettleship’, in his College Sermons, ed. WH Fremantle
(London: John Murray, 1895).
Anon., review of A.C. Bradley and G.R. Benson, eds., Philosophical Lectures and Remains
of Richard Lewis Nettleship, Mind, vol. 7 ns (1898), p.121
Bernard Bosanquet, review of A.C. Bradley and G.R. Benson, eds., Philosophical
Lectures and Remains of Richard Lewis Nettleship, Mind, vol. 7 ns (1898), p.260
Andrew Seth Pringle-Pattison, review of Memoir of Thomas Hill Green, Mind, vol. 17 ns
(1908), pp.88.
II. Other Discussions
(in alphabetical order)
Leslie Armour, ‘Nettleship, Richard Lewis’, in WJ Mander and APF Sell, eds.,
Dictionary of Nineteenth Century British Philosophers, 2 vols. (Bristol: Thoemmes, 2002),
vol. 2, pp. 852-4.
Philip Ferreira, ‘R.L. Nettleship’, in Philip B. Dematteis, Peter S. Fosl and Leemon B.
McHenry, eds., Dictionary of Literary Biography. Volume 262 British Philosophers, 18002000 (Detroit: Bruccoli Clark Layman, 2002a), pp.164-7.
Philip Ferreira, ‘The Legacy of R.L. Nettleship’, Bradley Studies, vol. 8, no. 2 (Autumn
2002b), 173-84 [a longer version of the previous item]
Bryan Matthews, ‘R.L. Nettleship’, in his Eminent Uppinghamians (Cranbrook: Neville
and Harding, 1987)
Colin Tyler, Idealist Political Philosophy: Pluralism and conflict in the absolute idealist tradition
(London: Continuum, 2006), chapter 6.
James Hutchison Stirling (1820-1909)
(in chronological order)
‘The Novelist and the Milliner’, Shilling Magazine (February 1845)
‘The Novel Blowers’, Shilling Magazine (May 1845)
‘Emerson’, Shilling Magazine (April 1848)
‘Letter on Carlyle I’, The Truth-Seeker (1849)
‘Letter on Carlyle II’, The Truth-Seeker (1850?)
‘Letter on Carlyle III’, The Truth-Seeker (September 1850)
‘Foreign Country at Home’, Leigh Hunt’s Journal (1851)
[signed, ‘A Practical Practitioner’] Common-sense of Cholera (London: John Churchill,
‘Full Dress’, Englishwoman’s Review (July 1859)
‘Jerrold’ Meliora (1859); reprinted in his Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay, with other critical
essays (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1868)
‘Tennyson’, Meliora (1859); reprinted in his Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay, with other
critical essays (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1868)
‘Why I Wrote a Letter of Sympathy to Dr Lees’, Weekly Record[?] (1859)
Review of George Cupples, Hinchbridge Haunted, Inverness Courier (15 December 1859)
‘Macaulay’, Meliora (Spring 1860); reprinted in his Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay, with
other critical essays (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1868)
The Secret of Hegel: Being the Hegelian System in Origin, Principle, Form, and Matter
(Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd: 1st ed. (2 vols.) 1865; 2nd rev. ed. (1 vol.) 1898)
Sir William Hamilton: Being the Philosophy of Perception. An analysis (London: Longmans
Green, 1865)
‘Was Sir William Hamilton a Berkelian?’, Fortnightly Review, vol. 6 os (1 September
1866), 218-28
(Trans. & annotation) Schwegler, Handbook of the History of Philosophy [from 5th
German ed.] (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1867; 2nd ed. 1868; 3rd ed. 1871; 12th ed.
‘The Symbolism of the Sublime: from Hegel’s Aesthetic’ [introduction and translation
by JHS], MacMillan’s Magazine, vol. 16 (October 1867), 451-51; reprinted Eclectic
Magazine, vol. 69, 713
‘De Quincey and Coleridge upon Kant’, Fortnightly Review, vol. 8 os, 10 ns, (October
1867), 377-97
Materialism in Relation to the Study of Medicine (1868)
Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay, with other critical essays (Edinburgh: Edmonston and
Douglas, 1868)
‘Flint’, Edinburgh Courant (December 1868)
Letter, Edinburgh Courant (21 December 1868)
Various other letters in the Edinburgh Courant (1868)
‘The Poetical Works of Robert Browning’, North British Review, vol. 49 os, 10 ns
(December 1868), 353-408
As Regards Protoplasm: in Relation to Professor Huxley’s Essay on the Physical Basis of Life
(Edinburgh, 1869; 2nd rev. ed. 1872)
Review of Beale, Protoplasm, Edinburgh Courant (25 February 1870)
Review of Bain, Logic, Edinburgh Courant (19 April 1870)
Two articles on Arnold Rüge, British Controversialist (summer 1870)
Review of Sylvester, Laws of Verse, Edinburgh Courant (October 1870)
Various other reviews including: Ueberweg’s edition of Berkeley’s Principles of Human
Knowledge; Semple, trans. of Kant, Metaphysics of Ethics–in various issues of Edinburgh
Courant in 1870
Article in Edinburgh Courant (22 May 1871)
'Buckle, His Problem and his Metaphysics', North American Review (July 1872)
‘Kant Refuted by Dint of Muscle’, Fortnightly Review, vol. 18 os, 12 ns, (October 1872),
Lectures on the Philosophy of Law, Together with Whewell and Hegel, and Hegel and Mr. W.R.
