Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University
Department of General Hygiene with Ecology
Study Guidelines for practical classes and self-educational work for the III rd year students
Faculty of General Medicine (English medium)
Specialities: 7.110101 – “Medical occupational”
Module 2 “Special questions of hygiene”
Substantial module № 9 “Tropical hygiene”
Lviv 2013
The study guidelines for practical classes and self-educational work for the III rd year students Faculty of General Medicine (English medium) Module 2 “Special questions of hygiene”, Substantial module № 9 “Tropical hygiene”
Compiled by: the Head of the Department of General Hygiene with Ecology,
Professor V. I. Fedorenko, M.D., Dr. Med. Sci.,
Mudra I.H. MD, PhD,
Kitsula L.M. MD, PhD,
Moskvyak N.V. PhD, аssistant prof. Yamka Y.M., аssistant prof. Skaletska N.M.,
Translation: Kozak L.P. MD, PhD, аssistant prof. Kutovij S.I.
Reviewed by:
Professor O. P. Kornijchuk, M.D., Dr. Med. Sci., the Head of the Department of
Microbiology, Immunology and Virology, Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National
Medical University
Plastunov B.A. MD, PhD, Department of Hygiene and Prophylactic Toxicology,
Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University
The study guidelines were approved and recommended for publishing at the meeting of the Department of General Hygiene with Ecology (Protocol №2 as of 19 th of April, 2013) and at the cycle methodical commission on hygienic disciplines
(Protocol №2 as of 19 th of April, 2013).
The responsible for the publication prof. M. R. Gszegotskiy, Vice Rector for academic work.
The study guidelines on the hygiene and ecology for the students of medical faculty are based on the curriculum developed on the principles of European creditmodule transfer system (ECTS) and are intended to assist students in the preparation and implementation of practical classes and independent work.
Methodological recommendations for practical classes include: actuality of topic; learning objectives of classes; basic knowledge and skills; content of topics; basic and additional literature for self-education; exercises for independent work (control questions, control tests, control tasks), educational practical tasks, materials control of the level of practical skills and skills.
In the classroom students are drawn records of practical work. Protocol should be signed at the end of class by a teacher.
The estimation mastering of separate topics (introduct, current and final control) is performed on each practical class in the form of oral and written questioning in accordance with concrete aims.
The study guidelines for independent work include: actuality of topic; basic knowledge and skills; content of topic; basic and additional literature for self-education; materials for self-control and self-education of students. Consultations for students are carried out by teacher. Independent work is done by student in written answers to test questions, the solution of case problems and tests provided for in the subject line along with the audience work and evaluated during the current control of topics (in the form of theoretical control, situational tasks, tests and practical skills the corresponding class). Mastering topics that are only independent work, are controlled at the time of the final module control. A teacher notes in the academic journal execution of independent work.
The Table of Contents
Module 2 “Special questions of hygiene”
Substantial module № 9 “Tropical hygiene”
Practical classes
1 Topic 1. Hygienic, toxicological and epidemiological peculiarities of nutrition in tropical regions. Methods of medical control over tropical regions population nutrition
2 Topic 2. Organization and carrying out sanitary inspection of water supply in arid and humid tropical areas. Organization and carrying out investigation of water supply sources in tropical climate conditions
3 Topic 3. Organization and carrying out of sanitary inspection water purification, disinfection and special water conditioning methods in tropical climate conditions
4 Topic 4: Organization and working regimen peculiarities in tropical arid and humid climate
Self-educational work
5 Topic 5: Hygienic assessment of tropic climate influence of living conditions, work capacity and population health
Control questions and practical tasks for Module 2 “Special questions of hygiene”, Substantial module № 9 “Tropical hygiene”
Topic 1. Hygienic, toxicological and epidemiological peculiarities of nutrition in tropical regions. Methods of medical control over tropical regions population nutrition
Rational nutrition, along with other conditions of the social environment provides the optimal development of the human organism, its physical and mental endurance and wide adaptive capabilities. Failure to comply with sanitary regulations and guidelines in the process of food production, storage and transportation, and cooking can cause contamination of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, helminths eggs) and harmful chemical additives.
Important for the prevention of nutritional diseases in developed countries tropical region have constant medical monitoring methods for the usefulness and safety of food as individuals and organized groups (assessment of nutritional status, energy expenditure, sufficieny of energy and essential nutrients in the organism).
Learning Objectives:
To know hygienic, epidemiological and epidemic problems of nutrition in tropical regions; nutritional diseases specific to regions with hot and tropical climate.
Master the basic principles of good nutrition and how to implement them in a tropical climate, methods and means of disease prevention separate contingents of the population in the tropics.
To be able to carry out medical control of the sufficiency and safety of food.
Basic knowledge and skills
Know and be able to justify the importance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in human nutrition, daily needs, principles of nutrition, alimentary diseases, their prevention
(normal physiology, biochemistry, hygiene and ecology).
Know the classification of food poisoning basic principles of prevention (normal physiology, biochemistry, hygiene and ecology).
To be able to identify the individual energy expenditure and needs in the basic nutrients (normal physiology, biochemistry, hygiene and ecology).
