ANCIENT GREECE! By Chloe Bird Ancient Greece Ancient Greece is called 'the birthplace of Western civilisation'.The two most important city states of Ancient Greece were Athens and Sparta. There was not a country called ‘Ancient Greece’. Instead they’re small ‘city-states’. About 3000 BC, there lived on the island of Crete a people now called Minoans. Ancient Greece had a warm, dry climate, as Greece does today. People lived by farming, fishing, and trade. Many Greeks were poor. Life was hard because farmland, water and timber for building were all scarce. That's why many Greeks sailed off to find new lands to settle. Ancient Greek School & Jobs Athenian girls did not go to school they stayed at home cooking, sewing and learning to play musical instruments. Boys went to school. Some people were soldiers. Others were scholars, scientists and artists. Boys in Sparta did not go to school from the age of seven went to train for war. Athens Facts We know more about Athens because it produced many writers and artists, whose work has survived to this day Of the 250,000 to 300,000 people in Athens, between a quarter and a third of them were slaves The biggest factory in Athens had 120 slave-workers it made shields for the army Spartan Facts A Spartan wife looked after the family farm while her husband was away training or fighting Sickly babies were left to die in very horrible ways Girls did a lot of physical exercise every day If you were a man with no wife you would have to run around naked once a year If you weren’t a slave you were a solider Life in Ancient Greece Many Greeks were poor. Life was hard because farmland, water and timber for building were all scarce. That's why many Greeks sailed off to find new lands to settle. In Greece there were two classes of people free people and slaves. Most Greeks lived in villages or small cities. The Trojan War The Trojans lived in the city of Troy, in what is now Turkey. The story of their war with the Greeks is told in the Iliad, a long poem dating from the 700s BC, and said to be by a storyteller named Homer. A Trojan princess called Cassandra also her people not to trust the wooden horse. But no-one believed her. No one ever believed her. The Wooden Horse was the trick the Greeks used to capture Troy. First they pretended to sail away, but left behind a giant wooden horse. Inside the horse, Greek soldiers were hiding. Famous Greeks Students came to Athens to study at two famous schools or "colleges" in Athens: Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum. The most famous Greek doctor Hippocrates of Kos. The most famous Greek hero Heracles who could kill a lion with bare hands. The Spartans were famous for their strict military and powerful army. 3000 BC 1200 BC The Minoan Civilization The The 1st Greeks Olympic fight Troy Games 776 BC 443 BC 431 BC Pericles leads Athens in its Golden Age The Peloponnesian War CHECK OUT THIS WEBSITE!