Smith: A vindication in a physico-mathematical regard (London, 1873)
'Professor Fraser's Berkeley' (rev. of Works of George Berkeley, ed. Fraser), Journal of
Speculative Philosophy, vol. VII (January 1873), 1-17
‘Hegel and Mr. W.R. Smith’ [rejoinder to Smith, 1873], Fortnightly Review, vol. 19, no.
13 ns (April 1873), 510-4
'Lectures on the Philosophy of Law [I]', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. VII (April
1873), 20-39
Two short articles on Strauss in Athenaeum (21 & 28 June 1873)
'Lectures on the Philosophy of Law [II]', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. VII (July
1873), 24-43
'Lectures on the Philosophy of Law [III]', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. IX, no. 2
(April 1874), 123-43
‘Generalization in Philosophy’, North American Review, vol. 115 (1874), 65
'Mr. Buckle and the Aufklärung', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. IX, no. 4
(October 1875), 337-400
' "I am That I Am": An interpretation and summary' [poem!], Journal of Speculative
Philosophy, vol. XI (1877), 371-2
Burns in Drama, together with Saved Leaves (Edinburgh, 1878)
'Schopenhauer in Relation to Kant', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIII, no. 1
(January 1879), 1-50; partially reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British
Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol:
Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.177-86
‘Philosophy of Causality: Hume and Kant’, Princeton Review New Series, 3 ns, (January
1879), 178 et sub.
'[Edward] Caird on Kant', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIV, no. 1 (January
1880), 49-109
'Criticism of Kant's Main Principles', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIV, no. 3
(July 1880), 257-85 [with errata list inserted]
'Criticism of Kant's Main Principles', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIV, no. 4
(October 1880), 353-76
Text-book to Kant (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1881)
‘The Question of Idealism in Kant: The Two Editions’, Mind, vol. 8, no. 32 (October
1883), 525-43
‘Kant Has Not Answered Hume I’, Mind, vol. 9, no. 36 (October 1884), 531-47
Of Philosophy in the Poets: Opening lecture to the Edinburgh University Philosophical Society,
November 5, Session 1884-5 (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1885)
‘Kant has not Answered Hume II’, Mind, vol. 10, no. 37 (January 1885), 45-72
Schelling on England', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIX, no. 1 (January 1885),
The Community of Property: Nationalization of Land (Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1885)
Thomas Carlyle’s Counsels to a Literary Aspirant—a hitherto unpublished letter of 1842—and
what came of them; with a brief estimate of the man (Edinburgh: James Thin, 1886)
Letter on ‘Italian Hegelians’, Athenaeum (1886)
Philosophy and Theology, Being the First Edinburgh University Gifford Lectures [1889-90]
(Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1890)
Review of Erdmann, History of Philosophy, Critical Review of Philosophical and Theological
Literature, vol. 1 (1891), 83-94
‘Memoir of George Cupples’, in George Cupples, Scotch Deer-Hounds and their Masters
(Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood, 1894)
Darwinianism: Workmen and Work (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1894)
What is Thought? Or the Problem of Philosophy by way of a conclusion so far (Edinburgh: T. &
T. Clark, 1900)
‘Prefatory Note on James Wood’, in T. Carlyle, Sartour Resartus, fully annotated with
introductory note by J. Wood (London: Dent, 1902)
The Categories (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1903; 2nd ed. with appendix 1907)
Review of Campbell Fraser, Biographia Philosophica, Mind, vol. 14, no. 53 ns (January
1905), 85-92
The Categories: an appendix further. Darwin and Emerson with two notes—The Ego, and
Causality (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1907)