To be able to evaluate the usefulness of food on the menu layout, nutritional status of the organism; give expert conclusions about the quality of basic foodstuffs (hygiene and ecology).
Content of topic
Hygienic, toxicological and epidemiological peculiarities of nutrition in tropical regions. Peculiarities of nutrition of different age and sex population groups in tropical regions. Basics and conditions of rational nutrition and ways of its realization in tropical climate. Sanitary inspection of food products and ready meals, its usage in tropical region counties. Food poisonings classification and their peculiarities in hot and tropical regions.
Alimentary diseases and foodborne infections typical for hot and tropical regions. Methods of medical control over tropical regions population nutrition.
P r i n c i p a l :
Hygiene and Ecology. Textbook. / Edited by VG Bardov. - Vinnytsa: Nova
Knyha, 2006. - P. 654 - 660.
Hygiene and ecology / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy, Michael P. Vorontsov, Alisa
A. Musulbas. – Kharkov: Kontrast Publishing Enterprise, 2006. – P. 110-115,
Lecture materials.
A d d i t i o n a l :
Общая гигиена. Пропедевтика гигиены. // Учебник для иностранных студентов. / Е.И. Гончарук, Ю.И. Кундиев, В.Г. Бардов и др. – К.: Вища школа,
2000. – С. 512-532.
В.І. Смоляр. Типологія харчування // Проблеми харчування. – 2006. - № 1(10).
– С.24 – 30.
В.І. Смоляр. Геномно-протеомна парадигма в нутриціології // Проблеми харчування. – 2006. - № 2(11). – С.10 – 17.
Tasks for independent work of students
Control questions
1. Rational nutrition and conditions of its provision in tropical regions.
2. Hygienic characteristics of food products, used by population of arid and humid tropical regions.
3. Organism energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate requirements and their quantity and balance peculiarities in tropical climate.
4. Hot climate influence on food and some its components assimilation. Metabolism and nutrition pattern peculiarities in tropical regions.
5. General characteristic of alimentary diseases of tropical regions population and their prevention.
6. Malnutrition and complete starvation diseases (protein and energy insufficiency) among tropical regions population.
7. Vitamin deficiency diseases (hypo- and avitaminosis) among tropical regions population and their prevention.
8. Diseases caused by poor quality of food intake (foodborne diseases, helminthosis, food poisonings).
9. Methods and measures of prevention of the foodborne diseases, infections and invasions with alimentary transmission mechanisms, food poisonings.
10.Methods of medical control over tropical regions population nutrition.
11.Calculation methods of the population nutrition assessment. Alimentary calorimetry method.
Control tests.
The diet of the inhabitants of the Eastern Mediterranean are dominated by food: a) fruits and vegetables, b) milk c) potatoes d) meat, fish, e) bread.
The diet of the inhabitants of South America are dominated by food: a) fruit b) milk c) Fruit d) fish e) bread.
The diet of the inhabitants of Africa are dominated by food: a) fruits and vegetables, b) milk c) potatoes d) meat, fish, e) bread.
The main crops of South America are: a) wheat b) rice c) sorghum d) corn.
The main crops inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries: a) corn b) rice c) sorghum d) wheat.
The main source of energy for the people of Africa are: a) bananas b) corn c) rice d) sweet potatoes, d) kasava.
The main source of protein for the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries: a) fish b) milk c) meat d) peas, e) peanuts.
The main source of energy for the inhabitants of the Mediterranean countries: a) fig b) dates, c) rice d) sweet potatoes, d) fats.
The main source of energy for the inhabitants of South America are: a) corn b) wheat c) sorghum d) corn.
The main source of protein for the people of South America are: a) fish b) pulses, c) meat d) peas, e) peanuts.
The main source of protein for the people of Africa (Congo): a) fish b) pulses, c) meat d) peas, e) dried beans.
Xerophthalmia, night blindness arising from the failure: a) vitamin D, b) magnesium c) zinc d) iron e) vitamin A.
In developed countries, the tropical region methods for medical monitoring of the usefulness and safety items include: a) methods for assessing nutritional status of the population studied contingent b) measurements of energy consumption, c) methods of assessing body energy and essential nutrients diet d) calculation methods, e) laboratory techniques.
14. The calculation methods of evaluation and correction of nutrition research conducted within ... days:а) 5; б) 10; в) 15; г) 20; д) 25.
The main source of protein for the people of Africa (Congo): a) fish b) peas, c) meat d), dried beans.
Control tasks:
Determine, of which alimentary diseases are the following symptoms? During examination of oil-workers from Middle East (the Arabian peninsula) the following was found: polydypsia, increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, increased skin capillaries penetration, hyperkeratonic dermatosis, dry skin with fissures, seborrheic eczema, immunity decrease, hair loss.
The preparatory stage of employment (15%)
Controlling the level of knowledge on
(Test questions, test tests, test problems)
Teaching practical tasks
(Main stage of employment 70%)
Solve the situational tasks:
Task 1 . Man (height 175 cm) works in the rice fields. During 15 days period, the person lost 2.0 kg of body weight. Ideal theoretical body mass equals 75 kg. Man performs medium intensity work and receives intake, worth 2600 kcal. Taking into account that every 1 kg of body weight loss during 15 days equals 4 100 kcal shortage for adults.
