STUDENT SERVICES AND AMENITIES FEE 2016 SUBMISSIONS FOR FUNDING AND FUNDS MANAGEMENT The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Steering Committee is inviting staff to make submissions for available SSAF funds. Responsibility for the overall management of CSU SSAF funds rests with the Office for Students. This document provides: an overview of Government requirements associated with these funds; the University processes for submissions for new initiatives; an overview on the 2015 student survey results; and the University processes for management of SSAF funds. GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS The purpose of the Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines is to specify the requirements for student services and representation as contemplated at section 19-67 of the Act. From 1 January 2012, higher education providers can charge a fee for student services and amenities of a non-academic nature. In 2016 CSU will be charging $36 per 8 point subject with a maximum annual fee capped at $288 per student. Students can pay the student and services amenities fee upfront if they wish. Eligible students who are unable to pay the fee upfront, can request assistance from the Commonwealth and defer the fee through a new element of the Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) known as SA-HELP. Universities who receive funding through the Commonwealth Grant Scheme need to ensure they meet the Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines. The Guidelines ensure students are provided with information on health, welfare, financial and other services and have opportunities to participate in democratic processes for student representation. This legislative instrument came into effect on 1 January 2012. For more information, please see the link below. UNIVERSITY PROCESSES FOR SSAF PROJECT SUBMISSIONS New initiatives for 2016 will be considered in a formal process involving the SSAF Steering Committee. The process will be conducted across November/December 2015 (see below for timelines). 06/10/2015 Call for staff proposals 13/11/2015 Proposals for 2016 close December 2015 SSAF Steering Committee review proposals and allocate funding December 2015 January 2016 Project Proposers notified of submission outcomes and Budget allocation It is important to note that the attached template (appendix A) must be used to construct and submit proposals for SSAF funding. This will assist with the assessment of submissions. The SSAF steering committee is keen to see proposals that lead to a long-term effect, i.e., are sustainable beyond funding. The committee will also be seeking to allocate funds in ways that ensure an equitable impact for the diverse student body at CSU. For instance, when drafting a proposal it is important to remember that 60% of our students study in distance models of education, and 14% in mixed mode. If your initiative incorporates a significant Information Technology component then it is possible that the activity will be undertaken as part of the Initiatives and Strategy Implementation (ISIP) Plan. This is particularly the case if implementation requires the involvement of project delivery and technical staff and whilst SSAF may fund the project, it may be treated as an ISIP project and overseen by the ISIP Governance Committee. The ISIP prioritsation and planning process ensures that ICT-related projects, that have an enterprise impact, are approved and scheduled such that the use of project delivery resources are optimised and priority is given to those activities that secure the most strategic benefit. If SSAF funding is secured, and the initiative qualifies as an ISIP project, you will still need to submit an ISIP initiative. This information provides further detail regarding ISIP. Infrastructure proposals/ideas may also be submitted as a part of this submission round. Please note that several projects are currently identified and under discussion with the Division of Facilities Management and therefore resubmission is not required. If you wish to get further information on this, please contact 2015 STUDENT SURVERY RESULTS In July 2015 a wide scale student survey was designed and implemented. The survey was opened to all SSAF paying students across CSU. The survey sought to assess student need (as measured against the 19 areas of expenditure, set out by the Government’s criteria), as well as understand the levels of awareness of SSAF and student sentiments regrading SSAF. Key recommendations from the survey included: 1. People interested in studying at CSU and applicants should be made aware of the requirement to pay Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF), and that this is a government requirements with all Universities required to charge this fee. 2. All students receiving an invoice for SSAF should also receive a brochure outlining the use of SSAF at CSU. 3. A communication plan should be in place to ensure that each year students are informed of the use of SSAF, and the way in which SSAF expenditure is determined. 4. A campaign targeted at Distance Education students should be used to ensure that these students are aware of SSAF projects focussed on their experience. 5. Projects in 2016/17 should focus on students leading preferences, and this ranking should be reassessed in 2018. 