Letters to Robert Flint, in D. MacMillan, Life of Robert Flint (London: Hodder and
Stoughton, 1914), pp.421-2, 426
III. Reviews and Obituaries
(in chronological order)
Anon., ‘Is Hegel Among the Prophets?’ [review of Secret of Hegel], Eclectic Review, vol. 8
ns (1865), 557-74
Anon., review of Secret of Hegel, The Reader (18 March 1865), 674-5
Anon., review of Secret of Hegel, John Bull (25 March 1865), 187
Wilson, H.B., review of Secret of Hegel, Westminster Review, 83 os, vol. 27 ns (April 1865),
Anon., review of Secret of Hegel, Athenaeum (8 April 1865), 485-6
Anon., review of Secret of Hegel, English Churchman (13 July 1865), 878-9
Anon., ‘The Secret of Hegel’, Anthropological Review, vol. 4 (1866), 34-47
Lewes, G.H., review of Sir William Hamilton, Fortnightly Review, vol. III, no. XIII (15
November 1866), 127-8
Anon., review of Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay, with other critical essays, Edinburgh
Courant (23 March 1868)
Anon., critical notice of Jerrold…, British Quarterly Review, vol. XLVIII, no. xcv (July
1868), 282
Huxley, T.H., ‘Yeast’, Contemporary Review, vol. XIX (December 1871), 23-6
Harris, W.T., report of correspondence from Stirling, Journal of Speculative Philosophy,
vol. VI (1872), 182-4
Harris, W.T., notice of As Regards Protoplasm, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. VII
(April 1873), 96
Smith, W. Robertson, ‘Dr. Stirling, Hegel, and the Mathematicians’, Fortnightly Review,
vol. 19 os, 13 ns (April 1873), 495-510
Ross, James, On Protoplasm: Being an examination of Dr. J.H. Stirling’s criticism of Professor
Huxley’s views (London, 1874)
Harris, W.T., review of Burns in Drama, together with Saved Leaves, Journal of Speculative
Philosophy, vol. XII, no. 4 (October 1878), 437-9
Anon., critical notice of Burns in Drama, British Quarterly Review, vol. LXIII, no. cxxxvi
(October 1878), 552-3
Caird, Edward, 'Professor Caird Replies to Dr. Stirling', Journal of Speculative Philosophy,
vol. XIII, no. 2 (April 1879), 215-220
Harris, W.T., note regarding 'Dr. Stirling and Professor [Edward] Caird', Journal of
Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIII, no. 3 (July 1879), 320-1
Harris, WT, note regarding Stirling and Edward Caird', Journal of Speculative Philosophy,
vol. XIII, no. 4 (October 1879), 398
Caird, Edward, 'Kant's Deduction of the Categories, with Special Reference to the
Views of Dr. Stirling', Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XIV no. 1 (January 1880),
Wallace, Edwin, review of Text-book to Kant, British Quarterly Review, vol. LXXV, no.
cxlix (January 1882), 261-3
Anon., review of Text-book to Kant, Westminster Review, vol. 61, no. 1 (January 1882),
Anon., notice of Text-book to Kant, Mind, vol. 7, no. 25 (January 1882), 152
Seth, Andrew, review of Text-Book to Kant, Mind, vol. 7, no. 26 (April 1882), 268-76
Harris, W.T., review of Text-book to Kant, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XVI, no.
2 (April 1882), 218-21
Anon., 'The Fathers of the City [Edinburgh]: Dr. J. Hutchison Stirling', The Express,
20 July 1882; reprinted in Journal of Speculative Philosophy, vol. XVI, no. 4 (October
1882), 423-6
Tulloch, John, review of Text-book to Kant [plus several others], Edinburgh Review, vol.
157, no. cccxxi (January 1883), 1-45
Anon., notice of Of Philosophy in the Poets and Community of Property, Mind, vol. 10, no.
38 (April 1885), 299
[Hastings, James?] notice of Philosophy and Theology, Expository Times, vol. 2, no. 2
(October 1890-September 1891), 47-8
[Hastings, James?] critical notice of Philosophy and Theology, Expository Times, vol. 3, no.
3 (October 1890-September 1891), 131
Stewart, Alexander, review of Philosophy and Theology, Critical Review of Philosophical and
Theological Review, vol. 1 (1891), 201-5
Anon., review of Philosophy and Theology, Mind, vol. XVI, no. 61 (January 1891), 137-8
Blakeney, Edward Henry, review of Philosophy and Theology, Expository Times, vol. 3, no.