Calculate how many calories the intake should be increased by to compensate his body weight loss
Task 2.
Adult person has excessive body mass of 13 kg, and in order to decrease it to ideal theoretical body mass he gets limited ration of l 100 kcal instead of necessary 2400 kcal per day. (Losing every 1 kg of body weight during 15 days corresponds ration failure of total 4100 kcal). How long can this intake be used without pathological changes in the organism?
Task 3.
Man performs medium intensity work and receives intake, worth 2800 kcal, during 15 days. During this period, the person lost 1.5 kg of body weight. (Losing every
1 kg of body weight during 15 days corresponds ration failure of total 4100 kcal).
What should be the daily diet in conditions of adequate (rational) nutrition?
How can the daily intake be optimized?
Materials control of level learning practical skills and skills
(Final stage of employment - 15%)
1. Write indices of protein food (%) corresponding to levels of protein supply ׃
Girl (20-year old)
Adolescent (15-year old)
Child (10-year old)
Man (27-year old)
Woman (48-year old)
Protein nutrition index, % Level of protein nutrition
Topic 2. Organization and carrying out sanitary inspection of water supply in arid and humid tropical areas. Organization and carrying out investigation of water supply sources in tropical climate conditions
Drinking-household water demands in tropical climate are significantly higher.
Participation of water in the heat balance of the organism is crucial, because water evaporation is one of the basic mechanisms of the heat balance, water and mineral balance support in such conditions. But too much evaporation with sweat and through lungs can lead to dehydration of organism. Arid tropics water resources are characterized by high mineralization due to intensive evaporation of water. On the contrary, in humid tropics, water resources are little mineralized. Investigation of water supply sources in the tropics has a great importance due to the high level of water infections and their elemental composition imbalance.
Learning Objectives:
The hygienic, epidemiological and endemic water significance in tropic conditions. Norms of physiological, residential, industrial water requirements and their peculiarities in tropical regions.
To examine water supply sources, select water samples for laboratory analysis taking into account tropic conditions. (sample preserving). To assess the water laboratory analysis results according to International water quality standards.
Master the medical control methods of hot and tropical regions water supply and prevention of waterborne diseases.
Basic knowledge and skills
Know physical and chemical water properties, kinds of hardness and method of its determination (inorganic chemistry, general hygiene). Know physiological functions of water (structural, exchanging, transporting, excretory, heat exchanging etc.) (normal physiology, general hygiene). Know hygienic requirements to water quality of centralized and decentarlized water supply (general hygiene).
Content of topic
Hygienic characteristic of water recourses and water supply sources in arid and humid tropical areas. Sanitary examination methods of water supply sources, water sampling for laboratory analysis and their results assessment. Organoleptic and chemical characteristics of water, their hygienic significance and peculiarities in tropical regions water. Organoleptic, chemical, bacteriological, toxicological water pollution indices, their peculiarities in tropical conditions. Scientific substantiations of norms of physiological, residential, industrial water requirements and their peculiarities in tropical regions. European recommendations water quality WHO and International water quality standards. Peculiarities of their usage in tropical conditions. Peculiarities of hygienic control of fluorine in drinking water, depending on climate zone. Human body dehydration and "salt hunger" of the organism in tropical climate, its signs, symptoms and prevention. Epidemic and endemic waterborne diseases of arid and humid tropic regions.
P r i n c i p a l :
Hygiene and Ecology. Textbook. / Edited by V.G. Bardov. - Vinnytsa: Nova
Knyha, 2006. - P. 647 - 653.
Hygiene and ecology / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy, Michael P. Vorontsov, Alisa A.
Musulbas. – Kharkov: Kontrast Publishing Enterprise, 2006. – P. 67-75, 76-82.
Lecture materials.
A d d i t i o n a l :
Даценко І.І., Габович Р.Д. Основи загальної і тропічної гігієни. - К.: Здоров'я,
1995. – С. 176 - 230.
Tasks for independent work of students
Control questions
Hygienic characteristic of water recourses and water supply sources in arid and humid tropical areas.
Sanitary examination methods of water supply sources, water sampling for laboratory analysis and their results assessment.
Organoleptic, chemical, bacteriological, toxicological water pollution indices, their peculiarities in tropical conditions.
Hygienic requirements to water quality and their peculiarities in tropical conditions.
Peculiarities of hygienic control of fluorine in drinking water, depending on climate zone.
European recommendations water quality WHO and International water quality standards, their peculiarities in tropical conditions.
Human body dehydration and "salt hunger" of the organism in tropical climate, its signs, symptoms and prevention. Human body dehydration in tropical climate, its signs, symptoms and prevention.
Epidemic and endemic waterborne diseases of arid and humid tropic regions.
