Accessed at March 3, 2010 Occupational Profile With available Labor Market Information for Capital Area SOC 29-1111 Registered Nurses OCCUPATION DESCRIPTION General Job Description Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management. Licensing or registration required. Include advance practice nurses such as: nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and certified registered nurse anesthetists. Advanced practice nursing is practiced by RNs who have specialized formal, postbasic education and who function in highly autonomous and specialized roles. Method of Entry Occupations at this level generally require an associate degree. Completion of the degree program usually requires at least 2 years of full-time equivalent academic work. Use of Advanced Technology Every occupation includes some relationship between job duties and the use of advanced technology -- defined as work activities and environments that incorporate complex electronics as found in computers, lasers, robotics, digital devices, satellites, etc. While basic computer skills such as "keyboarding" apply to an increasing number of occupations, each has different levels of technology interface. Registered Nurses is classified as an occupation whose job duties rely on moderate use of technology. EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK Capital Area Local Workforce Development Area Labor Market Information Regional Employment 2006: 7,200 Projected Regional Employment 2016: 10,200 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 3,000 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 41.70% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $29.36 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 120 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 300 Texas Labor Market Information Texas Employment 2006: 157,850 Projected Texas Employment 2016: 217,450 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 59,600 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 37.80% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $29.70 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 2,605 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 5,960 National Labor Market Information National Employment 2006: 2,504,664 Projected National Employment 2016: 3,092,013 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 587,300 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 23.40% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $31.31 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 41,344 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 58,734 Additional Labor Market Information Turnover: LOW Average Age of Workers in Occupation: 41.1 Average Years in Occupation: 9.8 Average Years with Current Employer: 5.2 Percent Female: 93.2% Percent Non-White: 27.3% Occupational Profile With available Labor Market Information for Capital Area SOC 29-2061 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses OCCUPATION DESCRIPTION General Job Description Care for ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled persons in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, private homes, group homes, and similar institutions. May work under the supervision of a registered nurse. Licensing required. Method of Entry Occupations at this level generally require completion of vocational school training. Some programs last only a few weeks while others may last more than a year. In some occupations, a license is needed that requires passing an examination after completion of the training. Use of Advanced Technology Every occupation includes some relationship between job duties and the use of advanced technology -- defined as work activities and environments that incorporate complex electronics as found in computers, lasers, robotics, digital devices, satellites, etc. While basic computer skills such as "keyboarding" apply to an increasing number of occupations, each has different levels of technology interface. Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses is classified as an occupation whose job duties do not rely on the use of technology. EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK Capital Area Local Workforce Development Area Labor Market Information Regional Employment 2006: 2,850 Projected Regional Employment 2016: 3,450 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 600 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 21.10% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $19.44 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 80 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 60 Texas Labor Market Information Texas Employment 2006: 65,450 Projected Texas Employment 2016: 81,400 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 15,950 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 24.40% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $18.79 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 1,785 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 1,590 National Labor Market Information National Employment 2006: 748,605 Projected National Employment 2016: 853,703 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 105,100 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 14.00% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $19.28 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 20,412 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 10,509 Additional Labor Market Information Turnover: AVERAGE Average Age of Workers in Occupation: 41.3 Average Years in Occupation: 8.5 Average Years with Current Employer: 4.7 Percent Female: 92.3% Percent Non-White: 44.0% Occupational Profile With available Labor Market Information for Rural Capital SOC 29-1111 Registered Nurses OCCUPATION DESCRIPTION General Job Description Assess patient health problems and needs, develop and implement nursing care plans, and maintain medical records. Administer nursing care to ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled patients. May advise patients on health maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management. Licensing or registration required. Include advance practice nurses such as: nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and certified registered nurse anesthetists. Advanced practice nursing is practiced by RNs who have specialized formal, postbasic education and who function in highly autonomous and specialized roles. Method of Entry Occupations at this level generally require an associate degree. Completion of the degree program usually requires at least 2 years of full-time equivalent academic work. Use of Advanced Technology Every occupation includes some relationship between job duties and the use of advanced technology -- defined as work activities and environments that incorporate complex electronics as found in computers, lasers, robotics, digital devices, satellites, etc. While basic computer skills such as "keyboarding" apply to an increasing number of occupations, each has different levels of technology interface. Registered Nurses is classified as an occupation whose job duties rely on moderate use of technology. EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK Rural Capital Local Workforce Development Area Labor Market Information Regional Employment 2006: 2,000 Projected Regional Employment 2016: 2,800 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 800 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 40.00% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $27.20 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 35 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 80 Texas Labor Market Information Texas Employment 2006: 157,850 Projected Texas Employment 2016: 217,450 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 59,600 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 37.80% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $29.70 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 2,605 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 5,960 National Labor Market Information National Employment 2006: 2,504,664 Projected National Employment 2016: 3,092,013 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 587,300 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 23.40% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $31.31 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 41,344 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 58,734 Additional Labor Market Information Turnover: LOW Average Age of Workers in Occupation: 41.1 Average Years in Occupation: 9.8 Average Years with Current Employer: 5.2 Percent Female: 93.2% Percent Non-White: 27.3% Occupational Profile With available Labor Market Information for Rural Capital SOC 29-2061 Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses OCCUPATION DESCRIPTION General Job Description Care for ill, injured, convalescent, or disabled persons in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, private homes, group homes, and similar institutions. May work under the supervision of a registered nurse. Licensing required. Method of Entry Occupations at this level generally require completion of vocational school training. Some programs last only a few weeks while others may last more than a year. In some occupations, a license is needed that requires passing an examination after completion of the training. Use of Advanced Technology Every occupation includes some relationship between job duties and the use of advanced technology -- defined as work activities and environments that incorporate complex electronics as found in computers, lasers, robotics, digital devices, satellites, etc. While basic computer skills such as "keyboarding" apply to an increasing number of occupations, each has different levels of technology interface. Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses is classified as an occupation whose job duties do not rely on the use of technology. EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK Rural Capital Local Workforce Development Area Labor Market Information Regional Employment 2006: 1,100 Projected Regional Employment 2016: 1,450 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 350 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 31.80% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $17.64 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 30 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 30 Texas Labor Market Information Texas Employment 2006: 65,450 Projected Texas Employment 2016: 81,400 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 15,950 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 24.40% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $18.79 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 1,785 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 1,590 National Labor Market Information National Employment 2006: 748,605 Projected National Employment 2016: 853,703 Absolute Change 2006 - 2016: 105,100 Percent Change 2006 - 2016: 14.00% Average Hourly Wage 2008: $19.28 Average Openings per year due to Replacement: 20,412 Average Openings per year due to Growth: 10,509 Additional Labor Market Information Turnover: AVERAGE Average Age of Workers in Occupation: 41.3 Average Years in Occupation: 8.5 Average Years with Current Employer: 4.7 Percent Female: 92.3% Percent Non-White: 44.0%