9 (October 1891-September 1892), 403-5
Wenley, R. M., review of Philosophy and Theology, Being the First Edinburgh University
Gifford Lectures, International Journal of Ethics, vol. 2, no. 4 (July 1892), 529-31
McKendrick, John G., review of Darwinianism, Critical Review of Philosophical and
Theological Literature, vol. 4 (1894), 113-23
[Hastings, James?], note of Darwinianism, Expository Times, vol. V, no. 4 (January 1894),
Sorley, W.R., review of Secret of Hegel, New Edition, Critical Review of Philosophical and
Theological Literature, vol. VIII (1898), 172-4
Seth, James, review of The Secret of Hegel, Philosophical Review, vol. 7, no. 5 (September
1898), 553-4
Blakeney, E.H., review of What is Thought?, Critical Review of Philosophical and Theological
Literature, vol. X (1900), 502-10
[Hastings, James?] notice of What is Thought?, Expository Times, vol. 11 (October 1899September 1900), 311
W. H. Fairbrother, review of What is Thought? or The Problem of Philosophy by Way of a
General Conclusion so Far, Mind, vol. 9, no. 36 ns (October 1900), 536-8
Anon., obituary, The Times (March? 1909); reprinted in Journal of Philosophy, Psychology
and Scientific Methods, vol. 6, no. 8 (15 April 1909), 222-4
Anon., obituary, Philosophical Review, vol. 18, no. 3 (May 1909), 366
‘Kant, Immanuel’, in D. Patrick and W. Geddie, eds., Chambers’s Encyclopaedia
(London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1935), vol. VI, pp.403-5
IV. Other Discussions
(in alphabetical order)
Aaron, R. I., review of R. Metz, Die Philosophischen Stromungen der Gegenwart in
Grossbritannien., Mind, vol. 45, no. 177 ns (January 1936), 86-94
Abbagnano, Nicola, Il Nuovo Idealismo Ingelese ed Americano (Naples: Francesco Perralla,
Allard, James, ‘Idealism in Britain and the United States’, in Thomas Baldwin, ed.,
Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1870-1945 (Cambridge: CUP, 2003), pp.43-59
Anon., Testimonials in Favour of James Hutchison Stirling (Edinburgh, 1865)
Anon., announcement of a subscription for a statute to Spinoza, organised by Stirling,
Mind, vol. 1, no. 2 (April 1876), 299
Anon., review of A. Seth, Scottish Philosophy, Mind, vol. 11, no. 42 (April 1886), 267-72
Anon., notice of new German edition of Schwegler, Geschichte der Philosophie im Umriss,
Mind, vol. 12, no. 47 (July 1887), 476-7
Anon., ‘Notes’ [including announcement of JHS’s appointment as a Gifford lecturer],
Mind, vol. 13, no. 50 (April 1888), 318
Anon., ‘Stirling, James Hutchison’, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed. (New York:
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1911), vol. XXV, p. 924
Anon., [discussion of Burns in Drama], Glasgow Herald (10 June 1911?)
Anon., review of Stirling, James Hutchison Stirling, Times Literary Supplement, 25 January
1912, 34b
Anon., notice of Stirling, James Hutchison Stirling, Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and
Scientific Methods, vol. 13, no. 25 (7 December 1916), 700
Anon., ‘Stirling, James Hutchison’, in D. Patrick and W. Geddie, eds., Chambers’s
Encyclopaedia (London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1935), vol. IX, p.693-4
Ballie, J. B., review of A.H. Stirling, James Hutchison Stirling: His Life and Work Mind,
vol. 21, no. 84 ns (October 1912), 564-71
Baillie, J. B., review of A.H. Stirling, James Hutchison Stirling; His Life and Work,
Philosophical Review, vol. 22, no. 2 (March 1913), 215-9
Becelaere, E. L. van, review of F. P. Descoqs, Institutiones Metaphysicae Generalis,
Philosophical Review, vol. 36, no. 3 (May 1927), 265-70
Browning, D.C., ‘Stirling, James Hutchison’, in his Everyman’s Dictionary of Literary
Biography (London: Dent, 1958), pp.652-3
Emerson, W., testimonial for JHS’s candidature for the Glasgow chair, 1866, in Fish,
Howard M., jnr., ed., ‘Five Emerson Letters’, American Literature, vol. 27, no. 1