Control tests
Physiological water demands in tropical conditions are (l): а) 0.5-1; b) 2-2,5; c) 3-4,5; d) 5-12; e) 12,5-14;
Water supply norms must reach …..l per day: а) 50-100 l/day; b) 150-200 l/day; c) 150-500 l/day;
How many % of water loss from the body weight causes the first signs of organism dehydration ? а) 2 – 3 %; b) 4 – 5 %; c) 6 – 10 %; d) 11 – 13 %; e) 15 – 20 %;
Incompatible with life dehydration appears of water loss from the body weight more than …%:
а) 5 %; b) 10 %; c) 15 %; d) 20 %; e) 25%;
Limited permissible concentration (LPC) of harmful substances in IWS – 73 is counted for the consumption of … liters per day? а) 1 liters ; b) 2 liters; c) 3 liters; d) 4 liters; e) 5 liters;
What's the lowest amount of fluoride (mg /l) in drinking water can cause fluorosis а) 0,2; b) 0,3; c) 1,0; d) 0,15; e) 1,5;
What kinds of helminth invasion are spread by water? а) drancunculosis; b) lambliasis; c) ankylostomidiasis; d) angiostrongylidosis; e) fascioliasis.
Which diseases can cause consumption of drinking water with high content of fluorine: а) fluorosis; b) Alzheimer's disease; c) Keshana disease; d) dental caries.
Control task:
During examination of people living in arid tropic region the following symptoms was found: dark yellow teeth pigmentation, diffuse osteoporosis of bone apparatus, ossification of cartilarges, ossification of joints, functional disorders of the CNS.
1. What does this condition cause?
2. What preventive measures of water quality improvement do you suggest?
The preparatory stage of employment (15%)
Controlling the level of knowledge on
(Control questions, control tests, control tasks)
Teaching practical tasks
(Main stage of employment 70%)
Solve the situational tasks:
Task 1 . The results of the laboratory analysis of water sample from water-pump of the river water-tower in humid tropical areas are the following: transparency – 15 cm; colour – 35º; taste – “fish” 3 points; odour – “fish” 3 points; general hardness – 1,5 mgequiv/l; iron – 1,2 mg/l; fluorine-ion – 0,5 mg/l; copper – 0,08 mg/l; manganese – 0,1 mg/l; oxidizing ability – 5 mgО
/l; ammonia nitrogen – 0,35 mg/l; nitrite nitrogen –
0,03 mg/l; nitrate nitrogen – 25 mg/l; microbial number – 210 in 1 ml; coli-index – 6; coli-titer – 167. The average water consumption by population of this locality is 6 liters per day. Decide if the water is suitable for drinking.
Task 2.
The results of the laboratory analysis of water sample from water-pump of the river water-tower in arid tropical areas are the following: transparency – 10 cm; colour –
40º; taste – 3 points; odour – 3 points; general hardness – 3,5 mg-equiv/l; iron – 1,5 mg/l; chlorides – 800 mg/l; fluorine-ion – 3,2 mg/l; copper – 0,1 mg/l; manganese –
0,09 mg/l; oxidizing ability – 7 mgО
/l; ammonia nitrogen – 0,4 mg/l; nitrite nitrogen –
0,09 mg/l; nitrate nitrogen– 45 mg/l; microbial number – 310 in 1 ml; coli-index – 8; coli-titer – 200. The average water consumption by population of this locality is 6 liters per day. Decide if the water is suitable for drinking.
Materials control of level learning practical skills and skills
(Final stage of employment - 15%)
1. Which waterborne infectious diseases are characterized arid and humid tropic regions?
2. Assess the water quality of tropic regions if the average water consumption by population of this locality is 6 liters per day. Indicate which diseases can cause drinking water consumption.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
General hardness
10 15 5 5 20 25 5 10 5 3 30 15 7 4 35
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Fluorides 0,15 1,6 0,9 0,8 1,2 1,0 0,3 2,2 2,1 1,4 3,5 0,1 4,1 2,0 0,5
Topic № 3. Organization and carrying out of sanitary inspection water purification, disinfection and special water conditioning methods in tropical climate conditions
Application of various methods to improve drinking water quality can maximize the water resources of the area and provide the population with water in hot climates.
Sewage disposal plants perform one of the most important and most critical tasks: water purification from natural sources to give them qualities that correspond to hygienic standards.
Learning Objectives:
Know general and special methods of water purification that is most effective in the tropics
Know characteristics of the basic chlorine-containing compounds used for disinfecting individual water reserves.
Be able to conduct individual disinfection of water supplies in hot climate
Basic knowledge and skills
Know methods of water quality improvement (general hygiene). Know chlorine compounds produced and chemical properties of chlorine (inorganic chemistry). Know hygienic significance of chlorine, hygienic requirements, rules for storage. To be able to examine the content of active chlorine in chloride lime (general hygiene).
Content of topic
Classification of water purification methods for centralized water supply system in hot climates. Water filtration, types of filters. Special methods of water quality improvement – deodoration, deferrization, desalination, defluorination. Hygienic characteristics of the reagent and reagentless methods of water disinfection in the tropics. Chemical methods of disinfection of individual water supplies in a tropical climate. Methods of preserving water in hot climates.
P r i n c i p a l :
Hygiene and Ecology. Textbook. / Edited by VG Bardov. - Vinnytsa: Nova
Knyha, 2006. - P. 647 - 653.
Hygiene and ecology / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy, Michael P. Vorontsov,
Alisa A. Musulbas. – Kharkov: Kontrast Publishing Enterprise, 2006. – P. 76-
Lecture materials.
