We begin our discussion with the understanding that the universe

We begin our discussion with the understanding that the universe
does exist!!
The Universe Exists
Was there a beginning?
YES -There was a
No beginning
-impossible since it exists
-impossible since everything
in universe has beginning
-if universe is eternal then it
would have run out of energy
long ago
- True
Was the Universe Caused?
The Universe wan not Caused
-impossible since everything is caused
YES - It was Caused
- True
What was the Cause?
A random directionless force
Impossible just like:
A) Can shaking the parts of a watch
put the watch together? No.
B) Can a tornado build a house when
it hits a lumber yard? Never.
YES - A Personal Agent
- True
What is this Agent like?
Limited to Universe
YES - Separate from
- This would make the universe
self existent
-worship creation or of
things in creation is idol worship
-here god is found in things, nature, animals
-many religions make it this far, but fail to
see the true holy God.
Idol Religions are Illogical
- True. This Creator would be:
1) intelligent
2) powerful
3) timeless
4) capable of choice
5) immaterial
6) causeless
Three religions have a
Logical God:
1. Buddhism
1. Islam
2. Hinduism
2. Judaism
3. Ancient Religions
3. Christianity - the
only true and complete revelation from God.