(March 1955), 30
Ferreira, Philip, ‘Stirling, James Hutchinson [sic], 1820-1909’, in W.J. Mander and
A.P.F. Sell, eds., Dictionary of Nineteenth Century British Philosophers, (Bristol: Thoemmes,
2002), vol. 2, pp.1078-82
Graham, Gordon, ‘The Decline of Common Sense and the Rise of Scottish
Idealism’, Rivista di Filosofia Neo-scolastica (2003), 37-52
Green, T.H., Testimonial for JHS’s application for the Edinburgh chair, 1868, in
Testimonials in Favour of James Hutchison Stirling (Edinburgh, 1865), pp.15-7; reprinted in
P.P. Nicholson, ed., Collected Works of T.H. Green. Volume 5 Additional Writings (Bristol:
Thoemmes, 1997), pp.454-5n
Haldane, Elizabeth Sanderson, ‘Stirling, James Hutchison (1820-1909)’, in S. Lee, ed.,
Dictionary of National Biography, supplement January 1901 - December 1911 (London: OUP,
1912), pp.420-1
Haldane, R. B., ‘The Logical Foundations of Mathematics’, Mind, vol. 18, no. 69 ns
(January 1909), 1-39
Haldane, R.B., ‘Preface’ in A.M. Stirling, James Hutchison Stirling: His life and work
(London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1912), pp.v-vi
Haldar, Hiralal, ‘Green and his Critics’, Philosophical Review, vol. 3, no. 2 (March 1894),
Haldar, Hiralal, Neo-Hegelianism (London: Heath Cranton, 1927), chapter 1
Hastings, James, news of JHS, Expository Times, vol. 2, no. 1 (October 1890September 1891), 3-4
Hook, Sidney, ‘The Contemporary Significance of Hegel’s Philosophy’, Philosophical
Review, vol. 41, no. 3 (May 1932), 237-60
Kemp Smith, N., ‘The Scots Philosophical Club’, Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1
(October 1950), 1-4
Lindsay, T. M., ‘Recent Hegelian Contributions to English Philosophy’, Mind, vol. 2,
no. 8 (October 1877), 476-93
Long, Eugene Thomas, ‘Lord Gifford and his Lectures: The First Year (1888-1889)’,
Studies in Scottish Literature, 23 (1988), 25-45 (see pp.39-44)
Mackenzie, J. S., review of W. Wallace, trans., The Logic of Hegel, and Prolegomena to the
Study of Hegel's Philosophy, and Especially of his Logic, Mind, vol. 3, no. 11 ns (July 1894),
Mackenzie, J. S., ‘The Hegelian Point of View’, Mind, vol. 11, no. 41 ns (January
1902), 54-71
Mackenzie, J. S., ‘The Infinite and the Perfect’, Mind, vol. 13, no. 51 ns (July 1904),
Mackenzie, J. S., ‘Edward Caird as a Philosophical Teacher’, Mind, vol. 18, no. 72 ns
(October 1909), 509-37
Mackintosh, R., Hegel and Hegelianism (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1913)
McCosh, ‘Kant and his Recent Commentators’, Presbyterian and Reformed Review, no. 3
Metz, Rudolf, Hundred Years of British Philosophy, trans. by J.W. Jessop et al (London:
George Allen and Unwin, 1938)
Muirhead, J.H., ‘How Hegel Came to England’, Mind, vol. 36, no. 144 ns (October
1927), 423-47
Muirhead, J. H., ‘How Hegel Came to America’, Philosophical Review, vol. 37, no. 3
(May 1928), 226-40
Robbins, Peter, The British Hegelians 1875-1925 (New York and London: Garland,
1982), chapter 4
Royce, Josiah, review of McTaggart, Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic, Philosophical Review,
vol. 6, no. 1 (January 1897), 69-76
Seth, Andrew, ‘The Term 'Naturalism' in Recent Discussion’, Philosophical Review, vol.
5, no. 6 (November 1896), 576-84
Seth, James, review of B. Bosanquet, Knowledge and Reality, Mind, vol. 11, no. 41
(January 1886), 94-7
Seth, James, ‘The Truth of Empiricism’, Philosophical Review, vol. 2, no. 5 (September
1893), 544-56
Seth, James, English Philosophers and Schools of Philosophy (London: Dent, 1911)
Sorley, William Ritchie, ‘Philosophers: Stirling’s The Secret of Hegel’, in A.W. Ward et al,
eds., Cambridge History of English and American Literature: Volume XIV. The Victorian Age,
Part Two (Cambridge: CUP, 1916), §31
Stirling, Amelia Hutchison, James Hutchison Stirling: His life and work (London: T.