A d d i t i o n a l :
Основи загальної і тропічної гігієни. /Підручник/ І.І. Даценко, Р.Д.
Габович. – Київ, Здоров’я, 1993. – с. 315-407.
Tasks for independent work of students
Control questions:
Methods of water purification for water supply system in a tropical climate.
Water filtration, types of filters.
Special methods of water quality improvement – deodoration, deferrization, desalination, defluorination in a tropical climate.
Hygienic characteristic of methods and means of purification, disinfection and special water conditioning methods in tropical conditions. Hygienic characteristic of chemical and physical methods of water disinfection.
Chemical methods of water disinfection in a tropical climate.
Water sample preservation methods in hot climate conditions.
Control tests:
1. For water coagulation are in common use: а) activated aluminium sulfate; b) ammonium sulfate; c) activated silicic acid; d) polyacrylamide; e) polyphosphates; f) iron chloride; g) calcium hypochloride; h) manganese sulfate.
2. Methods of water disinfection divided into: а) physical; b) chemical; c) biological; d) mechanical; e) epidemiological; f) microbiological.
3. The reagent water disinfection methods are: а) boiling; b) ultraviolet rays irradiation; c) ozone treatment; d) chlorination e) disinfection of silver ions; f) iodine treatment; g) action of high frequency currents; h) coagulation; i) filtration.
4. The simplest and most effective disinfection method of individual water supplies in tropical climate is: а) boiling; b) ultraviolet rays irradiation; c) ozone treatment; d) хлорування; e) disinfection of silver ions; f) iodine treatment; g) action of high frequency currents; h) coagulation; i) filtration.
5. In hot climates water conserve by …. for 15 days: а) 20 mg/l of active chlorine; b) 3 % of iodine solution; c) 50 mg/l of active chlorine; d) sodium hyposulfite;
6. For disinfection of individual water supplies in a tropical climate using tablets: а) “Halazone” with chloramines; b) “Chlor-dechlor”; c) “Aquacide”; d)
“Aquaseptol”; e) “Potable Aqua”; f) Biseptol.
7. Duration water disinfection by ozone in the mixing chamber is, min:
а) 1-2; b) 2-4; c) 4-6; d) 6-8; e) 8-10.
8. The content of residual ozone (mg/dm 3 ) in water should be: а) 0,1-0,3; b) 0,3-0,5; c) 0,5-0,7; d) 0,7-0,10.
9. Duration water disinfection by chlorination with pre-ammonization not be less, hours: а) 1; b) 2; c) 3; d) 4; e) 5.
10. What substances can be formed in water with a high content of humic substances at water disinfection by chlorination? а) phenols; b) trihalogenomethane; c) benzol; d) toluene; e) hydrocarbons methane series.
11. What substances can be formed in water at water disinfection by ozonation? а) ketones; b) chlorophenols; c) formaldehyde; d) toluene; e) oxygen.
Control task:
For water disinfection in a tropical climate 100 mg/l of active chlorine was added to water. After 10 min exposition chlorine residual concentration was 10 ml/l
(acceptable chlorine residual concentration – 0,5 ml/l). Calculate chlorine demand of water.
50 mg/l of active chlorine was added to water for water disinfection in water supply system, which located in the subtropical climate zone. After 1 hour exposition chlorine residual concentration was 0,2 ml/l (acceptable chlorine residual concentration – 0,5 ml/l). Calculate chlorine demand of water.
The preparatory stage of employment (15%)
Controlling the level of knowledge on
(Control questions, control tests, control tasks)
Teaching practical tasks
(Main stage of employment 70%)
Compare of water disinfection methods: chlorination, ozonation, ultraviolet irradiation, silver ions.
Determine the coagulant dose necessary for water coagulation in the tropics.
Solve the situational task:
The results of the laboratory analysis of water sample from a water-pump are the following: iron – 0.1 mg/l, nitrate nitrogen – 8 mg/l, fluorine – 2.4 mg/l, general hardness – 4.0 mmol/l.
1. Give hygienic substantiation of required special water conditioning method.
2. What pathology in human organism may cause long-term consumption of such drinking water?
Materials control of level learning practical skills and skills
(Final stage of employment - 15%)
Samples of drinking water from surface water sources, which is located in a humid tropical climate. Give hygienic substantiation of improving water methods.
Varient 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 3 2 1 2 3 1 2
20 25 20 25 10 25 10 25 20 25
General hardness 2 3
30 35
300 150 220 200 250 300 200 150 220
0,3 0,2 0,3 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,3 0,4 0,4
Microbial number 120 150 200 150 120 150 100 120 150 200
Topic № 4: Organization and working regimen peculiarities in tropical arid and humid climate
Prevention of pathological conditions arising during the impact of tropical climate factors in the performance of human professional tasks and responsibilities based on the hygienic evaluation of climatic and weather conditions of arid and humid tropical and hot climate and health predicting their impact on the human body.
Learning objective
Master hygienic peculiarities of working and living conditions of population in tropic and hot climate.
Master the method of assessment of heat exchange and organism thermoregulation of the body in tropic and hot climate.
Know types of population pathology in tropic and hot climate conditions.
Main types of pathology which are common for tropic and hot climate.