6. All SSAF projects should be branded in order to ensure that students are able to see personal impact of these funds. Student preferences for SSAF expenditure were ranked as a part of this survey. The top 5 were: 1. Careers Advice 2. Developing Study Skills 3. Health and Welfare Services 4. Library Facilities 5. Orientation For further information, please contact UNIVERSITY PROCESSES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF SSAF FUNDS. Projects successfully funded under SSAF will have funds transferred to: FUND code A318 which identifies the source of funds as SSAF. A318 should be used for all expenditure associated with a SSAF funded project. ORGN code that relates to the unit managing the program and as agreed by the Office for Students. ACCOUNT 640 will be used to identify the income. Funds will be allocated at the start of each year as per the standard budget load process. PROGRAM. A specific program code will be provided (i.e. not a pre-existing general program code) as advised/agreed with the Office for Students. The program code should be used for all expenditure associated with the SSAF funded project. If expenses are incurred on any other combination of codes, project managers will require authorisation from the Office for Students to journal expenses to the SSAF codes. Regular staffing costs for individuals (as agreed in the project budget submission for 2016) identified for the project can be expensed directly to the FUND, ORGN and program codes by request to Requests should include staff details and relevant timelines. Please note that this detail will need to be rectified with Human Resources once the project has ceased, if the person is to remain employed by the University. SSAF funds are allocated to specific SSAF projects and their associated accounts. This means that funds may not be transferred from one project to another project or to other accounts without prior approval from the Office for Students. Budget Management & Reporting Responsibilities Please be advised that: SSAF funds are absolute. This means that any overspend will need to be covered by funds from other sources (i.e.: from the funds allocated to the unit/division or faculty in which that project resides). If a project exceeds the allocated SSAF funding, the project manager is responsible for securing unit/division/faculty funding for any amount overspent. Whilst roll-over of SSAF funds is allowed, the Office for Students seeks to ensure that there are not large amounts in surplus at the end of the year. The purpose of regular half yearly reporting is to identify possible surpluses to enable the University to appropriately expend the full amount of SSAF funding in a timely fashion. Close monitoring of the SSAF budget vs actual spent will enable early identification of potential SSAF surpluses and action including roll up to assist the University to achieve this outcome. If a project does not expend all the SSAF funding allocated, any remaining monies that have been allocated to that year will be transferred back to central allocations at year end unless other arrangements have been authorised by the SSAF Steering Committee. The critical point in budget/actual monitoring is a mid-year review that will take place in July 2016 For any questions with regards to the completion of this submission, please contact Appendix A SSAF - SUBMISSION FOR FUNDING Title <<name of project>> Proposer <<name of person responsible for project>> Proposer’s affiliation <<location of proposer’s work unit, campus etc>> Endorsement by portfolio Lead Yes Project Description << project overview – max 400 words>> No Project Outcomes Student outcomes <<identify anticipated types of student outcomes (see below) by mode of study and / or location/course>> Strategic impact <<identify in what way the project will directly impact on CSU’s strategic plan>> Strategic enabling <<identify in what way the project will enable CSU’s strategic plan>> Organisational impact <<identify the types of impact the project will have on the organisation>> Evaluation <<identify how achievement of project outcomes will be determined>> Alignment with Government requirements <<identify in what way the project aligns with the Government guidelines for SSAF (see below)>> Alignment with existing initiatives <<identify, if any, existing 2015 services/projects that this project augments >> Previous SSAF Projects <<identify any previous SSAF projects, budgets and any amendments to the proposal if this proposal is similar>> Budget and milestones Milestones and Timelines <<list the milestones and key timelines for the project>> Budget (Salary/Non-salary) <<provide a project budget, including salary and non-salary expenditure. Include notes to identify how these link to the student outcomes. If possible, it would be useful to include an approximate $ value per student.>> Sustainability Statement <<indicate what occurs post funding e.g., project ceases; project initiatives absorbed into standard operating processes and funding etc>> APPENDIX B SSAF EXPENDITURE – GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS (Accessed here: ) A provider that charges a student services and amenities fee will only be able to spend the fee on the provision of the following services: a. providing food or drink to students on a campus of the higher education provider; b. supporting a sporting or other recreational activity by students; c. supporting the administration of a club most of whose members are students; d. caring for children of students; e. providing legal services to students; f. promoting the health or welfare of students; g. helping students secure accommodation; h. helping students obtain employment or advice on careers; i. helping students with their financial affairs; j. helping students obtain insurance against personal accidents; k. supporting debating by students; l. providing libraries and reading rooms (other than those provided for academic purposes) for students; m. supporting an artistic activity by students; n. supporting the production and dissemination to students of media whose content is provided by students; o. helping students develop skills for study, by means other than undertaking courses of study in which they are enrolled; p. advising on matters arising under the higher education provider’s rules (however described); q. advocating students’ interests in matters arising under the higher education provider’s rules (however described); r. giving students information to help them in their orientation; and s. helping meet the specific needs of overseas students relating to their welfare, accommodation and employment.