Fisher Unwin, 1912)
Stirling, Amelia Hutchison, ‘Stirling's Relation to Hegel’, Mind, vol. 22, no. 85 ns
(January 1913), 158-60
Sweet, William, ‘General Introduction’, in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British
Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol:
Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.ix-xv
Walsh, W.H., ‘Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason: Commentators in English, 1875-1945’,
Journal of the History of Ideas, vol. 42, no. 4 (October-December 1981), 723-37
Watson, John, ‘The Method of Kant’, Mind, vol. 5, no. 20 (October 1880), 528-48
Watson, John, Kant and his English Critics (Glasgow: James Maclehose, 1881), chapters
William Wallace (1844-1897)
I. Works
(in chronological order)
The Logic of Hegel: Translated from the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences with
Prolegomena (Oxford: Clarendon, 1874: 2nd ed. 2 vols. 1892-4)
‘Anaxagoras’ (pp.1-2), ‘Anaximander’ (pp.2-3), ‘Anaximenses [of Miletus]’ (p.3), and
‘Arabian Philosophy’ (pp.265-70), in Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. ii, ninth ed.
(Edinburgh: A and C Black, 1875)
‘Averroes’ (pp.149-52), and ‘Avincena’ (pp.152-5), in Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. iii,
ninth ed. (Edinburgh: A and C Black, 1875)
Review of F. Ueberweg, History of Philosophy from Thales to the Present Times, Academy, vol.
6 (1875), 434-6
Review of R. Flint, Philosophy of History in France and Germany, Academy, vol. 6 (1875),
Review of R. Jardine, The Elements of the Psychology of Cognition, Academy, vol. 9 (1876),
Review of T.P. Kirkman, Philosophy without Assumptions, Academy, vol. 9 (1876), 412
Review of Fr. Dieterici, Die Philosophie der Araber im x. Jahrhundert, Academy, vol. 10
(1876), 568
‘Descartes’ (pp.115-128), in Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. vii, ninth ed. (Edinburgh: A
and C Black, 1877)
Review of C. Gibbon, The Life of George Combe, Academy, vol. 14 (1878), 144-5
Review of S.H. Hodgson, The Philosophy of Reflection, Academy, vol. 14 (1878), 245-6
Epicurus: A lecture delivered by Professor W. Wallace for the Ethical Society, Essex Hall, Essex
Street, Strand [London], (London, n.d.), 28pp.
‘Empedocles’ (pp.178-9), ‘Epictetus’ (pp.471-2), and ‘Epicurus’ (pp.472-6), in
Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. viii, ninth ed. (Edinburgh: A and C Black, 1879)
Review of G. Allen, The Colour Sense: Its origin and development, Academy, vol. 15 (1879),
Review of A.J. Balfour, A Defence of Philosophic Doubt, and T.M. Herbart, The Realistic
Assumptions of Modern Science Examined, Academy, vol. 16 (1879), 249-50
‘Hegel’ (pp.616-21), in Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. xi, ninth ed. (Edinburgh: A and C
Black, 1880)
Epicureanism (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1880)
Kant (Edinburgh and London: 1882)
Review of Joseph B. Major, Sketch of Ancient Philosophy from Thales to Cicero, Mind, Vol.
7, No. 26 os (April 1882), 286-8
‘Obituary: T.H. Green’, Academy (1 April 1882); reprinted in Journal of Speculative
Philosophy, vol. 16, no. 3 (July 1882), 331-4
‘Ethics and Sociology’, Mind, vol. 8, no. 30 os (April 1883), 222-250
Review of H. Vaihinger, Commentar zu Kants Kritik der Reinen Vernunft, Mind, Vol. 8,
No. 31 os (July 1883), 440-6
‘Arthur Schopenhauer’ (pp.448-58), in Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. xxi, ninth ed.