Determine parameters of the microclimate and its impact on the organism.
Know hygienic peculiarities of climatic and weather conditions of arid and humid tropical and hot climate and its influence on work capacity.
Master the method of assessment of heat exchange and organism thermoregulation of the body under performing physical work in tropic and hot climate.
To be able to work out preventive measures of pathology associated with exposure to unfavorable arid and humid hot tropical climates when performing physical work.
Basic knowledge and skills
Know the ways of heat exchange, thermoregulation mechanisms and its evaluation methods under hot microclimate conditions; its influence on the organism; methods of hygienic assessment of microclimate parameters (normal physiology, general hygiene).
Content of topic
Hygienic characteristic of climate and weather and peculiarities of insolation regimen in tropic and hot climate. Arid and humid tropics climate. Meteorological factors complex influence on human health in tropic and hot climate and preventive measures. Peculiarities of human adaptation, acclimatization and personal hygiene in arid and humid tropics. Working regimen peculiarities in arid and humid climate.
Calculation methods of the assessment of tropical climate influence on heat condition of organism.
P r i n c i p a l :
Hygiene and Ecology. Textbook. / Edited by VG Bardov. - Vinnytsa: Nova
Knyha, 2006. - P. 636 - 646.
Hygiene and ecology / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy, Michael P. Vorontsov, Alisa
A. Musulbas. – Kharkov: Kontrast Publishing Enterprise, 2006. – P. 54-59, 153-
Lecture materials.
A d d i t i o n a l :
Основи загальної і тропічної гігієни. /Підручник/ І.І. Даценко, Р.Д.
Габович. – Київ, Здоров’я, 1993. – с. 315-407.
Control questions
Tasks for independent work of students
Hygienic characteristic of climate and weather in tropic and hot climate.
Peculiarities of solar radiation in tropic climate. Peculiarities of insolation, air temperature and humidity regimen tropical and subtropical climatic zones.
Meteorological factors’ complex influence on human work capacity, heat exchange and other physiological processes in the organism in tropic and desert climate conditions.
Occupational diseases and human health disorders in tropic and hot climate and their prophylactics.
Peculiarities of human adaptation, acclimatization and work capacity in tropic and hot climate when performing physical work.
Peculiarities of personal hygiene and working regimen in arid and humid climate.
Measures and facilities of optimization microclimate, lighting and working regimen in tropic and hot climate conditions.
Air-conditioning of industrial premises as a means of optimizing their microclimate.
Limited microclimate parameters in which physical work is impossible.
Calculation methods of the assessment of tropical climate influence on heat condition of organism.
Control tests:
How high temperature in combination with high humidity and low air movement acting on the organism? а) cooling; b) heating; c) indifferent; d) thermostable; e) meteostable.
Increasing air movement and high temperature influence on the organism heat balance: а) increase radiation; b) increase evaporation; c) increase convection; d) decrease of radiation; e) decrease evaporation; f) decrease convection.
Climate with average air temperature of the coldest month – 0 0 С, the warmest month temperature – +22-28 0 С, summer is hot and dry, hot winds from North Africa: а) Mediterranean; b) savannah climate; c) subtropical; d) tropical; e) humid tropical forest climate.
What should be optimal windows orientation in the tropical equatorial zone? а) north and south; b) west, north-west; c) east, west; d) east, south; e) south, north-east.
5. What should be optimal windows orientation in the subtropical zone of the northern hemisphere? а) south, east; b) north, south; c) western, eastern; d) north-east, south-west; e) south.
6. Which way of heat exchange will prevail in human under dry tropical climate? а) evaporation; b) convection; c) conduction; d) irradiation; e) retardation.
7. Which pathological condition can cause intense physical work in a humid climate ? а) overheating, heat stroke; b) meteotropic reaction; c) meteotropic diseases; d) sunstroke; e) hypertension.
8. What could be the daily human need of drinking water in a tropical climate when performing hard physical work? а) 1-2 l; b) 2-4 l; c) 4-5 l; d) 5-12 l; e) 10-15 l.
9. Which parameter is the basis for evaluation of acceptable intensity of physical labor in the heating microclimate? а) intensity of sweat evaporation per hour; b) evaporation of sweat from the body surface per hour; c) thermal load index; d) equivalent heat load index; e) permissible heat load index.
Situational tasks :
Calculate index of thermal load of workers performing work of light intensity (170 kcal per hour), if heat exchange through convection – 4 kcal per hour, radiant heat amount which person gets from the Sun – + 55 kcal per hour, required cooling sweat evaporation – 0,6 kcal per hour, effectiveness of cooling sweat evaporation – 0,2.
Give conclusion regarding the thermal load on workers organism.
The air temperature is 35 0 С, the indoor air movement is 0 m/sec and relative humidity 80 %.Using tables and nomogram determine effective temperature and give hygienic estimation of organism heat balance. Give hygienic evaluation of thermal well-being, which surrounds the real air.
Using nomogram determine the resultant temperature according to dry thermometer of aspiration psychrometer is t dry
= + 30 0 C, air movement velocity is v = 0.5 m/sec, absolute air humidity is A = 28.4 Hg mm, average radiant temperature is t = + 28 0 C.
