COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY Dean: Dr. Edwin A. Balila Mission The College of Arts, Sciences and Technology exists to provide excellent and quality Christian education to students who would be future physicians, lawyers, computer technologists, agriculturists, psychologists, mathematicians, musicians visual and graphic artists, editors, writers, librarians and researchers equipped with the necessary skills reflecting Christian values. General Objective The main objective of the College of Arts, Sciences and Technology is to provide all college students not only a broad field of knowledge which is in harmony with the general objectives of the Adventist University of the Philippines, but also to develop excellence and the perfection of Christian character. It also fosters interests, and wholesome attitudes and competencies, not merely to do but chiefly TO BE, before they pursue various disciplines, including those requiring scientific pursuits, thus preparing them for service to their fellowmen, their country and their God. The College, being the biggest, has the following departments: AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Chair: Dr. Medardo Lascuna Objectives 1. The program aims to equip graduates with abilities and capabilities to apply the theoretical “know how” in practical situations and develop their skills in the optimum level in any occupational jobs in agriculture. 2. The curriculum girds to develop people to become useful and self-reliant citizens to the nation. Course Offerings 1. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE, MAJOR IN ANIMAL SCIENCE MINOR IN CROP SCIENCE FIRST YEAR 1st Semester ANSC 101 Introduction to Animal Science CRSC 102 Fundamentals of Agronomy BIOL 103 General Zoology MATH 111 College Algebra ENG 101 Communication Arts I HIST 101 Philippine History FILI 111 Komunikasyon Sa Akademikong Pilipino PHED Physical Education I RELB 110 Life and Teachings of Jesus NSTP I Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 (3) 1.5 27.5 2nd Semester CRSC 102 BIOL 102 ENG 102 FILI 122 PSYC 111 SOSC 103 PHED RELB 113 Fundamentals of Horticulture General Botany Communication Arts II Pagbasa at Pagsulat Tungo sa Akademikong Filipino General Psychology Life & Works of Rizal Physical Education Christian Beliefs NSTP II Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 (3) 1.5 24.5 SECOND YEAR 1st Semester CHEM 105 CHEM 105L CRSC 132 CMSC 101 RELB 124 CRSC 105 CRSC 132 PHED FILI 203 2nd Semester CRSC 110 CRSC 115 CRSC 175 AGRI 103 AGRI 102 MATH 112 ENG 305 MUCH 106 PHED General Chemistry lecture General Chemistry laboratory Farm Machinery and Equipment Introduction to Computer Science Philosophy of Adventist Education Principles of Soil Science Principles of Crop Protection Physical Education III Masining na Pagpapahayag Total 3 2 3 3 (2) 3 3 2 3 24 Plant Pathology Plant Physiology Agricultural Marketing Tissue Culture Meteorological Science Introduction to Statistics Tech’l & Scientific Writing Ministry of Music Physical Education IV Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 25 THIRD YEAR 1ST Semester AGRI 126 ANSC 125 ANSC 128 ANSC 133 CRSC 122 CRSC 125 LITT 201 SOSC 202 RELB 123 WOED 101 Methods of Weed Control Principles of Animal Nutrition Principles of Poultry Production Principles of Animal Breeding Principles of Crop Production Funda. of Seed Technology Philippine Literature Society & Culture Denominational History Work Education I Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (3) (NC) 27 2nd Semester AGRI 133 ANSC 132 CRSC 135 PHIL 100 BIOL 140 RELB 220 SOSC 302 LITT 404 WOED 102 Funda. of Farm Management Sheep & Goat Raising Fruits and Vegetable Processing General Philosophy Environmental Sci. & Management Daniel & Revelation Basic Eco. w/ Tax & Agrarian Reform World Literature Work Education II Total 3 3 3 3 3 (3) 3 3 (NC) 24 FOURTH YEAR 1st Semester ANSC 135 ANSC 125 ANSC 136 CRSC 136 SOSC 102 RELB 216 2nd Semester AGRI 165 AGRI 190 AGRI 196 AGRI 187 Slaughter & Meat Processing Production of Large Animals Milk Hygiene & Dairy Management Post Harvest Technology Politics & Governance W/ Phil. Constitution Personal Evangelism Total 3 3 3 3 3 (2) 17 Mgnt. Agriculture Entrepreneurship Extension Teaching & Communication Agriculture Economics Thesis Total 3 3 3 6 15 Total number of units required for the degree 184 units Summary A. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (GER) English Communication Arts I Communication Arts II Technical and Scientific Writing Filipino Literature Mathematics College Algebra Intro. To Statistics General Chemistry Natural Sciences Environmental Sci. & Management General Botany General Zoology General Philosophy Social Sciences Mandated Subjects Physical Education 73 9 3 3 3 9 6 11 3 3 5 12 3 3 3 3 12 6 8 B. INTERNAL REQUIREMENTS NSTP Vocational Education Introduction to Computer Work Education I & II Religion C. MAJOR SUBJECTS Introduction to Animal Science Principles of Poultry Production Principles of Animal Breeding Principles of Animal Nutrition Sheep & Goat Raising Slaughter & Meat Processing Production of Large Animals Milk Hygiene & Dairy Management Thesis D. COGNATES (MINOR SUBJECTS) Farm Machinery & Equipment Fundamentals of Agronomy Fundamentals of Horticulture Fundamentals of Seed Technology Principles of Crop Protection Principles of Crop Production Principles of Soil Science Plant Physiology Plant Pathology Tissue Culture Fundamentals of Farm Management Management Agricultural Entrepreneurship Extension Teaching Communication Agricultural Marketing Agriculture Economics Methods of Weed Control Fruits & Vegetable Processing Post Harvest Technology Meteorological Science TOTAL no. of units required for the degree 24 3 3 3 NC 18 30 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 57 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 = 184 2. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE, MAJOR IN CROP SCIENCE MINOR IN ANIMAL SCIENCE FIRST YEAR 1st Semester ANSC 101 CRSC 102 BIOL 103 MATH 111 ENG 101 HIST 101 FILI 111 PHED 101 RELB 110 2nd Semester CRSC 102 BIOL 102 ENG 102 FILI 122 PSYC 101 SOSC 103 PHED RELB 113 Introduction to Animal Science Fundamentals of Agronomy General Zoology College Algebra Communication Arts I Philippine History Sining ng Komunikasyon Physical Education I Life and Teachings of Jesus NSTP I Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 (3) 1.5 27.5 Fundamentals of Horticulture General Botany Communication Arts II Pagbasa at Pagsulat General Psychology Life & Works of Rizal Physical Education II Christian Beliefs NSTP II Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 (3) 1.5 24.5 SECOND YEAR 1st Semester CHEM 105 CHEM 105L CRSC 132 CMSC 101 RELB 124 CRSC 105 PHED FILI 203 2nd Semester CRSC 110 CRSC 115 AGRI 102 AGRI 103 MATH 112 ENG 305 MUCH 106 PHED ANSC 128 General Chemistry lecture General Chemistry laboratory Farm Machinery and Equipment Introduction to Computer Science Philosophy of Adventist Education Principles of Soil science Physical Education III Masining na Pagpapahayag Total 3 2 3 3 (2) 3 2 3 21 Plant Pathology Plant Physiology Meteorological Science Tissue Culture Introduction to Statistics Tech’l & Scientific Writing Ministry of Music Physical Education IV Principles of Poultry Production Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 25 THIRD YEAR 1ST Semester CRSC 122 CRSC 126 CRSC 125 LITT 201 SOSC 202 ANSC 133 ANSC 127 RELB 123 WOED 101 2nd Semester AGRI 133 CRSC 135 ANSC 135 PHIL 100 BIOL 140 SOSC 302 ANSC 132 RELB 220 LITT 404 WOED 102 Principles of Crop Production Methods of Weed Control Funda. Of Seed Technology Philippine Literature Society & Culture Principles of Animal Breeding Principles of Animal Nutrition Denominational History Work Education I Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (3) (NC) 24 Funda. of Farm Management Fruits and Vegetable Processing Slaughter and Meat Processing General Philosophy Environmental Sci. & Management Basic Eco. w/ Tax & Agrarian Reform Sheep & Goat Raising Daniel & Revelation World Literature Work Education II Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (3) 3 (NC) 27 FOURTH YEAR 1st Semester CRSC 134 CRSC 136 CRSC 175 SOSC 102 ANSC 125 ANSC 136 RELB 216 Principles of Plant Breeding Post Harvest Technology Agriculture Marketing Politics & Governance w/ Phil. Constitution Production of Large Animals Milk Hygiene & Dairy Management Personal Evangelism Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 (2) 20 2nd Semester AGRI 137 AGRI 190 AGRI 196 AGRI 187 Mgnt. Of Agriculture Entrepreneurship Extension Teaching & Communication Agriculture Economics Thesis Total TOTAL no. of units required for the degree 3 3 3 6 15 = 184 SUMMARY A. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (GER) English Communication Arts I Communication Arts II Technical & Scientific Writing Filipino Literature Mathematics College Algebra Intro. Statistics General Chemistry Natural Sciences Environmental Sci. & Management General Botany General Zoology Humanities General Philosophy Social Sciences Mandated Subjects Physical Education 73 9 3 3 3 9 6 11 3 3 5 9 3 3 3 3 3 12 6 8 B. INTERNAL REQUIREMENTS NSTP Vocational Education Introduction to Computer Work Education I & II Religion C. MAJOR SUBJECTS Principles of Crop Production Meteorological Science Methods of Weed Control Fundamentals of Seed Technology Fruit & Vegetable Processing Principles of Plant Breeding Post Harvest Technology Agricultural Marketing Fundamentals of Agronomy Fundamentals of Horticulture Principles of Soil Science Tissue Culture Plant Pathology Plant Physiology D. COGNATES(MINOR SUBJECTS) Introduction to Animal Science Fundamentals of Farm Management Fundamentals of Agricultural