(Edinburgh: A and C Black, 1886)
Review of Henry Sidgwick, Outlines of the History of Ethics, Mind, vol. 11, no. 44
(October 1886), 570-7
‘The Pedigree of Natural Rights’, Time, vol. 7 n.s. (1888), 167-81
Review of Hugh Taylor, Morality of Nations, Mind, Vol. 13, No. 51 os (July 1888), 42531
Review of Friedrich Paulsen, System der Ethik, mit einem Umriss der Staats- und
Gesellschaftslehre, Mind, Vol. 14, No. 55 os (July 1889), 440-7
Life of Arthur Schopenhauer (London: Walter Scott, 1890)
Review of Edward Caird, Critical Philosophy of Kant, Academy, vol. 37 (29 March 1890),
Review of Eduard Dillmann, Eine neue Darstellung der Leibnizischen Monadenlehre, auf
Grund der Quellen, Mind, vol. 2, no. 6 ns (April 1893), 224-34
Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind: Translated with Five Introductory Essays (Oxford: Clarendon,
Review of R. Reicke, Lose Blätte aus Kants Nachlass, Academy, Mind 4 ns (1895), 414
‘Mr Balfour’s “Foundations of Belief” ’, Fortnightly Review, vol. 63, no. cccxl ns (1
April 1895), 540-50; reprinted in Lectures and Essays (below), pp. 73-92
Review of John M. E. McTaggart, Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic, Mind, Vol. 5, No. 20
ns (October 1896), 539-54; reprinted in Lectures and Essays (below), pp. 542-66
Review of Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None,
International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 7, No. 3 (April 1897), 360-9; reprinted in Lectures and
Essays (below), pp. 530-41
Review of William Caldwell, Schopenhauer's System in its Philosophical Significance,
International Journal of Ethics, Vol. 7, No. 3 (April 1897), 388-91
Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, ed. by E. Caird (Oxford: Clarendon,
II. Reviews and Obituaries
(in chronological order)
Anon., notice of Wallace’s first edition of Hegel’s Logic, Journal of Speculative Philosophy,
vol. VIII, no. 2 (April 1874), 191
E. Caird, review of Hegel’s Logic, Academy, vol. 5 (10 January 1874), 38-9
Amos, Sheldon, notice of Logic of Hegel, Westminster Review, vol. 46, no. 1 ns (July 1874),
Temple, J.H., review ‘The Introduction to Hegel’s Logic’, Unitarian Review, vol. 4
(1875), 133-40
Mark Pattison, Philosophy at Oxford, Mind, vol. 1 (1876), 82-97 (at 96-7)
Anon., notice of Epicureanism, Mind, vol. 6, no. 21 os (January 1881), 145-6
Wallace, Edwin, review of Epicureanism, Westminster Review, vol. 59, no. 2 (April 1881),
Anon., review of Epicureanism, British Quarterly Review, vol. 73 (January 1882), 258
Anon., review of Epicureanism, Revue philosophique, 6th year, no. 7 (188_)
Anon., review of Epicureanism, Philosophische Monatshefte, Bd. 17, Heft [No.] 7,8 (188_)
Anon., review of Kant, Mind, vol. 7, no. 27 os (July 1882), 448
Wallace, Edwin, review of Kant, Westminster Review, vol. 62, no. 1 (July 1882), 222-3
Anon., review of Kant, British Quarterly Review, vol. 76 (July 1882), 258
Sidgwick, H., ‘On the Fundamental Doctrines of Descartes’, Mind, vol. 7, no. 27 ns
(July 1882), 435-40
Tulloch, John, review of Kant [and seven other works], Edinburgh Review, vol. 157, no.
321 (January 1883), 1-45
Sidgwick, H., ‘A Criticism of the Critical Philosophy’, Mind, vol. 8, no. 29 (January
1883), 69-91 and 313-37
Asher, David, ‘The Biography of Schopenhauer’ [critical letter to editor], Athenaeum,
(29 November 1890)
Anon., ‘Schopenhauer’ [inc. review of Wallace’s Life of Schopenhauer], Saturday Review
(10 January 1891)
Anon., notice of Life of Schopenhauer, Mind, vol. 16, no. 61 os (January 1891), 141
Knight, William, review of Life of Schopenhauer, Critical Review of Theological and
Philosophical Literature, vol. 1 (1891), 315-20
Anon., review of Life of Schopenhauer, Athenaeum, no. 3301 (31 January 1891)
Mann, James Saumarez, review of Life of Schopenhauer, Academy, vol. 39, no. 979 (7
February 1891), 133-4
Anon., notice of Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind, The Times (22 March 1894), 8b
Mackenzie, J.S., review of The Logic of Hegel and Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's
Philosophy, and Especially of his Logic, Mind, vol. 3, no. 11 ns (July 1894), 395-404
Benn, Alfred W., review of Hegel’s Philosophy of Mind and three other works (not by
Wallace), Academy, vol. 46, no. 1158 (14 July 1891), 32-3
Mackenzie, J.S., review of Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, Mind, vol. 4, no. 13 ns (January
1895), 103-9
Creighton, J.E., review of The Logic of Hegel and Prolegomena to the Study of Hegel's
Philosophy and especially of his Logic, Philosophical Review, Vol. 4, No. 2. (March 1895), 187191; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B.
Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004),
E. B. T. [Edward Bradford Titchener?], review of Hegel's Philosophy of Mind: Translated
from the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences. With five Introductory Essays, Philosophical
Review, Vol. 4, No. 2 (March 1895), 196-200; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses
to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace
(Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.228-232
McTaggart, J. Ellis, review of Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, International Journal of Ethics,
Vol. 5, No. 3 (April 1895), 393-95; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British
Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol:
Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.233-235
Seth [Pringle-Pattison], Andrew, ‘The Term “Naturalism” in Recent Discussion’,
Philosophical Review, vol. v, no. 30 (November 1896), 576-84
Bosanquet, Bernard, ‘The Late Professor Wallace [Obituary],’ Mind, New Series, Vol.
6, No. 22 (April 1897), 287-8
Fairbrother, W.H., “The Late Professor Wallace [Obituary],” International Journal of
Ethics, Vol. 7, No. 4 (July 1897), 504-506
Anon., obituary, Philosophical Review, Vol. 6, No. 3 (May 1897), 334-6
Muirhead, J.H., ‘Professor William Wallace’, Fortnightly Review, vol. LXI ns, (1 May
1897), 687-96; reprinted in J.H. Muirhead, Philosophy and Life and other essays (London:
Swan Sonnenschein, 1902), pp.20-36
Bruce, A.B., review of Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, Critical Review of
Theological and Philosophical Literature, vol. 9 (1899), 137-41
Rashdall, H., review of Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, Mind, New
Series, Vol. 8, No. 31 (July 1899), 406-10
Jones, E.E.C., review of Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics, International
Journal of Ethics, Vol. 10, No. 1 (October 1899), 98-103.
McGilvary, E.B., review of Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics,
Philosophical Review, Vol. 9, No. 2 (March 1900), 188-93; reprinted in C. Tyler, ed.
Early Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and
W. Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.236-242
Bosanquet, Bernard, ‘Systematic Philosophy in the United Kingdom in 1898
[includes review of Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology and Ethics]’, Archiv fur
systematische Philosophie, Bd. 5, Heft 4
III. Other discussions
Allard, James, ‘Idealism in Britain and the United States’, in Thomas Baldwin, ed.,
Cambridge History of Philosophy, 1870-1945 (Cambridge: CUP, 2003), pp.43-59
Anon., report of Wallace’s election as Whyte’s Professor of Moral Philosophy, The
Times (9 October 1882), 4f
Anon., ‘Wallace, William’, in D. Patrick and W. Geddie, eds., Chambers’s Encyclopaedia
(London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1935), p.490
Caird, Edward, ‘Wallace, William (1844-1897)’, in L. Stephen and S. Lee, eds.,
Dictionary of National Biography, (London: OUP, 1899), p.573
[Caird, Edward?], ‘Wallace, William’, in D. Patrick and W. Geddie, eds., Chambers’s
Encyclopaedia (London & Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1935), vol. X, p.490
Frederick Copleston, History of Philosophy: Volume VIII Bentham to Russell (London:
Search, 1966), chapter VII
Haldar, Hiralal, Neo-Hegelianism (London: Heath Cranton, 1927), chapter V
Lindsay, A.D., ‘T.H. Green and the Idealists’, in F.J.C. Hearnshaw, Social and Political
Ideas of Some Great Thinkers of the Victorian Age (London: George C. Harrap, 1931),
Mackenzie, J. S., ‘Edward Caird as a Philosophical Teacher’, Mind, vol. 18, no. 72 ns
(1909), 509–37
Mackintosh, R., Hegel and Hegelianism (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1913)
Metz, Rudolf, One Hundred Years of British Philosophy, trans. J.W. Harvey et al (London:
George Allen and Unwin, 1938)
Passmore, John, Hundred Years of Philosophy (London: Duckworth, 1957; 2nd ed. 1966)
Robbins, Peter, The British Hegelians 18750-1925 (New York & London: Garland,
Sorley, William Ritchie, ‘Philosophers: William Wallace’, in A.W. Ward et al, eds.,
Cambridge History of English and American Literature: Volume XIV. The Victorian Age, Part
Two (Cambridge: CUP, 1916), §34
Sweet, William, ‘Wallace, William (1843-97)’, in William J. Mander and Alan P.F. Sell,
gen. eds., Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Philosophers, 2 vols. (Bristol: Thoemmes,
2002), pp. 1160-3
Sweet, William, ‘General Introduction’, in C. Tyler, ed. Early Responses to British
Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W. Wallace (Bristol:
Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.ix-xv
Tyler, Colin, ‘Introduction: William Wallace (1844-1897)’, in C. Tyler, ed. Early
Responses to British Idealism: Volume 1 Responses to B. Jowett, T.H. Green, E. Caird and W.
Wallace (Bristol: Thoemmes Continuum, 2004), pp.221-222