Human have to do the hard manual work.
The preparatory stage of employment (15%)
Controlling the level of knowledge on
(Control questions, control tests, control tasks)
Teaching practical tasks
(Main stage of employment 70%)
Make a graph-logical scheme of regime and intensity of labor under conditions of different degrees of equivalent effective temperature impact (Bardov P. 642.
Appendix 4).
Mastering the method of assessment of heat exchange and organism thermoregulation of the body under performing physical work in tropic and hot climate.
Getting acquainted with the maximum allowable equivalent-effective temperature indices under performing physical work, approved by experts from WHO and UN.
Materials control of level learning practical skills and skills
(Final stage of employment - 15%)
Assess permissible intensity of miners working nonstop for changes in circumstances that
1) 1,35 о
; 2) 27 о о ЕЕТ (equivalent-effective temperature) are:
; 3) 28,9 о
; 4) 26,1 о
Give the necessary recommendations to optimize regime and working conditions of miners.
Topic 5: Hygienic assessment of tropic climate influence of living conditions, work capacity and population health
Peculiarities of tropical climate influence on hygienic life conditions and health due to the intensive general thermal load (metabolic and exogenous heat), which requires considerable tension of thermoregulation mechanism of the human body.
That is why preventive measures directed on optimizing the complex weather conditions in the residence places of the population and in the workplace become important in a tropical climate.
Learning objective
Know the hygienic peculiarities of the population residence and work in tropical and hot climate.
Be able to assess hygienic heat loads of the human body in hot and tropical climate and identify key preventive measures aimed at optimizing the complex weather conditions at the residence places of the population and in the workplaces.
Basic knowledge and skills
Know physiologic peculiarities of thermoregulation mechanisms in hot microclimate conditions and its influence on the organism and health, methods of determination of microclimate parameters (normal physiology, general hygiene).
Content of topic
Meteorological factors’ complex influence on heat exchange and other physiological processes in the organism in tropic and desert climate conditions.
Health disorders and diseases typical for tropic and hot climate and their prophylactics.
Personal hygiene peculiarities in hot and tropic climate: hygiene of skin, clothes, hygienic principles of day regimen and their substantiation. Peculiarities of planning, construction and sanitary infrastructure of settlements in tropic climate. Water supply, sewerage system, solid waste disposal. The role of green vegetations in microclimate conditions improvement in inhabited areas.
P r i n c i p a l :
Hygiene and Ecology. Textbook. / Edited by VG Bardov. - Vinnytsa: Nova Knyha,
2006. - P. 642 - 646.
Hygiene and ecology / Vladimir A. Korobchanskiy, Michael P. Vorontsov, Alisa A.
Musulbas. – Kharkov: Kontrast Publishing Enterprise, 2006. – P. 165-169, 171-173.
Lecture materials.
A d d i t i o n a l :
Даценко І.І., Габович Р.Д. Основи загальної і тропічної гігієни. -Здоров'я,
1995.- С. 22-31, 333-336.
Общая гигиена. Пропедевтика гигиены. // Учебник для иностранных студентов. / Е.И.Гончарук, Ю.И.Кундиев, В.Г. Бардов и др. - К.: Вища школа,
2000.-С. 163-241
Tasks for independent work of students
Control questions
Hygienic peculiarities of solar radiation in tropic climate.
Hygienic peculiarities of daily and seasonal microclimate fluctuation (air temperature, radiant temperature, humidity, air movement speed) in hot deserts and humid tropic conditions.
3 .
Meteorological factors’ complex influence on heat exchange and other physiological processes in the organism in tropic and desert climate conditions and health disorders and diseases.
4 .
The functional disorders of health in the organism and diseases in tropic and desert climate conditions, their prevention.
Personal hygiene peculiarities in hot and tropic climate: hygiene of skin, clothes, hygienic principles of day regimen and their substantiation.
Peculiarities of inhabited area planning and build-up, building materials and constructions which are used for building in tropic climate.
Peculiarities of sanitary infrastructure of settlements in tropic climate. Water supply, sewerage system, solid waste disposal. The role of green vegetations in microclimate conditions improvement in inhabited areas.
Hygienic requirements to natural and artificial residential and industrial premises ventilation, natural lighting in tropic climate. Air conditioning.
Control tests:
Define the leading pathway of heat transfer in a tropical climate: а) conduction; в) convection; c) evaporation; d) radiation.
2. Increasing air velocity at high temperature affects the heat transfer through the body: а) increased radiation; b) increased evaporation; c) increased convection; d) reduce of radiation; e) reduce evaporation; f) reduce convection.
What leads a man getting additional heat by radiation in a tropical climate? а) high temperature (30-35°С); b) high humidity (over 70%); c) low humidity
(below 30%); d) radiation temperature is higher than the temperature of the human body; e) radiation temperature is lower than the temperature of the human body; f) insignificant air velocity; g) significant air velocity.
What percentage (%) of heat by the respiratory system if heat exchange mechanisms function without physiologic tension? а) 5-10; b) 12-15; c) 15-18; d) 28-30; e) 45-47; f) 50-55.
What percentage (%) of heat by radiation through the skin if heat exchange mechanisms function without physiologic tension? а) 5-10; b) 12-15; c) 15-18; d) 28-30; e) 45-47; f) 50-55.
