Fundraising Thank You - Tip #1 - Don't assume people know you appreciate them or their donation. Tell them! You know yourself how much a thank you means -- and how good it makes you feel when someone says it. Take the time to thank people no matter how busy you are. Fundraising Thank You - Tip #2 - Send thank you notes and, whenever appropriate, hand write them. In this day of form letters, email and printed receipts, handwritten thank you notes are cherished goodwill builders. Fundraising Thank You - Tip #3 - When thanking donors, promptness counts. It can even make a difference in how much they'll contribute in the future. Fundraising Thank You - Tip #4 - Make your donor thank you letters warm and personal. Fundraising Thank You – Tip #5 – Thank your donors often. Consider sending a thank you note when you receive the donation and also a post event thank you letting them know you completed the event, how much you raised and how much was raised collectively on event weekend. Here is a sample thank you letter or e-mail: Thank you so much for your contribution to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. I have reached my goal of $4,000 and am concentrating on the physical part of my training. You can be certain that your contribution is directly helping to find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and Hodgkin’s disease-and is improving the quality of life of patients and their families. The outpouring of support through letters, notes, and comments has been truly inspirational. So much so, that I’ve stepped up my training from the half marathon to the full Bermuda Marathon. I’ll be running 26.2 miles on January 18, 2004. During the race, I’ll be carrying a list of every person who has contributed to this campaign and will cross the finish line in Bermuda on your behalf. Thank you once again. I’ll be in touch again after I return from the race in January. In the meantime, your support and encouragement are always appreciated. My very best wishes to your for a most enjoyable upcoming holiday season. All the best, John Doe 222-222-2222