Entrepreneurship Farm Machinery & Equipment Extension Teaching Communication Principles of Agricultural Economics Principles of Poultry Production Principles of Animal Breeding Principles of Animal Nutrition 24 3 3 3 NC 18 42 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 45 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sheep & Goat Raising Slaughter & Meat Processing Production of Large Animals Milk Hygiene & Dairy Management Thesis TOTAL no. of units required for the degree 3 3 3 3 6 184 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ANSC 101 INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL SCIENCE – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Principles of breeding physiology and nutrition in religion to production, processing and marketing of animal products. ANSC 102 INTRODUCTION TO LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY PRODUCTION – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). The management of farm animals for the efficient production meat, milk eggs, and other animal products. CRSC 101 FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRONOMY – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Principles and practices of producing horticultural crops. CRSC 103 FUNDAMENTALS OF HORTICULTURE – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). The management of farm animals for the efficient production meat, milk eggs, and other animal products. CRSC 205 PRINCIPLES OF SOIL SCIENCE – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Factors affecting soil formation and classification and the impact of organic and inorganic matter, particle size, soil texture, pore space, and density relationship on soil aeration and water management including soil acidity and alkalinity analysis, evaluating soil fertility, methods and practices of fertilizer application and the economics and the economics of plant nutrient used. CRSC 214 PLANT PATHOLOGY – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Applied physiology/physiological processes of different species of plants with emphasis on the classification, distribution, life cycle and economic importance of each group of plants. CRSC 215 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY – 3 Units (lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Concept of pests and disease, nurture of the different pest organisms and ecological factors affecting pests and their damage. AGRI 201 FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING I – 1-3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Hydrology, irrigation and drainage, soil and water conservation engineering, weather elements, climate classification crop and livestock environment. AGRI 211 FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING II – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Farm shop practices, structures and machinery for crop, animal production and processing. AGRI 311 FUNDAMENTALS OF FARM MANAGEMENT – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 hours per week). Principles underlying farm management and their application on agricultural business, offices and programs. AGRI 442 FUNDAMENTALS OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRENEURSHIP – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Organization and management of agricultural enterprises including unit of production, machine and equipment use of records and other factors affecting management. CRSC 219 PRINCIPLES OF CROP PRODUCTION – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Importance, distribution, economic adoption of leading high-valued farm crops with emphasis on production of small grains, legume varieties and other root crop management aspects. CRSC 315 FUNDAMENTALS OF SEED TECHNOLOGY – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Concepts and methodologies in seed production, processing storage, distribution and quality control. CRSC 320 PRINCIPLES OF PLANT BREEDING – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Study of the breeding, development, techniques, evaluation and application of breeding, development, techniques, evaluation and application of technological advances and maintenance of improved crop plants. CRSC 329 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PROCESSING – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Study of the principles and methods of processing tropical fruits, vegetables and juices. CRSC 430 POST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Study for the theoretical and practical knowledge of the problems and solutions to post-harvest losses. Emphasis will be on the use of the intermediate technology in this area and in particular that which is appropriate to “on-farm” application. CRSC 445 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Principles and practices of agricultural marketing; analysis of farm prices, marketing