What percentage (%) of heat by evaporation of sweat through the skin if heat exchange mechanisms function without physiologic tension? а) 5-10; b) 12-15; c) 15-18; d) 28-30; e) 45-47; f) 50-55.
What percentage (%) of heat by conducting (convection and conduction) if heat exchange mechanisms function without physiologic tension? а) 5-10; b) 12-15; c) 15-18; d) 28-30; e) 45-47; f) 50-55.
In order to create favourable microclimate conditions in the residential premises in the equatorial zone windows should focus on: а) north; b) west; c) east; d) south; e) south-western; f) south-eastern; g) northwestern.
In order to create favourable microclimate conditions in the residential premises in the subtropical zone windows should focus on: a) north; b) west; c) east; d) south; e) south-western; f) south-eastern; g) northwestern.
Situational tasks:
Determine the tables and nomograms the equivalent-effective temperature in the tropical region premises when men work physically light. Give hygienic assessment of organism thermal load.
№ п/п t 0 С dry thermometer t 0 С wet thermometer
V air movement, m/sec
Module 2 “Special questions of hygiene”
Substantial module № 9 “Tropical hygiene”
1. Social and hygienic peculiarities of nutrition of different age and sex population groups in tropical regions.
2. Peculiarities of rational nutrition and ways of its realization in tropical climate.
3. Organism energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate requirements and their quantity and balance peculiarities in tropical climate.
4. Vitamins, mineral salts, microelements, taste substances (spices) role in nutrition of tropical regions population.
5. Hot climate influence on food and some its components assimilation. Metabolism and nutrition pattern peculiarities in tropical regions.
6. Hygienic characteristics of food products, used by population of arid and humid tropical regions.
7. General characteristic of alimentary diseases of tropical regions population.
8. Malnutrition and complete starvation diseases (protein and energy insufficiency) among tropical regions population.
9. Vitamin deficiency diseases (hypo- and avitaminosis) among tropical regions population. Polyunsaturated fatty acids deficiency diseases.
10. Specific of microelements deficiency diseases among population of arid and humid areas.
11. Mineral and microelements deficiency diseases among population of tropical regions.
12. Overeating diseases in tropical regions.
13. Diseases caused by poor quality of food intake (foodborne diseases, helminthosis, food poisoning, ferrnentopathies).
14. Methods of medical control over tropical regions population nutrition.
15. Calculation methods of the population nutrition assessment.
16. Sanitary inspection of food products and ready meals, its usage in tropical region counties.
17. Food products storage and preservation peculiarities in tropical conditions, usage of preservatives and antibiotics.
18. Methods and measures of prevention of the foodborne diseases with alimentary transmission mechanisms, food poisoning.
19. Methods and measures of prevention of the infections diseases and invasions with alimentary transmission mechanisms.
20. Physiological functions of water (structural, exchanging, transporting, excretory, heat exchanging etc.) and their peculiarities in tropic conditions.
21. Epidemic and endemic waterborne diseases of arid and humid tropic regions.
22. Human body dehydration in tropical climate, its signs and symptoms.
23. Scientific substantiations of norms of physiological, residential, industrial water requirements and their peculiarities in tropical regions.
24. Hygienic requirements to water quality and their peculiarities in tropical conditions.
25. Organoleptic and chemical characteristics of water, their hygienic significance and peculiarities in water of tropical regions.
26. Organoleptic, chemical, bacteriological, toxicological water pollution indices, their peculiarities in tropical conditions.
27. International water quality standards and peculiarities of their usage in tropical conditions.
28. Hygienic characteristic of water recourses and water supply sources in arid and humid tropical areas.
29. Hygienic characteristic of methods and means of purification, disinfection, special water conditioning methods in tropical conditions.
30. Methods and organization of drinking water quality sanitary control in cases of centralized and decentarlized water supply in developed countries of tropical regions and in developing counties.
31. Meteorological factors’ complex influence on human work capacity, heat exchange and other physiological processes in the organism in tropic and desert climate conditions.
32. Peculiarities of personal hygiene in tropic and hot climate, hygiene of skin, clothes, hygienic principles of day regimen and their substantiation.
33. Peculiarities of inhabited area planning and build-up in arid and humid tropic climate.
34. Hygiene of residential premises in hot climate conditions, microclimate of premises.
35. Hygienic peculiarities of building materials and constructions which are used for building in tropic climate.
36. Peculiarities of working regimen in arid and humid climate.
To carry out the sanitary inspection of water supply sources, to take water samples for laboratory analysis taking into account tropic conditions.
To disinfect water in tropic conditions.
Be able to conduct individual disinfection of water supplies in hot climate.
Be able to use special methods of water quality improvement in tropic conditions.
To carry out medical control of nutrition sufficiency and safety in tropical regions.
Be able to use calculation methods of the population nutrition assessment and correction.
To be able to work out preventive measures of pathology associated with exposure to unfavorable arid and humid hot tropical climates when performing physical work.
To be able to work out preventive measures of water supply organization in arid and humid areas.
To be able to work out preventive measures of nutrition organization in arid and humid areas.