margins and costs, cooperative marketing and marketing strategies. ANSC 433 PRODUCTION OF LARGE ANIMALS – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Breeding, feeding, and management of ruminant animals with emphasis on range, confinement and also the economics of large animals production. ANSC 317 PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Nutritive requirements for maintenance, growth and reproduction of farm animals. ANSC 320 SHEEP AND GOAT RAISING – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Breeding, feeding and management of goat and sheep, economics of sheep and goat production. ANSC 319 PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL BREEDING – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Principles related to artificial insemination and natural breeding of farm animals, with emphasis on line breeding, cross breeding, inbreeding and other related breeding practices. ANSC 431 SLAUGHTER AND MEAT PROCESSING – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Ante mortem and postmortem inspection of slaughter animals, meat selection, identification and evaluation of standard cuts, meat preservation methods. ANSC 432 MILK HYGIENE AND DAIRY MANAGEMENT – 3 Units (2 lecture hours and 3 laboratory hours per week). Dairy breeds of goat, carabao, cattle with emphasis on milk production processing and distribution. AGRI 314 PRINCIPLES OF CROP PRODUCTION – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of the importance, distribution, and economic adaptation of leading high-valued farm crops, with emphasis on production of small grains, legume varieties and other root crop management aspects. AGRI 315 FUNDAMENTALS OF SEED TECHNOLOGY – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study the concepts and methodologies in seed production, processing storage, distribution and quality control. AGRI 319 METHODS OF WEED CONTROL – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) It focuses on the control of weeds in horticultural plants and field crops, utilizing biological, mechanical and chemical methods. AGRI 311 FUNDAMENTALS OF FARM MANAGEMENT – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory per week) Study of the organization and management of agricultural credit and marketing cooperatives and farm production units; planning the cropping and stocking of a farm; choice and complementation of farm enterprises, keeping systematic farm records and accounts. CRSC 320 PRINCIPLES OF PLANT BREEDING – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of the breeding, development, techniques, evaluation and application of technological advances and maintenance of improved crop plants. CRSC 329 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE PROCESSING – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours laboratory per week) Study of the principles and methods of processing tropical fruits, vegetables and juices. CRSC 430 POST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of the theoretical and practical knowledge of the problems and solutions to post-harvest losses. Emphasis will be on the use of intermediate technology in this area and in particular that which is appropriate to “onform” application. AGRI 450 SPECIAL PROBLEM AND SEMINAR – May be taken twice provided that total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. ANSC 318 PRINCIPLES OF POULTRY PRODUCTION – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of the methods and practices of incubation, breeding, rearing, feeling, judging, selection of broiler and layer management. ANSC 433 PRODUCTION OF LARGE ANIMALS - 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of breeding, feeding, and management of ruminant animals with emphasis on range, confinement, and also the economics of large animal production. ANSC 317 PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of nutritive requirements for maintenance, growth and reproduction of farm animals. ANSC 320 SHEEP AND GOAT RAISING – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of breeding, feeding and management of goat and sheep, and economics of sheep and goat production. ANSC 319 PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL BREEDING – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of principles related to artificial insemination and natural breeding of farm animals, with emphasis on line breeding, cross breeding, inbreeding and other related breeding practices. ANSC 431 SLAUGHTER AND MEAT PROCESSNG – 3 Units (2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week) Study of ante mortem and postmortem inspection of slaughter animal, meat selection, identification and evaluation of standard cuts, meat preservation methods. ANSC 432 MILK HYGIENE AND DAIRY MANAGEMENT – 3 Units. Study of dairy breeds of goat, carabao, and cattle with emphasis on milk production processing and distribution.